Darby Gilfillan enters Friday's St. Vrain Invitational as the top seed in the girls 1600. Photo by Alan Versaw.
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Licensed to Longmont High School HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/2/2013 08:19 PM Longmont Ford St. Vrain Invitational - 5/3/2013 Everly-Mongomery Field, Longmont High School Meet Program Event 3 Girls 100 Meter Dash High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Big O Tires, Sean Pressler Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 11.65 5/4/2012 MaryBeth Sant, Valor Christ St Vrain: 11.65 5/4/2012 MaryBeth Sant, Valor Christ Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Neal, Jessica 10 Woodland Par 2 Van Raam, Michelle 12 Northridge H 3 Beck, Taylor 11 Greeley Cent 4 Fischer, Samantha 12 Vista Ridge 5 Johansen, Betty 11 Wray High Sc 6 Silfvenius, Tehah 11 Woodland Par 7 Robinson, Magan 11 Weld Central 8 Scott, Amber 10 Frontier Aca Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Robles, Jackie 9 Wray High Sc 2 Vigil, Jade 10 Roosevelt Hi 3 Littlejohn, Maya 12 Vista Ridge 4 Portillo, Crisol 11 Frontier Aca 5 Harrison, Maddie 12 Mountain Vie 6 Ramirez, Monica 9 Roosevelt Hi 7 Benner, Kellie 10 Mountain Vie 8 Scoma, Giulia 11 Peak to Peak Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Granillo, Marlyn 12 Frontier Aca 2 Morrow, Lia 12 Evergreen Hi 3 McGee, Lauren 10 Windsor High 4 Peterson, Maty 11 Wray High Sc 5 Skold, Mackenzie 12 Evergreen Hi 6 Zurbrigen, Taylor 9 Windsor High 7 Price, Shanelle 9 Woodland Par 8 Arnel, Madison 9 Lutheran Hig Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Pugh, Holly 9 Fairview Hig 2 Hogan, Jamie 9 Erie High Sc 3 Reeves, Riglie 12 Mead High Sc 4 Einig, Amanda 9 Silver Creek 5 Einspahr, Katherine 11 Broomfield H 6 Gregg, Gwen 9 Niwot High S 7 Jordan, Brittaney 11 Wiggins High 8 Gregory, Kylee 11 Fairview Hig Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Goodard, Hannah 12 Erie High Sc 2 Kilcrease, Madison 11 Roosevelt Hi 3 Rickey, Madison 11 Lutheran Hig 4 Mead, Morgan 9 Mead High Sc 5 Culbertson, Alia 10 Longmont Hig 6 Krueger, Jacinda 11 Holyoke High 7 Boggs, Maggie 12 Fort Lupton 8 Liu, Amber 11 Niwot High S Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Veeman, Jessica 9 Wiggins High 2 Ehr, Lizzie 10 Silver Creek 3 Green, Katie 10 Longmont Hig 4 Huh, Sharron 11 Broomfield H 5 Goebel, Alison 10 Skyline High 6 Feuerstein, Carly 11 Thompson Val 7 Neitenbach, Sara 12 Centaurus Hi 8 Richardson, Sydney 10 Fairview Hig Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Jardonnet, Caly 12 Boulder High 2 Janda, Maren 9 Thompson Val 3 Pelster, Madeline 9 Loveland Hig 4 Bernard, Chloe 9 Monarch High 5 Kielar, Brittany 12 Loveland Hig 6 Packham, Celine 11 Loveland Hig 7 Sells, Tristyn 11 ThunderRidge 8 Hopkins, Essence 11 Vista Ridge Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Kelly, Alicia 12 Northridge H 2 Mollnow, Taylor 11 Valor Christ 3 Ashby, Aunyx 11 Cherokee Tra 4 Adams, Morgan 12 ThunderRidge 5 Hart, Allie 10 Mead High Sc 6 Armijo, Lilli 12 Monarch High 7 Uhlenbrock, Kacey 12 Mountain Vie 8 Orr, Hannah 9 Evergreen Hi Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Vance, Ivanna 11 Akron High S 2 Elcock, Deandra 12 Skyline High 3 Vaiser, Julia 12 Niwot High S 4 Mallette, Brooke 10 Silver Creek 5 Martus, Chelsea 12 Erie High Sc 6 Jackson, Jordan 12 Centaurus Hi 7 Mindoro, Maiya 9 Broomfield H 8 Edson, Rachel 11 Boulder High Section 10 Timed Finals 1 Kroboth, Lindsey 11 Thompson Val 2 Williams, Deaydrah 11 Boulder High 3 Horan, Kendall 12 Lutheran Hig 4 Sant, Marybeth 12 Valor Christ 5 Yon, Shayna 10 Cherokee Tra 6 Groce, Alexis 10 George Washi 7 Rogers, Haley 9 Cherokee Tra 8 Alexander, Tegan 9 Elizabeth Hi Event 5 Girls 200 Meter Dash High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Brain-In-A Bag, Dean Brittenham Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 24.50 5/4/2012 Dior Hall, George Washi St Vrain: 24.50 5/4/2012 Dior Hall, George Washi Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Fischer, Samantha 12 Vista Ridge 3 Seiler, Michelle 10 Fort Lupton 4 Taylor, Mauri 11 Peak to Peak 5 Chavez, Ari 10 Mead High Sc 6 Wirth, Lindsey 9 Mead High Sc 7 Einspahr, Katherine 11 Broomfield H 8 Carlson, Hannah 12 Thompson Val Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Kilcrease, Madison 11 Roosevelt Hi 2 Gregory, Kylee 11 Fairview Hig 3 Price, Shanelle 9 Woodland Par 4 Foster, Leah 9 Longmont Hig 5 Myers, Hazel 12 Lyons High S 6 Juvonen, Sierra 10 Silver Creek 7 Stephen, Kiana 10 Evergreen Hi 8 Ramirez, Monica 9 Roosevelt Hi Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Endler, Anna 9 Boulder High 2 Jimenez, Abigail 10 Middle Park 3 Street, Chauntel 10 Frontier Aca 4 Green, Katie 10 Longmont Hig 5 Clark, Taylor 12 Windsor High 6 Peterson, Maty 11 Wray High Sc 7 Arling, Dana 12 Lyons High S 8 Jordan, Brittaney 11 Wiggins High Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Harris, Faythe 9 Wiggins High 2 Belden, Shania 11 Mountain Vie 3 Purcell, Amberlyn 9 Erie High Sc 4 Lattes, Sophie 11 Fairview Hig 5 Page, Mallory 10 Longmont Hig 6 Tesone, Gianna 9 Valor Christ 7 Benner, Katie 10 Mountain Vie 8 Goodard, Hannah 12 Erie High Sc Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Orr, Hannah 9 Evergreen Hi 2 Newkirk, Marie 12 Evergreen Hi 3 Bernard, Chloe 9 Monarch High 4 Frank, Brittany 9 Northridge H 5 Boyington, Amber 12 Lyons High S 6 Jacobs, Alexis 11 Boulder High 7 Neitenbach, Sara 12 Centaurus Hi 8 Hogan, Jamie 9 Erie High Sc Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Roughen, Megan 9 Woodland Par 2 Pelster, Madeline 9 Loveland Hig 3 Krueger, Jacinda 11 Holyoke High 4 Packham, Celine 11 Loveland Hig 5 Kerr-Layton, Halea 10 Fairview Hig 6 Hem, Hannah Joy 9 Silver Creek 7 Maccangan, Megan 9 Valor Christ 8 Boggs, Maggie 12 Fort Lupton Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Price, Alexis 12 Woodland Par 2 Hart, Allie 10 Mead High Sc 3 Mindoro, Maiya 9 Broomfield H 4 Janda, Maren 9 Thompson Val 5 Wilson, Karli 11 Loveland Hig 6 Reeves, Kayla 10 Boulder High 7 Placke, Haley 12 Roosevelt Hi 8 Martin, Kaitlin 10 Greeley Cent Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Patterson, Midori 12 Centaurus Hi 2 Loukatos, Cassidy 11 Mountain Ran 3 Porterfield, Karissa 10 Windsor High 4 Maydew, Dana 11 Niwot High S 5 Belton, Grace 11 Broomfield H 6 Mallette, Brooke 10 Silver Creek 7 Nicolas, Clare 12 Elizabeth Hi 8 Williams, Andrea 9 Greeley Cent Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Jackson, Jordan 12 Centaurus Hi 2 Sharpe, Rachel 10 Niwot High S 3 Vaiser, Julia 12 Niwot High S 4 Vasquez, Allyson 12 Akron High S 5 Bartlett, Caroline 12 Monarch High 6 Groce, Alexis 10 George Washi 7 Alexander, Tegan 9 Elizabeth Hi 8 Elcock, Deandra 12 Skyline High Section 10 Timed Finals 1 Baumann, Andrea 12 Mountain Vie 2 Ashby, Apeasha 12 Cherokee Tra 3 Yon, Shayna 10 Cherokee Tra 4 Sant, Marybeth 12 Valor Christ 5 Sanni, Zainab 12 Smoky Hill H 6 Horan, Kendall 12 Lutheran Hig 7 Irvine, Megan 10 Thompson Val 8 Rogers, Haley 9 Cherokee Tra Event 9 Girls 400 Meter Dash High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Advanced Athlete Health Care, Dr. Tim Ray Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 55.69 5/6/2011 Samantha Berggren, Middle Park St Vrain: 55.69 5/6/2011 Samantha Berggren, Middle Park Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Kelley, Alexandria 10 Woodland Par 3 Benzor, Siria 9 Roosevelt Hi 4 Brown, Hannah 11 Thompson Val 5 Naftel, Hannah 12 Silver Creek 6 Neal, Jessica 10 Woodland Par Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Myers, Hazel 12 Lyons High S 2 Lenz, Hannah 9 Wray High Sc 3 Benner, Katie 10 Mountain Vie 4 Moss, Cat 9 Evergreen Hi 5 Tripp, Alison 11 Silver Creek 6 Belden, Shania 11 Mountain Vie 7 Linke, Sierra 10 Middle Park 8 Wells, Brittney 10 Vista Ridge Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Neiley, Molly 12 Mead High Sc 2 McKinney, Megan 9 Longmont Hig 3 Clark, Kaitlyn 10 Erie High Sc 4 Teissier, Stephanie 11 Monarch High 5 Rainville, Katie 12 Evergreen Hi 6 Martinez, Sonia 9 Erie High Sc 7 Ashley, Shayla 10 Weld Central 8 Esch, Amanda 12 Mead High Sc Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Wood, Kelsey 11 Centaurus Hi 2 Kehr, Abbey 12 Roosevelt Hi 3 Russell, Lauren 10 Evergreen Hi 4 Levesque, Abby 10 Longmont Hig 5 Howard, Erica 10 Peak to Peak 6 Benner, Kellie 10 Mountain Vie 7 Rogers, Olivia 9 Centaurus Hi 8 Lopez, Aly 10 Vista Ridge Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Raspotnik, Olivia 12 Lyons High S 2 Smith, Sydney 9 Broomfield H 3 Godsey, Taylor 10 Wray High Sc 4 Adams, Mckenna 11 Loveland Hig 5 Ries, Maesyn 10 Weld Central 6 Granillo, Marlyn 12 Frontier Aca 7 Moore, Kelsey 9 Woodland Par 8 Prasad, Nyla 10 Niwot High S Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Case, Erin 11 Loveland Hig 2 Harris, Faythe 9 Wiggins High 3 Zehnder, Victoria 10 Platte Valle 4 Reed, Fallyn 10 Broomfield H 5 Frisbie, Dallas 10 Peak to Peak 6 Paswaters, Katie 11 Monarch High 7 Mars, Shyla 10 Cherokee Tra 8 Laubinger, Antonia 12 Silver Creek Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Hallmark, Brianna 12 Mead High Sc 2 Penney, Kelly 9 Cherokee Tra 3 Placke, Haley 12 Roosevelt Hi 4 Walters, Kirsten 9 Fairview Hig 5 Richarz, Kendall 11 Fairview Hig 6 Hemminger, Niki 12 ThunderRidge 7 Wild, Laura 10 Valor Christ 8 Holland, Symonne 9 Cherokee Tra Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Nicolas, Clare 12 Elizabeth Hi 2 Horan, Kendall 12 Lutheran Hig 3 Vasquez, Allyson 12 Akron High S 4 Hart, Kamryn 9 ThunderRidge 5 Irvine, Megan 10 Thompson Val 6 Harrower, Heather 11 Fairview Hig 7 Maydew, Dana 11 Niwot High S 8 Sharpe, Rachel 10 Niwot High S Event 11 Girls 800 Meter Run High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Klotz Family, www.light-color-focus.com Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 2:11.63 5/6/2011 Samantha Berggren, Middle Park St Vrain: 2:11.63 5/6/2011 Samantha Berggren, Middle Park Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Maldonado, Celeste 10 Roosevelt Hi 7-1B Milstead, Mallory 9 Middle Park 11-1C Howlett, Allison 11 Silver Creek 15-1D Hyland, Alex 12 Windsor High 1-2A Laurie, Hannah 10 Cherokee Tra 5-2B Root, Emily 9 Frontier Aca 9-2C Ortega, Ana 10 Vista Ridge 13-2D Koski, Samantha 10 Silver Creek 2-3A Stinson, Taylor 9 Silver Creek 6-3B Myers, Faith 10 Lyons High S 10-3C Powell, Lauren 10 Erie High Sc 14-3D Frothingham, Lizzi 10 Longmont Hig 4-4A Schuessler, Clara 11 University H 8-4B Hall, Miley 10 Cherokee Tra 12-4C Aguirre, Priscilla 10 Skyline High Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A Colpitts, Ellie 10 Thompson Val 7-1B Vigil, Kristen 9 Lutheran Hig 11-1C McLachlan, Ellison 12 Greeley Cent 15-1D Seibel, Kelsey 12 Woodland Par 1-2A Gillett, Katherine 10 Niwot High S 5-2B Rogers, Olivia 9 Centaurus Hi 9-2C Grainda, Gina 10 Loveland Hig 13-2D Sims, Cameron 12 Lutheran Hig 17-2E Sease, Amelia 11 Erie High Sc 2-3A Roque, Cede 11 Greeley Cent 6-3B McLaughlin, Jessie 11 Boulder High 10-3C Steele, Samantha 11 Cherokee Tra 14-3D Fisher, Anne 11 Woodland Par 4-4A Raspotnik, Olivia 12 Lyons High S 8-4B Wood, Kelsey 11 Centaurus Hi 12-4C Oveson, Alice 9 Peak to Peak 16-4D Nelson, Ali 12 Mountain Vie Section 3 Timed Finals 3-1A Santos, Makayla 11 Frontier Aca 7-1B Hamerly, Christina 9 Peak to Peak 11-1C Moss, Cat 9 Evergreen Hi 15-1D Reese, Alyssa 11 Monarch High 1-2A Kelly, Melissa 10 Broomfield H 5-2B Stackhouse, Nicole 10 Loveland Hig 9-2C Steyaert, Jen 12 Regis Jesuit 13-2D Oveson, Mallory 11 Peak to Peak 17-2E Bronson, Ally 11 Windsor High 2-3A Spieker, Taylor 10 Valor Christ 6-3B Schulz, Emily 9 Evergreen Hi 10-3C Raynor, Rebekah 12 Mountain Ran 14-3D Maas, Tina 10 Thompson Val 4-4A Worthy, Amanda 9 Boulder High 8-4B Dillinger, Megan 12 Woodland Par 12-4C Masterson, Abrah 12 Middle Park 16-4D Kennedy, Christina 11 Broomfield H Section 4 Timed Finals 3-1A Green, Claire 11 Monarch High 7-1B Shubin, Lauren 11 ThunderRidge 11-1C Anderson, Jenna 10 Lyons High S 15-1D VanDePol, Regan 10 Broomfield H 1-2A Cranny, Elise 11 Niwot High S 5-2B Klotz, Molly 11 Longmont Hig 9-2C Mason, Zetta 10 Fairview Hig 13-2D Franklin, Rachel 9 Mountain Vie 17-2E Bradlina, Emery 10 Boulder High 2-3A Larson, Kendra 10 Thompson Val 6-3B Atwell, Emma 10 ThunderRidge 10-3C Hartman, Kailie 12 Loveland Hig 14-3D Waters, Emily 10 ThunderRidge 4-4A McAulay, Carys 9 Fairview Hig 8-4B Arista, Lina 12 Vista Ridge 12-4C Sanchez, Emma 11 Fairview Hig 16-4D Enriquez, Deyja 12 Niwot High S Event 13 Girls 1600 Meter Run High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Nelson, Miner, Prime Real Estate Heats against time Waterfall Start Stadium Rec.: 4:47.56 4/20/2013 Elise Cranny, Niwot High S St Vrain: 5:00.76 5/4/2012 Karina Ernst, Thompson Val Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Stratton, Abbi 11 Mountain Vie 2 Jortberg, Lauren 10 Boulder High 3 Harrison, Lexi 10 Woodland Par 4 Kowalsky, Rowan 11 Mountain Ran 5 Maldonado, Celeste 10 Roosevelt Hi 6 Anderson, Melissa 12 Wray High Sc 7 Moon, Emma 11 Broomfield H 8 Chapman, Sophie 9 Cherokee Tra 9 Bray, Amie 11 University H 10 Dissly, Laura 11 Boulder High 11 Sutton, Brittany 9 Vista Ridge 12 Foster, Caroline 10 Mountain Vie 13 Fisher, Anne 11 Woodland Par 14 Lieberman, Christine 12 Longmont Hig 15 Harker, Seana 10 Silver Creek 16 Knutson, Kassidy 12 Wiggins High 17 Kalcevic, Tabor 9 Weld Central 18 Steele, Samantha 11 Cherokee Tra 19 Parker, Hannah 12 Loveland Hig 20 Armknecht, Foley 12 Erie High Sc Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Mcconnell, Amy 9 Cherokee Tra 2 Floming, Taylor 12 Monarch High 3 Ritschard, Kristina 9 Loveland Hig 4 Moline, Maggie 9 Centaurus Hi 5 Morales, Camille 10 Evergreen Hi 6 Bancroft, Taylor 11 Frontier Aca 7 Wall, Zoe 10 ThunderRidge 8 Davinroy, Hannah 12 Centaurus Hi 9 Bowen, Mercy 12 Brush High S 10 Jazwierska, Maiya 9 Silver Creek 11 Brent, Ashlyn 9 Loveland Hig 12 Williams, Emily 12 Peak to Peak 13 Stumb, Lilly 10 Fairview Hig 14 Kaufman, Kacie 10 Thompson Val 15 Gillett, Katherine 10 Niwot High S 16 Gutteriez, Miah 11 Greeley Cent 17 Licht, Gabby 10 Broomfield H 18 Kunz, Tatjana 9 Fairview Hig 19 Miner, Kelsey 12 Lyons High S 20 Tucker, Sierra 9 Lyons High S Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Gilfillan, Darby 11 George Washi 2 McLaughlin, Erin 11 Boulder High 3 Benner, Kaitlyn 11 Monarch High 4 Larson, Kendra 10 Thompson Val 5 Roberts, Miriam 11 Lyons High S 6 Cooney, Riley 10 Mountain Vie 7 Hammer, Layne 12 Greeley West 8 Morrison, Molly 12 Frontier Aca 9 Boettiger, Christa 10 Niwot High S 10 Mann, Karina 10 Monarch High 11 Skold, Samantha 12 Evergreen Hi 12 Staves, Anna 12 Greeley Cent 13 Gardner, Abby 12 Broomfield H 14 Schmitt, Caitlin 9 Evergreen Hi 15 Arista, Lina 12 Vista Ridge 16 Frisbie, Dallas 10 Peak to Peak 17 Barnes, Emily 12 Fairview Hig 18 Oveson, Mallory 11 Peak to Peak 19 Aurich, Morgan 9 ThunderRidge 20 Vandenberghe, Louise 10 Niwot High S Event 15 Girls 3200 Meter Run High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Xeroshoes, Steven Sashen Heats against time Waterfall Start Stadium Rec.: 10:51.44 1989 Melody Fairchild, Boulder St Vrain: 11:01.21 4/25/2008 Kaitlin Hanenburg, Classical Academ Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Ivy, Maddie 12 Lakewood Hig 2 Litoff, Ashley 11 Monarch High 3 Hammer, Layne 12 Greeley West 4 Boettiger, Christa 10 Niwot High S 5 Noser, Claire 12 ThunderRidge 6 Thomas, Tori 9 Windsor High 7 Skold, Samantha 12 Evergreen Hi 8 Leonard, Kiah 10 Berthoud Hig 9 Berg, Hayley 11 Thompson Val 10 Morales, Camille 10 Evergreen Hi 11 Wall, Zoe 10 ThunderRidge 12 Hogan, Anna 11 Monarch High 13 Payes, McKenna 10 Fairview Hig 14 Anderson, Lauren 12 Thompson Val 15 Middleton, Miranda 10 Denver Chris 16 Malecha, Ally 11 Broomfield H 17 Bowen, Mercy 12 Brush High S 18 Gilbert, Kelly 10 Fairview Hig 19 Skattum, Kara 9 Broomfield H 20 Richards, Sydney 10 Skyline High 21 Fausz, Ashlee 10 ThunderRidge 22 Ebhert, Savanah 11 Woodland Par 23 Bronson, Ally 11 Windsor High 24 East, Katy 11 Loveland Hig 25 Stewart, Abby 10 Loveland Hig 26 Abboud, Katie 10 Broomfield H 27 Knutson, Kassidy 12 Wiggins High 28 Piper, Jessica 10 Fairview Hig 29 Hall, Miley 10 Cherokee Tra 30 Araujo-Vuittonet, Kaelyn 9 Brush High S 31 Johnson, Kelly 11 Woodland Par 32 Chapman, Sophie 9 Cherokee Tra Event 1 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Rocky Mountain Kawaski, Marshall Cook Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 14.68 5/4/2012 Kaylee Packham, Loveland Hig St Vrain: 14.68 5/4/2012 Kaylee Packham, Loveland Hig Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Sundrud, Sage 12 Lyons High S 3 Romero, Michlyn 10 Centaurus Hi 4 Kern, Jeran 11 Northridge H 5 Robinson, Magan 11 Weld Central 6 Sobolik, Tatiana 9 Fairview Hig 7 Mensch, Tara 9 Peak to Peak 8 Wailes, Madison 10 Roosevelt Hi Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Monsey, Alyssa 9 Weld Central 2 Hazzard, Morgan 12 Peak to Peak 3 Goebel, Alison 10 Skyline High 4 Long, Lauren 9 Fairview Hig 5 Schneider, Tori 10 Wray High Sc 6 Lauder, Anne 10 Evergreen Hi 7 Gallagher, Katie 9 Erie High Sc 8 Herzfeld-Mayer, Almut 9 Centaurus Hi Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Artzer, Mikayla 11 Niwot High S 2 Curran, Tyne 11 Niwot High S 3 Byers, Megan 10 Broomfield H 4 Koschel, Alex 9 Loveland Hig 5 Calabrese, Sophia 10 Battle Mount 6 O'Toole, Olivia 12 Evergreen Hi 7 McLagan, Bailey 9 Evergreen Hi 8 Hansen, TaLise 11 Middle Park Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Valko, Alyssa 9 Wray High Sc 2 Stewart, Harleigh 9 Greeley Cent 3 Johnson, Isabelle 10 Longmont Hig 4 Faatz, Victorria 11 Windsor High 5 Hammond, Heidi 9 Valor Christ 6 Spencer, Kaylee 11 Skyline High 7 Stouffer, Alison 9 Monarch High 8 Llerandi, Lexi 10 Centaurus Hi Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Holtorf, Lizzie 10 Akron High S 2 Carroll, Alyssa 10 Windsor High 3 Finn, Kelly 11 Regis Jesuit 4 Bashor, Samantha 11 Lyons High S 5 Donner, Carly 11 Monarch High 6 Gordley, Shelby 11 Mountain Vie 7 Simms, Lauren 10 Lyons High S 8 Watson, Abby 11 Mountain Vie Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Casey, Gabby 10 Niwot High S 2 Rhoton, Alyssa 9 Roosevelt Hi 3 Krug, Nicole 10 Thompson Val 4 Schroth, Haley 12 Greeley West 5 Neibauer, Addy 12 Greeley Cent 6 Sherwood, Sam 10 Valor Christ 7 Schiel, Janae 9 Windsor High 8 Herndon, Alexandra 11 Cherokee Tra Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Merrill, Sidney 12 Akron High S 2 Hampson, Hailey 11 Boulder High 3 Rohlwing, Sydney 12 Regis Jesuit 4 Eining, Hannah 12 Roosevelt Hi 5 Krawczuk, Ashley 11 Loveland Hig 6 Green, Grace 11 Boulder High 7 Lutz, Kelsey 12 Mead High Sc 8 Ruddick, Gabrielle 12 Woodland Par Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Cunningham, Kelsey 12 Regis Jesuit 2 Zurn, Cassidy 10 ThunderRidge 3 Andrews, Amanda 10 Cherokee Tra 4 Bowers, Erin 12 ThunderRidge 5 Sherman, Justine 11 Fairview Hig 6 Ashby, Amazing 9 Cherokee Tra 7 Campbell, Amanda 11 Broomfield H 8 Croell, Katie 12 Broomfield H Event 7 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: New York Life, Chris Sandbach Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 42.53 5/4/2012 Kaylee Packham, Loveland Hig St Vrain: 42.53 5/4/2012 Kaylee Packham, Loveland Hig Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Dinatale, Emy 12 Peak to Peak 3 Behnke, Octavia 9 Silver Creek 4 Monsey, Alyssa 9 Weld Central 5 Myler, Ariel 10 Silver Creek 6 Betz, Heather 9 Fairview Hig 7 Kalcevic, Tabor 9 Weld Central 8 Packard, Caroline 10 Peak to Peak Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Romero, Michlyn 10 Centaurus Hi 2 Ramirez, Monica 9 Roosevelt Hi 3 Herzfeld-Mayer, Almut 9 Centaurus Hi 4 Llerandi, Lexi 10 Centaurus Hi 5 Seibel, Kelsey 12 Woodland Par 6 Dorris, Hannah 9 Boulder High 7 Boldt, Brandy 9 Silver Creek 8 McLagan, Bailey 9 Evergreen Hi Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Hansen, TaLise 11 Middle Park 2 Stewart, Harleigh 9 Greeley Cent 3 Sobolik, Tatiana 9 Fairview Hig 4 Vasquez, Kaitlyn 9 Northridge H 5 Rhoton, Alyssa 9 Roosevelt Hi 6 Fertig, Hannah 11 Niwot High S 7 Spencer, Kaylee 11 Skyline High 8 Gallagher, Katie 9 Erie High Sc Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Hammond, Heidi 9 Valor Christ 2 Hazzard, Morgan 12 Peak to Peak 3 Cockroft, Raely 11 Greeley Cent 4 Cooks, Tiana 11 Vista Ridge 5 Lauder, Anne 10 Evergreen Hi 6 Byers, Megan 10 Broomfield H 7 Bashor, Samantha 11 Lyons High S 8 Krueger, Jacinda 11 Holyoke High Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Johnson, Isabelle 10 Longmont Hig 2 Merrill, Sidney 12 Akron High S 3 Eining, Hannah 12 Roosevelt Hi 4 Ritchey, Skylar 9 Platte Valle 5 Terwilliger, Haleigh 10 Windsor High 6 Stouffer, Alison 9 Monarch High 7 Goebel, Alison 10 Skyline High 8 Koschel, Alex 9 Loveland Hig Section 6 Timed Finals 1 VandeSteeg, Emily 10 Platte Valle 2 Raper, Shelby 12 Lutheran Hig 3 Donner, Carly 11 Monarch High 4 Lutz, Kelsey 12 Mead High Sc 5 Sherwood, Sam 10 Valor Christ 6 Schiel, Janae 9 Windsor High 7 Pelster, Madeline 9 Loveland Hig 8 Krug, Nicole 10 Thompson Val Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Schroth, Haley 12 Greeley West 2 Tesvich, Gabriella 11 ThunderRidge 3 Simms, Lauren 10 Lyons High S 4 Beach, Allee 9 Platte Valle 5 Gilbert, Brianna 12 Cherokee Tra 6 Combs, Makala 12 Wray High Sc 7 Watson, Abby 11 Mountain Vie 8 Gordley, Shelby 11 Mountain Vie Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Hampson, Hailey 11 Boulder High 2 Kroboth, Lindsey 11 Thompson Val 3 Ashby, Amazing 9 Cherokee Tra 4 Croell, Katie 12 Broomfield H 5 Rohlwing, Sydney 12 Regis Jesuit 6 Krawczuk, Ashley 11 Loveland Hig 7 Elcock, Deandra 12 Skyline High 8 Harrower, Brooke 11 Fairview Hig Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Fetters, Kela 9 Niwot High S 2 Cunningham, Kelsey 12 Regis Jesuit 3 Campbell, Amanda 11 Broomfield H 4 Bowers, Erin 12 ThunderRidge 5 Zurn, Cassidy 10 ThunderRidge 6 Andrews, Amanda 10 Cherokee Tra 7 Marshall, Niki 9 Niwot High S 8 Green, Grace 11 Boulder High Event 22 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Xilinx, Paul Gasdik Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 47.23 5/4/2012 Loveland High School, Loveland Hig K Packham, K Fuchs, T Buschy, S Tuder St Vrain: 47.23 5/4/2012 Loveland High School, Loveland Hig K Packham, K Fuchs, T Buschy, S Tuder School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Otis High School 3 Middle Park High School 4 Wray High School 5 Frontier Academy 6 Evergreen High School 7 Peak to Peak Charter School 8 Fort Lupton High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Weld Central High School 2 Northridge High School 3 Greeley Central High School 4 Silver Creek High School 5 Lyons High School 6 Woodland Park High School 7 University High School 8 Vista Ridge High School Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Fairview High School 2 Windsor High School 3 Akron High School 4 Skyline High School 5 Longmont High School 6 Thompson Valley High School 7 Elizabeth High School 8 Roosevelt High School Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Niwot High School 2 Loveland High School 3 Mountain View High School 4 Cherokee Trail High School 5 Boulder High School 6 Centaurus High School 7 Erie High School 8 ThunderRidge High School Event 20 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: The Gold Market Jewelers, Rose Faissal Heats against time 4 Turn Stagger Stadium Rec.: 1:39.90 5/6/2011 Loveland High School, Loveland Hig S Hutsell, M Anderson, S Tuder, M Bower St Vrain: 1:39.90 5/6/2011 Loveland High School, Loveland Hig T. Buschy, M. Bower, S. Tuder, S. Hutsell School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Roosevelt High School 3 Skyline High School 4 University High School 5 Greeley Central High School 6 Woodland Park High School 7 Fort Lupton High School 8 Middle Park High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Thompson Valley High School 2 Wiggins High School 3 Lyons High School 4 Northridge High School 5 Evergreen High School 6 Weld Central High School 7 Vista Ridge High School 8 Frontier Academy Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Mead High School 2 Fairview High School 3 Broomfield High School 4 Longmont High School 5 Platte Valley High School 6 Windsor High School 7 Erie High School 8 Silver Creek High School Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Akron High School 2 Mountain View High School 3 Monarch High School 4 Cherokee Trail High School 5 Boulder High School 6 Niwot High School 7 Lutheran High School 8 Loveland High School Event 24 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Andrea Tribelhorn, Longmont High School Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 3:51.83 2009 Thompson Valley S. Method, B. Regan, Li. Tremblay, La. Tremblay St Vrain: 3:51.83 2009 Thompson Valley, Thompson Valley S. Method, B. Regan, L. Tremblay, La. Tremblay School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Roosevelt High School 4 Windsor High School 5 Skyline High School 6 Weld Central High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Middle Park High School 2 Longmont High School 3 Woodland Park High School 4 Erie High School 5 Frontier Academy 6 Silver Creek High School 7 University High School 8 Vista Ridge High School Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Mead High School 2 Lutheran High School 3 Thompson Valley High School 4 Lyons High School 5 Boulder High School 6 Greeley Central High School 7 Mountain Range High School 8 Wray High School Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Valor Christian High School 2 Niwot High School 3 Mountain View High School 4 Fairview High School 5 Loveland High School 6 Cherokee Trail High School 7 Broomfield High School 8 Monarch High School Event 17 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== One heat Stadium Rec.: 9:04.94 2009 Thompson Valley L. Tremblay, B. Regan, K. Ernst, La. Tremblay St Vrain: 9:04.94 2009 Thompson Valley, Thompson Valley L. Tremblay, B. Regan, K. Ernst, La. Tremblay School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A ThunderRidge High School 7-1B Lyons High School 11-1C Woodland Park High School 15-1D University High School 1-2A Niwot High School 5-2B Battle Mountain High School 9-2C Erie High School 13-2D Akron High School 17-2E Vista Ridge High School 2-3A Loveland High School 6-3B Fairview High School 10-3C Boulder High School 14-3D Silver Creek High School 18-3E Skyline High School 4-4A Broomfield High School 8-4B Frontier Academy 12-4C Wray High School 16-4D Middle Park High School Event 19 Girls 800 Sprint Medley High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Orange Guy Fence and Truss, Clark Sheehan Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 1:46.18 2007 Rocky Mountain A. Brobst, A. Lester, Ari Curtis, Alana Curtis St Vrain: 1:46.18 2007 Rocky Mountain, Rocky Mountain A. Brobst, Ari Curtis, A. Lester, Alana Curtis School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Lyons High School 3 Windsor High School 4 Greeley Central High School 5 Middle Park High School 6 Weld Central High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 University High School 2 Evergreen High School 3 Wiggins High School 4 Longmont High School 5 Vista Ridge High School 6 Woodland Park High School 7 Lutheran High School 8 Peak to Peak Charter School Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Northridge High School 2 Elizabeth High School 3 Mead High School 4 Roosevelt High School 5 Berthoud High School 6 Mountain Range High School 7 Silver Creek High School 8 Platte Valley High School Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Akron High School 2 ThunderRidge High School 3 Erie High School 4 Cherokee Trail High School 5 Loveland High School 6 Niwot High School 7 Fairview High School 8 Broomfield High School Event 26 Girls High Jump High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: The Pit Doctor, Ted Altenritter Start 4'6, 4' 8.5, 4' 10.5, 5' .5 then 1" Stadium Rec.: 5-08 1987 Kaufmann, Thompson Valley St Vrain: 5-05.50 5/6/2011 Quincey Pedersen, Middle Park Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Kopetzky, Bernie 10 Wiggins High 2 Nielander, Kira 12 Evergreen Hi 3 Brock, Lauren 9 Vista Ridge 4 Hulet, Ashley 10 Mead High Sc 5 Gaibler, Madisen 9 Longmont Hig 6 Stouffer, Alison 9 Monarch High 7 Bauer, McKayla 9 University H 8 Milstead, Madison 9 Middle Park 9 Dehm, Courtney 11 Cherokee Tra 10 Campbell, Kelsey 11 Broomfield H 11 Hammond, Heidi 9 Valor Christ 12 O'Neil, Shelby 9 Roosevelt Hi 13 Pinter, Tylee 9 Windsor High 14 Gibson, Kate 10 Valor Christ 15 Johansen, Betty 11 Wray High Sc 16 Kirkland, Jamie 11 Silver Creek 17 Calzolari, Jessica 12 Mead High Sc 18 Vandersteen, Jade 12 Silver Creek 19 Hellenberg, Alex 9 Skyline High 20 Boyer, Mariana 9 Broomfield H 21 Shawver, Whitney 11 Roosevelt Hi 22 Archuleta, Taryn 12 Loveland Hig 23 Sharpe, Lauren 10 Niwot High S 24 Krug, Nicole 10 Thompson Val 25 Roughen, Megan 9 Woodland Par 26 Seiler, Michelle 10 Fort Lupton 27 Wetterstrom, Sydney 9 Longmont Hig 28 Ashley, Shayla 10 Weld Central 29 Russell, Lauren 10 Evergreen Hi 30 Guy, Kelsey 11 Akron High S 31 Linke, Ellis 10 Middle Park 32 Spencer, Kaylee 11 Skyline High 33 Smith, Gabrielle 10 ThunderRidge 34 Miller, Madison 11 Centaurus Hi 35 Betz, Heather 9 Fairview Hig 36 Gallagher, Haley 11 Erie High Sc 37 Watson, Sammi 9 Mountain Vie 38 Williams, Andrea 9 Greeley Cent 39 Lopez, Aly 10 Vista Ridge 40 Carroll, Sarah 12 ThunderRidge 41 Hampson, Hailey 11 Boulder High 42 Krawczuk, Ashley 11 Loveland Hig 43 Ruddick, Gabrielle 12 Woodland Par 44 Basey, Nola 12 Lyons High S 45 Gardner, Autumn 12 Mountain Ran 46 Kroboth, Lindsey 11 Thompson Val Event 28 Girls Pole Vault High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Lyons Automotive, Chris Wing Progressions TBD Stadium Rec.: 13-04 5/9/2008 Elizabeth Stover, Longmont St Vrain: 12-04 4/25/2008 Elizabeth Stover, Longmont Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Fankhouser, Austen 12 Lyons High S 2 Butrymovich, Olivia 10 Middle Park 3 Schaffert, Antonya 9 Otis High Sc 4 Olson, Andrea 11 University H 5 Cherico, Courtney 11 Woodland Par 6 King, Brittany 12 Lyons High S 7 Voris, Morgan 10 Greeley Cent 8 Kuntz, Kylee 9 Otis High Sc 9 Huey, Leah 11 Broomfield H 10 Weber, Chloe 10 Shining Moun 11 Olson, Aspen 11 Roosevelt Hi 12 Christensen, Karli 10 Akron High S 13 Boyington, Amber 12 Lyons High S 14 Coleman, Jaci 11 Mountain Vie 15 Massone, Elyse 12 Boulder High 16 Goldsberry, Danae 12 Elizabeth Hi 17 Steiblen, Marion 10 Monarch High 18 Ashby, Aunyx 11 Cherokee Tra 19 Huber, Elsa 12 Woodland Par 20 Gallagher, Haley 11 Erie High Sc 21 Wetterstrom, Sydney 9 Longmont Hig 22 Hillen, Paige 10 Niwot High S 23 Spitz, Josie 9 Berthoud Hig 24 Lodl, Mikaela 11 Lakewood Hig 25 Dishman, Katie 12 Centaurus Hi 26 Johns, Haylie 11 Niwot High S 27 Rosenblum, Rebecca 12 Broomfield H 28 Vandersteen, Jade 12 Silver Creek 29 Maldonado, Kiera 11 Roosevelt Hi 30 Bess, Stephanie 11 Arvada West 31 Casey, Gabby 10 Niwot High S 32 Megenhardt, Anna 12 Berthoud Hig 33 Smith, Gabrielle 10 ThunderRidge 34 Patarino, McKenzie 10 Lakewood Hig 35 Waite, Heather 11 Loveland Hig 36 Peterson, Kimberly 11 Elizabeth Hi 37 Robb, Zoe 12 Boulder High 38 Merrill, Sidney 12 Akron High S 39 Loken, Anna 12 Grandview Hi 40 Santi, Lauren 12 Lakewood Hig 41 Brunsdale, Lauren 12 Lakewood Hig 42 Neibauer, Addy 12 Greeley Cent 43 McCabe, Megan 11 Cherry Creek Event 30 Girls Long Jump High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Big O Tires, Sean Pressler Top 9 from prelims to the finals RECORD WIND SPEED FOR EACH JUMP Measure over 14' 6 Stadium Rec.: 20-00 2005 Griffin Matthew, Niwot St Vrain: 19-05.50 5/4/2012 Chyna Ries, George Washi Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Cullen, Krista 12 Silver Creek 2 Lauder, Anne 10 Evergreen Hi 3 Veeman, Jessica 9 Wiggins High 4 Campbell, Kelsey 11 Broomfield H 5 Campbell, Tanya 11 Erie High Sc 6 Hellenberg, Alex 9 Skyline High 7 Gillmore, Hannah 10 Weld Central 8 Granillo, Marlyn 12 Frontier Aca 9 Jackson, Jordan 12 Centaurus Hi Flight 2 Finals 1 Cockroft, Raely 11 Greeley Cent 2 Gaibler, Madisen 9 Longmont Hig 3 Holland, Symonne 9 Cherokee Tra 4 Kopetzky, Bernie 10 Wiggins High 5 Vaiser, Julia 12 Niwot High S 6 Kudrna, Kenzie 10 Erie High Sc 7 Schmidt, Samantha 10 Broomfield H 8 Peats, Alexis 10 Valor Christ 9 Neibauer, Addy 12 Greeley Cent 10 Crowe, Mariah 11 University H Flight 3 Finals 1 Cirbo, Annie 11 Longmont Hig 2 Schiel, Janae 9 Windsor High 3 Mead, Morgan 9 Mead High Sc 4 Nielander, Kira 12 Evergreen Hi 5 Brent, Emilie 10 Akron High S 6 McCloughan, Rae 9 Loveland Hig 7 Minter, Kira 9 Mountain Vie 8 Case, Erin 11 Loveland Hig 9 Royer, Breanna 12 Wray High Sc 10 Allen, Kelly 12 Middle Park Flight 4 Finals 1 Haskins, Brooke 11 Valor Christ 2 Lattes, Sophie 11 Fairview Hig 3 Rembert, Emilie 11 Silver Creek 4 Watson, Abby 11 Mountain Vie 5 Lynch, Lorelle 11 ThunderRidge 6 Liu, Amber 11 Niwot High S 7 Savage, Jennifer 12 ThunderRidge 8 Montes, Jazmin 11 Platte Valle 9 Sherman, Justine 11 Fairview Hig 10 Sparks, Hannah 11 Cherokee Tra Event 32 Girls Triple Jump High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Longmont Ford Top 9 from prelims to the finals RECORD WIND SPEED FOR EACH JUMP Measure over 30' Stadium Rec.: 40-00.75 5/4/2012 Courtney Mills, Berthoud Hig St Vrain: 40-00.75 5/4/2012 Courtney Mills, Berthoud Hig Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Crowe, Mariah 11 University H 2 Kopetzky, Bernie 10 Wiggins High 3 Whitfield, Savannah 10 University H 4 Cirbo, Annie 11 Longmont Hig 5 Gillmore, Hannah 10 Weld Central 6 Phillippou, Jessica 9 Fairview Hig 7 Krueger, Jacinda 11 Holyoke High 8 Pressler, Alicia 10 Silver Creek 9 Nielander, Kira 12 Evergreen Hi 10 Lechman, Kayla 11 Greeley Cent Flight 2 Finals 1 Ganderup, Mathilda 11 Erie High Sc 2 Gibson, Kate 10 Valor Christ 3 Hellenberg, Alex 9 Skyline High 4 Campbell, Tanya 11 Erie High Sc 5 Olson, Aspen 11 Roosevelt Hi 6 Moore, Kelsey 9 Woodland Par 7 Valko, Alyssa 9 Wray High Sc 8 Royer, Breanna 12 Wray High Sc 9 Maas, Tina 10 Thompson Val 10 Allen, Kelly 12 Middle Park Flight 3 Finals 1 Haskins, Brooke 11 Valor Christ 2 Ifft, Anna 12 Niwot High S 3 Lynch, Lorelle 11 ThunderRidge 4 Lattes, Sophie 11 Fairview Hig 5 Savage, Jennifer 12 ThunderRidge 6 Krawczuk, Ashley 11 Loveland Hig 7 Perez, Ashley 10 Weld Central 8 Watson, Sammi 9 Mountain Vie 9 Koschel, Alex 9 Loveland Hig 10 Lauder, Anne 10 Evergreen Hi Flight 4 Finals 1 Wetterstrom, Sydney 9 Longmont Hig 2 Sharpe, Rachel 10 Niwot High S 3 Rembert, Emilie 11 Silver Creek 4 Cephers, Tiana 11 Cherokee Tra 5 Watson, Abby 11 Mountain Vie 6 Megenhardt, Anna 12 Berthoud Hig 7 Klaes, Ally 11 Berthoud Hig 8 Basey, Nola 12 Lyons High S 9 Sparks, Hannah 11 Cherokee Tra 10 Cunningham, Kelsey 12 Regis Jesuit Event 36 Girls Shot Put High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Debbie Blume, Wing Shack Top 9 from prelims to the finals Measure to the nearest lesser 1/4 inch Measure over 30' Stadium Rec.: 45-01 2004 Sarah Stevens, Fort Collins St Vrain: 45-01 2004 Sarah Stevens, Fort Collins Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Johnson, Hannah 11 Centaurus Hi 2 Kirby, Shiloh 12 Otis High Sc 3 Dominicci, Taylor 11 Broomfield H 4 Kay, Sarah 10 Evergreen Hi 5 Hull, Stacy 11 Broomfield H 6 Reeves, Lauren 11 Boulder High 7 Roge, Nadia 10 Skyline High 8 Chavez, Jacqueline 10 Greeley Cent 9 Weimer, Reilly 9 Middle Park Flight 2 Finals 1 Archuleta, Taryn 12 Loveland Hig 2 George, Brook 10 Wray High Sc 3 Berumen-Alvarado, Crystal 10 Northridge H 4 Henry, Megan 11 Weld Central 5 Lenz, Beth 12 Wray High Sc 6 Hubbard, Tiffany 10 Vista Ridge 7 Glosson, Sydney 10 Akron High S 8 Novosad, Katie 12 Longmont Hig 9 Anderson, Tessa 9 Peak to Peak 10 Whyrick, Belle 9 University H 11 Ball, Nikkie 11 Lutheran Hig Flight 3 Finals 1 Christensen, Ainslee 11 Cherokee Tra 2 Eliazade, Tatianna 11 Loveland Hig 3 Robertson, Ivannie 11 Weld Central 4 Hill, Allie 12 Greeley West 5 Johnson, Dailyn 11 Longmont Hig 6 Eidson, Rebecca 12 Roosevelt Hi 7 Zeier, Piper 12 Erie High Sc 8 Merrill, Sidney 12 Akron High S 9 Showalter, Haley 10 Valor Christ 10 Erickson, Hannah 12 Woodland Par 11 Larrabee, Aimee 12 Valor Christ Event 34 Girls Discus Throw High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Longmont Ford Top 9 from prelims to the finals Measure to the nearest lesser 1" Measure over 95' Stadium Rec.: 176-10 4/20/2013 Valarie Allman, Silver Creek St Vrain: 154-03 5/4/2012 Valarie Allman, Silver Creek Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Johnson, Hannah 11 Centaurus Hi 2 Weimer, Reilly 9 Middle Park 3 Keen, Madeline 11 Lyons High S 4 Ridley, Rachael 11 Cherokee Tra 5 Hubbard, Tiffany 10 Vista Ridge 6 Kay, Sarah 10 Evergreen Hi 7 Kelley, Elsa 12 Boulder High 8 Winter, Rachel 10 Windsor High 9 Eidson, Rebecca 12 Roosevelt Hi 10 Chavez, Jacqueline 10 Greeley Cent 11 Christensen, Ainslee 11 Cherokee Tra Flight 2 Finals 1 Reeves, Lauren 11 Boulder High 2 Henry, Megan 11 Weld Central 3 Jones, Sheridan 11 Silver Creek 4 Quintana, Zenia 12 Skyline High 5 Miller, Megan 12 Regis Jesuit 6 Beard, Skylar 11 Loveland Hig 7 Dominicci, Taylor 11 Broomfield H 8 Ball, Nikkie 11 Lutheran Hig 9 George, Brook 10 Wray High Sc 10 Weston, Kyleigh 12 Windsor High 11 Stuht, Lorell 12 Loveland Hig Flight 3 Finals 1 Berumen-Alvarado, Crystal 10 Northridge H 2 Lenz, Beth 12 Wray High Sc 3 Hill, Allie 12 Greeley West 4 Zeier, Piper 12 Erie High Sc 5 Parish, Keely 10 Longmont Hig 6 Blue, Nicki 12 Niwot High S 7 Larrabee, Aimee 12 Valor Christ 8 Johnson, Dailyn 11 Longmont Hig 9 Erickson, Hannah 12 Woodland Par 10 Showalter, Haley 10 Valor Christ 11 Allman, Valarie 12 Silver Creek Event 42 Women Pole Vault Elite =============================================================================== Longmont Ford Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Cain, Laura 12 St. Vrain El 2 Kubishta, April Al St. Vrain El 3 Stefanidi, Katerina AL St. Vrain El 4 Steiner-Bennett, April 12 St. Vrain El Event 4 Boys 100 Meter Dash High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Adams Polishes, Matt Butcher Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 10.56 5/4/2012 Ben Meyer, Fairview Hig St Vrain: 10.56 5/4/2012 Ben Meyer, Fairview Hig Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Chavira, Saul 10 Middle Park 2 Crandell, Brian 11 Woodland Par 3 Fase, Benjamin 9 Centaurus Hi 4 Reinert, Isaac 12 Frontier Aca 5 Robinson, Josh 10 Northridge H 6 Quast, Cameron 10 Monarch High 7 Newton, Colby 12 Wray High Sc 8 Smith, Joshua 11 Woodland Par Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Long, Sam 12 University H 2 Fisher, Hezekiah 11 Mountain Vie 3 Gertner, Tj 10 Holyoke High 4 Dressor, Will 10 Windsor High 5 Desmond, James 11 Greeley Cent 6 Bradley, Spencer 11 University H 7 Wengryn, Derek 11 Peak to Peak 8 Ward, Phillip 11 Peak to