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HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/5/2022 06:35 PM
Frontier League Championships
Jeffco Stadium
Girls 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Search, Hannah 10 Platte Canyo 13.12 13.14 0.7 2 10
2 Clementson, Dani 10 Platte Canyo 13.24 13.45 0.7 2 8
3 Hague, Sidney 12 Bennett High 13.54 13.54 0.7 2 6
4 Kelly, Chyann 12 Platte Canyo 13.57 13.63 0.7 2 5
5 Voorhies, Baylie 12 Bennett High 13.77 13.64 0.7 2 4
6 Arellano, Makayla 10 Lake County 14.15 14.31 0.7 2 3
7 Marquez Granados, Natali 9 Sheridan Hig 14.56 14.37 0.7 2 2
8 Soriano Wilson, Franches 10 Bennett High 14.27 14.46 0.7 2 1
9 Gomez Villanueva, Camila 9 The Pinnacle 15.56 14.52 1.7 1
10 Lozano, Jessica 10 Jefferson Hi 15.14 15.14 1.7 1
11 Acharya, Anusuya 10 The Pinnacle 15.41 15.17 1.7 1
12 Marquez Granados, Meliss 9 Sheridan Hig 14.57 15.21 0.7 2
13 Haynes, Charity 12 Sheridan Hig 15.82 15.38 1.7 1
14 Lopez Walker, Julianna 10 Jefferson Hi 15.51 1.7 1
15 Bumba, Elfi 10 Jefferson Hi 16.48 15.90 1.7 1
16 Bustillos, Natalia 11 Arrupe Jesui 17.71 16.65 1.7 1
17 Duran, Jasmine 10 The Pinnacle 17.48 16.94 1.7 1
18 Monge, Chelsea 9 Lake County 17.96 17.46 1.7 1
Girls 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Hague, Sidney 12 Bennett High 27.51 27.35 1.0 3 10
2 Search, Hannah 10 Platte Canyo 27.92 27.50 1.0 3 8
3 Moyer, Madison 12 Middle Park 29.58 28.07 1.0 3 6
4 Clementson, Dani 10 Platte Canyo 27.86 28.16 1.0 3 5
5 Trupek, Carrie 9 Middle Park 28.63 28.49 1.0 3 4
6 Arellano, Makayla 10 Lake County 30.06 29.95 2.1 2 3
7 Soriano Wilson, Franches 10 Bennett High 29.77 30.02 2.1 2 2
8 Marquez Granados, Natali 9 Sheridan Hig 29.31 30.31 1.0 3 1
9 Gomez Villanueva, Camila 9 The Pinnacle 32.52 31.29 2.1 2
10 Acharya, Anusuya 10 The Pinnacle 33.61 32.91 4.4 1
11 Andrade, Lizeth 11 The Pinnacle 33.71 33.10 4.4 1
12 Roeder, Krysta 12 Lake County 32.09 33.50 2.1 2
13 Roeder, Kelsea 9 Lake County 36.04 34.62 4.4 1
14 Rodriguez, Angel 11 Jefferson Hi 35.16 35.49 4.4 1
15 Martinez, Frieda 12 Jefferson Hi 34.06 36.53 4.4 1
16 Bustillos, Natalia 11 Arrupe Jesui 40.12 37.31 4.4 1
Girls 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Cranwill, Vivi 9 Bennett High 1:04.99 1:05.10 2 10
2 Bustos, Valeria 12 The Pinnacle 1:07.38 1:08.33 2 8
3 Mendoza, Maya 12 Lake County 1:10.65 1:09.85 2 6
4 Clementson, Dani 10 Platte Canyo 1:07.59 1:10.37 2 5
5 Olsen, Indigo 9 Lake County 1:13.18 1:10.45 2 4
6 Venneberg, Liliana 10 Bennett High 1:12.20 1:12.34 2 3
7 Friesen, RJ 11 Middle Park 1:16.28 1:14.29 1 2
8 Carrera, Emily 11 The Pinnacle 1:14.50 1:15.51 2 1
9 Faczak, Katelyn 10 Bennett High 1:14.92 1:19.51 2
10 Rodriguez, Angel 11 Jefferson Hi 1:16.47 1:21.51 1
11 Duran, Jasmine 10 The Pinnacle 1:27.98 1:27.28 1
12 Bustillos, Natalia 11 Arrupe Jesui 1:36.58 1:32.97 1
Girls 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 King, Keira 10 Lake County 2:40.64 2:39.20 10
2 Kelly, Chyann 12 Platte Canyo 2:52.40 2:39.72 8
3 Mears, Alaina 10 Middle Park 2:50.99 2:42.51 6
4 Bullock, Ella 9 Lake County 2:49.15 2:44.05 5
5 Bunch, Grace 10 Lake County 3:01.68 2:59.43 4
6 Bustos, Valeria 12 The Pinnacle 2:52.47 3:00.69 3
7 Carrera, Emily 11 The Pinnacle 2:50.47 3:00.96 2
8 Brower, Sylvia 11 Middle Park 2:54.23 3:09.08 1
9 Fierro, Abigail 10 The Pinnacle 3:12.10 3:11.64
10 Lozano, Jessica 10 Jefferson Hi 3:24.75 3:19.69
11 Rodas, Laynie 11 Jefferson Hi 3:21.86
