Meet Information
Stargate is hosting its inaugural XC meet! It will be a fast, flat course towards the end of the season! First 15 teams to register will be guaranteed a spot in the meet! This will be both a middle and high school meet.
What: Stargate Eagle XC Invitational
When: Friday, October 16, 2020 @ 2pm.
Where: Stargate School Grounds
Contact:Von Miller (Head Coach, Meet Director)
1:30pm- Coaches Meeting
2:00pm- HS Girls 5K (run unlimited, score 5)
2:30pm- HS Boys 5K (run unlimited, score 5)
3:00pm- MS Girls 2.1 Mile (run unlimited, score 5)
3:30pm- MS Boys 2.1 Mile (run unlimited, score 5)
4:00pm- MS/HS Awards
Course Map://