Peak Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Lenox, Marcus 12 Fort Lupton 2 Ruble, Nathaniel 11 Peak to Peak 3 Beilman, Tristan 11 Northridge H 4 Meyer, Josh 11 Fairview Hig 5 James, Ryian 12 Fort Lupton 6 Mengel, Gunner 9 Thompson Val 7 Franchini, Christian 12 Longmont Hig 8 Chestnut, Nicholas 11 Frontier Aca Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Crawford, Theron 11 Centaurus Hi 2 Walker, Sean 12 Vista Ridge 3 King, Brandon 10 Windsor High 4 Lobato, Jacob 11 Northridge H 5 Escobar, Richard 11 Roosevelt Hi 6 Johnson, Shevis 11 Boulder High 7 Thomas, Seth 10 Skyline High 8 Gallegos, Brandon 11 Greeley Cent Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Claymon, Spencer 10 Mountain Ran 2 McHone, Alexander 12 Skyline High 3 Strobel, Josh 12 Thompson Val 4 Jones, DeKendrick 12 Roosevelt Hi 5 Novak, Marques 12 Erie High Sc 6 Raisch, Owen 9 Loveland Hig 7 Osborn, William 12 Skyline High 8 Sauter, Thayer 12 Wiggins High Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Desta, Yonathan 10 Niwot High S 2 Schmitt, Collin 9 Greeley Cent 3 Klippert, Cody 12 Evergreen Hi 4 Noterman, Elijah 11 Niwot High S 5 Freeman, Isaiah 11 Boulder High 6 Perez, Darian 11 Lutheran Hig 7 Hakes, Daniel 10 Erie High Sc 8 McCabe, Duncan 11 Longmont Hig Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Parker, Patrick 10 Mead High Sc 2 Prinster, Ryan 11 Fairview Hig 3 Thies, Joel 11 Elizabeth Hi 4 DeHerrera, Preston 12 Mountain Ran 5 Rudlong, Tullef 10 Lyons High S 6 Krieger, Jesse 12 ThunderRidge 7 Milligan, Andrew 9 Evergreen Hi 8 Bacalzo, Kyle 11 Broomfield H Section 8 Timed Finals 1 White, Ryan 11 Elizabeth Hi 2 Chestnut, Jonathan 12 Frontier Aca 3 Jackson, Tyler 12 Vista Ridge 4 Long, Trevin 10 Loveland Hig 5 Young, Josh 12 Boulder High 6 Youngs, Chris 9 Lutheran Hig 7 Leblanc, Nicco 11 ThunderRidge 8 Brady, John 11 Mead High Sc Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Mallory, Bucky 12 ThunderRidge 2 White, James 12 Silver Creek 3 McCaffrey, Christian 11 Valor Christ 4 McClanahan, Kevin 11 Erie High Sc 5 Xiong, Jordan 9 Broomfield H 6 Singleton, Brandon 11 Cherokee Tra 7 Tripp, Noah 11 Broomfield H 8 O'Donnell, Brandon 10 Valor Christ Section 10 Timed Finals 1 Schmidt, John 11 Regis Jesuit 2 Williams, Jalen 11 Regis Jesuit 3 Johnson, Troy 12 Berthoud Hig 4 Mead, Alex 12 Mead High Sc 5 Popylisen, Greg 12 Valor Christ 6 Mars, Jaylyn 12 Cherokee Tra 7 Bailey, MarKeith 11 Cherokee Tra 8 Wood, Ben 11 Silver Creek Event 6 Boys 200 Meter Dash High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Paul Gazdik, Xilinx Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 21.57 5/4/2012 Harrison Einspahr, Broomfield H St Vrain: 21.57 5/4/2012 Harrison Einspahr, Broomfield H Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Calnan, James 10 Wiggins High 2 Gehle, Cooper 12 Centaurus Hi 3 Gazdik, Anthony 12 Silver Creek 4 Mills, Jaedon 11 Northridge H 5 Hirschfeld, Clint 12 Lyons High S 6 Goertzen, Josh 12 Peak to Peak 7 Smith, Joshua 11 Woodland Par 8 Hanna, Aziz 10 Middle Park Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Newton, Colby 12 Wray High Sc 2 Whitford, Garrett 12 Middle Park 3 Quast, Cameron 10 Monarch High 4 Sanchez Loya, Ismael 11 Fort Lupton 5 Ruble, Nathaniel 11 Peak to Peak 6 Weinel, Rob 10 Evergreen Hi 7 Mengel, Gunner 9 Thompson Val 8 Puckett, Ryne 9 Centaurus Hi Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Rigatti, Lorenzo 11 Mountain Vie 2 Fisher, Hezekiah 11 Mountain Vie 3 Raisch, Owen 9 Loveland Hig 4 Boyd, Zach 12 Fort Lupton 5 Long, Sam 12 University H 6 Logan, Connor 12 Mountain Vie 7 Chestnut, Nicholas 11 Frontier Aca 8 McHone, Alexander 12 Skyline High Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Parker, Patrick 10 Mead High Sc 2 Lobato, Jacob 11 Northridge H 3 Richardson, James 11 Mead High Sc 4 Desmond, James 11 Greeley Cent 5 Campos, Vincent 11 Loveland Hig 6 Hentges, Tanner 12 Roosevelt Hi 7 Noterman, Elijah 11 Niwot High S 8 Gallegos, Brandon 11 Greeley Cent Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Smith, Lucas 11 Frontier Aca 2 Sauter, Thayer 12 Wiggins High 3 White, Ryan 11 Elizabeth Hi 4 Winick, Noah 10 Windsor High 5 Walker, Sean 12 Vista Ridge 6 Burleson, Kraig 11 Thompson Val 7 Novak, Marques 12 Erie High Sc 8 Thomas, Seth 10 Skyline High Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Schulz, Cade 10 Wray High Sc 2 Hakes, Daniel 10 Erie High Sc 3 Bacalzo, Kyle 11 Broomfield H 4 Tijerina, Cruz 11 Fort Lupton 5 Zeghbroeck, Joris Van 12 Fairview Hig 6 Anders, Izaiah 9 Longmont Hig 7 Goodner, Logan 9 Longmont Hig 8 Castillo, Daniel 11 Boulder High Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Drake, Kody 9 Greeley Cent 2 Bowen, Cody 12 Weld Central 3 Cassell, John 12 Evergreen Hi 4 Braman, Ben 12 Niwot High S 5 Ebbers, Austin 12 Niwot High S 6 Nebelsick, Tyler 11 Weld Central 7 Young, Josh 12 Boulder High 8 McKee, Emerson 11 Boulder High Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Pappas, Lee 12 Fairview Hig 2 Williams, Jalen 11 Regis Jesuit 3 Rudlong, Tullef 10 Lyons High S 4 Angstead, Garret 11 Skyline High 5 Watkins, Bubba 10 Valor Christ 6 Schell, William 11 Erie High Sc 7 Krieger, Jesse 12 ThunderRidge 8 Mallory, Bucky 12 ThunderRidge Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Baeza, Viktor 12 Roosevelt Hi 2 Rhoton, Sam 12 University H 3 Thies, Joel 11 Elizabeth Hi 4 Dulaney, Julian 11 Monarch High 5 Jackson, Tyler 12 Vista Ridge 6 Xiong, Jordan 9 Broomfield H 7 McCaffrey, Christian 11 Valor Christ 8 Tripp, Noah 11 Broomfield H Section 10 Timed Finals 1 Schmidt, John 11 Regis Jesuit 2 Cartagena, Brandon 12 Vista Ridge 3 Singleton, Brandon 11 Cherokee Tra 4 Mead, Alex 12 Mead High Sc 5 Popylisen, Greg 12 Valor Christ 6 Mars, Jaylyn 12 Cherokee Tra 7 Arnold, Devin 12 Cherokee Tra 8 Cook, Trevor 9 Longmont Hig Event 10 Boys 400 Meter Dash High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: The Boucher Family, Lyons High School Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 47.54 2006 Chad Barlow, Fort Collins St Vrain: 47.54 2006 Chad Barlow, Fort Collins Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Cross, Cameron 9 Lyons High S 2 Ream, Britten 10 Loveland Hig 3 Burton, Jared 12 Lyons High S 4 Ives, Edward 11 Skyline High 5 Deniston, Tanner 11 Roosevelt Hi 6 Engles, Jackson 10 Silver Creek 7 Walker, Josh 9 Longmont Hig 8 Oliver, Tyler 9 Longmont Hig Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Hirschfeld, Clint 12 Lyons High S 2 Puckett, Ryne 9 Centaurus Hi 3 Woodward, Andrew 12 Loveland Hig 4 Hohensee, Alex 10 Broomfield H 5 Boelsterli, Brett 10 Evergreen Hi 6 O'Hearn, Keenan 10 Evergreen Hi 7 Ye, Simon 11 Niwot High S 8 Voecks, Dan 11 Peak to Peak Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Gonzalez, Jonathan E. 12 Skyline High 2 Parada, Edgar 11 Skyline High 3 Parker, Ryan 11 Holyoke High 4 Best, Aaron 11 Frontier Aca 5 Mills, Jaedon 11 Northridge H 6 Fangman, Sam 12 Peak to Peak 7 Geordan, Scott 11 Regis Jesuit 8 Sauter, Thayer 12 Wiggins High Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Dreiman, Gabe 12 Fairview Hig 2 Pelsmaeker, Noah 10 Monarch High 3 Cruz, Edgar 9 Holyoke High 4 Schultz, Lincoln 11 Roosevelt Hi 5 Heape, Josh 12 Niwot High S 6 True, Kyle 11 Erie High Sc 7 Duval, Kelvin 11 Silver Creek 8 Boyd, Raymond 11 Regis Jesuit Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Allen, Jordan 10 Windsor High 2 Voss, Quincey 9 Cherokee Tra 3 Abeyta, Brock 9 Broomfield H 4 Veit, Michael 11 Loveland Hig 5 McCarthy, Jacob 11 Roosevelt Hi 6 Rigatti, Lorenzo 11 Mountain Vie 7 Kopfman, Reed 12 Fort Lupton 8 Sell, Michael 11 Erie High Sc Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Hitt, Dustin 9 Thompson Val 2 Thompson, David 9 Boulder High 3 Drake, Kody 9 Greeley Cent 4 Valentine, Gabe 10 Windsor High 5 Beaven, Austin 11 Fairview Hig 6 Smith, Lucas 11 Frontier Aca 7 Valko, Jaden 12 Wray High Sc 8 Muncy, Jakob 12 Mead High Sc Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Martinez, Joseph 10 Greeley Cent 2 Cook, Cody 12 Northridge H 3 Johnson, Kyle 12 Vista Ridge 4 Arnold, Dominique 11 Cherokee Tra 5 French, Derek 11 Centaurus Hi 6 Ericson-Deriso, Nico 12 Boulder High 7 Pagel, Benjamin 11 Peak to Peak 8 Street, Austen 9 Frontier Aca Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Morrow, Dalton 11 University H 2 Myers, Dane 9 Mead High Sc 3 Watkins, Bubba 10 Valor Christ 4 Higgins, Lane 11 ThunderRidge 5 Morris, Jake 12 Broomfield H 6 Gilbert, Nathaniel 12 Fairview Hig 7 Hardy, Brian 12 Silver Creek 8 Arnell, Hunter 11 Lutheran Hig Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Ebbers, Austin 12 Niwot High S 2 Douillard, Mason 11 Boulder High 3 Bowen, Cody 12 Weld Central 4 Jamison, Spencer 12 Valor Christ 5 Boucher, Ryan 12 Lyons High S 6 Johnson, Aaron 12 Vista Ridge 7 LaFrombois, Leighton 10 Cherokee Tra 8 Copeland, Pierre 12 Vista Ridge Event 12 Boys 800 Meter Run High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Schaeffer Athletics, Dick Schaeffer Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 1:53.33 1987 Meyers, Greeley West St Vrain: 1:54.33 2005 Will Buchanan, Rocky Mountain Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Brinkman, Kyle 10 Loveland Hig 7-1B Parker, Ryan 11 Holyoke High 11-1C Lira, Huver 12 Roosevelt Hi 15-1D Carlson, Cade 11 Wiggins High 1-2A Anderson, Jacob 12 Lyons High S 5-2B Esch, Sean 10 Mead High Sc 9-2C Koch, Jonathan 11 Vista Ridge 13-2D Hanson, Matt 9 Lutheran Hig 2-3A Martin, Josh 12 Mountain Vie 6-3B Obrien, Patrick 11 Loveland Hig 10-3C Hopfe, Sam 10 Woodland Par 14-3D Akey, Dalton 9 Frontier Aca 4-4A Fogel, Josh 11 Frontier Aca 8-4B Doyle, Scott 12 Centaurus Hi 12-4C Stuvel, Travis 11 Skyline High 16-4D Donaghy, Dillon 9 Wiggins High Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A French, Derek 11 Centaurus Hi 7-1B