Thunder Across the Divide 2023

Elizabeth, CO

Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Victory High School Results

Girls Athlete Place Results
5000 Meter Run
24:19.00 Summer Urban 5th Varsity
25:59.30 Sophie Urban 9th Varsity
25:59.40 Hada Carson 10th Varsity
26:00.90 Clare Lessard 11th Varsity
28:40.00 Isabel Gideon 18th Varsity
28:52.80 Ana Gutierrez 19th Varsity
30:46.20 Lucy Miller 4th Open
30:54.10 SB Marie DeLauro 5th Open
37:36.10 Eloise Stefanick 8th Open
39:39.30 Colleen Kelly 10th Open
43:20.10 SB Mara Miller 11th Open
Boys Athlete Place Results
5000 Meter Run
20:13.30 Diego Gutierrez 6th Varsity
21:40.70 Dominic Boll 10th Varsity
23:01.30 Isaac Welp 16th Varsity
23:33.40 SB William Wolpert 21st Varsity
28:18.30 Joseph Stephanick 29th Varsity