Curious to see how the schools would break out into classifications by October, 2014, enrollments under the new CLOC proposal?
Editor's Note: I've been getting lots of questions about this. The CLOC committee is set to release the 2015 enrollment numbers and classification breakpoints next week. Based on last year's enrollments and tentative breakpoints, this article (republished from November 12, 2014) shows how the classifications for track and cross country were initially projected to break out when the proposal first came forward. There will be some changes to this with this year's enrollment counts, but the basic idea is still the same. I will definitely be running an article on the topic as soon as this year's information comes available.
Here is a quick glance at how that breaks down, The key is simple: blue = 5A, yellow = 4A, red = 3A, green = 2A, purple = 1A
Note that single-gender schools have their enrollment counts doubled for classificiation purposes. Historically, at least in recent years, the girls division of Regis Jesuit has competed under a 5A banner though their enrollment would technically land them in the 4A classification.
In recent years, Julesburg and Revere have competed together under the Sedgwick County banner. If that arrangement continues, the program would be 2A for both cross country (if they have it) and track and field.
South Baca remains 1A, assuming the current arrangement between Vilas, Pritchett, and Campo remains intact.
The two Denver School of Science and Technology listings under 3A are for two separate campuses of the school--Stapleton and Green Valley Ranch.
All of these assignments, however, would be subject to revision according to the October, 2015, enrollment counts if that CLOC proposal is adopted by CHSAA. In addition to revised enrollment counts, new schools adding either cross country or track could impact the breakpoints of the classifications by a school or two in either direction at each boundary.