Oliver, Tyler 9 Longmont Hig 11-1C DeBarris, Matt 10 Longmont Hig 15-1D Garza, Angel 12 Fort Lupton 1-2A Schultz, Lincoln 11 Roosevelt Hi 5-2B Walden, Ben 12 Monarch High 9-2C Simmons, Steve 11 Middle Park 13-2D Everett, Kevin 11 Niwot High S 2-3A Larkin, Dylan 11 Erie High Sc 6-3B Britten, Nat 11 Longmont Hig 10-3C Spencer, Matt 12 Loveland Hig 14-3D Flynn, Brian 10 Lyons High S 4-4A Menger, Tyler 12 Centaurus Hi 8-4B Schoenberger, Charley 10 Woodland Par 12-4C McGrath, Jordyn 10 Cherokee Tra 16-4D Hinkley, Tristan 9 Vista Ridge Section 3 Timed Finals 3-1A Sarno, Matt 12 Broomfield H 7-1B Fitzgerald, Sean 10 Erie High Sc 11-1C Wedekind, Nathanael 11 Erie High Sc 15-1D Kull, Griffith 9 Windsor High 1-2A Merrick, Jake 12 Cherokee Tra 5-2B Temple, Eric 10 Evergreen Hi 9-2C Mundhenke, Pieter 12 Peak to Peak 13-2D Schmidt, Landon 9 Windsor High 2-3A Epstein, Zivvy 12 Boulder High 6-3B Bryan, Mitch 12 Valor Christ 10-3C Martinez, Joseph 10 Greeley Cent 14-3D Dewey, Andrew 12 Broomfield H 4-4A Tarin, Ramon 12 Wray High Sc 8-4B Thomas-Garcia, Bronson 10 Silver Creek 12-4C Hulbert, Josh 12 Cherokee Tra 16-4D Sparks, Tanner 12 University H Section 4 Timed Finals 3-1A Sayler, Jackson 12 Evergreen Hi 7-1B Worthy, Max 12 Boulder High 11-1C Weaver, Chay 11 Monarch High 15-1D Hause, Anthony 12 Broomfield H 1-2A Coles, Garrett 12 University H 5-2B Molleur, Collin 11 Evergreen Hi 9-2C Vanderberg, Zane 11 Fairview Hig 13-2D Todea, Naat'aani 11 Boulder High 2-3A Lagunas, Zachery 11 Roosevelt Hi 6-3B Gulati, Harnek 12 Peak to Peak 10-3C Schuler, Austin 11 Niwot High S 14-3D Richards, Jeff 12 Niwot High S 4-4A Burns, Jackson 11 Regis Jesuit 8-4B Peters, Anthony 9 Vista Ridge 12-4C Meehan, Kyler 11 Peak to Peak 16-4D Shoemake, Dylan 10 Valor Christ Section 5 Timed Finals 3-1A Smyrnios, Panos 12 Chatfield Hi 7-1B Sanchez, Richard 11 Fairview Hig 11-1C Weinmeister, Justin 12 Windsor High 15-1D Schoene, Ryan 12 Lutheran Hig 1-2A Lara, Daniel 12 Thompson Val 5-2B Morton, Sean 12 Regis Jesuit 9-2C Meduna, Chris 11 Skyline High 13-2D Baker, Chris 11 Frontier Aca 2-3A Gunnarson, Austin 12 Silver Creek 6-3B Sitton, Parker 11 Monarch High 10-3C Bloom, Cole 12 ThunderRidge 14-3D Welsh, Eddie 12 Greeley Cent 4-4A Bush, Alex 11 Silver Creek 8-4B Swenson, Zach 12 Fairview Hig 12-4C Yeager, Luke 11 Faith Christ 16-4D Petrie, Zac 11 Valor Christ Event 14 Boys 1600 Meter Run High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Akers family, Rick and Sheryl Akers Heats against time Waterfall start Stadium Rec.: 4:18.30 1987 Meyers, Greeley West St Vrain: 4:19.44 5/4/2012 Kirk Webb, Monarch High Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Starck, Dillon 11 Windsor High 2 Bytnar, Drake 11 Frontier Aca 3 Dillon, Matt 10 Lyons High S 4 Brinkman, Kyle 10 Loveland Hig 5 Britten, Nat 11 Longmont Hig 6 Sorbo, Riley 9 Monarch High 7 Torres, Nicholas 12 Northridge H 8 Kessler, Hayden 11 Mead High Sc 9 Kaempfen, Timo 11 Fairview Hig 10 Schuler, Austin 11 Niwot High S 11 Davis, Tyler 9 Roosevelt Hi 12 Bolitho, Noah 10 Skyline High 13 Grissom, Ashton 10 Valor Christ 14 Rogerson, Josh 10 Vista Ridge 15 Norby, Nathan 10 Lutheran Hig 16 Vervalin, Brent 10 Woodland Par 17 Maydew, Austin 11 Silver Creek 18 Akey, Dalton 9 Frontier Aca 19 Stone, Levi 12 Lyons High S Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Rodenburg, Justin 12 Peak to Peak 2 Terranova, Reilly 9 Longmont Hig 3 Droege, Johnny 12 Cherokee Tra 4 Huisman-Nevin, Brandon 9 Woodland Par 5 Yurko, Andrew 10 Erie High Sc 6 Johnson, Wes 11 Evergreen Hi 7 Koch, Jonathan 11 Vista Ridge 8 Alvarez-Chao, Daniel 10 Broomfield H 9 Bickmore, Cade 9 Longmont Hig 10 Strohecker, Bryce 11 Mountain Vie 11 Jones, Cody 11 Cherokee Tra 12 Obrien, Patrick 11 Loveland Hig 13 Villafan, Joey 10 Vista Ridge 14 Windell, Brye 10 Fort Lupton 15 Shutts, Levi 11 Wiggins High 16 Cusick, Aiden 10 Valor Christ 17 Jones, Kyle 10 Cherokee Tra 18 Wald, Aaron 10 Evergreen Hi 19 Dye, Trevor 9 Wiggins High Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Sahli, Sam 12 Evergreen Hi 2 Mathis, Shane 10 Erie High Sc 3 Tomlin, Bridger 12 Fairview Hig 4 Rodenburg, Riley 12 Peak to Peak 5 Link, Jake 10 Centaurus Hi 6 Richards, Jeff 12 Niwot High S 7 Simington, Kaleb 10 Thompson Val 8 Healy, Cameron 12 Peak to Peak 9 Dilka, Isaiah 10 University H 10 Such, Joel 9 Lyons High S 11 Franklin, Peter 9 Mountain Vie 12 Such, Marcel 11 Lyons High S 13 Ernst, Ryan 12 Wiggins High 14 Mitchem, Jake 9 Broomfield H 15 Quere, Marcus 9 Loveland Hig 16 Wagner, Kingston 12 Monarch High 17 Benson, Trevor 12 Lutheran Hig 18 Larkin, Dylan 11 Erie High Sc 19 Garza, Angel 12 Fort Lupton Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Gonzales, Ethan 11 Broomfield H 2 Reid, Chandler 12 Centaurus Hi 3 Roberts, Paul 9 Lyons High S 4 Nwizu, Chibuikem 12 Frontier Aca 5 Thomas, Anthony 12 Brush High S 6 Bloom, Daniel 12 Thompson Val 7 Yeager, Luke 11 Faith Christ 8 Lewis, Kyle 11 Boulder High 9 Weinmeister, Justin 12 Windsor High 10 Worthy, Max 12 Boulder High 11 Berg, Sam 10 Skyline High 12 Lund, Kyle 12 Fairview Hig 13 Cooney, Dixon 12 Mountain Vie 14 Long, Samuel 11 Boulder High 15 Meduna, Chris 11 Skyline High 16 Rudolph, Evan 11 Thompson Val 17 Leitz, Ben 11 Windsor High 18 Fisk, Jacob 10 Niwot High S 19 Erkocevic, Mehmed 12 Monarch High Event 16 Boys 3200 Meter Run High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: High Altitude sport and Spine, Richard Hansen Heats against time Waterfall Start Stadium Rec.: 9:30.50 2006 Noah Shannon, Fort Collins St Vrain: 9:30.50 2006 Noah Shannon, Fort Collins Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Lewis, Kyle 11 Boulder High 2 Leitz, Ben 11 Windsor High 3 Thomas, Anthony 12 Brush High S 4 Coles, Garrett 12 University H 5 Caldwell, Satchel 10 Boulder High 6 Roch, Tyger 10 Monarch High 7 Link, Jake 10 Centaurus Hi 8 Fisk, Jacob 10 Niwot High S 9 Maxwell, Alex 12 Windsor High 10 Berg, Sam 10 Skyline High 11 Dilka, Isaiah 10 University H 12 Mathis, Shane 10 Erie High Sc 13 Patzer, Sam 12 Centaurus Hi 14 Rieder, David 10 Boulder High 15 Terry, Augustus 11 Elizabeth Hi 16 Ernst, Ryan 12 Wiggins High 17 Thollot, Jarrett 9 Thompson Val 18 Andrew, Dylan 11 Mountain Ran 19 Armstrong, Cody 11 Broomfield H 20 Flores, Isaac 9 Niwot High S 21 Healy, Liam 11 Peak to Peak 22 Barnhill, Duncan 10 Cherokee Tra 23 Tyrrell, Sean 11 Frontier Aca 24 Yurko, Andrew 10 Erie High Sc 25 Jones, Cody 11 Cherokee Tra 26 Jones, Kyle 10 Cherokee Tra 27 Sun, Shaofan 11 Monarch High 28 Hogan, Ben 9 Monarch High 29 Woodring, Seth 10 Vista Ridge 30 Plunkett, Thomas 10 Niwot High S 31 Dye, Trevor 9 Wiggins High 32 Schultz, Hal 11 Fairview Hig 33 Kline, Matt 9 Evergreen Hi 34 Dunham, Dylan 10 Loveland Hig 35 Kornreich, Neal 12 Fairview Hig 36 Michner, Will 9 Evergreen Hi 37 Kessler, Hayden 11 Mead High Sc 38 Lujan, Fabian 9 Fort Lupton 39 Shutts, Levi 11 Wiggins High 40 Davids, Scotty 12 Fairview Hig 41 Falkinburg, Hayden 9 Skyline High 42 Bechtholdt, Jake 11 Evergreen Hi 43 Castaneda, Joey 10 Thompson Val 44 Durney, Jared 9 Broomfield H 45 Elliott, Paul 12 Broomfield H 46 Mowery, Alex 9 Peak to Peak 47 Bickmore, Cade 9 Longmont Hig 48 Moore, Matthew 12 Erie High Sc Event 2 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Rugged Apparel, Nick Mertz Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 14.24 1990 Kent Kahl, Fort Morgan St Vrain: 14.39 2007 Matt Houghton, Platte Canyon Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Garcia, Michael 9 Northridge H 3 McCue, Dalton 11 Centaurus Hi 4 Faulkner, Branden 9 Frontier Aca 5 Sidoroff, Cameron 12 Evergreen Hi 6 Pooley, Alex 10 Centaurus Hi Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Ramirez, Joseph 9 Frontier Aca 2 Jones, Trevor 11 Niwot High S 3 Casciato, Coltrane 10 Silver Creek 4 Lonnberg, Bailey 10 Weld Central 5 Cobb, Chance 9 Wray High Sc 6 Cho, Johny 11 Lutheran Hig 7 Schaffer, Alex 9 Northridge H 8 Wheeler, Niko 9 Fairview Hig Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Walker, Josh 9 Longmont Hig 2 Johnson, Colton 11 Windsor High 3 Lightfoot, Madison 11 University H 4 Hinton, Jonathan 11 Woodland Par 5 Lennard, Chris 11 Lyons High S 6 True, Ryan 10 Erie High Sc 7 Jenkins, Thomas 11 Mead High Sc 8 Diaz, Carlos 11 Holyoke High Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Clement, Alec 11 Monarch High 2 Feula, Tony 9 Mead High Sc 3 Salcedo, Christopher 12 Erie High Sc 4 Carlson, Jack 11 Broomfield H 5 Paylor, Lucas 10 Valor Christ 6 Schreiber, Josh 11 Roosevelt Hi 7 Staple, Elijah 11 Longmont Hig 8 Calloway, Isaac 12 Vista Ridge Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Diggs, Jarrett 12 Skyline High 2 Velarde, Brandon 12 Valor Christ 3 Nordloh, Tristen 10 Erie High Sc 4 Wright, Jordan 10 Cherokee Tra 5 Christiansen, Zach 10 Lyons High S 6 Chavez, Mario 10 ThunderRidge 7 Beltran, Adan 11 Silver Creek 8 Wall, Tanner 9 Thompson Val Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Mortinsen, Matt 12 Regis Jesuit 2 Warnick, Elijah 12 Cherokee Tra 3 Joens, Dillon 12 Platte Valle 4 Hickman, Zach 12 Valor Christ 5 Knowles, Nate 10 Broomfield H 6 Johns, Cicero 12 Fort Lupton 7 Flanigan, Matthew 11 Mountain Ran 8 Etling, Joe 12 Loveland Hig Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Warren, Josh 10 ThunderRidge 2 Huwa, Jordan 12 Platte Valle 3 Barton, Zack 11 Broomfield H 4 Hammond, Sawyer 11 Fairview Hig 5 Emberley, Anthony 12 Silver Creek 6 Osborn, William 12 Skyline High 7 Nebelsick, Tyler 11 Weld Central 8 Kress, Tyler 12 Mountain Vie Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Bant-Cogburn, Ryan 11 Longmont Hig 2 Johnson, Aj 10 Cherokee Tra 3 Radich, Matt 12 Lyons High S 4 Morgan, Darrian 12 Vista Ridge 5 Baeza, Viktor 12 Roosevelt Hi 6 Saling, Joseph 10 Vista Ridge 7 Hernandez, Anthony 12 Greeley Cent 8 Isakson, Joel 11 