Katie Rainsberger, Ally Watt, and Isaac Green are just a sample of the athletes you can look forward to seeing at this weekend's Liberty Bell meet. Photos by Alan Versaw, Tim Hilt, and Ashley Green.
When it comes to Liberty Bell, nobody takes the week off. Nagging little injury? Doesn't matter. Liberty Bell only happens once a year. You show up and stand up. Littleton Public Schools Stadium, where everyone else is heading...
It's impossible to preview all the great showdowns coming this weekend, but a few that might get your heart beating a little faster include:
- Ally Watt vs. Chyna Ries vs. Dior Hall vs. Audra Koopman vs. ... in the girls 100
- Ally Watt vs. Michaela Onyenwere in the girls 200
- Daniel Book vs. Isaac Green in the boys 800
- Katie Rainsberger vs. Darby Gilfillan in the girls 1600
- Cerake Geberkidane vs. the clock in the boys 1600
- Luke Sheesley vs. Paul Miller vs. Connor Weaver in the boys 3200
- We dared to hope for, but we aren't getting, Dior Hall vs. Ashley Miller in the 100H, so it will be Hall vs. the clock
- Rajon O'Quinn vs. Carly Paul in the girls high jump
- Jordan Hatfield, Tesfai Holt, and Andrew Barlow in the boys pole vault
- Chyna Ries vs. Audra Koopman in the girls long jump
- Connor Turnage vs. Peter Greco in the boys triple jump
- Haley Showalter vs. Josephine Natrasevschi in the girls discus
- Blake Jacobs vs. Deyon Sizer in the boys shot put
You don't need me to tell you how intriguing these matchups are. You just need to be there to see them for yourselves. Below are the complete heat sheets for the meet.
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Field Events
Licensed to Heritage High School - CO HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/25/2014 08:47 AM Liberty Bell Invitational - 4/25/2014 to 4/26/2014 Littleton Public Schools Stadium Meet Program Event 1 Girls 100 Meter Dash =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Jennings, Aueron 10 Chaparral Hi 3 White, Shaun Trece 10 Eaglecrest H 4 Watt, Alleandra 11 Pine Creek H 5 Tesone, Gianna 10 Valor Christ 6 Newberry, Caleigh 11 Rock Canyon 7 Thomas, Desiree 9 Smoky Hill H 8 Salvia, Alexandra 11 Columbine Hi Heat 2 Prelims 1 Bostic, Ashlyn 10 Peak to Peak 2 LeBlanc, Takyra 10 Heritage Hig 3 Maccagnan, Megan 10 Valor Christ 4 Ries, Chyna 12 Denver East 5 Schofield, Taylor 12 Highlands Ra 6 Smith, Morgan 11 Heritage Hig 7 Neu, Ashley 11 Columbine Hi 8 Leonard, Alexis 10 Palisade Hig Heat 3 Prelims 1 Barlow, Jackie 12 Sierra High 2 Jones, Breanna 11 Arapahoe Hig 3 Grimes, Bilkisu 10 Ralston Vall 4 Hall, Dior 12 George Washi 5 Burnett, Makenzie 12 Regis Jesuit 6 Cardozo, Rachel 12 Pine Creek H 7 Sheperd, Yvonne 10 Palmer High 8 Maldonado, Anamaria 12 Palmer High Heat 4 Prelims 1 Wewerka, Sydney 10 Poudre High 2 Hinton, Michaela 9 Overland Hig 3 Coker, Justice 12 Fountain-For 4 Koopman, Audra 9 Fort Collins 5 Burton, Jordan 11 Mountain Vis 6 Mercado, Savannah 11 Poudre High 7 Adam, Shannon 10 ThunderRidge 8 McAninch, Annie 9 Thomas Jeffe Heat 5 Prelims 1 Poysti, Esther 11 Estes Park H 2 Dieghan, Audrey 11 Battle Mount 3 Mackin, Julie 10 Castle View 4 Groce, Alexis 11 George Washi 5 Miller, Payton 12 Golden High 6 Cruz, Genevieve 10 Dakota Ridge 7 Char, Erin 10 Arapahoe Hig 8 Barca, Malia 11 Battle Mount Heat 6 Prelims 1 Micensky, Ashley 11 Sierra High 2 Cherry Santos, Tatiana 9 Monarch High 3 Archibald, Nicole 11 Douglas Coun 4 Wilson, Lettia 12 Grandview Hi 5 Knox, Olivia 12 Regis Jesuit 6 Storey, Jessica 12 Wheat Ridge 7 Steinke, Kira 10 Castle View 8 Miller, Jordon 11 Smoky Hill H Heat 7 Prelims 1 Redal, Bryn 10 Fairview Hig 2 Moore, Raquel 11 Fountain-For 3 Cade, Sierra 10 Grandview Hi 4 Olatipo, Omotumininu 12 Eaglecrest H 5 Payne, Jill 10 Grand Juncti 6 Siegfreid, Shayli 11 Highlands Ra 7 Rentie, Amber 10 Palisade Hig 8 Xu, Ariea 12 Rock Canyon Heat 8 Prelims 1 Baker, Hannah 11 Estes Park H 2 Ferguson, Deliah 11 Wheat Ridge 3 Bernard, Chloe 10 Monarch High 4 York, Brooklyn 10 Thomas Jeffe 5 Hardarson, Rosa 12 Littleton Hi 6 Spahic, Lamija 11 Overland Hig 7 Gunn, Kaitlyn 10 ThunderRidge 8 Kuhn, Brandi 11 Dakota Ridge Heat 9 Prelims 1 Nadolski, Kristen 12 Peak to Peak 2 Schmid, Carina 9 Fairview Hig 3 Long, Ashley 12 Grand Juncti 4 Evans, London 10 Ralston Vall 5 Doublin, Khayla 11 Denver East 6 Wald, Ava 10 Fort Collins 7 Kriese, Skyler 10 Douglas Coun 8 Albright, Emelyn 11 Littleton Hi Event 2 Boys 100 Meter Dash =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Rubley, Brock 11 Mountain Vis 3 Dean, Tristen 9 Mountain Vis 4 Smith, Trey 12 Douglas Coun 5 Youngs, Chris 10 Lutheran Hig 6 Morgan, Ben 11 Highlands Ra 7 Cardenas, Gabriel 10 Arapahoe Hig 8 Vartuli, Michael 12 Arapahoe Hig Heat 2 Prelims 2 Oliver, Bruce 11 Monarch High 3 Pierce, Joshua 10 Wheat Ridge 4 Thompson, Jai'shawn 11 Fountain-For 5 Newsome, Austin 12 Douglas Coun 6 Jighere, George 12 Thomas Jeffe 7 Quinn, Chris 12 Peak to Peak 8 Costello, Daniel 12 Castle View Heat 3 Prelims 2 Poole, Surae 11 Denver South 3 Cunningham, Indarius 9 Columbine Hi 4 Schmidt, John 12 Regis Jesuit 5 Kittrell, Jalen 12 Highlands Ra 6 Kelley, Preston 11 Fort Collins 7 Kane, Alex 11 Rock Canyon 8 Holmberg, Andy 10 Ralston Vall Heat 4 Prelims 2 Lujan, Jeremy 10 Dakota Ridge 3 Lenston, De Jon 12 Eaglecrest H 4 McCaffrey, Christian 12 Valor Christ 5 Minor, Robbie 10 Denver East 6 Adkins, Kamden 12 Pine Creek H 7 Thompson, Christopher 12 Smoky Hill H 8 Harvey, Jason 11 Fairview Hig Heat 5 Prelims 2 Jimenez, Anthony 12 Poudre High 3 Roper, Aj 12 Overland Hig 4 Spencer, Javon 10 Chaparral Hi 5 Cohn, Nick 11 Dakota Ridge 6 Munson, Calvin 11 Fairview Hig 7 Simonton, Sandy 11 Battle Mount 8 White, Nick 12 Sierra High Heat 6 Prelims 2 Herrold, Ethan 11 Wheat Ridge 3 Cammack, Jorden 11 Thomas Jeffe 4 Lyon, Christian 10 Fountain-For 5 Manlove, DeAnte 12 Overland Hig 6 Cuckler, Josiah 11 Fort Collins 7 Davis, Chandler 11 Chaparral Hi 8 Nay, Aaron 11 George Washi Heat 7 Prelims 2 Alberts, Trevor 11 Palisade Hig 3 Johnson, Michael 11 Denver South 4 Gish, Nathan 11 Poudre High 5 Deniro, D'Angelo 1 Littleton Hi 6 Tillis, Deris 11 George Washi 7 Bell, Anfernee 12 Smoky Hill H 8 Ginter, Evan 10 Estes Park H Heat 8 Prelims 1 Terry, Austin 12 Palisade Hig 2 Frieling, Skyler 12 Grand Juncti 3 Ciurczak, Mark 11 ThunderRidge 4 Dulaney, Julian 12 Monarch High 5 Hill, Gabe 11 Grandview Hi 6 Jackson, Elias 12 Castle View 7 Thompson, Willie 12 Palmer High 8 Hiatt, Jacob 9 Sierra High Heat 9 Prelims 1 Bauer, Andrew 11 Highlands Ra 2 Foster, Xavier 11 Pine Creek H 3 Kopel, Sean 12 Grandview Hi 4 Lanier, Javan 10 Regis Jesuit 5 Bradford, Terrell 11 Palmer High 6 Martin, Jalen 9 Eaglecrest H 7 Whitaker, Jordan 12 Denver East 8 Archuleta, Chance 9 Battle Mount Heat 10 Prelims 1 Rodgers, Dillon 11 Estes Park H 2 Peterson, Gregg 12 ThunderRidge 3 Ransome, Bradley 12 Rock Canyon 4 Vassell, Dueth 12 Abraham Linc 5 Norton, Austin 11 Columbine Hi 6 Cupp, Brody 10 Grand Juncti 7 Ruble, Nathaniel 12 Peak to Peak 8 Horsley, Brandon 12 Ralston Vall Event 3 Girls 200 Meter Dash =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 1 Wewerka, Sydney 10 Poudre High 2 Bernard, Chloe 10 Monarch High 3 Storey, Jessica 12 Wheat Ridge 4 Watt, Alleandra 11 Pine Creek H 5 Knox, Olivia 12 Regis Jesuit 6 Horton, Chasidy 11 Fountain-For 7 Anderson, Taylor 11 Battle Mount 8 Salvia, Alexandra 11 Columbine Hi Heat 2 Prelims 1 Kelley, Jessie 11 Columbine Hi 2 Kelly, Erica 11 Rock Canyon 3 Jennings, Aueron 10 Chaparral Hi 4 Ries, Chyna 12 Denver East 5 Hardarson, Rosa 12 Littleton Hi 6 York, Brooklyn 10 Thomas Jeffe 7 Donner, Carly 12 Monarch High 8 King, Megan 9 Grand Juncti Heat 3 Prelims 1 Albright, Emelyn 11 Littleton Hi 2 Graves, Angela 10 Castle View 3 Cruz, Genevieve 10 Dakota Ridge 4 Onyenwere, Michaela 9 Grandview Hi 5 Burnett, Makenzie 12 Regis Jesuit 6 Harrower, Heather 12 Fairview Hig 7 Gunn, Kaitlyn 10 ThunderRidge 8 Gaines, Erin 11 Heritage Hig Heat 4 Prelims 1 Baker, Hannah 11 Estes Park H 2 Archibald, Nicole 11 Douglas Coun 3 Matarese, Katie 12 Battle Mount 4 Brown, Tashay 12 Eaglecrest H 5 Hall, Julia 10 Arapahoe Hig 6 Tesone, Gianna 10 Valor Christ 7 Jalilfar, Hedyieh 12 Rock Canyon 8 Thomas, Desiree 9 Smoky Hill H Heat 5 Prelims 1 Brown, Alyssa 9 Douglas Coun 2 Warren, Alexis 11 Grandview Hi 3 Cain, Jordan 11 Highlands Ra 4 Koopman, Audra 9 Fort Collins 5 Evans, London 10 Ralston Vall 6 Siegfreid, Shayli 11 Highlands Ra 7 Strickler, Nikki 10 Wheat Ridge 8 Oats, Bri 12 Eaglecrest H Heat 6 Prelims 1 Hodge, Jayla 11 Arapahoe Hig 2 Rentie, Amber 10 Palisade Hig 3 Kerr-Layton, Halea 11 Fairview Hig 4 Clausell, Nakiya 11 Denver East 5 Groce, Alexis 11 George Washi 6 Smith, Morgan 11 Heritage Hig 7 Marti, Lauren 11 ThunderRidge 8 Todd, Laurel 12 Estes Park H Heat 7 Prelims 1 Marzett, Shekirah 11 Overland Hig 2 Stoker-Judice, Victoria 10 Thomas Jeffe 3 Bernard, Ayanna 11 Fountain-For 4 Miller, Payton 12 Golden High 5 Payne, Jill 10 Grand Juncti 6 Mackin, Julie 10 Castle View 7 Sheperd, Yvonne 10 Palmer High 8 Miller, Jordon 11 Smoky Hill H Heat 8 Prelims 1 Reed, Franchesca 10 Overland Hig 2 Vasquez-Ward, Nia 10 Palmer High 3 Nkana, Zeeda 10 Palisade Hig 4 Schulte, Becca 10 Fort Collins 5 Baron, Madelyn 12 Pine Creek H 6 Maccagnan, Megan 10 Valor Christ 7 Fox, Katie 10 Chaparral Hi 8 Barnier, Mellanie 12 Dakota Ridge Event 4 Boys 200 Meter Dash =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Cohn, Nick 11 Dakota Ridge 3 Jackson, Elias 12 Castle View 4 Thompson, Jai'shawn 11 Fountain-For 5 Thomas, Tre 12 Overland Hig 6 Cupp, Brody 10 Grand Juncti 7 Cardenas, Gabriel 10 Arapahoe Hig 8 Webb, D.J. 11 Rock Canyon Heat 2 Prelims 2 Tillis, Deris 11 George Washi 3 Perez, Darian 12 Lutheran Hig 4 Skrine, Jaysean 12 Fountain-For 5 Vanderberg, Zane 12 Fairview Hig 6 Ciurczak, Mark 11 ThunderRidge 7 Thompson, Christopher 12 Smoky Hill H 8 Ginter, Evan 10 Estes Park H Heat 3 Prelims 2 Turner, Darian 11 Eaglecrest H 3 Porter, Austin 12 Heritage Hig 4 Schmidt, John 12 Regis Jesuit 5 Miller, Brock 9 Lakewood Hig 6 Lee, Ryan 12 Lutheran Hig 7 Bell, Anfernee 12 Smoky Hill H 8 Wengryn, Derek 12 Peak to Peak Heat 4 Prelims 2 Moore, Evan 12 Pine Creek H 3 Dean, Tristen 9 Mountain Vis 4 Smith, Trey 12 Douglas Coun 5 Waters, Ben 10 Valor Christ 6 Cuckler, Josiah 11 Fort Collins 7 Costello, Daniel 12 Castle View 8 Foster, Xavier 11 Pine Creek H Heat 5 Prelims 1 Keep, Chase 10 Battle Mount 2 Thompson, Willie 12 Palmer High 3 Washington, Glenn 11 Eaglecrest H 4 Tchenawou, Kossi 12 Grandview Hi 5 Deniro, D'Angelo 1 Littleton Hi 6 Norton, Austin 11 Columbine Hi 7 White, Nick 12 Sierra High 8 MacDonald, Ian 12 Dakota Ridge Heat 6 Prelims 1 McNeil, Matt 10 Ralston Vall 2 Alberts, Trevor 11 Palisade Hig 3 Robb, Jack 12 Littleton Hi 4 Spencer, Javon 10 Chaparral Hi 5 Bradford, Terrell 11 Palmer High 6 Jones, Jordan 11 Wheat Ridge 7 Oliver, Bruce 11 Monarch High 8 Wade, Shawn 10 Grand Juncti Heat 7 Prelims 1 Latham, Cody 11 Palisade Hig 2 Jighere, George 12 Thomas Jeffe 3 Coburn, Bruce 11 Fort Collins 4 Watson, Shayne 11 Grandview Hi 5 Watson, Stone 11 Valor Christ 6 Higgins, Lane 12 ThunderRidge 7 Gullia, Vincent 11 Rock Canyon 8 Medina, Matthew 12 Sierra High Heat 8 Prelims 1 Burrell, Keyin 10 Denver East 2 Ibala, Sammy 11 Columbine Hi 3 Norman, Niko 12 Heritage Hig 4 Dulaney, Julian 12 Monarch