12 Hawkins, Maddison 9 Bennett High 3:14.21 3:26.35
Girls 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 King, Keira 10 Lake County 5:49.12 6:08.30 10
2 Hill, Violet 10 Lake County 6:04.01 6:19.08 8
3 Bullock, Ella 9 Lake County 6:14.05 6:27.81 6
4 Nance, Josie 9 Middle Park 6:33.07 6:35.34 5
5 Manyak, Sierra 10 Middle Park 6:35.04 6:44.89 4
6 Jordan, Marie 10 Bennett High 6:24.72 6:47.13 3
7 Fierro, Abigail 10 The Pinnacle 7:19.68 7:14.66 2
8 Martinez, Frieda 12 Jefferson Hi 7:43.76 1
Girls 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 King, Keira 10 Lake County 12:59.56 13:54.96 10
2 Lenhard, Brynna 10 Lake County 14:08.57 13:56.15 8
3 Nance, Josie 9 Middle Park 14:25.97 14:29.68 6
4 Kirr, Clara 10 Lake County 15:33.63 14:31.70 5
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Wagner, Samantha 10 Platte Canyo 18.39 18.27 0.4 2 10
2 Venneberg, Jessica 9 Bennett High 18.47 18.99 0.4 2 8
3 Uvalle, Zuleika 12 Bennett High 19.73 19.44 0.4 2 6
4 Hardey, Ily 10 Platte Canyo 17.71 19.89 0.4 2 5
5 Westendorf, Elizabeth 9 Bennett High 20.75 20.31 1.7 1 4
6 Lopez Walker, Julianna 10 Jefferson Hi 20.67 20.52 0.4 2 3
7 VanBemellen, Allison 10 Middle Park 17.77 20.68 0.4 2 2
8 Olsen, Amara 9 Lake County 24.80 22.12 1.7 1 1
9 Marquez, Melanie 9 The Pinnacle 22.64 22.86 1.7 1
10 Bullock, Susie 9 Lake County 23.75 22.95 1.7 1
11 Roeder, Maggie 9 Lake County 24.66 24.49 1.7 1
12 Moreno, Stephanie 9 Sheridan Hig 24.39 26.77 1.7 1
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Hardey, Ily 10 Platte Canyo 53.29 53.46 10
2 Wagner, Samantha 10 Platte Canyo 51.88 53.92 8
3 Uvalle, Zuleika 12 Bennett High 54.76 56.44 6
4 Westendorf, Elizabeth 9 Bennett High 56.35 56.48 5
5 Schroeder, Chloe 11 Bennett High 1:03.88 1:01.08 4
6 Bullock, Susie 9 Lake County 1:03.76 1:03.28 3
7 Olsen, Amara 9 Lake County 1:03.40 1:04.83 2
8 Marquez, Melanie 9 The Pinnacle 1:04.35 1:07.15 1
9 Moreno, Stephanie 9 Sheridan Hig 1:10.97 1:08.32
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Bennett High School 'A' 53.74 53.84 10
1) Voorhies, Baylie 12 2) Soriano Wilson, Franchesca 10
3) Cranwill, Vivi 9 4) Hague, Sidney 12
2 Platte Canyon High School 'A' 52.18 55.06 8
3 Middle Park High School 'A' 56.06 55.74 6
4 Lake County High School 'A' 57.13 57.33 5
1) Arellano, Makayla 10 2) Roeder, Krysta 12
3) Roeder, Maggie 9 4) Windorski, Jaycee 10
5 Sheridan High School 'A' 59.65 59.75 4
1) Ha, Hoang 10 2) Haynes, Charity 12
3) Lopez, Emilze 12 4) Marquez Granados, Natalia 9
6 The Pinnacle 'A' 1:00.96 1:00.16 3
1) Acharya, Anusuya 10 2) Rojas, Yoselin 11
3) Andrade, Lizeth 11 4) Gomez Villanueva, Camila 9
7 Jefferson High School 'A' 1:03.20 1:00.65 2
1) Martinez, Frieda 12 2) Rodas, Laynie 11
3) Bumba, Elfi 10 4) Lozano, Jessica 10
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Platte Canyon High School 'A' 1:51.10 1:59.68 10
2 Bennett High School 'A' 1:55.90 2:01.49 8
1) Mock, Keisha 10 2) Westendorf, Elizabeth 9
3) Venneberg, Jessica 9 4) Venneberg, Liliana 10
3 Sheridan High School 'A' 2:07.16 2:10.29 6
1) Ha, Hoang 10 2) Lopez, Emilze 12
3) Marquez Granados, Natalia 9 4) Marquez Granados, Melissa 9
4 Jefferson High School 'A' 2:18.77 2:33.40 5
1) Rodriguez, Angel 11 2) Nutter, Te'Aira 9
3) Daus, Abbey 9 4) Chavez Rodriguez, Karelly 9
-- Lake County High School 'A' 2:10.20 DQ
1) Roeder, Krysta 12 2) Milne, Avery 10
3) Bunch, Grace 10 4) Roeder, Kelsea 9
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Bennett High School 'A' 4:48.05 4:45.14 10
