Team Scores

 * The three sets of times in parentheses represent the following:
    1) The average time for the first five finishers on the team.
    2) The total time for the first five finishers on the team.
    3) The time spread from the first team finisher to the fifth team finisher.     

  1.    16  Good Shepherd Middle                            (  15:47.5  1:03:09.8   1:23.1)
  1      1  Jack Lindwall                          15:05.0
  2      2  Emery Wagner                           15:37.5
  3      5  Nico Pierangeli                        15:59.2
  4      8  Connor Genson                          16:28.1
  5   (  9) Bennett Blaustein                      16:38.0
  6   ( 10) Gabriel Dunn                           16:53.5
  7   ( 13) Oliver Rowen                           17:06.8

  2.    47  Blessed Sacrament Middle                        (  16:55.0  1:07:39.7   1:45.4)
  1      3  Alec Delmoro                           15:49.0
  2     12  Keegan Merson                          17:03.1
  3     14  Jonathan Martin                        17:13.2
  4     18  Brendan McHale                         17:34.4
  5   ( 20) Evan Delmoro                           17:51.4
  6   ( 22) James Tyson                            18:06.4
  7   ( 34) Colin Delmoro                          19:35.2

  3.    57  Academy Charter Middle                          (  17:13.4  1:08:53.6   1:22.1)
  1      7  Joseph Walk Nelson                     16:16.7
  2     15  Malaiki Gayfield                       17:28.1
  3     16  Owen Jones                             17:30.0
  4     19  Oscar Lopez                            17:38.8
  5   ( 28) Connor Niles                           18:59.3
  6   ( 30) Evan George                            19:05.4
  7   ( 31) Kaeden O'Connor                        19:14.5

  4.    93  Aspen View Academy Middle                       (  18:20.6  1:13:22.2   3:38.5)
  1      4  Jacob Robbins                          15:53.6
  2     27  Nate Liggett                           18:56.8
  3     29  Phineas Morton                         18:59.7
  4     33  Will Osborne                           19:32.1
  5   ( 47) Corban Wildschut                       21:04.3
  6   ( 48) Benjamin Halliday                      21:09.6
  7   ( 49) Colin Brick                            21:12.3

  5.   106  Englewood Middle                                (  18:31.7  1:14:06.6   4:32.3)
  1      6  Jack McGirl                            16:02.4
  2     23  Madden Bain                            18:12.6
  3     32  Dylan Noll                             19:16.9
  4     45  Thomas Theis                           20:34.7
  5   ( 51) Travis Smith                           23:29.3
  6   ( 54) Till Johnson                           30:06.1

  6.   112  Addenbrooke Classical Academy                   (  18:45.3  1:15:00.9   3:04.3)
  1     11  Jaden Smothers                         16:59.8
  2     24  Jake Smothers                          18:15.9
  3     36  Elijah Stevens                         19:41.1
  4     41  Daniel Looney                          20:04.1
  5   ( 52) Joseph Jackson                         24:07.1
  6   ( 53) Aiden Ulrich                           26:27.0

  7.   119  North Star Academy Middle                       (  18:59.7  1:15:58.7   2:18.8)
  1     17  Tommy Gamlin                           17:33.4
  2     25  Jj Schick                              18:41.8
  3     38  Parker Seeman                          19:51.3
  4     39  Quinn Cahill                           19:52.2
  5   ( 40) Erik Willstatter                       19:58.0
  6   ( 43) Griffin Denby                          20:22.4
  7   ( 50) Connor Moorman                         22:16.0

  8.   119  International  Of Denver                        (  19:04.5  1:16:18.0   1:51.1)
  1     21  Adam Sankoff                           17:59.3
  2     26  Charlie Grall                          18:47.7
  3     35  Alex Sieren                            19:40.6
  4     37  Liam Ware                              19:50.4
  5   ( 42) Benjamin Konieczny                     20:07.1
  6   ( 44) Bryce Isherwod                         20:34.0
  7   ( 46) Max Kurtz                              20:42.1

 * The three sets of times in parentheses represent the following:
    1) The average time for the first five finishers on the team.
    2) The total time for the first five finishers on the team.
    3) The time spread from the first team finisher to the fifth team finisher.     