High 5 Wright, Malcolm 11 Denver South 6 Ames, Drew 10 Chaparral Hi 7 Sayles, Lamar 10 Thomas Jeffe 8 Mitchell, Nathaniel 11 George Washi Heat 9 Prelims 1 Archuleta, Chance 9 Battle Mount 2 Daldegan, Bryan 12 Arapahoe Hig 3 Williams, Trevor 11 Regis Jesuit 4 Gish, Nathan 11 Poudre High 5 Kolber, Joshua 12 Highlands Ra 6 Waynewood, Dominican 12 Overland Hig 7 Smith, Julian 9 Denver East 8 McGinnis, Anthony 11 Wheat Ridge Heat 10 Prelims 1 Rodriguez, Cristian 10 Abraham Linc 2 Brown, Daniel 12 Douglas Coun 3 Rubley, Brock 11 Mountain Vis 4 Kittrell, Jalen 12 Highlands Ra 5 Vassell, Dueth 12 Abraham Linc 6 Weah, Saybechee 11 Denver South 7 Jimenez, Anthony 12 Poudre High 8 Meadows, Kevin 12 Ralston Vall Event 5 Girls 400 Meter Dash =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Landen, Emma 9 Arapahoe Hig 3 Frisbie, Dallas 11 Peak to Peak 4 Miller, Payton 12 Golden High 5 Spahic, Lamija 11 Overland Hig 6 Walz, Abby 9 Mountain Vis 7 McDowell, Deme 10 Eaglecrest H 8 Keech, Karsen 11 Douglas Coun Heat 2 Prelims 2 Smith, Maddy 12 Columbine Hi 3 Black, Kalie 10 Fountain-For 4 Birch, Damajahnee 11 Denver East 5 Thompson, Alicia 11 Ralston Vall 6 Freeman, Hannah 9 Fairview Hig 7 Honeycutt, Maia 10 Grand Juncti 8 Strickler, Nikki 10 Wheat Ridge Heat 3 Prelims 2 Kelly, Rachel 11 Rock Canyon 3 McGuire, Madalyn 11 Heritage Hig 4 Hart, Kamryn 10 ThunderRidge 5 Baron, Heide 10 Pine Creek H 6 Calabrese, Sofia 11 Battle Mount 7 Grigware, Cassandra 12 Grand Juncti 8 Hill, Sara 10 George Washi Heat 4 Prelims 2 Shumpert, Takiyah 12 Highlands Ra 3 Chesson, Jasmine 9 Fort Collins 4 O'Quinn, Rajon 12 Fountain-For 5 Sanchez, Emma 12 Fairview Hig 6 Davis, Sydney 12 Castle View 7 Hines-Ike, Kira 11 Heritage Hig 8 Lanker, Natalie 10 Regis Jesuit Heat 5 Prelims 1 Micensky, Ashley 11 Sierra High 2 Dalton, Kelsey 12 Castle View 3 Nwagwu, Michelle 10 Grandview Hi 4 Hardarson, Rosa 12 Littleton Hi 5 Howie, Mackenzie 11 Pine Creek H 6 Jezier, Jamie 11 Smoky Hill H 7 Arndt, Paulette 11 Douglas Coun 8 Richardson, Laura 9 Palisade Hig Heat 6 Prelims 1 Cirone, Anikka 10 Estes Park H 2 Johnson, Devon 9 Regis Jesuit 3 Cobb, Danielle 12 Columbine Hi 4 Schulte, Becca 10 Fort Collins 5 Clausell, Nakiya 11 Denver East 6 Slack, Sarah 10 Arapahoe Hig 7 Pawlowski, Melita 11 Palisade Hig 8 Wylde, Hailey 9 Wheat Ridge Heat 7 Prelims 1 Monroe, Carolyn 11 Rock Canyon 2 Hamerly, Christina 10 Peak to Peak 3 Wild, Laura 11 Valor Christ 4 Yount, Brynell 11 Smoky Hill H 5 Wiegand-Brown, Madison 12 Palmer High 6 Gonzalez, Vanessa 12 Dakota Ridge 7 Bernard, Chloe 10 Monarch High 8 Cummings, Majlis 11 Eaglecrest H Heat 8 Prelims 1 Carew, Lauren 9 Chaparral Hi 2 Corenelio, Maricruz 11 Battle Mount 3 Hill, Megan 10 George Washi 4 Kreutz, Macy 12 Highlands Ra 5 Ross, Sylvana 11 Grandview Hi 6 Schmidt, Victoria 9 ThunderRidge 7 Barnier, Mellanie 12 Dakota Ridge 8 Knutson, Astrida 11 Littleton Hi Event 6 Boys 400 Meter Dash =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Taylor, Rayshawn 12 Denver South 3 Dreiling, Rene 12 Mountain Vis 4 Vassell, Dueth 12 Abraham Linc 5 Evans, Randall 10 Overland Hig 6 LaFonte, Cole 11 Columbine Hi 7 Dwyer, Cameron 11 Eaglecrest H 8 Boyd, Raymond 12 Regis Jesuit Heat 2 Prelims 2 Rodriguez, Irvin 11 Battle Mount 3 Bradshaw, Noah 12 Grand Juncti 4 Robb, Jack 12 Littleton Hi 5 Kendziorski, Jarred 10 Valor Christ 6 Jones, Jordan 11 Wheat Ridge 7 Hammer, Noah 10 Mountain Vis 8 Gladden, Brok 9 Grand Juncti Heat 3 Prelims 2 Sarabia, Alexander 11 Douglas Coun 3 Ibala, Sammy 11 Columbine Hi 4 Harris, Drue 11 Fountain-For 5 Munson, Calvin 11 Fairview Hig 6 Davenport, Matt 11 Highlands Ra 7 Schreffler, Brian 9 Castle View 8 TeKolste, Ryan 12 Arapahoe Hig Heat 4 Prelims 2 Halliburton, Alijah 10 Overland Hig 3 Bollinger, Jacob 12 Palisade Hig 4 Higgins, Lane 12 ThunderRidge 5 Keely, Evan 11 Eaglecrest H 6 Swenson, Zach 12 Fairview Hig 7 Wilson, Caleb 10 Chaparral Hi 8 Dufficy, Kevin 11 Dakota Ridge Heat 5 Prelims 1 Trujillo, Antonio 12 Abraham Linc 2 Chase, Jackson 10 Castle View 3 Kerbs, Garrett 12 Fort Collins 4 Book, Daniel 11 Cherry Creek 5 Dulaney, Julian 12 Monarch High 6 Sweeney, Victor 12 Smoky Hill H 7 Davis Jr., Richard 12 Rock Canyon 8 Bertron, Simon 11 Denver East Heat 6 Prelims 1 Padmore, Marcus 11 George Washi 2 Eurek, Aaron 9 Palmer High 3 Johnson, Mitch 10 Heritage Hig 4 Roche, Preston 11 Poudre High 5 Gonzales, Ross 12 Ralston Vall 6 Ferguson, Nick 12 Grandview Hi 7 Meehan, Kyler 12 Peak to Peak 8 Sugg, Colin 10 Heritage Hig Heat 7 Prelims 1 Toriggino, Nicholas 9 Denver East 2 McGinnis, Anthony 11 Wheat Ridge 3 Phou, Jason 11 Highlands Ra 4 Arnell, Hunter 12 Lutheran Hig 5 Williams, Trevor 11 Regis Jesuit 6 Rockwood, Mark 9 Ralston Vall 7 Zieser, Rick 11 Arapahoe Hig 8 Dacaug, Rhett 9 Estes Park H Heat 8 Prelims 1 O'Hara, Vaughn 11 George Washi 2 Evans, Torrey 12 Thomas Jeffe 3 Gaines, Michael 12 Fountain-For 4 Vasquez, Joseph 12 Denver South 5 Powell, Hunter 12 Fort Collins 6 Ames, Drew 10 Chaparral Hi 7 Lopez, Julio 12 Sierra High 8 Lendsey, Chris 9 Sierra High Heat 9 Prelims 1 Heath, Chris 10 Thomas Jeffe 2 Conn-Parent, Jonas 9 Palmer High 3 Rimer, Kyle 12 Rock Canyon 4 Harris, Kent 10 Lutheran Hig 5 Miller, Brock 9 Lakewood Hig 6 Deniro, D'Angelo 1 Littleton Hi 7 Edwards-Bailey, Jeff 11 Palisade Hig 8 Stark, Tanner 10 Estes Park H Heat 10 Prelims 1 Keep, Chase 10 Battle Mount 2 Oliver, Bruce 11 Monarch High 3 Mascarenas, Skylar 11 Douglas Coun 4 Eggleton, Eric 12 Poudre High 5 Lang, Isaiah 12 Grandview Hi 6 Hines, Sam 11 ThunderRidge 7 Schirmer, Eric 12 Peak to Peak 8 Naoum, Gabil 11 Dakota Ridge Event 7 Girls 800 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Murphy, Fiona 10 Regis Jesuit 2 Shaw, Rachel 11 Grandview Hi 3 Gonzales, Salena 10 Air Academy 4 Anderson, Shea 10 Poudre High 5 Keech, Karsen 11 Douglas Coun 6 Tomasula-Martin, Lily 9 Estes Park H 7 Albentosa, Paricia 11 Eaglecrest H 8 Smith, Krystal 11 Eaglecrest H 9 Van Leeuwen, Magda 10 Littleton Hi 10 Marchino, Gabby 12 Valor Christ 11 Arndt, Paulette 11 Douglas Coun 12 Cassell, Morgan 11 Heritage Hig 13 Marshall, Isabella 10 Denver East 14 Palmer, Bizzy 12 Estes Park H 15 Lewis, Reagan 10 Fountain-For 16 Roush, Monroe 9 George Washi 17 Diaz, Kenia 10 Sierra High 18 Henderson, Jeanette 10 Sierra High 19 Cech, Caroline 9 Thomas Jeffe Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Chappa, Jessie 11 Chaparral Hi 2 Calabrese, Izzy 11 Battle Mount 3 Grigware, Cassandra 12 Grand Juncti 4 Potts, Kaitlin 12 Heritage Hig 5 Kasch, Shelby 12 Highlands Ra 6 Middleton, Mandee 11 Arapahoe Hig 7 Leasure, Amy 9 Wheat Ridge 8 Johnson, Kylie 11 Castle View 9 Adams, Ariel 12 Valor Christ 10 Kurath, Hannah 11 Ralston Vall 11 Easton, Madison 9 Mountain Vis 12 Gartrell, Tessa 10 Denver East 13 Rudolph, Marisa 12 Poudre High 14 Babcock, Kelly 9 Rock Canyon 15 Balman, Mackenna 10 Rock Canyon 16 Sabiyumva, Alphonsine 11 Palmer High Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Dalton, Kelsey 12 Castle View 2 Cobb, Danielle 12 Columbine Hi 3 Sered, Gabrielle 12 Pine Creek H 4 Hardarson, Rosa 12 Littleton Hi 5 Sered, Katherine 12 Pine Creek H 6 Aurich, Morgan 10 ThunderRidge 7 Wiitala, Kayla 10 Air Academy 8 Gallegos-Francksen, Emily 9 Wheat Ridge 9 Meister, Erika 12 Grand Juncti 10 Smith, Maddy 12 Columbine Hi 11 Barella, Elaine 12 Arapahoe Hig 12 Bent, Holly 9 Monarch High 13 Sanchez, Katie 9 Fairview Hig 14 Depinto, Ciara 10 Chaparral Hi 15 Hamerly, Christina 10 Peak to Peak 16 Archuleta, Neva 12 Fountain-For Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Scholl, Tabor 11 West Grand H 2 Kreutz, Macy 12 Highlands Ra 3 Constien, Valerie 12 Battle Mount 4 Mann, Elissa 11 Monarch High 5 Ervin, Abbey 12 Fort Collins 6 Johnson, Ashlee 12 Mountain Vis 7 Hume, Cayli 10 Dakota Ridge 8 Gilfillan, Darby 12 George Washi 9 Atwell, Emma 11 ThunderRidge 10 Thompson, Alicia 11 Ralston Vall 11 Kramer, Michelle 12 Fort Collins 12 McIntyre, Hannah 12 Palmer High 13 Yount, Brynell 11 Smoky Hill H 14 Jezier, Jamie 11 Smoky Hill H 15 Frisbie, Dallas 11 Peak to Peak 16 Kennedy, Isabelle 12 Fairview Hig Event 8 Boys 800 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Marmalejo-daher, Rafael 9 Denver East 2 McDonald, Matt 10 Air Academy 3 Dimas, Cameron 9 Fort Collins 4 Camp-Larguex, Tristan 9 George Washi 5 Murray, Garrett 12 Estes Park H 6 Hogan, Daniel 10 Regis Jesuit 7 Hodges, Nathan 10 Ralston Vall 8 Artis, James 10 Overland Hig 9 Hagaman, Mason 10 Wheat Ridge 10 Tarowski, Tony 12 Eaglecrest H 11 Turk, Chris 12 Pine Creek H 12 McVey, Parker 12 Wheat Ridge 13 Herrera, Jonathan 11 Abraham Linc 14 Nunan, Bayard 11 George Washi 15 Ware, Terron 10 Sierra High 16 Henderson, Solomon 10 Overland Hig Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Davidson, Jack 10 Regis Jesuit 2 Daknis, Will 9 Poudre High 3 Ortiz, Daniel 11 Battle Mount 4 Stones, Kevin 10 Rock Canyon 5 Ketron, Tyler 12 Douglas Coun 6 Kinson, Damick 12 Palisade Hig 7 Berg, Joe 10 Dakota Ridge 8 Blair, David 9 Columbine Hi 9 Street, Chris 12 Thomas Jeffe 10 Schirmer, Eric 12 Peak to Peak 11 Aguirre, Alexis 9 Battle Mount 12 Stark, Tanner 10 Estes Park H 13 Hinkley, Dylan 12 Columbine Hi 14 Elliot, Adam 11 Golden High 15 Stone, Joseph 9 Palmer High 16 Mahoney, Ben 12 Heritage Hig Section 3 Timed Finals 1 McDowell, Louis 10 Douglas Coun 2 Butcher, Justin G 11 Highlands Ra 3 Currie, Ryan 10 Mountain Vis 4 Adair, Allen 11 Grand Juncti 5 Hall, Nicolas 11 Castle View 6 Carroll, Kristian 11 Pine Creek H 7 Vallin, Tyler 11 Grandview Hi 8 Meacham, Luke 12 Eaglecrest H 9 Bruns, Luke 11 Valor Christ 10 Geday, Simon 11 Smoky Hill H 11 Bisesi, Paul 12 Rock Canyon 12 Hellier, Addison 10 Mountain Vis 13 Anthony, Michael 11 Smoky Hill H 14 Trimarco, Tad 9 Chaparral Hi 15 Lundell, Landon 11 Chaparral Hi 16 Anderson, Josh 12 Fairview Hig Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Hooker, Zach 12 Poudre High 2 Braun, Chase 11 Lakewood Hig 3 Bradshaw, Noah 12 Grand Juncti 4 Meehan, Kyler 12 Peak to Peak 5 Coyle, Chris 12 Denver East 6 Seaholm, Mark 11 Golden High 7 Selby, Drew 12 ThunderRidge 8 Brown, Will 11 Palmer High 9 Cannon, Colin 10 Littleton Hi 10 Olin, Logan 11 Ralston Vall 11 Moore, Nicholas 12 Arapahoe Hig 12 Ness, Daniel 12 Palisade Hig 13 Polonsky, Zach 12 Heritage Hig 14 Moore, David 9 ThunderRidge 15 Cox, Ian 12 Littleton Hi 16 Lopez, Julio 12 Sierra High Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Book, Daniel 11 Cherry Creek 2 Green, Isaac 9 Monarch High 3 Thomas, Phillip Benjamin 11 Fountain-For 4 Hood, Louis 12 Arapahoe Hig 5 Day, Dylan 11 Fountain-For 6 Swenson, Zach 12 Fairview Hig 7 White, Kyle 12 Doherty High 8 Martinez, Willy 12 Doherty High 9 Briggs, Henry 11 Fort Collins 10 Barton, Forrest 11 Castle View 11 Hume, Carson 12 Dakota Ridge 12 May, Stephen 12 Pomona High 13 Vassell, Dueth 12 Abraham Linc 14 Weaver, Chay 12 Monarch High 15 Burris, Brian 10 Grandview Hi 16 Woldu, Dawit 12 Thomas Jeffe Event 9 Girls 1600 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Seibold, Nicole 12 Grand Juncti 2 Cobb, Noelle 9 Columbine Hi 3 Sanelli, Lexi 9 Chaparral Hi 4 Castro, Erika 10 Chaparral Hi 5 Wenham, Megan 11 ThunderRidge 6 Vallin, Kayla 10 Grandview Hi 7 Manning, Ellie 11 Poudre High 8 Delgado, Melissa 10 Battle Mount 9 Baird, Molly 11 Highlands Ra 10 Humphries, Holly 