Mountaineer Cowboy Invitational 2020

Gunnison, CO

Meet Information


Fri Sept 18th
4/4:30pm MS G/B (8-10 teams @ 5-6 per team) - 48 each race
5:30/6:00 HS G/B (8 teams @ 6 per team) 48 total (2A-3A)
(if this fills up we could move a team to Saturday, based on demand)
Sat Sept 19th
9:30/10 am HS G/B (7 teams at 7 per team) 49 total (3A-4A)
11:00 am College Womens 5k and Mens 8k
If interested in being invited into this meet, please email
Jennifer Michel at

SITE: Gunnison Community School/ Van Tuyl trail system
COURSE: College Women/HS Boys and Girls-5000 meters College Men-8000 meters
MS completes first full loop of course (~3,000 meters) Course is flat: dirt paths
and grass. Splits will be given at every mile. Flats are recommended.
Gunnison Community School: 1099 N. 11 th
From Paul Wright Gym on Western CO campus- go West on Denver street - 1 mile to
school parking lot
Course starts on the practice field behind the school and continues on Van Tuyl
Trail System

Race Contact: Coach Jennifer Michel