Meet Information
Demon and LonghornJVInvitational
September 12th, 2020
Crown Mountain Park
7 entries per school
$50 Per Team
Please sign up on Milesplit by Wednesday, September 9th at 3:00 p.m.
Girls race 9:30 a.m.
Boys race 10:30 a.m.
Race Day Protocols
Schools Participating
Aspen, Basalt, Delta, Grand Valley, Glenwood Springs, Rifle, Soroco, Summit
Packet Delivery: Coaches will be met by a GSHS staff member at their bus with their packet upon arrival in the park. Packets will include bibs, chips, pins, starting box assignments, wave assignments, course map & description, and team camp & warm up area assignments.
Team Arrival: Teams must remain on their bus/ vehicles of transportation upon arrival until they are met by a GSHS staff member. Coaches will receive their packet from a GSHS staff member with their team camp assignments. At this time, coaches must submit written documentation of COVID-19 screenings (document provided) of all athletes and coaches prior to departing the bus. Once this document is handed in, teams will be escorted to their designated team camp area in the park. Teams will be checked in one at a time; please do not depart your bus until you have been checked in.
Warm Up Areas: Each team will be assigned a warm up area within the park. Teams must remain in their designated warm up areas prior to the start of their race. Teams will not be permitted to preview the entire course. The course will be marked extensively with signs and chalk arrows. Please do not proceed to the start area until 10 minutes prior to start time.
Start Line: Races will begin in 7 ranked waves of 7 athletes each. Each athlete will receive a unique starting box. Starting corrals will be marked out with cones for each wave. Athletes must remain in their own starting corral and move up to the next corral upon the start of the previous wave. No team huddles will be tolerated. Competitors MUST be masked when arriving at the start line and for all run-outs. Masks may only be removed when prompted by the starter. Athletes will keep their mask in their possession throughout the race and put it back on promptly upon finishing. Second wave participants may enter the start area only after the first wave has started. Subsequent waves will start exactly 1 minute after the previous wave. Athletes are not permitted to leave warm-ups in the start area. Spectators are not permitted in the start area.
Race Course: Participants are discouraged from running directly behind another competitor. Passing should take place only when the course allows a 6 distance. No passing is permitted on single tracks.
Finish Area: Upon finishing, athletes must return their chips and immediately proceed to their designated team camp. No lingering in the finish area will be tolerated. Spectators
or coaches are not permitted in the finish area. Athletic trainers will be on-hand in the finish area should an athlete need immediate attention.
Spectators: We ask that teams discourage parents from attending the meet. All coaches, team managers, and athletic trainers MUST wear a mask AND practice social distancing at all times.
Awards: There will be no awards ceremony. Teams are encouraged to leave the park as soon as possible.
Results: Results will be posted digitally ONLY. Physical results will not be posted at the meet site.
Results can be found at shortly after the meet or on Colorado Mile Split later in the day.