Grand Junction Tiger Invitational 2019

Grand Junction, CO

Meet Information

COACHES: Please register your team and individual athletes at
Registration closes 8pm Thursday night!

Dear Coaches and Athletic Directors

I would like to invite you tothe Grand Junction High School Tiger Invitational on

Friday, September 6th, 2019 racing startingat 5:30pm. This is a 2 loop course on a

combination of grass, cinder path and concrete at Canyon View Park in Grand Junction.

This is a flat spectator friendly course.

Electronic timing services will be provided by Scott Siettmann.
We will becombiningboth Varsity and JuniorVarsity this year(2 races).

Awards will be given to the topBoysteam andtopGirls Teamas well as individual awards for the top ten

finishers in each race.

If you have any questionsor would like to attend this invitational please contact

Megan Vassen (GJHSHead Coach) at or at 303-406-3082.
* Location: Canyon View Park, Grand Junction, CO.

* Date: September 6th, 2018 @ 5:30pm

*Gender:(2 races)Male & Female

*Registration: $75 per school

-Checks payable to Grand Junction High School Cross Country

Each team is allowedunlimitedrunnersper team

Junior Varsity & Varsity Combined

Meet Director Contact Information:

Name:Megan Vassen 303-406-3082
Check-in 4:00-4:30

Coaches meeting at 5:00
CombinedGirls race at 5:30
CombinedBoys race at 6:00
Awards at 6:15
Medals to top 10 individualsin eachrace-