Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Save the date! March 20th and April 17th Coronado High School located at 1590 W. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs will host two timed JV meets on the new Coronado High School track facility. These meets will be timed by individual team coaches. We will offer all events (except 4 x 800 and pole vault).
Meet entry will be limited to 12 teams and/or 3 athletes per event. If you are interested in bringing your JV team, contact to reserve your entry and for more information.
Entry fee $125 per team or $15 per individual athlete.
Meets will be hosted at
Coronado High School: 1590 W. Fillmore St., Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Meet starts at 3:30pm. *Team buses need to arrive no later than 2:30pm due to parking and CHS school busses causing traffic jam when school gets out at 3:10pm.
Teams who have contacted Lisa Rainsberger will receive a registration Password to register. We will limit the meet to 12 teams.