Meet Information
Rankings Meet
Contact: Burce Hatch
Registration help:
COST PER TEAM: Individual teams $150.00, $250.00 for both boys and
girls teams. Small schools $15.00 per athlete.
ENTRIES DUE:No later thanThursdayApril
26th, 2018 11:59 pmMountain
Time submitted at Colorado milesplit.
The rules governingthe meet are those of the National Federation of the State High SchoolAssociation, The Colorado High School Activities Association.
The HIGH ALTITUDEInvitational is a sanctioned State Pre-Qualifying meet.Certified Officials, Fully AutomaticTiming system and wind gauges will be used to comply with CHSAA.
DATE OF MEET: Saturday April 28th, 2018
SITE:AlamosHigh School Stadium
805 Kraft Dr. Alamosa, CO
BUS DROP OFF:West Parking lot of
the stadium off Stadium Drive.
Senior Citizens $1.00
SCORING:10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Eight Places)
TIMING:Finish Lynx (FAT)will be used.
COACHES MEETING: There will be a
coaches' meeting at 8:00 am in South locker room.
WEIGH INS: 7:30-8:00 Outside South end of stadium
under the scoreboard
Minimum Marks:Will be based on the entrydistances submitted on co.milesplit
Spike Size:3/16-inch needle spikes only
oCoacheslunch will be provided under the west bleachers
oCoacheswill be allowed on the infield in the coach's boxes, which will be explained at
the coaches meeting.This is not an invitation for
parents to be in the competition areas or the infield.
oConcessionswill be available
TEAM CAMPS:We will be using the practicefootball field east of the track for the team area.Please set up all tents and/or tarps inthe Practice football field.You will be able to enter and exitthrough the athlete gate located in the east part of the stadium.
CHECK-IN FOR RUNNING EVENTS:Ten-yard line on the South end of thefield.Relay teams must declareentrants at the time they check in with the clerks.
RESTRICTED AND COMPETITIVE AREAS:Coaches, Not Parents, are allowed onthe infield.Coachesare restricted to the areas outside the flags at the shot and discus area.Athletes shall beconsidered to be in a competitive area when they step onto the track, andwhenever they are in the infield of the track.This includes the jumping areas forboth vertical and horizontal events.Also, athletes areconsidered to be in a competitive area when they are inside the throwing cagefor discus or within ten feet of the shot put ring, and at any time while inthe landing areas both in and out of bounds.Warm-up area for theathletes will be on the field.
Please remember that there will be NO ELECTRONICS, FOOD, DRINK, GUM OR SEEDS allowed on the field. Please keep these items in the West stands.
TRAINER: We will have a full training room facility located in the locker room at the South
end of the stadium.Pleaseuse this facility as needed. Our trainer will arrive at 8:30am
Schedule of Events:
8:00: Coaches Meeting and Implements Weight in
8:29am: National Anthem
8:30 am:
Boys: Discus, Long Jump,
Girls: Shot Put, Triple Jump, (Boys to start 30 minutes after completion of Girls events)
~Minimum marks will be set at coaches meeting for all field events~
~ Triple Jump will be in the south pit, long jump will be in north pit~
Running Events
Girls 800m Medley Relay Finals
Girls 100m Hurdle Finals
Boys110mHurdle Finals
Girls 100m Dash Finals
Boys 100m Dash Finals
Girls 4 x 800m Relay Finals
Boys 4 x 800m Relay Finals
Girls 4 x 200m Relay
Boys 4 x 200m Relay
Girls 1600m Run
Boys 1600m Run
Senior Appreciation/ Lunch 20 Min Break on the Track
Girls 4 x 100m Relay
Boys 4 x 100m Relay
Girls 400m Dash
Boys 400m Dash
Girls Throwers 4x100m Relay
Boys Throwers 4x100m Relay
Girls 300m Hurdles
Boys 300m Hurdles
Girls 800m Run
Boys 800m Run
Girls 200m Dash Finals
Boys 200m Dash Finals
Girls 3200m Run
Boys 3200m Run
Girls 4 x 400m Relay
Boys 4 x 400m Relay