Niwot Invitational 2025

Niwot, CO
Registration Closes in 2 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Please see the email for information regarding the 2025 Niwot Invitational.

Please email Joe Brown for more information as needed.


  • Niwot Invitational

    Questions regarding the content of this packet should be directed to

    Joe Brown 970-397-4917/ 

    or Maurice Henriques 303-324-8301/

    Meet Details

    Date: March 29, 2025

    Teams: TBA

    Pre-Qualifying: CHSAA-sanctioned state pre-qualifying meet.

    Games Committee: Head Coaches from participating schools, head timer, head officials.

    Prelims/Finals: All running events will be timed finals from slow to fast girls-boys. All flights of Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump, and Triple Jump will get three attempts (no finals) the top two flights will be 4 attempts (no finals)

    Coaches Meeting: 8:30 AM in the Weight Room (north end of the track).

    Entry Deadline: The deadline for entries will be FRIDAY, MARCH 27TH at 9:00 PM

    Entry Limits: 6 individuals for track events and 1 relay. Field events will have up to 3 entries per school pending meeting qualifying standards.

  • LJ 14 Girls/17 Boys
  • TJ, 26 Girls/35 Boys
  • SP 25 Girls/35 Boys
  • Discus 70 Girls/90 Boys
  • HJ 4'4 Girls/5'4 Boys
  • Pole Vault Girls 7 /Boys 9

Unified Race: We will have a Unified 100 meter dash at 11:40 AM. Entries into the 100 Unified Race will not count towards your 6 individual maximum for individual entries into the running events. Please register athletes for this event as you would for any other event.


Niwot Invitational Event Schedule

 (Tentative - will adjust according to entries)

Field Events: 4 attempts for top 2 flights, 3 attempts for other flights, no finals. Pole Vault, Shot, and Disc Weigh-ins will all occur at their respective event areas starting at 8:00 AM; a map can be found here.

9:00 AM                Boys:      Shot Put                       Girls:    Discus

                                              Long Jump                              Long Jump

                                               Pole Vault                               High Jump

2:00 PM                Boys:       Discus                          Girls:    Shot Put

                                               Triple Jump                             Triple  Jump

                                               High Jump                               Pole Vault

Running Events:

10:00am - Girls 3200 Meter Run Heat 1 - Final

10:15am - Boys 3200 Meter Run Heat 1 - Final

10:30am - Girls 4 X 800 Meter Relay - Final

10:45am - Boys 4 X 800 Meter Relay - Final

11:00am - Girls100 Meter Hurdles - Final

11:15am - Boys 110 Meter Hurdles - Final

11:30am - Unified 100 Meter Dash - Final

11:35am - Girls 100 Meter Dash - Final

12:10pm - Boys 100 Meter Dash - Final

12:40pm - Girls 4X200 Meter Relay - Final

12:50pm - Boys 4X200 Meter Relay - Final

1:00pm Lunch break officials, coaches,  and workers

1:30pm Victory lap for every participating team senior at the meet.

1:40pm - Girls 1600 Meter Run - Final

2:15pm - Boys 1600 Meter Run - Final

3:00pm - Girls 4 x 100 Meter Relay - Final

3:10pm - Boys 4 x 100 Meter Relay - Final

3:20pm - Girls 400 Meter Dash - Final

3:45pm - Boys 400 Meter Dash - Final

4:15pm - Girls 300 Meter Hurdles - Final

4:40pm - Boys 300 Meter Hurdles - Final

5:00pm - Girls 800 Meter Run - Final

5:20pm - Boys 800 Meter Run - Final

5:45pm - Girls 200 Meter Run - Final

6:15pm - Boys 200 Meter Run - Final

6:45pm - Girls 3200 Meter Run Heat 2 - Final

7:05pm - Boys 3200 Meter Run Heat 2 - Final

7:25pm - Girls 4 X 400 Meter Relay - Final

7:40pm - Boys 4 X 400 Meter Relay - Final