10 Douglas Coun 11 Nunez, Idalee 11 Abraham Linc 12 Van Wetter, Eliza 10 Wheat Ridge 13 Chavez, Yazmin 10 Fountain-For 14 Gehl, Claire 10 Grand Juncti 15 Fairfield, Margaret 10 Thomas Jeffe 16 Marshall, Isabella 10 Denver East 17 Robinson, Lindsay 12 Grandview Hi 18 Brown, Haley 12 Douglas Coun 19 Daniels, Natalie 10 Thomas Jeffe 20 Bronner, Tessa 12 Palmer High 21 Roush, Monroe 9 George Washi 22 Henderson, Cassidy 11 Eaglecrest H Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Hausmann, Reagan 10 Valor Christ 2 Fernald, Sophia 12 Wheat Ridge 3 Vathanavarin, Molly 11 ThunderRidge 4 Gilbert, Kelly 11 Fairview Hig 5 Holmes, Holli 11 Estes Park H 6 Arbuckle, Chloe 10 Rock Canyon 7 Spieker, Taylor 11 Valor Christ 8 Taurchini, Janine 10 Eaglecrest H 9 Bevington, Sarah 9 Ralston Vall 10 Van Leeuwen, Magda 10 Littleton Hi 11 Lautenbach, Shelley 12 Arapahoe Hig 12 Buckman, Katie 9 Regis Jesuit 13 Arbess, Olivia 12 Denver East 14 Gonzalez, Natalie 10 Dakota Ridge 15 Anderson, Melissa 11 Castle View 16 Suntken, Abby 10 Mountain Vis 17 Oveson, Alice 10 Peak to Peak 18 Smetanka, Caroline 10 Mountain Vis 19 Giesen, Nicole 11 Heritage Hig 20 Badial, Alyssa 10 Fountain-For 21 Kelso, Katherine 12 Regis Jesuit 22 Benson, Calli 11 Lutheran Hig 23 Carter, René 10 Palmer High 24 Janedis, Allison 10 Rock Canyon Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Rainsberger, Katie 10 Air Academy 2 Gilfillan, Darby 12 George Washi 3 Scholl, Tabor 11 West Grand H 4 Green, Claire 12 Monarch High 5 McLaughlin, Erin 12 Boulder High 6 Kroeker, Kaleigh 11 Pine Creek H 7 Benner, Kaitlyn 12 Monarch High 8 Lasota, Kelsi 12 Estes Park H 9 Wolff, Emily 12 Arapahoe Hig 10 Muller, Samantha 11 Fort Collins 11 Evans, Olivia 12 Air Academy 12 Cobb, Danielle 12 Columbine Hi 13 Kuehn, Athena 9 Pine Creek H 14 VanZyl, Kari 12 Fort Collins 15 Dalton, Savanna 10 Castle View 16 Andrie, Chloe 12 Smoky Hill H 17 Linscott, Lauren 12 Heritage Hig 18 Russell, Josie 11 Fairview Hig 19 Oveson, Mallory 12 Peak to Peak 20 Shearon, Christina 12 Battle Mount 21 Warling, Allysa 11 Poudre High 22 Bearup, Katherine 10 Ralston Vall 23 Valerio, Mia 10 Dakota Ridge 24 Johannes, Emmah 9 Smoky Hill H Event 10 Boys 1600 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Mohlman, Dalton 11 Chaparral Hi 2 Andress, Michael 11 Smoky Hill H 3 Herrera, Jonathan 11 Abraham Linc 4 Ruble, Isaac 10 Peak to Peak 5 Hornecker, Alec 10 Golden High 6 Moir, john 10 Palisade Hig 7 Zurfluh, Dylan 9 Estes Park H 8 Williams, Christian 11 Fountain-For 9 May, Patrick 10 Rock Canyon 10 Steavpack, Andrew 10 Rock Canyon 11 Robele, Yosef 11 Overland Hig 12 Morrissey, Zach 9 Fairview Hig 13 Franson, Nick 10 Grandview Hi 14 Fanning, Jhamal 12 Peak to Peak 15 Cadayong, Aaron 10 Dakota Ridge 16 Gustafson, Evan 11 Ralston Vall 17 Camp-Larguex, Tristan 9 George Washi 18 Richards, Jeffrey 11 Douglas Coun 19 Lupo, Danny 11 Columbine Hi 20 Iriye, Robert 10 Regis Jesuit 21 Boggs, David 12 Wheat Ridge 22 Lang, Julian 10 Overland Hig 23 Wolfe, Kyle 11 Douglas Coun 24 Coyne, Michael 12 Wheat Ridge 25 Norris, Brennan 12 Sierra High 26 Gomez, Jose 10 Sierra High Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Arreola, Ricardo 11 Battle Mount 2 Matzke, Tyler 11 Mountain Vis 3 O'Hagan, John 11 Regis Jesuit 4 Olin, Logan 11 Ralston Vall 5 Matthie, Conner 11 Fort Collins 6 Maddalone, Nicholas 10 Arapahoe Hig 7 Freeman, Jesse 11 Castle View 8 Whitfield, Brian 11 Golden High 9 Norton, Mick 11 Grandview Hi 10 Lett, Taler 12 Fountain-For 11 Hodges, Nick 11 Poudre High 12 Crawford, Colin 11 Fairview Hig 13 Walker, Dominic 11 Palmer High 14 Pohs, Christopher 11 Heritage Hig 15 Salvador, Blake 10 Fort Collins 16 Walth, Ben 10 Palmer High 17 Barnstable, Bruce 9 Littleton Hi 18 Meis, Nick 12 Highlands Ra 19 Berg, Joe 10 Dakota Ridge 20 Goldsberry, Jackson 11 Highlands Ra 21 Bean, Dalton 11 Castle View 22 Blair, David 9 Columbine Hi 23 Cusick, Aidan 11 Valor Christ 24 Hagen, Luc 10 Air Academy Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Geberkidane, Cerake 12 Denver East 2 Compoz, Dominic 11 Chaparral Hi 3 Rhodes, Shane 12 Cherry Creek 4 Yount, Blake 11 Smoky Hill H 5 Alhamra, Zachary 11 Pine Creek H 6 Gordon, Stuart 11 Denver East 7 Jenson, Chandler 11 ThunderRidge 8 Moore, Paul 11 ThunderRidge 9 Sitton, Parker 12 Monarch High 10 Boyle, Andy 12 Air Academy 11 Eccher, Greg 12 Grand Juncti 12 Caldwell, Satchel 11 Boulder High 13 Roch, Tyger 11 Monarch High 14 Rieder, David 11 Boulder High 15 Petrie, Zac 12 Valor Christ 16 Ingram, Caleb 12 Pine Creek H 17 Brevig, Mason 10 Arapahoe Hig 18 Cox, Ian 12 Littleton Hi 19 Prescott, Carter 12 D'Evelyn Hig 20 Daniels, Darius 12 Doherty High 21 Romero, Jeremy 10 Heritage Hig 22 Adair, Allen 11 Grand Juncti 23 Smith, Paxton 10 Mountain Vis 24 Braun, Joshua 11 Battle Mount Event 11 Girls 3200 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Gregory, Lauren 9 Fort Collins 2 Gilfillan, Darby 12 George Washi 3 Anderson, Alaina 12 Pomona High 4 Wolff, Emily 12 Arapahoe Hig 5 McLaughlin, Erin 12 Boulder High 6 Litoff, Ashley 12 Monarch High 7 Vitella, Julia 9 Regis Jesuit 8 Holt, Heather 11 Fort Collins 9 Lasota, Kelsi 12 Estes Park H 10 Bent, Holly 9 Monarch High 11 Hahn, Nicole 12 Ralston Vall 12 Quistorff, Solana 11 Douglas Coun 13 Dalton, Savanna 10 Castle View 14 Schneider, Phoebe 12 Rock Canyon 15 Feehan, Hannah 12 Regis Jesuit 16 Andrie, Chloe 12 Smoky Hill H 17 Alcala, Gabby 12 Rock Canyon 18 Kennedy, Cami 11 Pomona High 19 Gaylord, Sydney 12 Battle Mount 20 Fernald, Sophia 12 Wheat Ridge 21 Ogg, Lauren 11 Valor Christ 22 Stumb, Lilly 11 Fairview Hig 23 Gaylord, Hannah 11 Battle Mount 24 Hausmann, Reagan 10 Valor Christ 25 Tomasula-Martin, Lily 9 Estes Park H 26 McKinney, Calysta 9 Castle View Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Oveson, Mallory 12 Peak to Peak 2 Cobb, Noelle 9 Columbine Hi 3 Oveson, Alice 10 Peak to Peak 4 Goodrum, Courtney 11 Mountain Vis 5 Cohan, Paula 12 Arapahoe Hig 6 Parker, Sarah 9 Mountain Vis 7 Wall, Zoe 12 ThunderRidge 8 Wenham, Megan 11 ThunderRidge 9 Trautner, Calyssa 10 Pine Creek H 10 Van Leeuwen, Magda 10 Littleton Hi 11 Cassell, Morgan 11 Heritage Hig 12 Lems, Katrina 10 Fairview Hig 13 Giesen, Nicole 11 Heritage Hig 14 Chamberlin, Nyla 10 Wheat Ridge 15 Badial, Alyssa 10 Fountain-For 16 Kuehster, Louise 12 Douglas Coun 17 Nunez, Idalee 11 Abraham Linc 18 Daily, McKenna 9 Denver East 19 Writebol, Emily 11 Chaparral Hi 20 Stoup, Isabella 12 Littleton Hi 21 Lockwood, Sophie 10 Poudre High 22 Koehler, Katherine 10 Chaparral Hi Event 12 Boys 3200 Meter Run =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Sheesley, Luke 12 Fort Collins 2 Weaver, Connor 12 Mountain Vis 3 Miller, Paul 12 Poudre High 4 Walton, Andrew 12 Mountain Vis 5 Caldwell, Satchel 11 Boulder High 6 Day, Dylan 11 Fountain-For 7 Alhamra, Zachary 11 Pine Creek H 8 Compoz, Dominic 11 Chaparral Hi 9 Rhodes, Shane 12 Cherry Creek 10 O'Hagan, John 11 Regis Jesuit 11 Roch, Tyger 11 Monarch High 12 Barton, Forrest 11 Castle View 13 Prescott, Carter 12 D'Evelyn Hig 14 Mason, Gavin 11 Pomona High 15 Lewis, Kyle 12 Boulder High 16 Norton, Mick 11 Grandview Hi 17 Boyle, Andy 12 Air Academy 18 Maddalone, Nicholas 10 Arapahoe Hig 19 Cox, Ian 12 Littleton Hi 20 Lucero, Jacob 12 Douglas Coun 21 Blackburn, Jacob 11 Rock Canyon 22 Petersen, Nicholas 12 Arapahoe Hig 23 Dimas, Cameron 9 Fort Collins 24 Graham, Nathan 11 Grandview Hi 25 Mattson, Cameron 12 Dakota Ridge 26 Hagen, Luc 10 Air Academy 27 Lundy, John 12 Heritage Hig 28 Miller, Cody 11 Smoky Hill H Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Freeman, Jesse 11 Castle View 2 Grissom, Ashton 11 Valor Christ 3 Ingram, Caleb 12 Pine Creek H 4 Moore, Cameron 11 Battle Mount 5 Cotton, Ethan 12 Battle Mount 6 Cusick, Aidan 11 Valor Christ 7 Hornecker, Alec 10 Golden High 8 Huber, Seth 12 Rock Canyon 9 Nichols, Bryce 9 Fairview Hig 10 Van Calcar, Anders 11 Palisade Hig 11 Fitsum, Hayelom 9 Denver East 12 Healy, Liam 12 Peak to Peak 13 Thompson, Caleb 10 Douglas Coun 14 King, Chris 11 Dakota Ridge 15 Price, Ben 11 ThunderRidge 16 Mahoney, Lee 12 Heritage Hig 17 Harris, Nathan 11 ThunderRidge 18 Bradshaw, Spencer 10 Smoky Hill H 19 Herrera, Jonathan 11 Abraham Linc 20 Dennis, Austin 10 Chaparral Hi 21 Churchill, Parker 9 Regis Jesuit 22 Mowery, Alexander 10 Peak to Peak 23 Jones, Sam 12 Fountain-For 24 Whitfield, Brian 11 Golden High 25 Lupo, Danny 11 Columbine Hi 26 Kelly, Akilkuumba 10 Denver East 27 Dirito, Jason 11 Ralston Vall 28 Zurfluh, Dylan 9 Estes Park H 29 Lund, Greg 9 Fairview Hig 30 Auslen, Richard 11 Ralston Vall 31 Murray, Garrett 12 Estes Park H 32 Bezzant, Brian 11 Columbine Hi 33 Rome, Conner 11 Highlands Ra 34 Coyne, Austin 10 Wheat Ridge 35 Miller, Andrew 10 Wheat Ridge 36 Norris, Brennan 12 Sierra High 37 Archuleta, Robert 11 Littleton Hi 38 Smith, Marc 11 Sierra High Hurdles / Top of file Event 13 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Bohney, Sarah 12 Heritage Hig 3 Parish, Sophia 10 Rock Canyon 4 Hall, Dior 12 George Washi 5 Pettit, Mackenzie 11 Castle View 6 Galbreath, Sierra 12 Ralston Vall 7 Vigil, Sammie 11 Smoky Hill H 8 Hinton, Michaela 9 Overland Hig Heat 2 Prelims 2 Betz, Heather 10 Fairview Hig 3 Stouffer, Alison 10 Monarch High 4 Paul, Carly 12 Poudre High 5 Harris, Claire 11 Lakewood Hig 6 Burton, Jordan 11 Mountain Vis 7 Diefenbach, Ashley 9 Chaparral Hi 8 Greenlee, Sage 12 Poudre High Heat 3 Prelims 2 Siekmeier, Rachel 12 Heritage Hig 3 Lamirato, Katie 12 Ralston Vall 4 Brown, Marlee 10 Palmer High 5 Sidinger, Linnae 12 Fort Collins 6 Morgan, Hali 11 Denver East 7 Lincoln, Carlie 11 Douglas Coun 8 Siert, Kaela 11 Wheat Ridge Heat 4 Prelims 2 Bodnar, Anastacia 10 Valor Christ 3 Finn, Kelly 12 Regis Jesuit 4 Ries, Maya 10 Denver East 5 Horton, Chasidy 11 Fountain-For 6 Sherwood, Sam 11 Valor Christ 7 Hazzard, Kenna 9 Peak to Peak 8 Marty, Whitney 11 Columbine Hi Heat 5 Prelims 2 Boettcher, Lily 12 Arapahoe Hig 3 Ruel, Jensen 10 Douglas Coun 4 Cumber, Karli 12 Grandview Hi 5 Coombe, Victoria 11 Eaglecrest H 6 Albers, Kelly 11 Castle View 7 Grimmesey, Kiley 10 Pine Creek H 8 LeBlanc, Marnier 11 Smoky Hill H Heat 6 Prelims 2 Dihle, Laura 9 Fort Collins 3 Anderson, Taylor 11 Battle Mount 4 Zurn, Cassidy 11 ThunderRidge 5 Jones, Tyree 11 Fountain-For 6 Lopez, Brianna 9 Palmer High 7 Roberts, Lindsey 9 Wheat Ridge 8 Bravo, Ashley 11 Mountain Vis Heat 7 Prelims 2 Pittel, Kate 10 Battle Mount 3 Mundy, Nicole 11 Grandview Hi 4 Sherman, Justine 12 Fairview Hig 5 Pettaway, Rhyan 10 Rock Canyon 6 Donner, Carly 12 Monarch High 7 Hardman, Bailey 10 ThunderRidge 8 Roussel, Jayda 10 Sierra High Event 14 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Swingle, Remington 10 Valor Christ 3 Goldwasser, Dane 11 Chaparral Hi 4 Long, Spencer 12 Poudre High 5 Taylor, Justice 11 Regis Jesuit 6 Borner, Colin 12 Rock Canyon 7 Whalen, Jack 9 Grandview Hi 8 Agyei, Michael 11 Smoky Hill H Heat 2 Prelims 2 Shankar, Manish 12 Estes Park H 3 Martinez, Jaden 10 Wheat Ridge 4 Wingard, Andrew 11 Ralston Vall 5 Metzler, Monty 10 Palisade Hig 6 Warren, Josh 11 ThunderRidge 7 Crawford, Billy 9 Grand Juncti 8 Keep, Chase 10 Battle Mount Heat 3 Prelims 2 Cupp, Brody 10 Grand Juncti 3 MacMillan, Collin 12 Denver East 4 Gordon, Travis 12 Palmer High 5 Currie, Sergio 11 Fountain-For 6 Clement, Alec 12 Monarch High 7 Kumjian, Scott 12 Pine Creek H 8 Meyer, Jared 11 Smoky Hill H Heat 4 Prelims 2 Kepfer Pirela, Richard 9 Highlands Ra 3 Robillard, Thomas 10 Fort Collins 4 Brown, Isaiah 11 Grandview Hi 5 Norman, Niko 12 Heritage Hig 6 Lienemann, Austin 11 Arapahoe Hig 7 Hanson, Matt 10 Lutheran Hig 8 Gatlin, Dylan 12 George Washi Heat 5 Prelims 2 Wilson, David 12 Castle View 3 Lipski, Nicholas 11 Arapahoe Hig 4 Wright, Joshua 11 Overland Hig 5 Dynes, Zeke 11 Highlands Ra 6 Chavez, Mario 11 ThunderRidge 7 Hansen, Jacob 9 Mountain Vis 8 Cornell, Ryan 10 Regis Jesuit Heat 6 Prelims 2 Couture, Jonah 11 Columbine Hi 3 Zahorik, Luke 12 Rock Canyon 4 Morales, John 12 Ralston Vall 5 Herrold, Andy 12 Wheat Ridge 6 Huyghue, Aaron 11 Fountain-For 7 Hoffman-Maroney, Garren 9 Castle View 8 Rice, James 11 Peak to Peak Heat 7 Prelims 2 Morely, Chase 10 Poudre High 3 Moddelmog, Cj 11 Fort Collins 4 Hammond, Sawyer 12 Fairview Hig 5 Shuman, Jay 10 Palisade Hig 6 Copeland-Doyle, Sequoyah 12 Denver East 7 Fosu, Paulison 9 Overland Hig 8 Mcmurrain, Douglas 9 Battle Mount Event 15 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Gorham, Cassidy 11 Castle View 3 Bodnar, Anastacia 10 Valor Christ 4 Zurn, Cassidy 11 ThunderRidge 5 Krusoe, Morgan 10 Highlands Ra 6 Lamirato, Katie 12 Ralston Vall 7 Roberts, Lindsey 9 Wheat Ridge 8 Leonard, Alexis 10 Palisade Hig Heat 2 Prelims 2 Grimes, Bilkisu 10 Ralston Vall 3 Hazzard, Kenna 9 Peak to Peak 4 Paul, Carly 12 Poudre High 5 Pettaway, Rhyan 10 Rock Canyon 6 Brown, Kennede 9 Grandview Hi 7 Newberry, Brooklynn 10 Rock Canyon 8 Vigil, Sammie 11 Smoky Hill H Heat 3 Prelims 2 Koch, Lindsey 11 Regis Jesuit 3 Burney, Taliah 10 Palmer High 4 McMurrain, Lilly 11 Battle Mount 5 Harrower, Brooke 12 Fairview Hig 6 Calabrese, Izzy 11 Battle Mount 7 Marty, Whitney 11 Columbine Hi 8 Gardner, Madison 11 Douglas Coun Heat 4 Prelims 1 Ortiz-Savage, Chelsie 11 Pine Creek H 2 Siekmeier, Rachel 12 Heritage Hig 3 Boettcher, Lily 12 Arapahoe Hig 4 Burton, Jordan 11 Mountain Vis 5 Long, Ashley 12 Grand Juncti 6 Sherwood, Sam 11 Valor Christ 7 Lincoln, Carlie 11 Douglas Coun 8 Hinton, Michaela 9 Overland Hig Heat 5 Prelims 1 Sanders, Lauryn 10 Fountain-For 2 Stouffer, Alison 10 Monarch High 3 Rothrock, Elizabeth 11 Littleton Hi 4 Brown, Marlee 10 Palmer High 5 Hall, Julia 10 Arapahoe Hig 6 Donner, Carly 12 Monarch High 7 Sobolik, Tatiana 10 Fairview Hig 8 Forsberg, Allison 10 Denver East Heat 6 Prelims 1 Grimmesey, Kiley 10 Pine Creek H 2 Karaffa, Kayla 12 Poudre High 3 Hardman, Bailey 10 ThunderRidge 4 Mundy, Nicole 11 Grandview Hi 5 Coombe, Victoria 11 Eaglecrest H 6 Sidinger, Linnae 12 Fort Collins 7 Diefenbach, Ashley 9 Chaparral Hi 8 Fernald, Isabel 9 Wheat Ridge Heat 7 Prelims 1 Branham, Sara 9 Peak to Peak 2 Buckner, Alex 10 Fort Collins 3 Cordova, Audrey 10 Heritage Hig 4 Doublin, Khayla 11 Denver East 5 Harris, Claire 11 Lakewood Hig 6 Smith, T'Ana 11 George Washi 7 Phillips, Reba 11 Fountain-For 8 LeBlanc, Marnier 11 Smoky Hill H Event 16 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles =============================================================================== Name Year School relim Time =============================================================================== Heat 1 Prelims 2 Lewis, Marcus 11 George Washi 3 Parrish, Demetrius 10 Battle Mount 4 Long, Spencer 12 Poudre High 5 Warren, Josh 11 ThunderRidge 6 Herrold, Andy 12 Wheat Ridge 7 Ortiz, Daniel 11 Battle Mount 8 Cornell, Ryan 10 Regis Jesuit Heat 2 Prelims 2 Kepfer Pirela, Richard 9 Highlands Ra 3 MacMillan, Collin 12 Denver East 4 Goldwasser, Dane 11 Chaparral Hi 5 Rudel, Jake 10 Fort Collins 6 Zahorik, Luke 12 Rock Canyon 7 D'Agostino, Derrick 10 Highlands Ra 8 Fosu, Paulison 9 Overland Hig Heat 3 Prelims 2 Huyghue, Aaron 11 Fountain-For 3 Hanson, Matt 10 Lutheran Hig 4 Wingard, Andrew 11 Ralston Vall 5 Brown, Isaiah 11 Grandview Hi 6 Ketron, Tyler 12 Douglas Coun 7 McDowell, Louis 10 Douglas Coun 8 Carroll, Kristian 11 Pine Creek H Heat 4 Prelims 2 Couture, Jonah 11 Columbine Hi 3 Chavez, Mario 11 ThunderRidge 4 Hammond, Sawyer 12 Fairview Hig 5 Swingle, Remington 10 Valor Christ 6 Lipski, Nicholas 11 Arapahoe Hig 7 Mills, Landon 10 Mountain Vis 8 Hansen, Jacob 9 Mountain Vis Heat 5 Prelims 2 Reetz, Nick 12 Dakota Ridge 3 Currie, Sergio 11 Fountain-For 4 DeVincenzo, Evan 12 Ralston Vall 5 Shankar, Manish 12 Estes Park H 6 Shuman, Jay 10 Palisade Hig 7 Agyei, Michael 11 Smoky Hill H 8 Higgins, Cole 10 Eaglecrest H Heat 6 Prelims 2 Wilson, David 12 Castle View 3 Copeland-Doyle, Sequoyah 12 Denver East 4 Taylor, Justice 11 Regis Jesuit 5 Visser, Barry 12 Littleton Hi 6 Carrasco, Dominique 11 Smoky Hill H 7 Wooldridge, Jason 10 Poudre High 8 Rice, James 11 Peak to Peak Heat 7 Prelims 2 Martinez, Jaden 10 Wheat Ridge 3 Braun, Chase 11 Lakewood Hig 4 Wright, Joshua 11 Overland Hig 5 Lienemann, Austin 11 Arapahoe Hig 6 Whalen, Jack 9 Grandview Hi 7 Metzler, Monty 10 Palisade Hig 8 Brioschi, Matteo 11 Fairview Hig Heat 8 Prelims 1 Gatlin, Dylan 12 George Washi 2 Crawford, Billy 9 Grand Juncti 3 Moddelmog, Cj 11 Fort Collins 4 Yorgov, Vasko 11 Heritage Hig 5 Taylor, Rayshawn 12 Denver South 6 Kumjian, Scott 12 Pine Creek H 7 Hoffman-Maroney, Garren 9 Castle View 8 Petterle, Jacob 9 Rock Canyon Relays / Top of file Event 17 Girls 800 Sprint Medley =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Thomas Jefferson High School 'A' 1) McAninch, Annie 9 2) Byrd, Bryanna 10 3) Robinson, Nakia 9 4) Daniels, Natalie 10 3 Smoky Hill High School 'A' 4 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Sherman, Justine 12 2) Kerr-Layton, Halea 11 3) Lattes, Sophie 12 4) Richarz, Kendall 12 5 Monarch High School 'A' 6 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Serocki, Erin 12 2) Siekmeier, Rachel 12 3) Palazzo, Gabriela 9 4) Ezra, Natalie 10 7 Abraham Lincoln High School 'A' Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Kekahuna, Christa 11 2) Oats, Bri 12 3) Robinson, Shelby 10 4) White, Shaun Trece 10 3 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 4 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Duncan, Dasha 12 2) Moore, Kyla 10 3) Kelly, Erica 11 4) Kelly, Rachel 11 5 Dakota Ridge High School 'A' 1) Cruz, Genevieve 10 2) Barnier, Mellanie 12 3) Gonzalez, Vanessa 12 4) Hume, Cayli 10 6 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Archibald, Nicole 11 2) Kriese, Skyler 10 3) Ruel, Jensen 10 4) Arndt, Paulette 11 7 Columbine High School 'A' Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Chaparral High School 'A' 2 George Washington High School 'A' 1) Briggs, Aliyah 12 2) Groce, Alexis 11 3) Brown, Catherine 12 4) Hill, Megan 10 3 ThunderRidge High School 'A' 1) Gunn, Kaitlyn 10 2) Adam, Shannon 10 3) Marti, Lauren 11 4) Schmidt, Victoria 9 4 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Char, Erin 10 2) Cavazos, Amelia 10 3) Landen, Emma 9 4) Hall, Julia 10 5 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Burney, Taliah 10 2) Byas, Jonnae 9 3) Maldonado, Anamaria 12 4) Wiegand-Brown, Madison 12 6 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Dieghan, Audrey 11 2) Pittel, Kate 10 3) Barca, Malia 11 4) McMurrain, Lilly 11 7 Castle View High School 'A' 1) Steinke, Kira 10 2) Albers, Kelly 11 3) Mackin, Julie 10 4) Davis, Sydney 12 8 Doherty High School 'A' 1) Norwood, Bethany 12 2) Chapa, Gabbi 9 3) Olson, Kiara 9 4) Roberts, Annica 12 Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Littleton High School 'A' 2 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Bollig, Madelyn 11 2) Chesson, Jasmine 9 3) Wald, Ava 10 4) Alaimo, Emma 10 3 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Warren, Alexis 11 2) Piech, Paulina 11 3) Bedu-Annan, Erica 11 4) Nwagwu, Michelle 10 4 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 5 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Doublin, Khayla 11 2) Clausell, Nakiya 11 3) Birch, Damajahnee 11 4) Gartrell, Tessa 10 6 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Mercado, Savannah 11 2) Paul, Carly 12 3) Steffen, Maddi 12 4) Wockner, Julia 12 7 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Carman, Kenzie 11 2) Ogunmodede, Tobi 11 3) Knox, Olivia 12 4) Burnett, Makenzie 12 8 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 1) Walters, Makaela 12 2) Hipp, Emily 10 3) Ceurvorst, Courtney 11 4) Rockhold, Leesa 11 Event 18 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Abraham Lincoln High School 'A' 4 Regis Jesuit 'A' 5 Peak to Peak Charter School 'A' 6 Littleton High School 'A' Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Columbine High School 'A' 3 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Follett, Tatiana 9 2) Ledwith, Dakota 9 3) Panyafu, Natty 9 4) Hopkins, Sarah 9 4 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Char, Erin 10 2) Cavazos, Amelia 10 3) Jones, Breanna 11 4) Burnett, Clare 10 5 Thomas Jefferson High School 'A' 1) Runnels, Dasia 10 2) Compton, Kaylen 11 3) Byrd, Bryanna 10 4) McAninch, Annie 9 6 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Anderson, Taylor 11 2) Dieghan, Audrey 11 3) Corenelio, Maricruz 11 4) Matarese, Katie 12 7 Smoky Hill High School 'A' Section 3 Timed Finals 2 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 3 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Harris, Jaida 9 2) Parker, Isabella 10 3) Vaiden, Shyane 9 4) Abiakam, Chinasa 12 4 Castle View High School 'A' 1) Steinke, Kira 10 2) Albers, Kelly 11 3) Graves, Angela 10 4) Mackin, Julie 10 5 Overland High School 'A' 1) Allen, Tyler 12 2) Hinton, Michaela 9 3) Morris, Daijah 11 4) Spahic, Lamija 11 6 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Awonowyi, Faith 12 2) Canada, Jevonna 12 3) Oats, Bri 12 4) White, Shaun Trece 10 7 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Maldonado, Anamaria 12 2) Sheperd, Yvonne 10 3) Smith, Bailey 10 4) Vasquez-Ward, Nia 10 8 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 1) Walters, Makaela 12 2) Hipp, Emily 10 3) Ceurvorst, Courtney 11 4) Grimes, Bilkisu 10 Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Archibald, Nicole 11 2) Kriese, Skyler 10 3) Brown, Alyssa 9 4) Ruel, Jensen 10 2 Palisade High School 'A' 1) McCall, Bailey 11 2) Nkana, Zeeda 10 3) Rentie, Amber 10 4) Thiessen, Abigail 9 3 Grand Junction High School 'A' 1) Honeycutt, Maia 10 2) King, Megan 9 3) Long, Ashley 12 4) Payne, Jill 10 4 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Mercado, Savannah 11 2) Travis, Reagan 12 3) Wockner, Julia 12 4) Steffen, Maddi 12 5 Chaparral High School 'A' 6 Doherty High School 'A' 1) Alexander, Jenae 10 2) Roberts, Annica 12 3) Norwood, Bethany 12 4) Olson, Kiara 9 7 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Serocki, Erin 12 2) Smith, Morgan 11 3) Gaines, Erin 11 4) LeBlanc, Takyra 10 8 ThunderRidge High School 'A' 1) Gunn, Kaitlyn 10 2) Smith, Gabrielle 11 3) Leiker, Katie 11 4) Sells, Tristyn 12 Section 5 Timed Finals 1 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Duncan, Dasha 12 2) Newberry, Caleigh 11 3) Moore, Kyla 10 4) Balman, Jayla 12 2 George Washington High School 'A' 1) Hall, Dior 12 2) Groce, Alexis 11 3) Brown, Catherine 12 4) McClendon, Jordan 12 3 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 4 Pine Creek High School 'A' 5 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Bollig, Madelyn 11 2) Koopman, Audra 9 3) Schulte, Becca 10 4) Wald, Ava 10 6 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Cumber, Karli 12 2) Onyenwere, Michaela 9 3) Cade, Sierra 10 4) Wilson, Lettia 12 7 Valor Christian High School 'A' 8 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Dynes, Alanes 12 2) Morgan, Ciera 12 3) Schofield, Taylor 12 4) Siegfreid, Shayli 11 Event 19 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Abraham Lincoln High School 'A' 2 Sierra High School 'A' 1) Lee, Malieck 12 2) Yon, DeQuan 11 3) Hiatt, Jacob 9 4) White, Nick 12 3 Grand Junction High School 'A' 1) Cupp, Brody 10 2) Frieling, Skyler 12 3) Wade, Shawn 10 4) Taylor, Austin 10 4 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Whitaker, Jordan 12 2) Smith, Julian 9 3) Yang, Paul 10 4) Burrell, Keyin 10 5 Castle View High School 'A' 1) Chase, Jackson 10 2) Linnin, Christopher 11 3) Costello, Daniel 12 4) Jackson, Elias 12 6 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Rodriguez, Irvin 11 2) Simonton, Sandy 11 3) Dath, Amadou 12 4) Olivas, Mizraim 12 7 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Sun, Zachary 10 2) Smith, Hunter 10 3) Halee, Ben 10 4) Grippo, Ryan 11 8 Thomas Jefferson High School 'A' 1) Cammack, Jorden 11 2) Baucam, Donavan 9 3) Hallman, Justice 9 4) Sayles, Lamar 10 Section 2 Timed Finals 1 George Washington High School 'A' 1) Keier, Brandon 11 2) King, Adrian 10 3) Padmore, Marcus 11 4) Evans, Bryan 11 2 Littleton High School 'A' 3 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Kane, Alex 11 2) Ransome, Bradley 12 3) Borner, Colin 12 4) Gullia, Vincent 11 4 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 5 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Kopel, Sean 12 2) Martinez, Beau 12 3) Pirrin, Aiden 11 4) Poole, Keelan 11 6 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 7 Peak to Peak Charter School 'A' 8 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Vartuli, Michael 12 2) Daldegan, Bryan 12 3) Borcic, Brandon 10 4) Cardenas, Gabriel 10 Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Mountain Vista High School 'A' 1) Dreiling, Rene 12 2) Rubley, Brock 11 3) Dean, Tristen 9 4) Parker, Kellen 9 2 Columbine High School 'A' 3 Smoky Hill High School 'A' 1) Agyei, Michael 11 2) Hopkins, Tahir 10 3) Thomas, Frank 12 4) Willoughby, Noah 11 4 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Coburn, Bruce 11 2) Cuckler, Josiah 11 3) Demello, Shane 12 4) Kelley, Preston 11 5 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Lenston, De Jon 12 2) Martin, Jalen 9 3) McAlester, Steven 11 4) Turner, Darian 11 6 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Gish, Nathan 11 2) Jimenez, Anthony 12 3) Long, Spencer 12 4) Roche, Preston 11 7 Lutheran High School 'A' 1) Arnell, Hunter 12 2) Perez, Darian 12 3) Youngs, Chris 10 4) Lee, Ryan 12 8 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Bradford, Terrell 11 2) Gordon, Travis 12 3) Thompson, Willie 12 4) Valverde, Travon 12 Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Doherty High School 'A' 1) Lahmers, Kurt 11 2) Marshall, Tristan 12 3) Wiggins, Josh 12 4) Young, Zach 12 2 Denver South High School 'A' 1) Poole, Surae 11 2) Taylor, Rayshawn 12 3) Weah, Saybechee 11 4) Wright, Malcolm 11 3 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Rilinger, Trenton 11 2) Brown, Daniel 12 3) Newsome, Austin 12 4) Smith, Trey 12 4 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Taylor, Justice 11 2) Williams, Trevor 11 3) Lanier, Javan 10 4) Schmidt, John 12 5 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Dynes, Eric 12 2) Kittrell, Jalen 12 3) Morgan, Ben 11 4) Turnage, Connor 12 6 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 7 Overland High School 'A' 1) Johnson, Jamal 12 2) Manlove, DeAnte 12 3) Roper, Aj 12 4) Thomas, Tre 12 8 Chaparral High School 'A' Event 20 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 3 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Dean, Mayleen 11 2) Smith, Talie 10 3) Rose, Kristie 10 4) Brown, Alyssa 9 4 Littleton High School 'A' 5 Smoky Hill High School 'A' 6 Thomas Jefferson High School 'A' 1) Runnels, Dasia 10 2) Compton, Kaylen 11 3) Robinson, Nakia 9 4) Stoker-Judice, Victoria 10 7 Peak to Peak Charter School 'A' Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Columbine High School 'A' 2 Chaparral High School 'A' 3 Air Academy High School 'A' 1) Bobo, Madeline 10 2) Lopez, Tori 12 3) Merrill, McKenna 10 4) Valdes, Kamerin 9 4 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Smith, Morgan 11 2) LeBlanc, Takyra 10 3) Gaines, Erin 11 4) McGuire, Madalyn 11 5 Dakota Ridge High School 'A' 1) Cruz, Genevieve 10 2) Barnier, Mellanie 12 3) Landers, Olivia 10 4) Gonzalez, Vanessa 12 6 Regis Jesuit 'A' 7 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Parker, Isabella 10 2) Abiakam, Chinasa 12 3) Scales, Medina 9 4) Miles, Audrey 11 8 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Byas, Jonnae 9 2) Nelson, Chantey 9 3) Sheperd, Yvonne 10 4) Vasquez-Ward, Nia 10 Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Kerr-Layton, Halea 11 2) Harrower, Brooke 12 3) Sanchez, Emma 12 4) Harrower, Heather 12 2 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Dieghan, Audrey 11 2) Matarese, Katie 12 3) Anderson, Taylor 11 4) Calabrese, Sofia 11 3 ThunderRidge High School 'A' 1) Zurn, Cassidy 11 2) Sells, Tristyn 12 3) Smith, Gabrielle 11 4) Hart, Kamryn 10 4 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Krusoe, Morgan 10 2) Morgan, Ciera 12 3) Schofield, Taylor 12 4) Siegfreid, Shayli 11 5 Doherty High School 'A' 1) Olson, Kiara 9 2) Roberts, Annica 12 3) Norwood, Bethany 12 4) Reckel, Isabella 10 6 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 1) Lamirato, Katie 12 2) Evans, London 10 3) Thompson, Alicia 11 4) Grimes, Bilkisu 10 7 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Landen, Emma 9 2) Jones, Breanna 11 3) Cavazos, Amelia 10 4) Boettcher, Lily 12 8 Palisade High School 'A' 1) McCall, Bailey 11 2) Nkana, Zeeda 10 3) Pawlowski, Melita 11 4) Thiessen, Abigail 9 Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Warren, Alexis 11 2) Nwagwu, Michelle 10 3) Bedu-Annan, Erica 11 4) Piech, Paulina 11 2 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Bollig, Madelyn 11 2) Chesson, Jasmine 9 3) Sidinger, Linnae 12 4) Alaimo, Emma 10 3 Valor Christian High School 'A' 4 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Brown, Tashay 12 2) McDowell, Deme 10 3) Olatipo, Omotumininu 12 4) Taurchini, Alicia 12 5 Pine Creek High School 'A' 6 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 7 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Travis, Reagan 12 2) Vijayasarathy, Tarah 11 3) Wockner, Julia 12 4) Mercado, Savannah 11 8 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Balman, Jayla 12 2) Newberry, Caleigh 11 3) Kelly, Erica 11 4) Pettaway, Rhyan 10 Event 21 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Sierra High School 'A' 1) Lee, Malieck 12 2) Yon, DeQuan 11 3) White, Nick 12 4) Medina, Matthew 12 3 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 4 Thomas Jefferson High School 'A' 1) Baucam, Donavan 9 2) Jighere, George 12 3) Evans, Torrey 12 4) Sayles, Lamar 10 5 Peak to Peak Charter School 'A' 6 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Rodriguez, Irvin 11 2) Simonton, Sandy 11 3) Parrish, Demetrius 10 4) Dath, Amadou 12 7 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Brown, Tyree 12 2) Byas, Anwar 11 3) Hopper, Mychal 10 4) Nelson, Josh 11 8 George Washington High School 'A' Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Grand Junction High School 'A' 1) Frieling, Skyler 12 2) Gladden, Brok 9 3) Wade, Shawn 10 4) Taylor, Austin 10 2 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Munson, Calvin 11 2) Harvey, Jason 11 3) Crowe, Alastair 12 4) Vanderberg, Zane 12 3 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Lienemann, Austin 11 2) McDaniel, Luke 10 3) Merkel, David 10 4) Daldegan, Bryan 12 4 Columbine High School 'A' 5 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Coburn, Bruce 11 2) Cuckler, Josiah 11 3) Demello, Shane 12 4) Kelley, Preston 11 6 Palisade High School 'A' 1) Alberts, Trevor 11 2) Bollinger, Jacob 12 3) Jackson, Chance 12 4) Shuman, Jay 10 7 Air Academy High School 'A' 1) Garrett, Austin 10 2) Lopez, Eddie 10 3) Sexton, Bailey 11 4) Shannahan, Casey 12 8 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Kane, Alex 11 2) Gullia, Vincent 11 3) Ransome, Bradley 12 4) Rimer, Kyle 12 Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Littleton High School 'A' 2 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 3 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Brown, Daniel 12 2) Rilinger, Trenton 11 3) Newsome, Austin 12 4) Lovelend, Connor 11 4 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Whitaker, Jordan 12 2) Minor, Robbie 10 3) Fine, Gabriel 12 4) Hudson, Brenden 12 5 Lutheran High School 'A' 1) Harris, Kent 10 2) Lee, Ryan 12 3) Perez, Darian 12 4) Youngs, Chris 10 6 Smoky Hill High School 'A' 1) Agyei, Michael 11 2) Hopkins, Tahir 10 3) Thomas, Frank 12 4) Willoughby, Noah 11 7 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Lally, Matthew 11 2) McAlester, Steven 11 3) Turner, Darian 11 4) Washington, Glenn 11 8 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Yorgov, Vasko 11 2) Porter, Austin 12 3) Ornelas, Tomas 10 4) Johnson, Mitch 10 Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Doherty High School 'A' 1) Lahmers, Kurt 11 2) Marshall, Tristan 12 3) Wiggins, Josh 12 4) Young, Zach 12 2 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Dynes, Eric 12 2) Kittrell, Jalen 12 3) Kolber, Joshua 12 4) Phou, Jason 11 3 Denver South High School 'A' 1) Poole, Surae 11 2) Taylor, Rayshawn 12 3) Weah, Saybechee 11 4) Wright, Malcolm 11 4 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 5 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Eggleton, Eric 12 2) Hooker, Zach 12 3) Jimenez, Anthony 12 4) Robinson, Justin 12 6 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Hill, Gabe 11 2) Kopel, Sean 12 3) Martinez, Beau 12 4) Watson, Shayne 11 7 Overland High School 'A' 1) Logan, Jordan 11 2) Manlove, DeAnte 12 3) Thomas, Tre 12 4) Waynewood, Dominican 12 8 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Lanier, Javan 10 2) Williams, Trevor 11 3) Campbell, Austin 10 4) Schmidt, John 12 Event 22 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 3 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Forsberg, Allison 10 2) Scales, Medina 9 3) Hamlett, Mecca 9 4) Tourgee, Tierra 12 4 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Kunz, Tatjana 10 2) Beggan, Katia 9 3) Keenan, Sydney 10 4) Sanchez, Katie 9 5 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Karaffa, Kayla 12 2) Sherman, Annelise 10 3) Wewerka, Sydney 10 4) Hunt, Delaney 9 6 Estes Park High School 'A' 1) Cirone, Anikka 10 2) Holmes, Holli 11 3) Todd, Laurel 12 4) Lasota, Kelsi 12 Section 2 Timed Finals 2 Columbine High School 'A' 3 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 4 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 5 Chaparral High School 'A' 6 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Kelly, Rachel 11 2) Pettaway, Rhyan 10 3) Newberry, Brooklynn 10 4) Balman, Jayla 12 Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Quistorff, Solana 11 2) Arndt, Paulette 11 3) Meclazcke, Karolina 12 4) Caskey, Ryah 10 2 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Brown, Marlee 10 2) Burney, Taliah 10 3) McIntyre, Hannah 12 4) Wiegand-Brown, Madison 12 3 Grand Junction High School 'A' 1) Grigware, Cassandra 12 2) Honeycutt, Maia 10 3) Long, Ashley 12 4) Meister, Erika 12 4 Mountain Vista High School 'A' 1) Walz, Abby 9 2) Marks, Taylor 12 3) Johnson, Ashlee 12 4) Burton, Jordan 11 5 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Hall, Julia 10 2) Landen, Emma 9 3) Slack, Sarah 10 4) Boettcher, Lily 12 6 Air Academy High School 'A' 1) Evans, Olivia 12 2) Merrill, McKenna 10 3) Rainsberger, Katie 10 4) Wiitala, Kayla 10 7 Palisade High School 'A' 1) McCall, Bailey 11 2) Pawlowski, Melita 11 3) Rentie, Amber 10 4) Thiessen, Abigail 9 8 Heritage High School 'A' 1) McGuire, Madalyn 11 2) Hines-Ike, Kira 11 3) Linscott, Lauren 12 4) Cordova, Audrey 10 Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Cain, Jordan 11 2) Francis, Darbie 11 3) Kreutz, Macy 12 4) Krusoe, Morgan 10 2 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Chesson, Jasmine 9 2) Gregory, Lauren 9 3) Miller, Devynn 11 4) Schulte, Becca 10 3 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Ross, Sylvana 11 2) Nwagwu, Michelle 10 3) Cade, Sierra 10 4) Mundy, Nicole 11 4 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Brown, Tashay 12 2) Gordon, Mariah 9 3) Olatipo, Omotumininu 12 4) Taurchini, Alicia 12 5 Pine Creek High School 'A' 6 ThunderRidge High School 'A' 1) Smith, Gabrielle 11 2) Atwell, Emma 11 3) Zurn, Cassidy 11 4) Hart, Kamryn 10 7 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Koch, Lindsey 11 2) Knox, Olivia 12 3) Johnson, Devon 9 4) Burnett, Makenzie 12 8 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Calabrese, Sofia 11 2) Calabrese, Izzy 11 3) Matarese, Katie 12 4) Constien, Valerie 12 Event 23 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 2 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 3 Air Academy High School 'A' 1) Garrett, Austin 10 2) Greenbaum, Mike 10 3) Lopez, Eddie 10 4) Lopez, Monty 9 4 Grand Junction High School 'A' 1) Crawford, Billy 9 2) Gladden, Brok 9 3) Gonzalez, Israel 10 4) Lapkin, Jacob 10 5 Mountain Vista High School 'A' 1) Dean, Tristen 9 2) Dreiling, Rene 12 3) Hammer, Noah 10 4) Williams, Hayden 11 6 Sierra High School 'A' 1) Lendsey, Chris 9 2) Lopez, Julio 12 3) Ware, Terron 10 4) Medina, Matthew 12 7 Abraham Lincoln High School 'A' 8 George Washington High School 'A' Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Boyd, Raymond 12 2) Cochran, Chandler 11 3) Marin, Brent 12 4) West, Ashton 10 2 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Kerbs, Garrett 12 2) Powell, Hunter 12 3) Sheesley, Luke 12 4) Rudel, Jake 10 3 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Ornelas, Tomas 10 2) Johnson, Mitch 10 3) Yorgov, Vasko 11 4) Kenner, Matt 11 4 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 5 Palisade High School 'A' 1) Alberts, Trevor 11 2) Bollinger, Jacob 12 3) Edwards-Bailey, Jeff 11 4) Shuman, Jay 10 6 Overland High School 'A' 1) AhmedElbagir, Ahmed 12 2) Evans, Randall 10 3) Halliburton, Alijah 10 4) Jackson, Tsavion 10 7 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Rodriguez, Irvin 11 2) Simonton, Sandy 11 3) Parrish, Demetrius 10 4) Arreola, Ricardo 11 8 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Conn-Parent, Jonas 9 2) Eurek, Aaron 9 3) Stone, Joseph 9 4) Watson, Zack 10 Section 3 Timed Finals 1 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Lienemann, Austin 11 2) Merkel, David 10 3) McDaniel, Luke 10 4) Daldegan, Bryan 12 2 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Rimer, Kyle 12 2) Lyle, Keane 11 3) Davis Jr., Richard 12 4) Petterle, Jacob 9 3 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Keely, Evan 11 2) Lally, Matthew 11 3) Washington, Glenn 11 4) Shonka, Conner 10 4 Chaparral High School 'A' 5 Denver South High School 'A' 1) Taylor, Rayshawn 12 2) Vasquez, Joseph 12 3) Weah, Saybechee 11 4) Wright, Malcolm 11 6 Lakewood High School 'A' 7 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Ketron, Tyler 12 2) Lucero, Jacob 12 3) Sarabia, Alexander 11 4) Mascarenas, Skylar 11 8 Columbine High School 'A' Section 4 Timed Finals 1 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Geberkidane, Cerake 12 2) Coyle, Chris 12 3) Minor, Robbie 10 4) Fine, Gabriel 12 2 Lutheran High School 'A' 1) Arnell, Hunter 12 2) Harris, Kent 10 3) Lee, Ryan 12 4) Perez, Darian 12 3 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 4 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Ferguson, Nick 12 2) Lang, Isaiah 12 3) Martinez, Beau 12 4) Sisneros, Triston 11 5 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Eggleton, Eric 12 2) Hooker, Zach 12 3) Long, Spencer 12 4) Roche, Preston 11 6 Valor Christian High School 'A' 7 Littleton High School 'A' 8 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Blanton, Brent 11 2) Davenport, Matt 11 3) Kolber, Joshua 12 4) Phou, Jason 11 Event 24 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Sanchez, Emma 12 2) Mason, Zetta 10 3) Freeman, Hannah 9 4) Harrower, Heather 12 2 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Ervin, Abbey 12 2) Gregory, Lauren 9 3) Kramer, Michelle 12 4) Miller, Devynn 11 3 ThunderRidge High School 'A' 1) Atwell, Emma 11 2) Aurich, Morgan 10 3) Hart, Kamryn 10 4) Wall, Zoe 12 4 Chaparral High School 'A' 5 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Baird, Molly 11 2) Francis, Daphnie 12 3) Francis, Darbie 11 4) Kasch, Shelby 12 6 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Shearon, Christina 12 2) Favela, Marlene 12 3) Olsen, Tesha 12 4) Denardo, Jenai 12 7 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Quistorff, Solana 11 2) Meclazcke, Karolina 12 3) Kuehster, Louise 12 4) Caskey, Ryah 10 8 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 1) VanSickle, Ashley 9 2) Bevington, Sarah 9 3) Bearup, Katherine 10 4) Thompson, Alicia 11 9 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Balman, Mackenna 10 2) Alcala, Gabby 12 3) Arbuckle, Chloe 10 4) Schneider, Phoebe 12 10 Smoky Hill High School 'A' 1) Eoff, Julie 9 2) Fatica, Lesley 11 3) Johannes, Emmah 9 4) Yeager, Svetlana 10 11 Valor Christian High School 'A' 12 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Slack, Sarah 10 2) Barella, Elaine 12 3) Middleton, Mandee 11 4) Cohan, Paula 12 13 Grand Junction High School 'A' 1) Gehl, Claire 10 2) Grigware, Cassandra 12 3) Meister, Erika 12 4) Seibold, Nicole 12 14 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Carter, René 10 2) McIntyre, Hannah 12 3) Nelson, Chantey 9 4) Sabiyumva, Alphonsine 11 15 Estes Park High School 'A' 1) Holmes, Holli 11 2) Tomasula-Martin, Lily 9 3) Palmer, Bizzy 12 4) Lasota, Kelsi 12 16 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Manning, Ellie 11 2) Rudolph, Marisa 12 3) Sherman, Annelise 10 4) Warling, Allysa 11 17 Castle View High School 'A' 1) Johnson, Kylie 11 2) Dalton, Savanna 10 3) McKinney, Calysta 9 4) Dalton, Kelsey 12 18 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Linscott, Lauren 12 2) Giesen, Nicole 11 3) Potts, Kaitlin 12 4) Cordova, Audrey 10 19 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Murphy, Fiona 10 2) Feehan, Hannah 12 3) Vitella, Julia 9 4) Koch, Lindsey 11 20 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 21 Columbine High School 'A' 22 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 23 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Ross, Sylvana 11 2) Vallin, Kayla 10 3) Shaw, Rachel 11 4) Mundy, Nicole 11 24 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Albentosa, Paricia 11 2) Gordon, Mariah 9 3) Smith, Krystal 11 4) Taurchini, Janine 10 Event 25 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay =============================================================================== School Finals =============================================================================== Section 1 Timed Finals 1 Denver East High School 'A' 1) Fitsum, Hayelom 9 2) Gordon, Stuart 11 3) Kastrul, Alex 11 4) Bertron, Simon 11 2 Chaparral High School 'A' 3 Eaglecrest High School 'A' 1) Dwyer, Cameron 11 2) Keely, Evan 11 3) Shonka, Conner 10 4) Squyers, Dameon 10 4 Palmer High School 'A' 1) Brown, Will 11 2) Scheuer, Richie 11 3) Stone, Joseph 9 4) Walth, Ben 10 5 Fairview High School 'A' 1) Bovio, Joseph 12 2) Sherman, Skylar 11 3) Kaempfen, Timo 12 4) Naber, Jacob 11 6 Golden High School 'A' 1) Seaholm, Mark 11 2) Elliot, Adam 11 3) Hornecker, Alec 10 4) Whitfield, Brian 11 7 Regis Jesuit 'A' 1) Cochran, Chandler 11 2) Davidson, Jack 10 3) O'Hagan, John 11 4) Rohlwing, Spencer 10 8 Battle Mountain High School 'A' 1) Ortiz, Daniel 11 2) Aguirre, Alexis 9 3) Borel, Jake 10 4) Mcmurrain, Douglas 9 9 Wheat Ridge High School 'A' 10 Grandview High School 'A' 1) Hamilton, JaRon 10 2) Lopez, Tyler 11 3) Voss, Michael 12 4) Norton, Mick 11 11 Ralston Valley High School 'A' 12 Overland High School 'A' 1) Artis, James 10 2) Evans, Randall 10 3) Lang, Julian 10 4) Robele, Yosef 11 13 Abraham Lincoln High School 'A' 14 Thomas Jefferson High School 'A' 1) Street, Chris 12 2) Beal, Jeffrey 12 3) Thompson, Xzavier 10 4) Daniels, Brandon 9 Section 2 Timed Finals 1 Poudre High School 'A' 1) Eggleton, Eric 12 2) Hooker, Zach 12 3) Miller, Paul 12 4) Roche, Preston 11 2 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho 'A' 3 Fort Collins High School 'A' 1) Briggs, Henry 11 2) Calderon, Antonio 10 3) Ponce-Pore, Remy 12 4) Sheesley, Luke 12 4 Monarch High School 'A' 5 ThunderRidge High School 'A' 1) Moore, Paul 11 2) Isakson, Joel 12 3) Selby, Drew 12 4) Jenson, Chandler 11 6 Heritage High School 'A' 1) Lundy, John 12 2) Kenner, Matt 11 3) Ornelas, Tomas 10 4) Romero, Jeremy 10 7 Douglas County High School 'A' 1) Lucero, Jacob 12 2) Smith, Kendal 9 3) Ketron, Tyler 12 4) Sarabia, Alexander 11 8 Arapahoe High School 'A' 1) Hood, Louis 12 2) Merkel, David 10 3) TeKolste, Ryan 12 4) Lipski, Nicholas 11 9 Smoky Hill High School 'A' 1) Ali, Gemal 12 2) Coen, Philipp 10 3) Parker, Ryan 12 4) Yount, Blake 11 10 Rock Canyon High School 'A' 1) Tinlin, Andy 12 2) Skoglund, Connor 12 3) Lyle, Keane 11 4) Blackburn, Jacob 11 11 Highlands Ranch High School 'A' 1) Butcher, Justin G 11 2) Goldsberry, Jackson 11 3) Lathrop, Kaden 9 4) Meis, Nick 12 12 Doherty High School 'A' 1) Daniels, Darius 12 2) Martinez, Willy 12 3) Supernaw, Brandon 12 4) White, Kyle 12 13 Columbine High School 'A' 14 Palisade High School 'A' 1) Bollinger, Jacob 12 2) Edwards-Bailey, Jeff 11 3) Kinson, Damick 12 4) Ness, Daniel 12 Field Events / Top of file Event 26 Girls High Jump =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 De Laurell, Leah 9 Pine Creek H 2 Barker, Dylan 9 Battle Mount 3 Hulla, Courtney 11 Heritage Hig 4 Vaiden, Shyane 9 Denver East 5 Shaw, Tori 11 Grandview Hi 6 Cazier, Amy 10 Wheat Ridge 7 Cooper, Kathryn 11 Arapahoe Hig 8 Hodge, Jayla 11 Arapahoe Hig 9 Mathys, Elena 11 Littleton Hi 10 Walz, Abby 9 Mountain Vis 11 Eckert, Lauren 11 Overland Hig 12 Bain, Billie 11 Regis Jesuit 13 Olson, Courtney 11 Fort Collins 14 Dihle, Laura 9 Fort Collins 15 Nazarenus, Jessica 10 Chaparral Hi 16 Luo, Dan 11 Highlands Ra 17 Murphy, Molly 11 Highlands Ra 18 Thurston, Alex 10 Heritage Hig 19 Smith, Sadie 10 Columbine Hi 20 Reed, Franchesca 10 Overland Hig 21 Spillar, Riley 10 Dakota Ridge 22 Steck, Ashley 12 Douglas Coun 23 Petry, Chandler 9 Rock Canyon 24 King, Megan 9 Grand Juncti 25 Goodman, Clara 12 Rock Canyon 26 Smith, Emma 9 Mountain Vis 27 Servais, Tori 11 Douglas Coun 28 Poulter, Jordyn 11 Eaglecrest H 29 Coombe, Victoria 11 Eaglecrest H 30 Harvey, Amelia 11 Pine Creek H 31 Smith, Cheyenne 9 Valor Christ 32 Greenlee, Sage 12 Poudre High 33 Landers, Olivia 10 Dakota Ridge 34 Perry, Olivia 11 Chaparral Hi 35 Wehrli, Piper 10 Columbine Hi 36 Stouffer, Alison 10 Monarch High 37 Betz, Heather 10 Fairview Hig 38 King, Jessica 12 Golden High 39 Leonard, Alexis 10 Palisade Hig 40 Yeager, Svetlana 10 Smoky Hill H 41 Onyenwere, Michaela 9 Grandview Hi 42 Toole, Kellyn 11 Regis Jesuit 43 Marsh, Madison 12 Grand Juncti 44 Wenham, Megan 11 ThunderRidge 45 Calabrese, Sofia 11 Battle Mount 46 Pettit, Mackenzie 11 Castle View 47 Paul, Carly 12 Poudre High 48 O'Quinn, Rajon 12 Fountain-For Event 27 Boys High Jump =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Mccray, Michael 10 Douglas Coun 2 Zoolakis, Mitchell 10 Highlands Ra 3 Agyekum, Isaiah 9 Sierra High 4 Taylor, Emory 11 Columbine Hi 5 McNeil, Matt 10 Ralston Vall 6 Starkey, Matthew 10 Columbine Hi 7 Holmberg, Andy 10 Ralston Vall 8 Basham, Fisher 10 Regis Jesuit 9 Mills, Landon 10 Mountain Vis 10 Ibarra, Alan 12 Abraham Linc 11 Gomez Jr, Benjamin 9 Douglas Coun 12 Lewis, Marcus 11 George Washi 13 Suits, Vaughn 11 Eaglecrest H 14 Kaufman, William 10 Fairview Hig 15 Heinnaman, Carter 11 ThunderRidge 16 Buckner, Tromas 10 Fountain-For 17 Hagaman, Mason 10 Wheat Ridge 18 Daniels, Eric 11 Grandview Hi 19 Ferrin, Cale 10 Dakota Ridge 20 Coffee, Nathan 10 Rock Canyon 21 Lapkin, Jacob 10 Grand Juncti 22 Diggins, EiSaan 11 George Washi 23 Wells, Darrien 9 Overland Hig 24 Halliburton, Alijah 10 Overland Hig 25 Dath, Amadou 12 Battle Mount 26 Anderson, Danny 9 Arapahoe Hig 27 Obinnah, Uche 10 Grandview Hi 28 Yokem, Trent 12 Poudre High 29 Pfaffinger, Andrew 11 Fort Collins 30 Owen, Riley 11 Battle Mount 31 Svehla, Brody 9 Poudre High 32 Jackson, Jeffrey 11 Palmer High 33 Walsh, Tanner 9 Palmer High 34 McNulty, Daniel 11 Arapahoe Hig 35 Drake, Alec 12 Eaglecrest H 36 MacDonald, Ian 12 Dakota Ridge 37 Herzl, Will 11 Heritage Hig 38 Chronopoulos, Will 12 Fort Collins 39 Clark, Matt 12 Castle View 40 Beauchamp, Ben 12 Monarch High 41 Jackson, Chance 12 Palisade Hig 42 McGee, Ty 12 D'Evelyn Hig 43 Rock, Stockton 11 Grand Juncti 44 Lamb, Jack 11 Rock Canyon 45 Ward, Phillip 12 Peak to Peak 46 Taylor, Dionne 11 Pine Creek H 47 Campbell, Austin 10 Regis Jesuit 48 Lamp, Gavin 12 Fairview Hig 49 Linnin, Christopher 11 Castle View 50 McClurklin, Duane 11 Fountain-For 51 Rex, Trevor 11 Highlands Ra Event 28 Girls Pole Vault =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Kachmer, Kate 9 Regis Jesuit 2 Elson, Mary Kate 9 Regis Jesuit 3 Jamison, Claire 9 Fairview Hig 4 O'Brien, Madeline 10 Pine Creek H 5 Cenusa, Hannah 11 Castle View 6 Andersen, Bailey 10 Heritage Hig 7 Lozano, Erin 12 ThunderRidge 8 Johnson, Sierra 11 Heritage Hig 9 Scheckel, Chlotille 9 Chaparral Hi 10 Gonzalez, Stacey 10 Grandview Hi 11 Shaver, Gina 10 Arapahoe Hig 12 Preston, Samantha 12 Fort Collins 13 Erkson, Kaitlyn 11 Grandview Hi 14 Borcic, Briana 12 Arapahoe Hig 15 Burris, Amanda 12 Douglas Coun 16 Ellis, Sterlyng 10 Chaparral Hi 17 Rinerson, Abby 11 Rock Canyon 18 Aster, Julie 10 Fort Collins 19 Teeter, Rachel 12 Rock Canyon 20 Reis, Georgia 10 Monarch High 21 Steiblen, Marion 11 Monarch High 22 Vasina, Melanie 11 Smoky Hill H 23 Turner, Peyton 10 Ralston Vall 24 Moret, Mia 9 Poudre High 25 Arant, Annalise 9 Fairview Hig 26 Sexton, Kathryn 12 Douglas Coun 27 Todd, Laurel 12 Estes Park H 28 Steffen, Maddi 12 Poudre High 29 Pittel, Kate 10 Battle Mount 30 Calabrese, Izzy 11 Battle Mount 31 Hautamaa, Stephanie 12 Valor Christ 32 Smith, Gabrielle 11 ThunderRidge 33 Stathakis, Christina 11 Castle View Event 29 Boys Pole Vault =============================================================================== Name Year School Finals =============================================================================== Flight 1 Finals 1 Lieb, Kellen 10 Heritage Hig 2 Chen, Sean 10 Monarch High 3 Kiousis, James 10 Fairview Hig 4 Chase, Riley 9 Castle View 5 Schmid, Eric 12 Poudre High 6 Sollender, Grayson 11 Regis Jesuit 7 Fuller, Max 10 Arapahoe Hig 8 Urmann, Corbin 10 Arapahoe Hig 9 Clark, Evan 10 Ralston Vall 10 Stevens, Alex 12 Estes Park H 11 Febvre, Louis 10 Poudre High 12 Kendziorski, Jarred 10 Valor Christ 13 Lucas, Otto 10 Heritage Hig 14 Aguirre, Alexis 9 Battle Mount 15 Kim, Jonathan 10 Grandview Hi 16 Powell, Hunter 12 Fort Collins 17 Ogilvie, Hugo 11 Littleton Hi 18 McCarty, Luke 11 Rock Canyon 19 Stroup, Anthony 11 Littleton Hi 20 Heffley, Chase 11 Ralston Vall 21 Slick, Jordan 11 Battle Mount 22 Brown, Daniel 12 Douglas Coun 23 Driscoll, Brandon 12 Palmer High 24 Ortiz, Joe 11 Valor Christ 25 Crowe, Alastair 12 Fairview Hig 26 Johnson, Ezekiel 9 ThunderRidge 27 Smith, Nathanael 12 Douglas Coun 28 Casner, Andrew 11 Grandview Hi 29 Williams, Hayden 11 Mountain Vis 30 Giglio, Joseph 12 ThunderRidge 31 Ellis, Nolan 12 Chaparral Hi 32 Borner, Colin 12 Rock Canyon 33 Mueller, Christian 11 Castle View 34 Holt, Tesfai 12 Smoky Hill H 35 Barlow, Andrew 11 Monarch High 36 Hatfield, Jordan 12 Regis Jesuit Event 30 Girls Long Jump =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Ogunmodede, Tobi 11 Regis Jesuit 2 Smith, Emma 9 Mountain Vis 3 Micensky, Ashley 11 Sierra High 4 Siert, Kaela 11 Wheat Ridge 5 Buntin, Sophia 9 Mountain Vis 6 Todd, Laurel 12 Estes Park H 7 Albers, Kelly 11 Castle View 8 Fernald, Isabel 9 Wheat Ridge 9 Cirone, Anikka 10 Estes Park H Flight 2 Prelims 1 Leith, Allyson 9 Littleton Hi 2 Bedu-Annan, Erica 11 Grandview Hi 3 Sells, Tristyn 12 ThunderRidge 4 Gehrke, Gianna 11 Heritage Hig 5 Gholston, Avery 11 Regis Jesuit 6 Reed, Franchesca 10 Overland Hig 7 Toma, Yuka 11 Littleton Hi 8 Lopes, Keisha 10 Smoky Hill H 9 Haynie, Baylee 10 Thomas Jeffe 10 Yeager, Lana 11 Smoky Hill H 11 Landers, Olivia 10 Dakota Ridge 12 Stiff, Madison 10 Douglas Coun Flight 3 Prelims 1 Leiker, Kaitlyn 11 ThunderRidge 2 Lamirato, Katie 12 Ralston Vall 3 Byrd, Bryanna 10 Thomas Jeffe 4 Peats, Alexis 11 Valor Christ 5 Haskins, Brooke 12 Valor Christ 6 Denardo, Jenai 12 Battle Mount 7 Goodman, Clara 12 Rock Canyon 8 McCall, Bailey 11 Palisade Hig 9 Moore, Raquel 11 Fountain-For 10 Schmid, Carina 9 Fairview Hig 11 Nkana, Zeeda 10 Palisade Hig 12 Slack, Sarah 10 Arapahoe Hig Flight 4 Prelims 1 Graves, Angela 10 Castle View 2 Harris, Jaida 9 Denver East 3 Spahic, Lamija 11 Overland Hig 4 McClendon, Jordan 12 George Washi 5 Cumber, Karli 12 Grandview Hi 6 Kriese, Skyler 10 Douglas Coun 7 King, Jessica 12 Golden High 8 Olsen, Tesha 12 Battle Mount 9 Luo, Dan 11 Highlands Ra 10 Haas, Maria 12 Arapahoe Hig 11 Galbreath, Sierra 12 Ralston Vall 12 Divich, Dakota 11 Pine Creek H Flight 5 Prelims 1 Travis, Reagan 12 Poudre High 2 Vijayasarathy, Tarah 11 Poudre High 3 Sidinger, Linnae 12 Fort Collins 4 Balman, Jayla 12 Rock Canyon 5 Olatipo, Omotumininu 12 Eaglecrest H 6 Ferrin, Jae 12 Dakota Ridge 7 Morgan, Ciera 12 Highlands Ra 8 Harvey, Amelia 11 Pine Creek H 9 Sherman, Justine 12 Fairview Hig 10 Horton, Chasidy 11 Fountain-For 11 Koopman, Audra 9 Fort Collins 12 Ries, Chyna 12 Denver East Event 31 Boys Long Jump =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Ward, Phillip 12 Peak to Peak 2 Pagel, Benjamin 12 Peak to Peak 3 Hudson, Brenden 12 Denver East 4 Frangella, Taylor 11 Chaparral Hi 5 Dacaug, Rhett 9 Estes Park H 6 Agyekum, Isaiah 9 Sierra High 7 Valdez, Alejandro 12 Palmer High 8 Susalski, Jess 12 Rock Canyon 9 O'Hara, Vaughn 11 George Washi 10 Ferrin, Cale 10 Dakota Ridge 11 Bartle, Ethan 10 Douglas Coun 12 Whitaker, Jordan 12 Denver East Flight 2 Prelims 1 Sun, Zachary 10 Fairview Hig 2 Schnebeck, Luke 12 Rock Canyon 3 Ibarra, Alan 12 Abraham Linc 4 Hopper, Mychal 10 Palmer High 5 Sugg, Colin 10 Heritage Hig 6 Mueller, Christian 11 Castle View 7 Schaefer, Henry 10 Arapahoe Hig 8 Woldu, Dawit 12 Thomas Jeffe 9 Dean, Tristen 9 Mountain Vis 10 Rhodes, Jake 10 Chaparral Hi 11 Shankar, Manish 12 Estes Park H 12 Latham, Cody 11 Palisade Hig Flight 3 Prelims 1 Pierce, Joshua 10 Wheat Ridge 2 Gauthier, Myles 10 Thomas Jeffe 3 Rouse, Ryker 11 Mountain Vis 4 Pettway, Tyrell 11 Sierra High 5 Frauenhoff, Henry D 11 ThunderRidge 6 Smith, Andrew 11 Littleton Hi 7 Faison, Mangei 12 Smoky Hill H 8 Ricks, DaeVion 12 Overland Hig 9 McConnell, Bobby 10 Dakota Ridge 10 Evans, Bryan 11 George Washi 11 Mascolo, Eric 10 Littleton Hi 12 Waite, Henry 12 Lutheran Hig Flight 4 Prelims 1 Daniels, Eric 11 Grandview Hi 2 Hicks, Drake 11 Golden High 3 Lockerd, Carson 12 Golden High 4 Rudel, Jake 10 Fort Collins 5 Arnsberger, Luke 11 Monarch High 6 Dath, Amadou 12 Battle Mount 7 Turner, Darian 11 Eaglecrest H 8 Sweeney, Victor 12 Smoky Hill H 9 Olivas, Mizraim 12 Battle Mount 10 Burgess, Logan 10 Monarch High 11 Dickson, Joseph 12 Grandview Hi 12 Gonzalez, Israel 10 Grand Juncti Flight 5 Prelims 1 Clark, Matt 12 Castle View 2 Peterson, Gregg 12 ThunderRidge 3 Holmberg, Andy 10 Ralston Vall 4 Green-Bey, Justin 12 Fountain-For 5 Jackson, Chance 12 Palisade Hig 6 Taylor, Dionne 11 Pine Creek H 7 Johnson, Jamal 12 Overland Hig 8 Campbell, Austin 10 Regis Jesuit 9 Meadows, Kevin 12 Ralston Vall 10 Cornell, Ryan 10 Regis Jesuit 11 McDaniel, Luke 10 Arapahoe Hig 12 Lowry, Jake 10 Columbine Hi Flight 6 Prelims 1 Smith, Nathanael 12 Douglas Coun 2 Washington, Glenn 11 Eaglecrest H 3 Zgabay, Wyatt 10 D'Evelyn Hig 4 McGee, Ty 12 D'Evelyn Hig 5 Taylor, Austin 10 Grand Juncti 6 Greco, Peter 12 Wheat Ridge 7 Tigner, Charles 11 Fountain-For 8 Stuckey, Langston 12 Fort Collins 9 Morgan, Ben 11 Highlands Ra 10 Sweeten, Ronald 12 Pine Creek H 11 Turnage, Connor 12 Highlands Ra 12 McDondle, Bernard 12 Columbine Hi Event 32 Girls Triple Jump =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Micensky, Ashley 11 Sierra High 2 Barker, Dylan 9 Battle Mount 3 Bain, Billie 11 Regis Jesuit 4 Lloyd, Michelle 9 Smoky Hill H 5 Buntin, Sophia 9 Mountain Vis 6 Woronoff, Sarah 9 Grandview Hi 7 Mathys, Elena 11 Littleton Hi 8 Fernald, Isabel 9 Wheat Ridge 9 Stiff, Madison 10 Douglas Coun 10 Richardson, Laura 9 Palisade Hig Flight 2 Prelims 1 Landers, Olivia 10 Dakota Ridge 2 Meagher, Alexa 10 Heritage Hig 3 Toma, Yuka 11 Littleton Hi 4 Smith, Emma 9 Mountain Vis 5 Steck, Ashley 12 Douglas Coun 6 Johnson, Kaylah 10 Fountain-For 7 Smith, Sadie 10 Columbine Hi 8 Albeck, Elise 10 Arapahoe Hig 9 Gholston, Avery 11 Regis Jesuit 10 Sluss, Lauren 11 Fort Collins 11 Yu, Katherine 12 Palmer High 12 Cazier, Amy 10 Wheat Ridge Flight 3 Prelims 1 Kelley, Jessie 11 Columbine Hi 2 Schmid, Carina 9 Fairview Hig 3 Byrd, Bryanna 10 Thomas Jeffe 4 Gehrke, Gianna 11 Heritage Hig 5 Thiessen, Abigail 9 Palisade Hig 6 Person, Madison 11 Grandview Hi 7 Coleman, Gina 9 Fountain-For 8 Lopes, Keisha 10 