With the turning of the calendar from January to February, the intensity of the indoor meets ratchets upward a little.
This Saturday begins the three-week march of the Air Force High School Indoor Open, the Western State High School Indoor Open and Great Southwest Classic Indoor, and then the Simplot Games. If the competition hasn't been stiff enough for you so far, it probably just became so.
Leading up to the Air Force High School Indoor Open on Saturday is the Mines High School Indoor Open #3 on Thursday. Though we anticipate this one will be a smaller meet than it's been the last two weeks, there are enough teams and individuals signed up that we can still expect a competitive meet experience out of this one.
Then, on Saturday, the Cadet Field House spills over with track and field. Both track and field events are slated to begin at 10 AM. The current schedule has things wrapping up at 4:45 PM, but the meet could run a bit longer than that if entries continue to pile in at their current rate.
Among the entries filling the lanes and field event venues at the Cadet Field House is a very large delegation of Wyoming athletes. The indoor programs of Wyoming are headed toward Colorado Springs en masse.
You can view the list of all-time meet records for the Air Force HS Indoor Open here. Top 20 lists for all meet events for the last decade will appear later this week on Colorado Track XC.
Several athletes will be at the Cadet Field House seeking to earn qualifying marks for New Balance Nationals Indoor. Many more will be seeking to improve seed marks for the Great Southwest Classic Indoor and Simplot Games on upcoming weekends. There's no better place to do it than this.
Online registration for the Air Force High School Indoor Open continues until midnight tonight. After that, it's day-of-meet registration only at an additional $10/athlete.
Online registration for the Mines High School Indoor Open continues through meet day and then on-site prior to the meet.
Online entry for both meets is via Direct Athletics.
And, of course, Colorado Track XC will be live streaming the Air Force High School Indoor Open. Expect the live stream to begin shortly after 9 AM. It will continue through the duration of the meet.