2016 Joe Davis Classic: Allison Mann Makes It Two for Two


If you liked what you saw from the Palmer boys last week, you loved what you saw this week. It was all brown and white at the front of the boys race. Awet Beraki took a convincing win in 16:27. Andrew Bentley, motivated to get himself finally in front of Pueblo South's Ben Highfill (above), would eventually close Beraki's gap to three seconds. Bentley ended up in second at 16:30. Evidently, Bentley is a keen student of both French and history, turning around after the finish and (I'm fabricating here) uttering, "Apres mois le deluge." And, right on cue, Palmer lined up in places 6, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Tilt, game over. Palmer posted 34 points to 73 for second-place Discovery Canyon. Oh, and Palmer had the top finisher in the JV race as well. If you're not liking this Palmer team, you're missing something special, folks.

Le deluge...