1) Uvalle, Zuleika 12 2) Westendorf, Elizabeth 9
3) Mock, Keisha 10 4) Venneberg, Liliana 10
2 Lake County High School 'A' 4:51.61 4:49.37 8
1) Olsen, Indigo 9 2) King, Keira 10
3) Bullock, Ella 9 4) Mendoza, Maya 12
3 The Pinnacle 'A' 5:01.70 5:01.51 6
1) Bustos, Valeria 12 2) Carrera, Emily 11
3) Fierro, Abigail 10 4) Rojas, Yoselin 11
4 Middle Park High School 'A' 4:40.73 5:06.78 5
5 Jefferson High School 'A' 6:22.57 4
1) Nutter, Te'Aira 9 2) Daus, Abbey 9
3) Chavez Rodriguez, Karelly 9 4) Bumba, Elfi 10
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Lake County High School 'A' 11:14.20 11:50.17 10
1) Hill, Violet 10 2) Olsen, Indigo 9
3) Lenhard, Brynna 10 4) Sheleg, Tal 9
2 Middle Park High School 'A' 11:39.75 12:10.67 8
3 The Pinnacle 'A' 12:29.07 12:18.01 6
1) Bustos, Valeria 12 2) Carrera, Emily 11
3) Fierro, Abigail 10 4) Rojas, Yoselin 11
Girls 800 Sprint Medley
School Seed Finals Points
1 Bennett High School 'A' 1:59.80 1:58.30 10
1) Voorhies, Baylie 12 2) Soriano Wilson, Franchesca 10
3) Hague, Sidney 12 4) Cranwill, Vivi 9
2 Middle Park High School 'A' 2:03.55 2:00.09 8
3 Lake County High School 'A' 2:07.11 2:10.43 6
1) Roeder, Krysta 12 2) Roeder, Maggie 9
3) Arellano, Makayla 10 4) Mendoza, Maya 12
4 Platte Canyon High School 'A' 2:12.00 2:16.37 5
1) Gassaway, Lexi 9 2) Conwell, Madi 10
3) Grover, Hannah 12 4) Jones-Reinschmidt, Sierra 9
5 Jefferson High School 'A' 2:19.35 2:22.31 4
1) Martinez, Frieda 12 2) Lozano, Jessica 10
3) Lopez Walker, Julianna 10 4) Rodriguez, Angel 11
Girls High Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Search, Hannah 10 Platte Canyo 5-01.00 J5-02.00 10
2 Moyer, Madison 12 Middle Park 5-00.00 J5-02.00 8
3 Windorski, Jaycee 10 Lake County 5-00.00 4-08.00 6
4 Brower, Sylvia 11 Middle Park 4-08.00 4-06.00 5
5 Roeder, Maggie 9 Lake County 4-02.00 J3-10.00 3.50
5 Lopez, Emilze 12 Sheridan Hig 4-02.00 J3-10.00 3.50
7 Holm, Morgan 12 Lake County 3-08.00 J3-10.00 2
Girls Pole Vault
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Grover, Hannah 12 Platte Canyo 10-00.00 10-01.00 10
2 Search, Hannah 10 Platte Canyo 9-04.00 9-05.00 8
3 Bullock, Susie 9 Lake County 8-01.00 J7-11.00 6
4 Holm, Morgan 12 Lake County 8-01.00 J7-11.00 5
5 Conwell, Madi 10 Platte Canyo 8-00.00 7-05.00 4
6 Milne, Avery 10 Lake County 7-08.00 6-05.00 3
7 Trail, Madison 12 Middle Park 6-05.00 J5-11.00 1.50
7 Mears, Alaina 10 Middle Park 5-07.00 J5-11.00 1.50
9 Manyak, Sierra 10 Middle Park 5-11.00 5-05.00
Girls Long Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind Points
1 Voorhies, Baylie 12 Bennett High 15-05.50 15-04.00 -2.9 10
2 Grover, Hannah 12 Platte Canyo 15-04.00 15-01.50 -1.6 8
3 Trupek, Carrie 9 Middle Park 14-01.50 14-08.00 -2.0 6
4 Venneberg, Jessica 9 Bennett High 15-04.00 14-04.25 -1.0 5
5 Kelly, Chyann 12 Platte Canyo 14-07.50 13-07.50 -2.2 4
6 Brower, Sylvia 11 Middle Park 13-07.00 12-09.00 +0.0 3
7 Mock, Keisha 10 Bennett High 13-00.25 12-01.75 -1.7 2
8 Holm, Morgan 12 Lake County 12-01.50 11-07.00 -1.2 1
9 Olsen, Amara 9 Lake County 10-11.00 11-04.50 -2.0
10 Milne, Avery 10 Lake County 11-01.00 10-11.50 -2.0
11 Gassaway, Lexi 9 Platte Canyo 12-03.50 9-11.00 +0.0
12 Bumba, Elfi 10 Jefferson Hi 11-05.00 8-05.50 -4.5
-- Chavez Rodriguez, Karell 9 Jefferson Hi 8-02.00 ND NWI
-- Ha, Hoang 10 Sheridan Hig 11-09.75 ND NWI
Girls Triple Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind Points