Smoky Hill H 9 Leiker, Kaitlyn 11 ThunderRidge 10 Haynie, Baylee 10 Thomas Jeffe 11 Smith, Katherine 12 Grand Juncti 12 Byas, Jonnae 9 Palmer High Flight 4 Prelims 1 Shannon, Nicole 11 Ralston Vall 2 Parish, Sophia 10 Rock Canyon 3 Remmers, Katie 11 Fort Collins 4 Sells, Tristyn 12 ThunderRidge 5 Galbreath, Sierra 12 Ralston Vall 6 Lattes, Sophie 12 Fairview Hig 7 Morgan, Hali 11 Denver East 8 McClendon, Jordan 12 George Washi 9 Allen, Tyler 12 Overland Hig 10 Murphy, Molly 11 Highlands Ra 11 Haskins, Brooke 12 Valor Christ 12 Pettit, Mackenzie 11 Castle View Flight 5 Prelims 1 Goodman, Clara 12 Rock Canyon 2 Graves, Angela 10 Castle View 3 Olsen, Tesha 12 Battle Mount 4 Luo, Dan 11 Highlands Ra 5 King, Jessica 12 Golden High 6 Haas, Maria 12 Arapahoe Hig 7 Ferrin, Jae 12 Dakota Ridge 8 Divich, Dakota 11 Pine Creek H 9 Vijayasarathy, Tarah 11 Poudre High 10 Travis, Reagan 12 Poudre High 11 Harvey, Amelia 11 Pine Creek H 12 Ries, Maya 10 Denver East Event 33 Boys Triple Jump =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Dickson, Joseph 12 Grandview Hi 2 Norris, Brennan 12 Sierra High 3 Rouse, Ryker 11 Mountain Vis 4 Perez, Cesar 10 Palmer High 5 Haas, Ray 10 Arapahoe Hig 6 Rhodes, Jake 10 Chaparral Hi 7 Saunders, Brandon 11 Wheat Ridge 8 Ibarra, Alan 12 Abraham Linc 9 Suits, Vaughn 11 Eaglecrest H 10 Abate, Dawit 11 Thomas Jeffe Flight 2 Prelims 1 Olivas, Mizraim 12 Battle Mount 2 Frangella, Taylor 11 Chaparral Hi 3 Paylor, Lucas 10 Rock Canyon 4 Pettway, Tyrell 11 Sierra High 5 Mueller, Christian 11 Castle View 6 Mascolo, Eric 10 Littleton Hi 7 Byas, Anwar 11 Palmer High 8 Johnson, Jamal 12 Overland Hig 9 Smith, Andrew 11 Littleton Hi 10 Faison, Mangei 12 Smoky Hill H 11 Sanford, Isiah 9 Smoky Hill H 12 Hartzel, Ryan 12 Fairview Hig Flight 3 Prelims 1 Gordon, Jeremiah 12 Dakota Ridge 2 Metzler, Monty 10 Palisade Hig 3 Nay, Aaron 11 George Washi 4 Latham, Cody 11 Palisade Hig 5 Sun, Zachary 10 Fairview Hig 6 Pulver, Chase 10 Columbine Hi 7 Gregston, Parker 11 Ralston Vall 8 Smith, Julian 9 Denver East 9 Dath, Amadou 12 Battle Mount 10 Cousar, Nathaniel 11 George Washi 11 Clark, Matt 12 Castle View 12 Porter, Austin 12 Heritage Hig Flight 4 Prelims 1 Krauss, Eric 10 Highlands Ra 2 Lewis, Jason 9 Regis Jesuit 3 Lamb, Jack 11 Rock Canyon 4 McDaniel, Luke 10 Arapahoe Hig 5 Taylor, Dionne 11 Pine Creek H 6 Burgess, Logan 10 Monarch High 7 Waynewood, Dominican 12 Overland Hig 8 Daniels, Eric 11 Grandview Hi 9 Couture, Jonah 11 Columbine Hi 10 Mathis, Jamarcus 11 Fountain-For 11 Arnsberger, Luke 11 Monarch High 12 Rudel, Jake 10 Fort Collins Flight 5 Prelims 1 Stuckey, Langston 12 Fort Collins 2 Frauenhoff, Henry D 11 ThunderRidge 3 Wingard, Andrew 11 Ralston Vall 4 Warren, Josh 11 ThunderRidge 5 Solomon, Rayvon 10 Regis Jesuit 6 Gaines, Michael 12 Fountain-For 7 Smith, Nathanael 12 Douglas Coun 8 Sweeten, Ronald 12 Pine Creek H 9 Norris, Nathanael 12 Douglas Coun 10 Lockerd, Carson 12 Golden High 11 Greco, Peter 12 Wheat Ridge 12 Turnage, Connor 12 Highlands Ra Event 34 Girls Discus Throw =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Rasmussen, Erika 9 Regis Jesuit 2 Haaf, Shaelee 9 Dakota Ridge 3 Freyre, Lidia 12 Abraham Linc 4 Ulibarri, Cierra 10 Wheat Ridge 5 Hannaway, Shannon 9 Wheat Ridge 6 Jacobs, Hailey 10 ThunderRidge 7 Benton, Jessica 11 Heritage Hig 8 Orban, Danielle 10 Regis Jesuit 9 Ficco, Sophia 10 Dakota Ridge Flight 2 Prelims 1 Patrick, Katie 11 Grandview Hi 2 Miller, Kaitlyn 11 Arapahoe Hig 3 Quinn, Tyra 11 Columbine Hi 4 Lanning, Natasha 10 Highlands Ra 5 Lusk, Emily 12 D'Evelyn Hig 6 Pataroque, Dana 11 Rock Canyon 7 Moore, Emily 10 Chaparral Hi 8 Funny, Brianna 10 Douglas Coun 9 Duncan, Baylie 9 Rock Canyon 10 Jarmond, Codi 11 Eaglecrest H 11 Grace, Sheridan 10 Grand Juncti Flight 3 Prelims 1 Fiadonu, Eyram 10 D'Evelyn Hig 2 Homner, McKenna 11 Grandview Hi 3 Mann, Ericka 10 Valor Christ 4 Vavrik, Dasia 10 Arapahoe Hig 5 Anderson, Kathryn 10 Columbine Hi 6 Coleman, Gina 9 Fountain-For 7 Mueller, Taylore 11 Poudre High 8 Wilkinson, Sarah 12 Grand Juncti 9 Petrick, Melissa 12 Highlands Ra 10 Cooney, Deidre 10 Smoky Hill H 11 Teague, Ali 12 Battle Mount Flight 4 Prelims 1 Bouck, Kasey 12 Poudre High 2 Pettit, Bobbi 10 Littleton Hi 3 Sepulveda, Anisa 12 Eaglecrest H 4 Matl, Gabbie 10 Littleton Hi 5 Carlo, Krista 10 Palisade Hig 6 Sexton, Kathryn 12 Douglas Coun 7 Reiner, Taylor 12 ThunderRidge 8 Cuomo, Jessica 12 Battle Mount 9 Martinez, Sarah 11 Peak to Peak 10 Frazier, Erica 12 Fountain-For 11 Winn, Kelly 10 Castle View Flight 5 Prelims 1 Clark, Nicolette 11 Sierra High 2 Dern, Autumn 12 Fort Collins 3 French, Amanda 12 Palisade Hig 4 Skarban, Amanda 12 Pine Creek H 5 Mahnke, Ann 11 Smoky Hill H 6 Marr, Sydney 10 Pine Creek H 7 Brown, Maya 12 Castle View 8 Schoendaller, Natalie 12 Heritage Hig 9 Calascione, Jennifer 11 Chaparral Hi 10 Showalter, Haley 11 Valor Christ 11 Natrasevschi, Josephine 12 Fort Collins Event 35 Boys Discus Throw =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Moreno, Gabe 11 Denver East 2 Simmons, Lavelle 11 George Washi 3 Ward, Maxwell 9 Fairview Hig 4 Kiousis, James 10 Fairview Hig 5 Bartley, Yared 11 George Washi 6 Adamson, Tristan 11 Palmer High 7 Chavez, Nick 9 Denver East 8 Alexis, Joseph 11 Fountain-For Flight 2 Prelims 1 King, Benjamin 12 Rock Canyon 2 Benson, Parker 12 Rock Canyon 3 Phegley, Tristan 11 Columbine Hi 4 Faison, Mangei 12 Smoky Hill H 5 Quintero, Diego 11 Battle Mount 6 Briggs, Cj 12 Douglas Coun 7 Sami, Jalen 9 Sierra High 8 Barstad, Paul 11 Castle View 9 Boggs, David 12 Wheat Ridge 10 Bain, Tom 12 Regis Jesuit 11 Townley, Joshua 11 Grand Juncti Flight 3 Prelims 1 Abrashoff, Alec 11 Dakota Ridge 2 Harper, Ethan 11 Overland Hig 3 Delaney, Christian 11 Arapahoe Hig 4 Cohn, Joshua 11 Dakota Ridge 5 Andretsos, Evan 12 Highlands Ra 6 Downs, Sheldon 10 Palmer High 7 Cassio, Jessie 12 Eaglecrest H 8 Lewis, Eric 11 Smoky Hill H 9 Saunders, Brandon 11 Wheat Ridge 10 Ruble, Nathaniel 12 Peak to Peak 11 Jehl, Jared 11 Regis Jesuit Flight 4 Prelims 1 Tran, Thai 12 Peak to Peak 2 Umu, Frank 11 Heritage Hig 3 Olson, Elijah 12 Pine Creek H 4 Lutz, Erik 11 Highlands Ra 5 Richardson, Cody 12 Littleton Hi 6 Hanson, Benjamin 10 Arapahoe Hig 7 McNeil, Matt 10 Ralston Vall 8 Markowski, James 11 Overland Hig 9 Summers, Zachiry 11 Douglas Coun 10 Traylor, De'Von 10 Fountain-For 11 Klos, Jared 10 Castle View Flight 5 Prelims 1 Casas, David 11 Battle Mount 2 Pastore, Connor 12 Ralston Vall 3 Wibbels, Jackson 10 Pine Creek H 4 Kozan, Sam 12 Valor Christ 5 Waite, Henry 12 Lutheran Hig 6 Pino, Aron 10 Littleton Hi 7 Murray, Ben 11 ThunderRidge 8 Strauch, Cj 12 Grandview Hi 9 Storebo, Brandon 11 Fort Collins 10 Talbert, Isaiah 12 Grandview Hi 11 Romero, Alex 10 Poudre High Flight 6 Prelims 1 Freeman, Ben 10 Fort Collins 2 KellerTwigg, Frankie 12 Estes Park H 3 Worley, Brandon 12 Palisade Hig 4 McKnight, Michael 12 Grand Juncti 5 Anderson, Logan 11 Columbine Hi 6 Gardner, Weston 11 Heritage Hig 7 Robinson, Michael 11 Poudre High 8 Jacobs, Blake 12 ThunderRidge 9 Sizer, Deyon 12 Eaglecrest H 10 Gallegos, Leo 12 Palisade Hig 11 Bratten, Cody 12 Valor Christ Event 36 Girls Shot Put =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Rasmussen, Erika 9 Regis Jesuit 2 Orban, Danielle 10 Regis Jesuit 3 Ulibarri, Cierra 10 Wheat Ridge 4 Freyre, Lidia 12 Abraham Linc 5 Jacobs, Hailey 10 ThunderRidge 6 Hannaway, Shannon 9 Wheat Ridge 7 Ficco, Sophia 10 Dakota Ridge 8 Mueller, Sydney 9 Poudre High 9 Benton, Jessica 11 Heritage Hig Flight 2 Prelims 1 Mueller, Taylore 11 Poudre High 2 Mann, Ericka 10 Valor Christ 3 Harris, Patrice 12 George Washi 4 Haaf, Shaelee 9 Dakota Ridge 5 Grace, Sheridan 10 Grand Juncti 6 Russell, Brandi 12 Sierra High 7 Yarian, Kady 11 Littleton Hi 8 Cuomo, Jessica 12 Battle Mount 9 Teague, Ali 12 Battle Mount 10 Pataroque, Dana 11 Rock Canyon Flight 3 Prelims 1 Lanning, Natasha 10 Highlands Ra 2 Copley, Shelby 11 Columbine Hi 3 Huff, Karli 11 Columbine Hi 4 Servais, Tori 11 Douglas Coun 5 Funny, Brianna 10 Douglas Coun 6 Wilkinson, Sarah 12 Grand Juncti 7 Duncan, Baylie 9 Rock Canyon 8 Patrick, Katie 11 Grandview Hi 9 Cooney, Deidre 10 Smoky Hill H 10 Petrick, Melissa 12 Highlands Ra Flight 4 Prelims 1 French, Amanda 12 Palisade Hig 2 Jarmond, Codi 11 Eaglecrest H 3 Martinez, Sarah 11 Peak to Peak 4 Homner, McKenna 11 Grandview Hi 5 Sepulveda, Anisa 12 Eaglecrest H 6 Carlo, Krista 10 Palisade Hig 7 Suazo, Sierra 9 Castle View 8 Marr, Sydney 10 Pine Creek H 9 Pettit, Bobbi 10 Littleton Hi 10 Clark, Nicolette 11 Sierra High Flight 5 Prelims 1 Brown, Maya 12 Castle View 2 Mahnke, Ann 11 Smoky Hill H 3 Schoendaller, Natalie 12 Heritage Hig 4 Dern, Emma 9 Fort Collins 5 Reiner, Taylor 12 ThunderRidge 6 Skarban, Amanda 12 Pine Creek H 7 Frazier, Erica 12 Fountain-For 8 Coleman, Gina 9 Fountain-For 9 Showalter, Haley 11 Valor Christ 10 Natrasevschi, Josephine 12 Fort Collins Event 37 Boys Shot Put =============================================================================== Name Year School Prelims =============================================================================== Flight 1 Prelims 1 Rice, James 11 Peak to Peak 2 Tran, Thai 12 Peak to Peak 3 Loi, Ryan 10 Fairview Hig 4 Simmons, Lavelle 11 George Washi 5 Adamson, Tristan 11 Palmer High 6 Townley, Joshua 11 Grand Juncti 7 Bartley, Yared 11 George Washi 8 Watkins, Marion 10 Palmer High 9 Chavez, Nick 9 Denver East 10 Kiousis, James 10 Fairview Hig 11 Marizza, Ryan 11 Arapahoe Hig 12 VanLiew, Jacob 12 Regis Jesuit 13 Cooks, Keyshon 11 Sierra High Flight 2 Prelims 1 White, Sam 11 Rock Canyon 2 Cohn, Joshua 11 Dakota Ridge 3 Klafka, Tanner 12 Douglas Coun 4 Casas, David 11 Battle Mount 5 Almanza, Misael 11 Battle Mount 6 Abrashoff, Alec 11 Dakota Ridge 7 Anderson, Logan 11 Columbine Hi 8 Saunders, Brandon 11 Wheat Ridge 9 Horsley, Brandon 12 Ralston Vall 10 Barstad, Paul 11 Castle View 11 Sami, Jalen 9 Sierra High 12 Faison, Mangei 12 Smoky Hill H 13 Ray, Austin 9 Poudre High Flight 3 Prelims 1 Briggs, Cj 12 Douglas Coun 2 King, Benjamin 12 Rock Canyon 3 Terroade, Ravon 12 Denver East 4 Jordhal, Brandon 10 Highlands Ra 5 Wibbels, Jackson 10 Pine Creek H 6 Emery, Kyle 11 Ralston Vall 7 Delaney, Christian 11 Arapahoe Hig 8 Kluckman, Hugh 12 Pine Creek H 9 Waite, Henry 12 Lutheran Hig 10 Lauber, Jake 11 Fort Collins 11 Patrick, Wesley 12 D'Evelyn Hig 12 Traylor, De'Von 10 Fountain-For 13 Markowski, James 11 Overland Hig Flight 4 Prelims 1 Holden, Jonah 11 ThunderRidge 2 Storebo, Brandon 11 Fort Collins 3 Baker, Mike 11 Littleton Hi 4 Robinson, Michael 11 Poudre High 5 Muehlbauer, Gabe 11 D'Evelyn Hig 6 Lewis, Eric 11 Smoky Hill H 7 Gallegos, Leo 12 Palisade Hig 8 Kozan, Sam 12 Valor Christ 9 Lutz, Erik 11 Highlands Ra 10 Pino, Aron 10 Littleton Hi 11 Martinez, Cameron 12 Heritage Hig 12 Umu, Frank 11 Heritage Hig 13 Bustam, Joseph 12 Columbine Hi Flight 5 Prelims 1 Hardin, Ryan 11 Castle View 2 KellerTwigg, Frankie 12 Estes Park H 3 Shaw, Aj 12 Regis Jesuit 4 Phillip, Kadim 12 Fountain-For 5 Romero, Mathew 12 Eaglecrest H 6 Bratten, Cody 12 Valor Christ 7 Roper, Aj 12 Overland Hig 8 Strauch, Cj 12 Grandview Hi 9 Talbert, Isaiah 12 Grandview Hi 10 McKnight, Michael 12 Grand Juncti 11 Worley, Brandon 12 Palisade Hig 12 Sizer, Deyon 12 Eaglecrest H 13 Jacobs, Blake 12 ThunderRidge