For some high school distance runners, the state track meet simply isn't enough. For these people there is the Bolder Boulder. Held just over a week after the state track meet, the race allows distance runners to stretch their legs a little at the 10K distance.
Among Colorado's high school runners this year, none did better than Joseph Manilafasha. None came close, in fact. Manilafasha finished a very impressive third overall in the citizen's race, navigating the 10K course through the streets of Boulder in 31:39.9.
Cherry Creek's Walter Schafer was next among the high school contestants, coming in at 33:11. Following his finish and between breaths, Schafer muttered something like, "Apres moi, le deluge!" And so it was, as Matt Bell, Clif Campbell, Scott Fauble, Steven Stoot, and Andrew Roberts each finished in rapid succession. Um, just kidding about that quote, folks.
The Colorado high school girls were not quite as deeply represented in the top 50 finishers as their male counterparts, however. Miranda Benzel of Fort Collins led the finishers in 39:38.7, followed by Jen Bremser at 39:47.1, and Melissa Roberts at 41:04.6. Alexis Skarda came next at 41:13.3.
In fact, the Roberts clan made it, once again, a family affair, with Andrew and Melissa probably claimining, unofficially speaking, the top brother-sister finish in the field. Looking ahead, watch for sister Miriam and brother Paul to augment the Lyons High School roster in the not-too-distant future. Six-year-old Isaac finished in 55:06. If Mark Roberts wins another state championship or two, we may see coaches all across the state adopting his team-building model.
Congratulations, all, on the exemplary races!