Meet Information
Citizens (8:30), Jr. High (9:30 Boys, 9:50 Girls), and High School Divisions (10:30 Boys, 11:15 Girls)
Run unlimited, score 4
Contact: Mario Garcia -
ENTRY FEE: $150 for both boys and girls high school. $75 for junior high teams.
PARKING: Buses and spectators must park on football field parking lot or behind the Events Center. Spectators can also park in the parking lots in front of the high school. Please be advised that streets that are part of the course are going to be closed once the races start.
Run unlimited, score 4
Contact: Mario Garcia -
ENTRY FEE: $150 for both boys and girls high school. $75 for junior high teams.
PARKING: Buses and spectators must park on football field parking lot or behind the Events Center. Spectators can also park in the parking lots in front of the high school. Please be advised that streets that are part of the course are going to be closed once the races start.