Meet Information
Date:The Thunderbolt Cross Country Invitational
Meet is open to middle school and high school girls and boys cross country
teams and will be held on
Monday, September 30th, 2019 at HOLLYDOT GOLF COURSE, COLORADO CITY
Order of events :Enter an unlimited number of runners.Score the top 4, displace with 3.5th place runner will be used to break any ties.
4:00p.m.Middle School Girls Division - 2 mile course
4:30p.m.Middle School Boys Division - 2 mile course
5:00p.m.High School Girls Division - 3.1 mile course
5:30p.m.High School Boys Division - 3.1 mile course
Entry Fees: Middle School: $50 entire team $25 boys or girls only
High School: $100 entire team
Registration: You may register on milesplit as a courtesy. We will register runners and times at the event. Look forward to seeing everyone there!