ThunderRidge Event 8 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: The Calhoun Family, Longmont High School Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 37.69 5/4/2012 Josh Mielke, Thompson Val St Vrain: 37.69 5/4/2012 Josh Mielke, Thompson Val Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Fell, Nic 9 Lyons High S 5 Garcia, Michael 9 Northridge H 6 McCue, Dalton 11 Centaurus Hi Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Macy, Dakota 10 Fort Lupton 3 Pooley, Alex 10 Centaurus Hi 4 Sidoroff, Cameron 12 Evergreen Hi 5 Cobb, Chance 9 Wray High Sc 6 Casciato, Coltrane 10 Silver Creek 7 Ramirez, Joseph 9 Frontier Aca 8 Calloway, Isaac 12 Vista Ridge Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Schaffer, Alex 9 Northridge H 2 Hall, Kj 9 Lutheran Hig 3 Ritzwoller, David 11 Boulder High 4 Goertzen, Josh 12 Peak to Peak 5 Staple, Elijah 11 Longmont Hig 6 Jenkins, Thomas 11 Mead High Sc 7 Sharbono, Joshua 9 Roosevelt Hi 8 Lonnberg, Bailey 10 Weld Central Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Tomko, Harrison 9 Lutheran Hig 2 Feula, Tony 9 Mead High Sc 3 Wheeler, Niko 9 Fairview Hig 4 Eberl, Chad 12 Thompson Val 5 Lennard, Chris 11 Lyons High S 6 Smith, Ryan 10 Lyons High S 7 Fordred, Kevin 12 Windsor High 8 Calnan, James 10 Wiggins High Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Johnson, Colton 11 Windsor High 2 Faulkner, Branden 9 Frontier Aca 3 Wall, Tanner 9 Thompson Val 4 Diggs, Jarrett 12 Skyline High 5 Ruff, Derek 9 Windsor High 6 Hinton, Jonathan 11 Woodland Par 7 Beltran, Adan 11 Silver Creek 8 Crawford, Theron 11 Centaurus Hi Section 6 Timed Finals 1 Lightfoot, Madison 11 University H 2 Salcedo, Christopher 12 Erie High Sc 3 Knowles, Nate 10 Broomfield H 4 White, Eamon 10 Broomfield H 5 Jones, Trevor 11 Niwot High S 6 Velarde, Brandon 12 Valor Christ 7 Mortinsen, Matt 12 Regis Jesuit 8 True, Ryan 10 Erie High Sc Section 7 Timed Finals 1 Kufeld, Torin 10 Mountain Vie 2 Gilbertson, Maxwell 9 Mountain Ran 3 Sasaoka, Connor 12 ThunderRidge 4 Emberley, Anthony 12 Silver Creek 5 Williams, Dion 12 Cherokee Tra 6 Ebbers, Austin 12 Niwot High S 7 Vargas, Juan 12 Fort Lupton 8 Campos, Vincent 11 Loveland Hig Section 8 Timed Finals 1 Bant-Cogburn, Ryan 11 Longmont Hig 2 Radich, Matt 12 Lyons High S 3 Hitchcock, Ethan 10 Longmont Hig 4 Kerr, Colin 11 Frontier Aca 5 Saling, Joseph 10 Vista Ridge 6 Nordloh, Tristen 10 Erie High Sc 7 Warnick, Elijah 12 Cherokee Tra 8 Schreiber, Josh 11 Roosevelt Hi Section 9 Timed Finals 1 Hammond, Sawyer 11 Fairview Hig 2 Kaiser, Isiah 11 Cherokee Tra 3 Hickman, Zach 12 Valor Christ 4 Boldt, Justin 12 Lyons High S 5 Kress, Tyler 12 Mountain Vie 6 Nebelsick, Tyler 11 Weld Central 7 Strobel, Josh 12 Thompson Val 8 Bowie, Taitian 11 University H Section 10 Timed Finals 1 Isakson, Joel 11 ThunderRidge 2 Hernandez, Anthony 12 Greeley Cent 3 Morgan, Darrian 12 Vista Ridge 4 Jenkins, Lorne 12 Niwot High S 5 Wise, Joe Frederick High S 6 Baeza, Viktor 12 Roosevelt Hi 7 Barton, Zack 11 Broomfield H 8 Etling, Joe 12 Loveland Hig Event 23 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Harvest Insurance Services, Bill Sulivan Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 42.16 2006 Mountain View St Vrain: 42.16 2006 Mountain View, Mountain View G. Yeh, C. Wiemers, B . Yeh, N. Hiseler School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Middle Park High School 4 Silver Creek High School 5 Holyoke High School 6 Otis High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Woodland Park High School 2 Wray High School 3 Lutheran High School 4 Frontier Academy 5 Fort Lupton High School 6 Peak to Peak Charter School 7 Centaurus High School 8 University High School Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Platte Valley High School 2 Northridge High School 3 Evergreen High School 4 Mountain Range High School 5 Broomfield High School 6 Lyons High School 7 Mountain View High School 8 Roosevelt High School Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Greeley Central High School 2 Fairview High School 3 Windsor High School 4 Thompson Valley High School 5 Monarch High School 6 Mead High School 7 Longmont High School 8 Skyline High School Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Boulder High School 2 Erie High School 3 Regis Jesuit 4 Valor Christian High School 5 Vista Ridge High School 6 ThunderRidge High School 7 Loveland High School 8 Niwot High School Event 21 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Paul Gazdik, Xilinx Heats against time 4 TURN STAGGER Stadium Rec.: 1:28.08 5/4/2012 Cherokee Trail High School, Cherokee Tra J Scott, M Lund, D Arnold, J Green St Vrain: 1:28.08 5/4/2012 Cherokee Trail High School, Cherokee Tra J Scott, M Lund, D Arnold, J Green School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Holyoke High School 3 Peak to Peak Charter School 4 Wray High School 5 Roosevelt High School 6 Mead High School 7 Silver Creek High School 8 Woodland Park High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Middle Park High School 2 Skyline High School 3 Frontier Academy 4 Northridge High School 5 University High School 6 Broomfield High School 7 Fort Lupton High School 8 Lutheran High School Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Boulder High School 2 Mountain View High School 3 Fairview High School 4 Lyons High School 5 Monarch High School 6 Longmont High School 7 Evergreen High School 8 Greeley Central High School Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Loveland High School 2 Niwot High School 3 Thompson Valley High School 4 Cherokee Trail High School 5 Vista Ridge High School 6 Erie High School 7 ThunderRidge High School 8 Windsor High School Event 25 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Coldwell Banker Real Estate, Jonelle Tucker Heats against time Stadium Rec.: 3:21.05 5/9/2008 Longmont, Longmont D Berry, A Praska, R Chopp, M Butcher St Vrain: 3:22.04 2006 Rocky Mountain, Rocky Mountain D. Hancock, J. Stewart, R. Diamond, M. Wittmer School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Woodland Park High School 4 Peak to Peak Charter School 5 Fort Lupton High School 6 Windsor High School Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Evergreen High School 2 Longmont High School 3 Lyons High School 4 Loveland High School 5 Roosevelt High School 6 Lutheran High School 7 Mead High School Section 3 Timed Finals 2 Skyline High School 3 ThunderRidge High School 4 Mountain View High School 5 University High School 6 Silver Creek High School 7 Boulder High School 8 Frontier Academy Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Erie High School 2 Broomfield High School 3 Greeley Central High School 4 Vista Ridge High School 5 Valor Christian High School 6 Thompson Valley High School 7 Niwot High School 8 Fairview High School Event 18 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Hannibal-LaGrange University, Tracy Jax One to two heats Stadium Rec.: 7:55.26 2005 D'Evenlyn Nemirow, Blahnik, Gilmore, McGuire St Vrain: 7:55.26 2005 D'Evelyn, D'Evelyn Nemirow, Blahnik, Gilmore, McGuire School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3-1A Evergreen High School 7-1B Mead High School 11-1C Roosevelt High School 1-2A Loveland High School 5-2B Lutheran High School 9-2C Wiggins High School 2-3A Fort Lupton High School 6-3B Lyons High School 10-3C Northridge High School 4-4A Silver Creek High School 8-4B Greeley Central High School 12-4C Woodland Park High School Section 2 Timed Finals 3-1A Frontier Academy 7-1B Skyline High School 11-1C Vista Ridge High School 1-2A Erie High School 5-2B Windsor High School 9-2C Mountain View High School 13-2D Longmont High School 2-3A Broomfield High School 6-3B University High School 10-3C Valor Christian High School 4-4A Niwot High School 8-4B Cherokee Trail High School 12-4C Fairview High School Event 27 Boys High Jump High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Medical Syst. Technologies, LLC, Bruce Smith Start 5' 6, 5' 8, 5' 9.5, then 1" Stadium Rec.: 6-09 2004 Matt Trostel, Poudre St Vrain: 6-09 2004 Matt Trostel, Poudre Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Gilbertson, Maxwell 9 Mountain Ran 2 Oliver, Tyler 9 Longmont Hig 3 McMann, Mathew 10 Silver Creek 4 Ebens, Michael 12 University H 5 Valentine, Gabe 10 Windsor High 6 Kelly, Carl 11 Cherokee Tra 7 Schultz, Lincoln 11 Roosevelt Hi 8 Koch, Trent 11 Centaurus Hi 9 Smith, Ryan 10 Lyons High S 10 Hanna, Aziz 10 Middle Park 11 Martinez, Joseph 10 Greeley Cent 12 Flanigan, Matthew 11 Mountain Ran 13 Kufeld, Torin 10 Mountain Vie 14 Cantwell, Colin 12 Shining Moun 15 Warren, Josh 10 ThunderRidge 16 Hartman, Austin 10 Silver Creek 17 Sullivan, Elijah 9 Longmont Hig 18 Walters, Eli 10 Boulder High 19 Boyd, Zach 12 Fort Lupton 20 Campbell, Tobias 9 Erie High Sc 21 Kelley, Chase 12 Evergreen Hi 22 Hopfe, Sam 10 Woodland Par 23 Salgado, Ramon 9 Mountain Vie 24 Bejarano, Jacob 9 Roosevelt Hi 25 Bowen, Cody 12 Weld Central 26 Klippert, Cody 12 Evergreen Hi 27 Schwab, Joseph 12 Erie High Sc 28 Nelms, Ryan 10 Vista Ridge 29 Clark, Max 12 Peak to Peak 30 Lamp, Gavin 11 Fairview Hig 31 Morningstar, Ryan 12 ThunderRidge 32 Dupre, Jayson 12 Broomfield H 33 Dabney, Colton 12 Skyline High 34 Thornton, David 9 Cherokee Tra 35 Freismuth, John 11 Loveland Hig 36 Johns, Cicero 12 Fort Lupton 37 Green, Donya' DJ 12 Vista Ridge Event 29 Boys Pole Vault High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Lyons Automotive, Chris Wing Progressions TBD Stadium Rec.: 15-07 3/28/2012 Steven Wacker, Longmont St Vrain: 14-09 5/4/2012 Derek Wing, Longmont Hig Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Baca, Jonah 10 Shining Moun 2 Simmons, Steve 11 Middle Park 3 Adams, Nate 11 Pomona High 4 Garrels, John 11 Centaurus Hi 5 Ortiz, Joe 