1 Grover, Hannah 12 Platte Canyo 33-03.50 34-05.50 0.9 10
2 Venneberg, Jessica 9 Bennett High 31-03.00 32-00.25 +0.0 8
3 Mears, Alaina 10 Middle Park 27-11.00 29-09.00 1.7 6
4 Windorski, Jaycee 10 Lake County 27-03.00 29-03.00 2.5 5
5 Holm, Morgan 12 Lake County 28-08.00 27-11.25 2.2 4
6 Periolet, Sarah 11 Middle Park 26-05.50 27-00.25 1.6 3
7 Bullock, Susie 9 Lake County 25-05.50 25-06.50 2.2 2
8 Jones-Reinschmidt, Sierr 9 Platte Canyo 24-03.00 21-10.25 +0.0 1
-- Chavez Rodriguez, Karell 9 Jefferson Hi 16-08.00 ND NWI
Girls Shot Put
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Kelly, Chyann 12 Platte Canyo 30-07.00 30-11.00 10
2 Conwell, Madi 10 Platte Canyo 26-09.25 23-06.50 8
3 Johnson, Haily 10 Bennett High 26-00.00 23-05.50 6
4 Lucio, Jazmine 10 The Pinnacle 25-03.00 23-00.50 5
5 Trail, Madison 12 Middle Park 21-10.00 22-09.50 4
6 Oberts, Reagan 11 Bennett High 24-04.50 J21-10.00 3
7 Nutter, Te'Aira 9 Jefferson Hi 22-07.00 J21-10.00 2
8 Holbrook, Joci 12 Lake County 26-05.00 21-07.00 1
9 Bowers, Geonna 12 Lake County 21-03.00 21-00.00
10 Romero, Emily 12 Lake County 20-08.75 20-05.00
11 Ricotta, Sarah 9 Platte Canyo 19-09.75 20-04.00
12 Escobedo, Vianney 12 The Pinnacle 19-08.00 19-10.00
-- Weisman, Alexis 11 Bennett High 22-00.50 ND
Girls Discus Throw
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Oberts, Reagan 11 Bennett High 81-10 83-10 10
2 Holbrook, Joci 12 Lake County 82-07.50 77-06 8
3 Johnson, Haily 10 Bennett High 89-09 70-08 6
4 Trail, Madison 12 Middle Park 71-00 63-11 5
5 Westendorf, Kreighton 11 Bennett High 53-06 61-11 4
6 Lucio, Jazmine 10 The Pinnacle 40-09 57-04 3
7 Romero, Emily 12 Lake County 59-01 56-02 2
8 Bowers, Geonna 12 Lake County 48-02 50-00 1
9 Daus, Abbey 9 Jefferson Hi 43-03 45-11
10 Ricotta, Sarah 9 Platte Canyo 45-06 43-02
11 Conwell, Madi 10 Platte Canyo 52-09 40-08
12 Escobedo, Vianney 12 The Pinnacle 48-11 37-04
13 Spake, Jovizna 9 Sheridan Hig 35-06 37-03
Boys 100 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Romero, Jake 12 Platte Canyo 11.04 11.19 2.7 3 10
2 Oramas, Greg 10 Platte Canyo 11.90 11.44 2.7 3 8
3 Driggs, Austin 12 Bennett High 11.83 11.58 2.7 3 6
4 Wige-Griffith, Lukas 12 Platte Canyo 11.65 11.63 2.7 3 5
5 Rashad, Dhanavan 9 Bennett High 11.99 12.06 2.7 3 4 12.053
6 Kemp, Hasaan 12 Jefferson Hi 11.96 12.06 2.7 3 3 12.057
7 Bumba, Yam 12 Jefferson Hi 12.33 12.06 2.0 2 2 12.058
8 Bucar, Trystan 12 Middle Park 12.05 12.13 2.7 3 1
9 Newton, James 11 Bennett High 11.93 12.29 2.7 3
10 Genne, Jesse 9 Sheridan Hig 12.62 12.46 1.5 1
11 Benavides Ruiz Jr., Alon 12 Sheridan Hig 12.67 12.51 1.5 1
12 Garcia, Andres 11 Sheridan Hig 12.76 12.54 1.5 1
13 Franch, Nicholas 11 The Pinnacle 12.55 12.61 2.0 2
14 Pham, Philip 11 The Pinnacle 12.57 12.75 2.0 2
15 Pyne, Usher 11 Jefferson Hi 12.60 12.83 2.0 2
16 Schnurr, Tanner 10 Middle Park 13.12 12.92 1.5 1
17 Ayers, Jason 9 Lake County 14.44 14.00 1.5 1
18 Harvey, Raymond 9 Lake County 15.39 14.80 1.5 1
-- Martinez, Xavier 11 Middle Park 12.23 FS 2.0 2
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Romero, Jake 12 Platte Canyo 23.65 23.11 3.2 3 10
2 Oramas, Greg 10 Platte Canyo 23.52 23.41 3.2 3 8
3 Driggs, Austin 12 Bennett High 24.64 23.70 3.2 3 6
4 Heineman, Tate 10 Platte Canyo 24.38 23.88 3.2 3 5
5 Tarango, Obed 11 Lake County 24.16 24.55 3.2 3 4
6 Bucar, Trystan 12 Middle Park 24.91 24.79 3.3 2 3
7 Lazaro, Javier 11 Lake County 25.82 25.29 3.3 2 2
8 Viveros, Alexis 11 Jefferson Hi 25.20 25.35 3.3 2 1
