Meet Information
Registration will open in Milesplit August 24.
Arapahoe High School invites teams in the Centennial League to the Centennial League Warrior 5K on Friday, September 4, 2020. The races will be held at deKoevend Park, located at 6301 S. University Blvd, approximately three blocks north of Arapahoe Road.
The required entry fee is $130.00 for both boys' and girls' teams. Payment may be submitted at any time up to, and including, race day.
Each team is limited to six runners per team, per gender. The races will be run on the following schedule (based on team seed time):
- 4:30 PM Coaches Meeting
- 5:00 PM Wave A Varsity Boys
- 5:05 PM Wave B Varsity Boys
- 6:00 PM Wave A Varsity Girls
- 6:05 PM Wave B Varsity Girls