Meet Information
The 1st Annual Teddy's Last Chance Invitational will be co-hosted by Roosevelt and Resurrection Christian High Schools at Roosevelt's brand new facility and 9-lane track. Daniel Joiner (Roosevelt Head Coach) and Mark Roberts (Resurrections Christian assistant coach) will be co-meet directors. The meet will follow a unique order of events, and you can now access the time schedule, general information sheet and tentative entry marks by classification. We currently have 51 teams attending, and you can see the list by clicking on the "Teams" in the menu. We are still accepting teams ($375 entry fee) and will have a price of $15 per event for smaller teams and individual entries. Please fill out the interest form if you would like to attend and be added to the list to receive more information.
Entry update. We will still close the first round of entries today (Tuesday) at 8 pm, check to see what events we're concerned about, and then reopen the meet by 10 pm tonight (Tuesday) with some additional guidance and the ability for coaches to update or add athletes due to some of the unique situations you've been emailing us about. You will still need to email me ( with the details of your "unique" entries so that I can approve those. Once the entry has been approved, please don't do any editing in that event.
We may turn off coach override on Thursday, but we have decided to leave the meet open for entries until 10 pm on Friday, May 10th. We will seed the meet first thing Saturday morning and send out the program as soon as we're done. Coaches, athletes and parents should have a very good idea of where they stand since everyone is able to view the current entries already (go to the Calendar page of MileSplit, find Teddy's Last Chance, and then pick the fourth choice, "entries", in the light gray menu bar). The track events have plenty of room for additional entries, and we're willing to consider requests for more than 4 entries if you have additional athletes who meet the standards. We will not accept athletes in the 3200 meter run who are more than 45 seconds from the final qualifying position in their respective classification.
We have updated the entry marks for all the field events with the exception of the High Jump. Please look over the new entry marks for YOUR school's classification. The minimum entry standards are based on the 1A schools, but we have a number of 3A, 4A and 5A schools that need to re-examine the entry marks and remove your athletes who don't meet the standard (which accomodates the top 30 and usually covers the top 50).
Teddy's Last Chance Information (updated on 5/5)
Teddy's Updated Time Schedule - 2024
Teddy's Last Chance Updated Entry Marks by Classification