9 Faudoa, Edgar 11 Bennett High 24.69 25.36 3.2 3
10 Martinez, Xavier 11 Middle Park 26.07 25.47 2.2 1
11 Garcia, Andres 11 Sheridan Hig 26.03 25.51 3.3 2 25.504
12 Martinez, Noah 11 The Pinnacle 25.67 25.51 3.3 2 25.507
13 Kemp, Hasaan 12 Jefferson Hi 24.61 25.61 3.2 3
14 Newton, James 11 Bennett High 24.19 25.80 3.2 3
15 Franch, Nicholas 11 The Pinnacle 26.40 25.91 2.2 1
16 Genne, Jesse 9 Sheridan Hig 26.41 26.06 2.2 1
17 Benavides Ruiz Jr., Alon 12 Sheridan Hig 27.69 26.41 2.2 1
18 Bumba, Yam 12 Jefferson Hi 25.46 26.45 3.3 2
19 Celis-Moreno, Leonardo 12 The Pinnacle 27.03 26.92 2.2 1
20 Wiedel, Weston 9 Middle Park 27.88 28.08 2.2 1
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Abdi, Liban 12 Sheridan Hig 53.18 53.53 3 10
2 Tarango, Obed 11 Lake County 53.97 54.38 3 8
3 Faudoa, Edgar 11 Bennett High 54.82 56.04 3 6
4 Kemp, Hasaan 12 Jefferson Hi 55.23 57.30 3 5
5 Gonzales, Abel 10 Lake County 59.28 57.61 2 4
6 Garcia Dorantes, Jorge 12 The Pinnacle 57.34 58.72 3 3
7 Lazaro, Javier 11 Lake County 57.54 58.99 3 2
8 Byorick, Cooper 10 Bennett High 1:00.89 1:00.21 2 1
9 Skouge, Kamron 10 Platte Canyo 1:00.67 1:00.26 2
10 Daigle, Anthony 10 Sheridan Hig 1:01.19 1:00.41 2
11 Porras, Anthony 12 The Pinnacle 58.91 1:00.54 2
12 Ledezma, Jesus 11 The Pinnacle 59.53 1:00.55 2
13 Garcia, Julius 11 Jefferson Hi 1:01.95 1:01.50 2
14 Gonzalez, Cristian 10 Bennett High 58.65 1:02.42 3
15 Pasillas, Marqes 9 Middle Park 1:03.54 1
16 Schnurr, Tanner 10 Middle Park 1:03.21 1:04.44 1
17 Rodriguez, Michael 10 Sheridan Hig 1:02.79 1:04.87 1
18 Wiedel, Weston 9 Middle Park 1:06.70 1:05.60 1
19 Johnson, Damon 9 Platte Canyo 1:05.52 1:06.38 1
20 Pyne, Usher 11 Jefferson Hi 1:05.50 1:07.31 1
Boys 800 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Peters, Jace 11 Lake County 2:05.78 2:11.34 10
2 Sussenbach, Tucker 12 Platte Canyo 2:15.99 2:13.73 8
3 Delay, Ethan 10 Middle Park 2:25.61 2:15.14 6
4 Abdi, Liban 12 Sheridan Hig 2:14.70 2:16.91 5
5 Gallagher, Ewan 11 Middle Park 2:18.35 4
6 Starr, Kadin 9 Middle Park 2:22.12 2:18.43 3
7 Serrano, Gabriel 11 Jefferson Hi 2:23.68 2:18.72 2
8 Bate De Leon, Selvin 10 Sheridan Hig 2:23.27 2:24.17 1
9 Ferguson, Asa 11 Lake County 2:28.17 2:25.74
10 Poupore, Barrett 9 Lake County 2:26.19 2:29.01
11 Arevalo, Adan 11 The Pinnacle 2:22.28 2:32.33
12 Fernandez Hernandez, Osc 10 Arrupe Jesui 2:34.25 2:35.41
13 Ulrich, Kevin 10 The Pinnacle 2:35.09 2:36.98
14 Valentine, Jace 12 Platte Canyo 2:24.63 2:39.45
15 Fackrell, Dallas 9 Bennett High 2:37.52 2:41.59
16 Martinez, Damian 11 The Pinnacle 2:41.84 2:44.76
17 Byrne, Colin 9 Platte Canyo 2:43.78 2:45.03
Boys 1600 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Peters, Jace 11 Lake County 4:48.31 5:09.44 10
2 Sussenbach, Tucker 12 Platte Canyo 5:05.38 5:14.11 8
3 Valentine, Jace 12 Platte Canyo 5:18.45 5:18.87 6
4 Gallagher, Ewan 11 Middle Park 5:14.39 5:20.34 5
5 Seaver, David 10 Platte Canyo 5:20.45 5:22.38 4
6 Ali, Salman 11 Jefferson Hi 5:42.52 5:22.75 3
7 Bate De Leon, Selvin 10 Sheridan Hig 5:22.55 5:25.57 2
8 Boomer, Eli 9 Middle Park 5:32.93 5:38.86 1
9 Poupore, Barrett 9 Lake County 5:52.23 5:42.29
10 Matzen, Merrick 9 Middle Park 5:55.58 5:48.28
11 Fernandez Hernandez, Osc 10 Arrupe Jesui 5:44.39 5:50.61
12 Sanchez, Anthony 10 Sheridan Hig 5:48.10 5:51.45
13 Reszka, Gideon 12 Bennett High 5:47.54 5:54.58
14 Fonseca, Angel 11 The Pinnacle 6:03.09 6:08.13
15 Rios, Aaron 10 Bennett High 6:25.08 6:10.89