10 Valor Christ 6 Gelagay, David 12 Niwot High S 7 Martinson, Jake 11 Thompson Val 8 Palser, Reid 10 Otis High Sc 9 Eden, Matt 12 Woodland Par 10 Lutz, Kellen 12 Middle Park 11 Coke, Austin 11 Loveland Hig 12 Aragon, Cameron 9 Broomfield H 13 Ryan, Shaun 12 Greeley Cent 14 Wolter, Teo 11 Boulder High 15 Snyder, Erik 11 Lakewood Hig 16 Woodward, Andrew 12 Loveland Hig 17 Weyerman, Ashton 12 Idalia High 18 Anderson, Justin 11 University H 19 Hinker, James 12 Lyons High S 20 Clay, Conner 12 Valor Christ 21 Giglio, Joseph 11 ThunderRidge 22 Quinby, John 11 Weld Central 23 Tschanz, Kelten 12 Lyons High S 24 Dooley, Alexander 11 Mountain Ran 25 Sponaugle, John 10 Platte Valle 26 Frantz, Daniel 10 Platte Valle 27 O'Niell, Nate 11 Pomona High 28 Bowers, Dakota 12 Arvada West 29 Salgado, Ramon 9 Mountain Vie 30 Davis, McKay 11 Roosevelt Hi 31 Duncan, Steve 11 Coronado Hig 32 Houston, Gabriel Gavril 10 Elizabeth Hi 33 Kiburz, Caleb 11 Greeley Cent 34 Bunker, Ladd 11 Erie High Sc 35 Kufeld, Torin 10 Mountain Vie 36 Newman, Walter 12 ThunderRidge 37 Waltz, Mitchell 12 Cherokee Tra 38 Kirlan-Stout, Jacob 11 Fairview Hig 39 Chado, Michael 11 Lakewood Hig 40 Metzner, Austin 12 Silver Creek 41 Korte, Harley 11 Cherokee Tra 42 Barlow, Andrew 10 Monarch High 43 Starr, Tanner 12 Roosevelt Hi 44 Hatfield, Jordan 11 Regis Jesuit Event 31 Boys Long Jump High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Longmont Ford Top 9 from prelims to the finals Measure over 19' RECORD WIND SPEED FOR EACH JUMP Stadium Rec.: 23-07.50 1990 Kent Kahl, Fort Morgan St Vrain: 22-09.25 2005 David Eischeid, Longmont Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Gertner, Tj 10 Holyoke High 2 Lutz, Kellen 12 Middle Park 3 Fern, Logan 12 Fort Lupton 4 Vallejo, Daylen 10 University H 5 Clark, Max 12 Peak to Peak 6 Irwin, Dalton 10 Loveland Hig 7 Bond, Jamil 10 Lutheran Hig 8 Diaz, Carlos 11 Holyoke High 9 Roob, Chris 12 Peak to Peak 10 Henry, James 12 Skyline High Flight 2 Finals 1 Reinert, Isaac 12 Frontier Aca 2 McKee, Emerson 11 Boulder High 3 Arnsberger, Luke 10 Monarch High 4 Bant-Cogburn, Ryan 11 Longmont Hig 5 Baumeister, Austin 11 Frontier Aca 6 Mai, Keenan 12 Frontier Aca 7 Myers, Dane 9 Mead High Sc 8 Panicucci, Dante 10 Broomfield H 9 Peterson, Gregg 11 ThunderRidge 10 White, James 12 Silver Creek Flight 3 Finals 1 Bitton, Zac 9 Greeley West 2 Williams, Dion 12 Cherokee Tra 3 Kelley, Chase 12 Evergreen Hi 4 Braman, Alex 12 Niwot High S 5 Goltz, Jonathan 10 Mountain Vie 6 Boldt, Justin 12 Lyons High S 7 Lee, Dee 12 Vista Ridge 8 Franklin, Erik 12 Greeley West 9 Campos, Vincent 11 Loveland Hig 10 Bunker, Ladd 11 Erie High Sc Flight 4 Finals 1 McClanahan, Kevin 11 Erie High Sc 2 Johnson, Christain 11 Windsor High 3 Wetterstrom, Forrest 12 Longmont Hig 4 Gonser, Landon 11 Greeley Cent 5 King, Brandon 10 Windsor High 6 Lane, Andre 12 Evergreen Hi 7 Jenkins, Lorne 12 Niwot High S 8 Arnold, Devin 12 Cherokee Tra 9 Sandin, Josh 12 Mountain Vie 10 Gabel, Noah 12 Vista Ridge Event 33 Boys Triple Jump High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Longmont Ford Top 9 from prelims to the finals RECORD WIND SPEED FOR EACH JUMP Measure over 38' Stadium Rec.: 47-01 4/20/2013 Lorne Jenkins, Niwot High S St Vrain: 45-11 5/6/2011 Carzell Vickers, Valor Christ Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Frauenhoff, Henry D 10 ThunderRidge 2 Heape, Josh 12 Niwot High S 3 Sanchez Loya, Ismael 11 Fort Lupton 4 Ream, Britten 10 Loveland Hig 5 Warren, Thomas 12 Evergreen Hi 6 Ghesquiere, Adam 12 Roosevelt Hi 7 Hartzel, Ryan 11 Fairview Hig 8 Thompson, Jake 11 Elizabeth Hi 9 Fangman, Sam 12 Peak to Peak 10 McHone, Alexander 12 Skyline High Flight 2 Finals 1 Warren, Josh 10 ThunderRidge 2 Krey, Isaac 12 Roosevelt Hi 3 Valko, Jaden 12 Wray High Sc 4 Dixon, Max 12 Erie High Sc 5 Hartman, Austin 10 Silver Creek 6 Hopfe, Sam 10 Woodland Par 7 Jones, Zach 10 Loveland Hig 8 Vallejo, Daylen 10 University H 9 Smith, Cameron 10 Cherokee Tra 10 Roob, Chris 12 Peak to Peak Flight 3 Finals 1 Brady, John 11 Mead High Sc 2 Sullivan, Elijah 9 Longmont Hig 3 Primrose, Adam 12 Woodland Par 4 Peters, Anthony 9 Vista Ridge 5 Gonser, Landon 11 Greeley Cent 6 Goltz, Jonathan 10 Mountain Vie 7 Baumeister, Austin 11 Frontier Aca 8 Lee, Dee 12 Vista Ridge 9 Warnick, Elijah 12 Cherokee Tra 10 Henry, James 12 Skyline High Flight 4 Finals 1 Dupre, Jayson 12 Broomfield H 2 Prinster, Ryan 11 Fairview Hig 3 Pfeifer, Travis 12 Broomfield H 4 Johns, Cicero 12 Fort Lupton 5 Bowen, Cody 12 Weld Central 6 Franklin, Erik 12 Greeley West 7 Lane, Andre 12 Evergreen Hi 8 Sandin, Josh 12 Mountain Vie 9 Wetterstrom, Forrest 12 Longmont Hig 10 Jenkins, Lorne 12 Niwot High S Event 37 Boys Shot Put High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: S J Ward Landscapes, Steve Ward Top 9 from prelims to the finals Measure over 39' Measure to the nearest lesser 1/4 inch Stadium Rec.: 60-01 1991 Whyriack, Greeley Central St Vrain: 57-00.50 5/4/2012 Richard Feltenberger, Skyline High Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Fox, Joey 9 Evergreen Hi 2 Buck, Baylor 11 Wray High Sc 3 Sipes, Scott 9 Mountain Vie 4 Crowley, Evan 12 Niwot High S 5 Bernhardt, Jakob 12 Roosevelt Hi 6 Persson, Filip 11 Northridge H 7 Huerta, Mikey 10 Wray High Sc 8 Whistance, Bryson 11 Weld Central 9 Westfall, Cody 12 Woodland Par 10 Wilder, Cole 11 Fairview Hig Flight 2 Finals 1 Werner, Brad 11 Boulder High 2 Roberts, Spencer 11 Roosevelt Hi 3 Risner, Dalton 11 Wiggins High 4 Ruddy, Braden 11 Mead High Sc 5 David, Tyler 12 Erie High Sc 6 Ouimet, Josh 12 Loveland Hig 7 Horner, Michael 11 Broomfield H 8 Hunt, Jeremy 10 Vista Ridge 9 Johnson, Larry 12 Otis High Sc 10 Hutchinson, Kane 12 Middle Park Flight 3 Finals 1 Bratten, Cody 11 Valor Christ 2 Stefo, Zach 11 Pomona High 3 James, Ryian 12 Fort Lupton 4 Garcia, Fabian 11 Platte Valle 5 Westfall, Randy 11 Woodland Par 6 Stevens, Mauria 11 Vista Ridge 7 Thavis, Joseph 12 Evergreen Hi 8 Kiess, Tyler 12 Thompson Val 9 McLean, Andrew 12 Broomfield H 10 Bergner, Miles 12 Longmont Hig Flight 4 Finals 1 Testroet, Nolan 12 Mead High Sc 2 Sipes, Tyler 12 Mountain Vie 3 Waterman, Austin 12 Greeley West 4 Meketuk, Jonathan 12 Weld Central 5 Erickson, Hayden 10 Woodland Par 6 Perry, Andrew 12 Otis High Sc 7 Jacobs, Blake 11 ThunderRidge 8 Baca, Sam 12 Thompson Val 9 Gilbert, Stanley 12 Valor Christ 10 Johnson, Marcus 12 Longmont Hig Event 35 Boys Discus Throw High School =============================================================================== Sponsor: Rapid Results Timing, Ken Howell Top 9 from prelims to the finals Measure over 120' Measure to the nearest lesser 1 inch Stadium Rec.: 177-11 1991 Clint Moore, Longmont St Vrain: 174-02 5/4/2010 A.J. Frieler, Greeley West Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Garza, Matt 11 Fort Lupton 2 Dunbar, Grant 11 Centaurus Hi 3 Shannon, Derek 11 Cherokee Tra 4 French, Nick 9 Greeley Cent 5 Hutchinson, Kane 12 Middle Park 6 David, Tyler 12 Erie High Sc 7 Joens, Parker 9 Platte Valle 8 Meketuk, Jonathan 12 Weld Central 9 Johnston, Cody 11 ThunderRidge 10 Bhimani, Imran 12 Northridge H Flight 2 Finals 1 Thavis, Joseph 12 Evergreen Hi 2 Ortega, Darius 12 Mountain Ran 3 Bitton, Zac 9 Greeley West 4 Elkins, Quinton 10 Erie High Sc 5 Westfall, Cody 12 Woodland Par 6 Joens, Dillon 12 Platte Valle 7 Risner, Dalton 11 Wiggins High 8 Emberley, Anthony 12 Silver Creek 9 Erickson, Hayden 10 Woodland Par 10 Buck, Baylor 11 Wray High Sc Flight 3 Finals 1 Sipes, Scott 9 Mountain Vie 2 Ruddy, Braden 11 Mead High Sc 3 Kiess, Tyler 12 Thompson Val 4 James, Ryian 12 Fort Lupton 5 Bale, Cameron 11 Loveland Hig 6 Wetterstrom, Forrest 12 Longmont Hig 7 Werner, Brad 11 Boulder High 8 Westfall, Randy 11 Woodland Par 9 Unruh, Barak 12 Northridge H 10 Johnson, Larry 12 Otis High Sc Flight 4 Finals 1 Rivera, Miles 11 Longmont Hig 2 Bergner, Miles 12 Longmont Hig 3 Gilbert, Stanley 12 Valor Christ 4 Ouimet, Josh 12 Loveland Hig 5 Jacobs, Blake 11 ThunderRidge 6 Baca, Sam 12 Thompson Val 7 Perry, Andrew 12 Otis High Sc 8 Bratten, Cody 11 Valor Christ 9 Sipes, Tyler 12 Mountain Vie 10 Waterman, Austin 12 Greeley West Event 38 Men 100 Yard Dash Elite =============================================================================== Longmont Ford Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Evans, Zane -- St. Vrain El 5 Avery, Jerome -- St. Vrain El 6 Dodson, Jeremy -- St. Vrain El 7 Emelieze, Peter -- St. Vrain El 8 Coleman, Michael -- St. Vrain El 9 Liggins, Michael -- St. Vrain El Event 39 Men 200 Meter Dash Elite =============================================================================== Longmont Ford Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 4 Evans, Zane -- St. Vrain El 5 Emelieze, Peter -- St. Vrain El 6 Dodson, Jeremy -- St. Vrain El 7 Coleman, Michael -- St. Vrain El 8 Liggins, Michael -- St. Vrain El 9 Avery, Jerome -- St. Vrain El Event 40 Men 1 Mile Run Elite =============================================================================== Longmont Ford Name Year School =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Birdsong, Brandon -- St. Vrain El 2 Zywicki, Ben -- St. Vrain El 3 Dahlberg, Scott -- St. Vrain El 4 Husted, Mark -- St. Vrain El 5 Neuman, Kenyon -- St. Vrain El 6 Dey, Dey -- St. Vrain El 7 Miller, Craig -- St. Vrain El 8 Martinez, John -- St. Vrain El 9 Kempton, Matt -- St. Vrain El 10 Fraser, Rory -- St. Vrain El Event 43 Men Pole Vault Elite =============================================================================== Longmont Ford Name Year School =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 McCracken, Alex -- St. Vrain El 2 Krier, Mitch 12 St. Vrain El 3 Taylor, Eddie 12 St. Vrain El 4 Pierson, Sam 12 St. Vrain El 5 Manson, Pat 12 St. Vrain El 6 Hysong, Nick 12 St. Vrain El