Meet Information

2022 CANON CITY Middle and High School Cross Country Invite at the Royal Gorge Bridge

Your team is invited to participate in the annual Canon City Cross Country Invitational. The meet will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2022 and will take place at the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. The park is located approximately eight miles west of town off of highway 50. The race will run through a portion of the park and finish across the bridge on the South Side. Through agreement with the Royal Gorge, spectators will be given a discounted price into the Bridge after 2:30 p.m. If spectators choose not to do this, they can watch from the parking lot. At the conclusion of the race spectators that have paid will have some time to walk around the park if they wish. This will hopefully also allow some kids that have never seen the Royal Gorge to experience something amazing! There will not be time for rides, etc. that day, but hopefully they can get a little taste of what the Royal Gorge Park has to offer.

The schedule of races for the day will be as follows:

3:00 p.m. Middle School Boys Race

3:30 p.m. Middle School Girls Race

4:00 p.m. High School Boys Varsity and JV             

4:40 p.m. High School Girls Varsity and JV  

Team Scoring will be based on the first five runners placing for each school. Awards will be distributed to the top 10 individuals in each race and the top two middle school/high school varsity boys and girls teams. The Entry Fee for this event is $150 for both teams or $75 for one team (boys or girls) Make checks payable to:
Canon City High School
Attn: Cross Country 
1313 College Avenue
Canon City, CO 81212
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Marcy Epperson at (719) 276-8879                         

Dave Laughlin at (719) 276-5875                             


A password is required to register for the race. Please email for access. 

Registration ends Thursday, September 22nd.

We look forward to seeing your teams!