16 Martinez, Damian 11 The Pinnacle 5:55.17 6:13.18
17 Suau, Kyle 12 Jefferson Hi 6:17.56
18 Rivas Mendoza, Juan Carl 12 The Pinnacle 6:23.92 6:19.93
Boys 3200 Meter Run
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Peters, Jace 11 Lake County 10:15.11 11:50.30 10
2 Boomer, Eli 9 Middle Park 11:45.83 12:23.21 8
3 Seaver, David 10 Platte Canyo 13:03.18 12:32.22 6
4 Mattson, TJ 10 Platte Canyo 12:39.46 12:37.15 5
5 Bate De Leon, Selvin 10 Sheridan Hig 12:18.76 12:40.51 4
6 Sanchez, Anthony 10 Sheridan Hig 12:43.25 13:12.91 3
7 Serrano, Gabriel 11 Jefferson Hi 13:17.84 13:27.13 2
8 Arevalo, Adan 11 The Pinnacle 13:10.69 13:38.82 1
9 Fonseca, Angel 11 The Pinnacle 13:49.72
10 McCay, Michael 9 Middle Park 14:35.93 13:59.98
11 Ferguson, Asa 11 Lake County 14:05.50
12 Suau, Kyle 12 Jefferson Hi 14:19.06 14:39.96
13 Klisarski, David 9 The Pinnacle 15:44.16
-- Berry, John 11 Platte Canyo DNF
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Dominguez, Daunte 11 The Pinnacle 18.74 18.38 +0.0 2 10
2 Durand, Eli 11 Lake County 19.88 19.32 +0.0 2 8
3 Osborn, Kaden 11 Lake County 19.99 20.04 +0.0 2 6
4 Montandon, Silas 9 Middle Park 20.09 20.27 +0.0 2 5
5 Klisarski, David 9 The Pinnacle 20.25 20.77 +0.0 2 4
6 Sanchez, Jonathan 11 Sheridan Hig 22.42 20.96 3.0 1 3
7 Rosales, Oscar 9 Lake County 20.89 21.34 +0.0 2 2
8 Bailey, Liam 11 Platte Canyo 22.07 22.33 3.0 1 1
9 Yusef, Mursal 9 Sheridan Hig 28.00 23.67 3.0 1
10 Christensen, Tiergan 10 Platte Canyo 22.86 24.19 3.0 1
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Klisarski, David 9 The Pinnacle 47.29 46.42 2 10
2 Valentine, Jace 12 Platte Canyo 50.31 48.44 2 8
3 Osborn, Kaden 11 Lake County 48.97 48.60 2 6
4 Ali, Salman 11 Jefferson Hi 49.64 49.86 2 5
5 Dominguez, Daunte 11 The Pinnacle 50.63 50.90 2 4
6 Montandon, Silas 9 Middle Park 49.13 51.39 2 3
7 Kapaun, Nick 11 The Pinnacle 57.50 51.66 1 2
8 Sanchez, Jonathan 11 Sheridan Hig 55.30 51.97 1 1
9 Christensen, Tiergan 10 Platte Canyo 52.92 52.20 2
10 Rosales, Oscar 9 Lake County 59.04 52.59 1
11 Garcia, Martin 11 Lake County 56.33 55.43 1
12 Bailey, Liam 11 Platte Canyo 53.79 56.19 1
13 Yusef, Mursal 9 Sheridan Hig 1:00.00 59.75 1
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Platte Canyon High School 'A' 45.14 44.89 10
2 Bennett High School 'A' 46.65 46.44 8
1) Newton, James 11 2) Hawkins, Carson 11
3) Barron, Victor 10 4) Driggs, Austin 12
3 Jefferson High School 'A' 47.50 46.92 6
4 Middle Park High School 'A' 48.70 48.50 5
5 The Pinnacle 'A' 48.24 48.78 4
1) Pham, Philip 11 2) Franch, Nicholas 11
3) Martinez, Noah 11 4) Celis-Moreno, Leonardo 12
6 Sheridan High School 'A' 48.92 49.09 3
1) Benavides Ruiz Jr., Alonso 12 2) Drake, Rayden 11
3) Garcia, Andres 11 4) Genne, Jesse 9
7 Lake County High School 'A' 49.77 53.16 2
1) Hall, Canaan 9 2) Vigil, Evan 9
3) Wilson, Matthew 9 4) Ayers, Jason 9
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Bennett High School 'A' 1:36.11 1:37.22 10
1) Hawkins, Carson 11 2) Barron, Victor 10
3) Rashad, Dhanavan 9 4) Driggs, Austin 12
2 Jefferson High School 'A' 1:40.77 1:44.25 8
1) Viveros, Alexis 11 2) Garcia, Dominic 10
3) Serrano, Gabriel 11 4) Bumba, Yam 12
3 The Pinnacle 'A' 1:44.44 1:45.66 6
1) Barrios, Isaac 11 2) Ledezma, Jesus 11
3) Porras, Anthony 12 4) Klisarski, David 9
4 Middle Park High School 'A' 1:44.07 1:46.32 5
5 Lake County High School 'A' 1:50.69 1:53.30 4
1) Hall, Canaan 9 2) Garcia, Martin 11
3) Vigil, Evan 9 4) Wilson, Matthew 9
