Drew Seidel: Wheat Ridge To Portland State


                                  Drew Seidel's Best Marks

800 - 1:56.15

1,600 - 4:18.59

3,200 - 9:33.95

5k - 15:50


Q) Talk about the recruitment process - what other schools were you looking at, and how did you come to choosing the Portland State?

I was looking at CSU, Colorado School of Mines, Chico State, Western State, University of Portland and Portland State. Although, after a while I knew I wanted to be in the Pacific Northwest, so it was pretty much down to a University of Portland and Portland State. Although both were incredible visits, I found myself really clicking with the Portland State coach, team and program. It is a very young program with a new coach, and I see not only my own potential growing their, but the entire team's.

Q) What do you plan to study at Portland State?

I plan to study Electrical Engineering. 

Q) You've had success in everything from the 800 on up to the 5k - what do you consider your primary event, and what do you see yourself focusing on at Portland State?

My junior year I really considered the 800 my strength. I was on low mileage, high intensity training. This year, I would consider my strength in the mile. Although I ran very few this season, hitting on few big races, my speed from the 800, and endurance from the 3200 meshed together for a nice mile. 

Q) You ran a 4:56 mile as a freshman, and a 2:13 800, then dropped that drastically to 4:18 as a senior, and 1:56 - what do you feel contributed to your improvements over the years?

My primary focus for athletics all through high school was going to be soccer. I didn't run cross country my freshmen or sophomore year, and never really trained for track, just raced to stay in shape for soccer. My coaches had always told me that if I could run a sub 5 mile, and a 2:02 800 (sophomore year) without training, than with training the sky was the limit. Before my junior year I decided to double up with cross country and soccer in the fall with soccer as my primary sport, and since that summer before my junior year I've been dedicated to training/listening to my body since. I did play soccer again this last fall, but was able to manage it all. 

Q) Could you share any goals you have for the upcoming cross country season at Portland State?

I would love to just acclimate to the team, school, and college training injury free, and trust that with the coaching, the success will come. I am still fairly new to the sport so I'm going to go with the flow, listen to coach, and trust. Although, I am very excited to see what I can do with a motivated team, coach, and program. 

Q) What would your favorite high school moment be?
Running three events at state, medaling in all of them and taking second in the 3200 was a huge achievement. State Cross Country 2017 was also amazing, and of course, the proms were great, but nothing beat the feeling of winning the league 4x4 with my teammates. The team consisted of myself, Triple Jumper and Hurdler Joe Whitney, my brother Rory Seidel, and Ian Spetnagel who was running his second 400 in his first season ever. It was our first time running the event in an official meet, and it felt amazing to win and qualify for state...that is until the heartbreak of the last day of qualifying meets when we became the 20th spot. But nothing beat the feeling of accomplishment with my closest friends.