Meet Information
Contact:Coach Rick Robirds
Fees and Payment:
Single entries- $25.00 up to 3 individuals; Team Entries- Middle Schools-$65.00; High Schools- $130.00
Entry Dead line October 12 at 8 PM. LATE FEE APPLIES AFTER DEADLINE ENTRY OF $25 Per Team
Make check to:
Sargent XC
7090 N CR 2E
Monte Vista, CO 81144
Please bring payment to meet at the Check-In Table.
Course location :
Monte Vista Municiple Golf Course
101 Country Club Lane
Monte Vista, Colorado
09:00 Middle School Girls- 3k
09:30 Middle School Boys-3k
10:00 High School Girls- 5k
11:00 High School Boys-5k
No JV race this year
7090 N CR 2E
Monte Vista, CO 81144
Please bring payment to meet at the Check-In Table.
Course location :
Monte Vista Municiple Golf Course
101 Country Club Lane
Monte Vista, Colorado
09:00 Middle School Girls- 3k
09:30 Middle School Boys-3k
10:00 High School Girls- 5k
11:00 High School Boys-5k
No JV race this year
Note : We will have a concession stand on site - breakfast snacks, $$$ and Gatorade and water.