Coaches: Queue up a Few Questions for Weich and Dalby!

Two of Colorado's best ever, and both will be presenting at the CHSCA clinic at the end of the month.

Before the month is out, most of us coaches will be in Aurora for a couple days of renewing old acquaintances, eating greasy tacos, and sharpening the saws of our trade.

Among the clinicians we will be listening to are two in a very good position to talk: Jonathan Dalby and Greg Weich. Both took teams to Nike Cross Nationals this year. You're doing something right when your cross country season ends in Portland.

Anyhow, both Coach Dalby and Coach Weich propose to spend half their allotted time presenting on their designated topics and the other half fielding questions. Coach Dalby's topic is Middle Distance Training. Coach Weich's topic is Off-Season Training. Anything that arguably falls under either umbrella is fair game for a question.

As we speak, those two distinguished coaches are taking care of their solo halves of the topics. They are soliciting help from us in filling out the other half of their clinic sessions.

The way you help is this: add a question below that you would like either Coach Dalby or Coach Weich (or both) to elaborate on as part of their clinic session. 

Okay now, have it at it. I will periodically bump this article back up to the main carousel at the top of the front page (typically at points in the week when there isn't a lot of meet coverage to be needing space on the carousel).

Nothing you post below will appear on Facebook, though you will receive FB notifications when/if people respond to what you've posted.