Missing Results that Aren't Really Missing (Please Read Before Sending Me that E-mail!)

What happens to marks that aren't wind legal?

This is another one of those conversations that needs to happen on a semi-regular basis...

I've had several questions over the last week about why certain results don't appear. Well, they do and they don't appear. It all depends on which version of the results you look at.

When results are posted after a rankings meet, I typically leave those results in Formatted mode. Formatted results show only those results actually posted to the database and have easy navigation links on the right hand side for quickly finding the event(s) you are looking for. Formatted results typically will not include marks that were not wind legal. As such, they provide an excellent means of quickly seeing what new marks were potentially added to the rankings coming out of a particular meet. I encourage you to use them that way.

But, it is also very easy to get to the complete, official version of the results. You will see a dropbox at the very top of every set of results. The drop box is labeled View Mode:. Simply click on the dropbox and select the Completed view mode, and you will see the official meet results that include all wind-aided marks.

I do understand, and apologize for same, that "Formatted" and "Completed" don't necessarily convey exactly what are the differences between the two sets of results, but I don't get to choose the labels. I just need to work with the labels that are assigned.

As a review item, I do not post wind-aided marks to the database so that those marks don't get used (illegitimately) as seed marks in future meets. Under no circumstances should wind-aided marks be used for a) records, or b) seed marks for subsequent meets.