  1.    40  Good Shepherd Middle                            (  17:29.2  1:09:56.7   2:39.0)
  1      1  Kate Lindwall                          15:37.9
  2      8  Brigid Morin                           17:45.6
  3     15  Whitney Helmerick                      18:16.3
  4     16  Claire Farrell                         18:16.9
  5   ( 18) Addie Helmerick                        18:52.9
  6   ( 20) Megan James                            19:07.6
  7   ( 24) Malika Haro                            19:19.3

  2.    41  Blessed Sacrament Middle                        (  17:47.6  1:11:10.4   0:56.0)
  1      7  Isabella Ziegler                       17:16.4
  2      9  Ema Perak                              17:46.6
  3     11  Eleni Mykoniatis                       17:55.0
  4     14  Mary Clare Nussbaum                    18:12.4
  5   ( 30) Evelyn Merson                          19:50.7
  6   ( 40) Maya Owen                              20:47.5
  7   ( 42) Addy Owen                              21:08.6

  3.    53  North Star Academy Middle                       (  17:45.5  1:11:01.8   3:54.7)
  1      3  Kapri Parry                            16:18.2
  2      5  Hayden Parry                           16:36.0
  3     10  Peyton Milla                           17:54.7
  4     35  Abby Parry                             20:12.9
  5   ( 41) Emrie Brannan                          20:53.8
  6   ( 47) Emma Shimonek                          22:10.5
  7   ( 48) Ryann Jennings                         22:17.0

  4.    68  Girls Athletic Leadership                       (  18:22.9  1:13:31.4   2:54.2)
  1      6  Avery Johnson                          17:05.0
  2     13  Lyla Kocher                            18:09.2
  3     17  Greta Bellamy                          18:18.0
  4     32  Anna Sweeney                           19:59.2
  5   ( 37) Rebecca Schoedel                       20:27.8
  6   ( 43) Ximalma Gonzalez-Robinson              21:33.6
  7   ( 46) Keshi Rhodes                           22:06.1

  5.    70  International  Of Denver                        (  18:29.5  1:13:57.7   2:52.0)
  1      4  Rhea Harrison                          16:23.3
  2     21  Lauren Sankoff                         19:08.0
  3     22  Sella Boarman                          19:11.1
  4     23  Iben Last                              19:15.3
  5   ( 38) Sofia Cervantes                        20:45.4
  6   ( 39) Emilia Wallace                         20:45.8
  7   ( 45) Caroline Cramer                        22:05.2

  6.    72  Academy Charter Middle                          (  18:25.2  1:13:40.6   3:50.4)
  1      2  Keira Merrick                          15:41.7
  2     19  Sophia Wyatt                           18:58.3
  3     25  Layna Wiesner                          19:28.5
  4     26  Pepper Spangler                        19:32.1
  5   ( 36) Kaleigh Myers                          20:22.4
  6   ( 55) Imogen Boyle                           23:46.6

  7.   128  Addenbrooke Classical Academy                   (  20:18.0  1:21:11.9   4:57.1)
  1     12  Sydney Van Wyk                         18:02.1
  2     31  Ariana Chavez                          19:58.6
  3     34  Ella Johnson                           20:12.0
  4     51  Savannah Brewer                        22:59.2
  5   ( 54) Jubilee Trueman                        23:39.3
  6   ( 57) Lucy Wind                              25:49.8
  7   ( 63) Ella Mote                              34:28.9

  8.   151  Littleton Academy Middle                        (  21:05.3  1:24:20.9   3:19.0)
  1     27  Maddie Payne                           19:45.6
  2     28  Charlotte Ridge                        19:48.4
  3     44  Kelsey Mahr                            21:42.3
  4     52  Caley Middendorf                       23:04.6
  5   ( 60) Jesse Flower                           26:46.4
  6   ( 61) Elley Smith                            26:48.5

  9.   185  Kipp Sunshine Peak Middle                       (  22:19.3  1:29:17.2   3:20.0)
  1     33  Peyton Prieto                          20:08.5
  2     49  Joselyn Reyna                          22:46.2
  3     50  Lizley Villa                           22:54.0
  4     53  Jamaleth Rodriguez                     23:28.5
  5   ( 58) Samatha Baca                           26:33.8
  6   ( 59) Kyomi Solis                            26:41.9
  7   ( 64) Janet Palma                            35:49.0

 10.   212  Notre Dame Catholic Middle                      (  28:02.9  1:52:11.5  16:02.5)
  1     29  Makilah Duran                          19:50.3
  2     56  Nevea Sisneros                         24:55.2
  3     62  Liliana Bornhoft                       31:33.2
  4     65  Sunnie Sinkhorn                        35:52.8
  5   ( 66) Alyson Flores                          38:36.7
  6   ( 67) Laura Pham                             38:59.6