6 Sheridan High School 'A' 2:01.76 2:00.13 3
1) Corral, Leonardo 9 2) Pinedo, Meshach 9
3) Romero, Emiliano 9 4) Hernandez, Emanual 9
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Bennett High School 'A' 4:14.38 3:43.47 10
1) Hawkins, Carson 11 2) Barron, Victor 10
3) Rashad, Dhanavan 9 4) Faudoa, Edgar 11
2 Sheridan High School 'A' 3:56.34 3:46.90 8
1) Abdi, Liban 12 2) Daigle, Anthony 10
3) Drake, Rayden 11 4) Garcia, Andres 11
3 Platte Canyon High School 'A' 4:18.25 3:47.34 6
4 Lake County High School 'A' 3:45.79 3:47.66 5
1) Hall, Cody 11 2) Medina, James 10
3) Durand, Eli 11 4) Tarango, Obed 11
5 The Pinnacle 'A' 3:57.12 3:58.08 4
1) Pham, Philip 11 2) Porras, Anthony 12
3) Garcia Dorantes, Jorge 12 4) Barrios, Isaac 11
6 Middle Park High School 'A' 3:56.85 4:01.64 3
7 Jefferson High School 'A' 3:57.00 4:15.20 2
1) Garcia, Dominic 10 2) Garcia, Julius 11
3) Serrano, Gabriel 11 4) Ali, Salman 11
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
School Seed Finals Points
1 Platte Canyon High School 'A' 9:20.42 9:28.64 10
2 Sheridan High School 'A' 9:51.33 9:34.09 8
1) Abdi, Liban 12 2) Bate De Leon, Selvin 10
3) Sanchez, Anthony 10 4) Rodriguez, Michael 10
3 The Pinnacle 'A' 10:20.69 10:12.07 6
1) Arevalo, Adan 11 2) Fonseca, Angel 11
3) Ulrich, Kevin 10 4) Martinez, Damian 11
4 Lake County High School 'A' 10:08.02 10:15.13 5
1) Castillo, Jaime 10 2) Gutierrez-Martinez, Joseph 9
3) Gonzales, Abel 10 4) Poupore, Barrett 9
5 Jefferson High School 'A' 10:52.79 4
1) Ramirez Cruz, Mateo 12 2) Suau, Kyle 12
3) Garcia, Julius 11 4) Echavarria Meza, Johan 11
6 Middle Park High School 'A' 9:19.92 11:02.09 3
Boys High Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Drake, Rayden 11 Sheridan Hig 5-11.00 J5-10.00 10
2 Heineman, Tate 10 Platte Canyo 5-09.00 J5-10.00 8
3 Liewer, Ivan 10 Lake County 5-08.00 J5-04.00 6
4 Pasillas, Marqes 9 Middle Park 5-04.50 J5-04.00 5
5 Tarango, Obed 11 Lake County 5-06.00 J5-02.00 4
6 Christensen, Tiergan 10 Platte Canyo 5-05.00 J5-02.00 3
7 Durand, Eli 11 Lake County 5-04.00 5-00.00 2
8 Barriga, Leonel 12 The Pinnacle 5-01.00 4-08.00 1
-- Sadaoui, Idir 10 Sheridan Hig NH
-- Vigil Jr, Joshua 9 Sheridan Hig NH
-- Alarid, Sean 11 The Pinnacle 4-04.00 NH
-- Martinez, Noah 11 The Pinnacle 4-10.00 NH
Boys Pole Vault
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Peters, Jace 11 Lake County 12-09.00 10-11.00 10
2 Liewer, Ivan 10 Lake County 10-01.00 J10-05.00 8
3 Harris, Anthony 11 Lake County 10-01.00 J10-05.00 5.50
3 Christensen, Tiergan 10 Platte Canyo 10-04.00 J10-05.00 5.50
5 Bailey, Liam 11 Platte Canyo 9-06.00 9-05.00 4
6 Simmons, Hayden 9 Platte Canyo 8-00.00 J8-05.00 3
7 Byrum, Micah 11 Middle Park 8-11.00 J8-05.00 2
Boys Long Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind H# Points
1 Fouts, David 11 Platte Canyo 19-06.00 19-04.00 -0.4 2 10
2 Gonzalez, Cristian 10 Bennett High 17-05.00 18-04.75 -1.8 2 8
3 Romero, Jake 12 Platte Canyo 18-11.00 18-04.50 -0.4 2 6
4 Heineman, Tate 10 Platte Canyo 18-08.50 17-09.50 1.0 2 5
5 Barron, Victor 10 Bennett High 19-03.50 17-08.50 -2.1 2 4
6 Viveros, Alexis 11 Jefferson Hi 16-08.00 17-02.50 -0.5 1 3
7 Drake, Rayden 11 Sheridan Hig 16-07.00 17-01.25 1.2 1 2
8 Garcia Dorantes, Jorge 12 The Pinnacle 17-05.00 17-00.75 -1.7 2 1
9 Bucar, Trystan 12 Middle Park 17-05.00 16-10.50 -2.1 2
10 Liewer, Ivan 10 Lake County 17-02.50 16-09.25 -2.2 2
11 Benavides Ruiz Jr., Alon 12 Sheridan Hig 17-02.00 16-05.75 0.8 1
