Oh So Close At Liberty Bell

Arria Minor tallied three wins, and six impressive races.

Arria Minor ran six races across the two day meet, and in adding to her legend, she rolled out a top-tier performance every time. In Friday's preliminary heats she led the way in the 100, 200, and 400, running 11.50, 23.43, and 53.40. 
A day later she returned to the track and simply did what she does best: win. 
Minor won the 100 by nearly half-a-second in 11.53, won the 200 by one-second in 23.29, and won the 400 by nearly three-seconds in 53.83.
In the wake of Minor's dominance was Maya Evans, who turned in a solid meet of her own. Evans collected a pair of runner-up finishes, finishing second in the 100 in 11.98, and second in the 200 in 24.42 - she ran a PR of 24.28 in the prelims Friday. Evans did get a W before the weekend was over, however, winning the long jump in 19-8.5.

The 1,600 was a Boulder sweep with Lauren Neugeboren leading the way. Neugeboren used a mid-race surge to create a gap between her and the field. She cruised through the final lap to capture the win in 5:06.26. A late charge from Claudia Burgess gave Boulder the sweep, as Burgess came in just on her teammates heels in 5:06.59.
Likewise, the 3,200 was a Battle Mountain affair, or more accurately, a Harding affair. Lizzy Harding led the way with a 10:59 win, while sister Naomi Harding took second in 11:05. Battle Mountain took the top-three spots. 
In the field Riley Masten took a four-inch win in the high jump with a 5-4 jump, while Shantine DeMasse won the triple jump in 36-7.50.
Amber Gustason was a double-winner in the throws, claiming the discus in 122-4, and the shot in 37-6.