Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
If you're interested in competing in this meet, please contact Kevin Schafer.
Here is a link to the information for the meet:
Time Schedule:
No Dogs Allowed on School Property!
9 am - Open Boys
9:30 am - Open Girls
10:00 am Championship Boys
10:30 am Championship Girls
11:15 - Awards for the Championship Races in front of the East Grandstand
Coaches, you will enter all your athletes on MileSplit, and then you will decide who to put on the starting line for each race the day of the meet. Students in the Championship races must be 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. You may enter 9 athletes in the Championship races. We will use the 7/4 scoring format. Coaches are welcome to run deserving individuals who may not have full teams in the Championship races. The Open races have unlimited entries and may also include athletes in your program who are younger than 6th grade.
Here is a link to the course map: