Colorado has now had 38 female and 36 male qualifiers.
1980 - Michelle Burt - 31st place - 19:59 (Honestly, I don't know much about her - including which high school she attended. The only information provided on the Footlocker homepage is her name, place, time, region and state. However, I'm sure somebody on here remembers her--either that or she was mistakenly listed as a Colorado athlete).
1981 - Deahn Hendrixson - 31st - 18:58 - Northglenn H.S.
1983 - Lize Brittin - 15th - 18:00 - Fairview H.S.
1984 - Lize Brittin - 7th - 17:39 - Fairview H.S.
1985 - Jon Hume - 4th - 14:51 - Green Mountain H.S.
1986 - Nathan Wright - 28th - 15:50 - Poudre H.S.
1987 - Chris Nelson - 7th - 15:15 - Florence H.S.
Eric Morrison - 8th - 15:17 - Poudre H.S.
Pat Dolan - 16th - 15:31 - Greeley Central H.S.
Sarah Schwald - 4th - 17:27 - Liberty H.S.
1988 - Kevin Herd - 30th - 16:16 - Rangeview H.S.
Melody Fairchild - 2nd - 17:18 - Boulder H.S.
Sarah Schwald - 5th - 17:39 - Liberty H.S.
Calley Nelson - 13th - 18:07 - Florence H.S.
Cruz Zarco - 16th - 18:13 - Sargent H.S.
1989 - Melody Fairchild - 1st - 17:05 - Boulder H.S.
Cruz Zarco - 8th - 17:51 - Sargent H.S.
Calley Nelson - 18th - 18:36 - Florence H.S.
1990 - A.J. Campbell - 22nd - 15:59 - Central (Grand Junction) H.S.
Melody Fairchild - 1st - 16:39 - Boulder H.S. (existing course record at Morley Field, Balboa Park)
Sarah DeMartini - 29th - 19:55 - Poudre H.S.
1991 - Adam Goucher - 13th - 15:41 - Doherty H.S.
Faith Harvel - 27th - 19:15 - Boulder H.S.
1992 - Adam Goucher - 15th - 15:47 - Doherty H.S.
Marne Findley - 30th - 19:30 - Ponderosa H.S.
1993 - Adam Goucher - 1st - 14:41 - Doherty H.S.
1995 - Kerry Dugan - 21st - 18:34 - Boulder H.S.
1996 - Aaron Blondeau - 12th - 15:57 - Salida H.S.
2000 - Megan Kaltenbach - 18th - 18:06 - Smoky Hill H.S.
2001 - Brett Schoolmeester - 27th - 16:01 - Denver Christian H.S.
Megan Kaltenbach - 14th - 17:52 - Smoky Hill H.S.
2002 - Katelyn Kaltenbach - 7th - 17:50 - Smoky Hill H.S.
Megan Kaltenbach - 20th - 18:24 - Smoky Hill H.S.
2003 - Ryan Deak - 6th - 15:13 - Smoky Hill H.S.
Bradley Harkrader - 12th - 15:24 - Thornton H.S.
Katelyn Kaltenbach - 1st - 17:24 - Smoky Hill H.S.
Morgan Schulz - 11th - 17:56 - Smoky Hill H.S.
2004 - John McGuire - 4th - 15:27 - D'Evelyn H.S.
Mohamud Ige - 13th - 15:44 - Denver South H.S.
Whitney Anderson - 4th - 17:49 - Summit H.S.
Maddie McKeever - 9th - 18:14 - Heritage H.S.
Keara Sammons - 11th - 18:20 - Smoky Hill H.S.
Katelyn Kaltenbach - 15th - 18:28 - Smoky Hill H.S.
2005 - Mohamud Ige - 10th - 15:21 - Denver South H.S.
Daniel Roberts - 12th - 15:27 - Crested Butte Academy
Noah Shannon - 19th - 15:39 - Ft. Collins H.S.
Keara Sammons - 17th - 17:58 - Smoky Hill H.S.
2006 - Richard Medina - 18th - 15:52 - Grand Junction H.S.
Joseph Manilafasha - 25th - 16:07 - Denver North H.S.
Anguel Tolev - 27th - 16:09 - Thornton H.S.
Evan Appel - 29th - 16:12 - Dakota Ridge H.S.