12 Barriga, Leonel 12 The Pinnacle 15-09.00 16-04.00 -1.9 1
13 Scoby, Noah 10 Bennett High 15-02.00 16-02.75 1.7 1
14 Garcia, Andres 11 Sheridan Hig 16-09.50 16-02.25 -0.5 1
15 Fierro, Angel 12 Lake County 17-10.00 16-00.00 -1.5 2
16 Schnurr, Tanner 10 Middle Park 15-09.50 0.2 1
17 Hall, Cody 11 Lake County 17-03.00 15-09.25 -2.5 2
18 Kapaun, Nick 11 The Pinnacle 16-00.00 15-03.00 -1.4 1
19 Pyne, Usher 11 Jefferson Hi 15-07.00 14-11.75 1.5 1
20 Suau, Kyle 12 Jefferson Hi 12-11.00 13-00.50 -0.7 1
-- Burns, Braden 10 Middle Park 10-07.50 ND NWI 1
Boys Triple Jump
Name Year School Seed Finals Wind Points
1 Heineman, Tate 10 Platte Canyo 38-08.00 40-06.00 2.6 10
2 Liewer, Ivan 10 Lake County 36-11.00 38-00.50 2.2 8
3 Barriga, Leonel 12 The Pinnacle 34-11.75 35-02.00 3.0 6
4 Simmons, Hayden 9 Platte Canyo 32-10.00 35-00.25 3.6 5
5 Martinez, Xavier 11 Middle Park 36-08.00 34-05.50 3.6 4
6 Fierro, Angel 12 Lake County 35-08.00 34-05.25 2.6 3
7 Wiedel, Weston 9 Middle Park 32-06.00 33-10.25 2.9 2
8 Ali, Salman 11 Jefferson Hi 34-01.50 32-08.50 1.4 1
9 Hall, Canaan 9 Lake County 33-02.00 31-09.50 4.0
10 Johnson, Damon 9 Platte Canyo 30-11.25 2.0
11 Garcia, Julius 11 Jefferson Hi 30-02.50 29-03.00 3.3
12 Pyne, Usher 11 Jefferson Hi 31-03.00 29-01.50 2.0
13 Alarid, Sean 11 The Pinnacle 27-09.25 25-10.25 3.4
Boys Shot Put
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Johnson, Johnathan 12 Bennett High 41-01.50 39-09.50 2 10
2 Hinojos, Ivan 12 Lake County 35-07.00 38-07.50 2 8
3 Valdez, Jonathan 10 Lake County 37-09.50 36-01.75 2 6
4 Byrum, Micah 11 Middle Park 36-03.00 34-03.00 2 5
5 Durand, Eli 11 Lake County 34-06.00 34-02.00 2 4
6 Skouge, Kamron 10 Platte Canyo 33-08.25 32-09.25 2 3
7 Estes, Noah 11 The Pinnacle 30-11.00 32-05.00 2 2
8 Castaneda, Leonardo 9 The Pinnacle 29-06.75 J31-06.00 1 1
9 Gomez, Anthony 11 Bennett High 30-01.00 J31-06.00 1
10 Ebbs, Josh 11 Platte Canyo 33-03.25 31-02.50 2
11 Yakubson, Devin 10 Platte Canyo 30-00.50 30-01.00 1
12 Rutiaga, Alejandro 11 The Pinnacle 27-08.00 28-05.50 1
13 Driggs, Aaron 9 Bennett High 27-00.00 27-03.00 1
14 Ehlert, Devin 11 Middle Park 27-10.00 26-05.75 1
15 Fernandez, Vicente 9 Sheridan Hig 25-00.00 25-06.00 1
16 Fernandez, Alejandro 9 Sheridan Hig 34-06.75 24-10.50 2
17 Widener, William 10 Sheridan Hig 21-00.50 19-11.00 1
-- Allen, Blake 11 Middle Park 28-05.50 ND 1
-- Ramirez Cruz, Mateo 12 Jefferson Hi ND 1
-- Hernandez, Hector 11 Jefferson Hi 32-08.00 ND 2
Boys Discus Throw
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Johnson, Johnathan 12 Bennett High 115-00 111-10 2 10
2 Hinojos, Ivan 12 Lake County 104-02 109-02 2 8
3 Valdez, Jonathan 10 Lake County 93-10 100-03 2 6
4 Skouge, Kamron 10 Platte Canyo 86-11 97-07 2 5
5 Ebbs, Josh 11 Platte Canyo 96-11 94-00 2 4
6 Fox, Keaton 9 Middle Park 86-07 93-03 2 3
7 Baker, Troy 10 Lake County 89-10 88-11 2 2
8 Hilbert, Jovonni 11 Bennett High 75-08 85-01 2 1
9 Estes, Noah 11 The Pinnacle 62-00 82-07 1
10 Ehlert, Devin 11 Middle Park 83-05 79-00 2
11 Bell, Zavion 9 Sheridan Hig 65-07.50 76-02 1
12 Yakubson, Devin 10 Platte Canyo 70-01 71-11 1
13 Castaneda, Leonardo 9 The Pinnacle 66-03 68-09 1
14 Hernandez, Jorge 9 Sheridan Hig 52-07 64-11 1
15 Romero, Eli 9 Sheridan Hig 43-09 62-07 1
16 Driggs, Aaron 9 Bennett High 69-06 60-05 1
16 Mendoza, Josiah 11 The Pinnacle 61-00 60-05 1
-- Allen, Blake 11 Middle Park 72-04 ND 1
-- Hernandez, Hector 11 Jefferson Hi 78-04 ND 2