Katie Vanatta - 4th - 17:57 - Ralston Valley H.S.
Kristen McGlynn - 35th - 19:14 - Platte Canyon H.S.
2007 - Bobby Nicolls - 18th - 15:44 - Regis Jesuit H.S.
Evan Appel - 21st - 15:48 - Dakota Ridge H.S.
Joseph Manilafasha - 22nd - 15:49 - Denver North H.S.
Kevin Williams - 26th - 15:52 - D'Evelyn H.S.
2008 - Evan Appel - 6th - 15:36 - Dakota Ridge H.S.
Joe DeMoor - 10th - 15:44 - Buena Vista H.S.
Andrew Berberick - 17th - 15:54 - Mullen H.S.
Joseph Manilafasha - 35th - 16:19 - Denver North H.S.
Allie McLaughlin - 5th - 17:34 - Air Academy H.S.
2009 - Scott Fauble - 17th - 15:44 - Wheat Ridge H.S.
Walter Schafer - 22nd - 15:46 - Cherry Creek H.S.
Danny Nicolls - 26th - 15:49 - Regis Jesuit H.S.
Ryan Poland - 28th - 15:51 - Denver Christian H.S.
Kelsey Lakowske - 6th - 17:33 - Boulder H.S.
2010 - William Kincaid - 11th - 15:27 - Columbine H.S.
Kelsey Lakowske - 4th - 17:29 - Boulder H.S.
Eleanor Fulton - 13th - 17:50 - Highlands Ranch H.S.
2011 - Sydney Scott - 26th - 18:18 - Denver South H.S.
2012 - Jordyn Colter - 4th - 17:30 - Cherry Creek H.S.
Melanie Nun - 35th - 18:37 - Legacy H.S.
2014 - Lauren Gregory - 11th - 18:04 - Ft. Collins H.S.
Melody Fairchild (twice)
Adam Goucher
Katelyn Kaltenbach
Schools with multiple qualifiers (different athletes):
Smoky Hill - 5 (Megan and Katelyn Kaltenbach, Keara Sammons, Morgan Schulz, Ryan Deak)
Boulder - 4 (Melody Fairchild, Kelsey Lakowske, Faith Harvel, Kerry Dugan)
Poudre - 3 (Nathan Wright, Eric Morrison, Sarah DeMartini)
Cherry Creek - 2 (Walter Schafer, Jordyn Colter)
Denver Christian - 2 (Brett Schoolmeester, Ryan Poland)
Denver South - 2 (Mohamud Ige, Sydney Scott)
D'Evelyn - 2 (John McGuire, Kevin Williams)
Ft. Collins - 2 (Noah Shannon, Lauren Gregory)
Florence - 2 (Chris and Calley Nelson)
Regis Jesuit - 2 (Bobby and Danny Nicholls)
Thornton - 2 (Bradley Harkrader, Anguel Tolev)
Schools with most total qualifiers:
Smoky Hill - 10 (M Kaltenbach x 3, K Kaltenbach x 3, Sammons x 2, Schulz, Deak)
Boulder - 7 (Fairchild x 3, Lakowske x 2, Harvel, Dugan)
Dakota Ridge - 3 (Appel x 3)
Denver North - 3 (Manilafasha x 3)
Florence - 3 (Calley Nelson x 2, Chris Nelson)
Doherty - 3 (Goucher x 3)
Poudre - 3 (Wright, Morrison, DeMartini)
*several schools tied with 2
Schools with qualifiers from both genders:
Cherry Creek
Denver South
Ft. Collins
Smoky Hill
Sibling qualifiers:
Calley and Chris Nelson - Florence
Bobby and Danny Nicolls - Regis Jesuit
Megan and Katelyn Kaltenbach - Smoky Hill
Most common finishing position:
4th place (has occurred 7 times)
*followed by four times each for 1st place, 11th place, 13th place, and 18th place
*no one has ever finished 3rd, 23rd, 24th, 32nd, 33rd, 34th, 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th, or 40th place
From 1979-1992, the race was called the Kinney National Cross Country Championships. Since 1993 it has been called the Foot Locker National Cross Country Championships. The race has been held at Balboa Park in San Diego every year except 1981-1982, and 1997-2001 when it was held in Orlando.