2A Boys: Gold For Bruxvoort And Heritage Christian

Seth Bruxvoort capped his high school cross country career with a state title.

Seth Bruxvoort 's blonde curls shimmered underneath the golden Colorado sun. With each stride they rippled out behind him like waves going backwards in time. But he moving forever forward, onwards towards a finish line that awaited his arrival. 

With the line just a few feet in front of him he cracked a smile, knowing that the state title was finally his. 

It was an inevitable ending for the Heritage Christian senior, who picked up his fourth consecutive win of the season. Bruxvoort ran to new heights this fall, and it only seemed fitting that he cap it with a state title.

But it wasn't always a sure thing.

When the gun shot off 16 minutes and nine-seconds earlier, 125 runners stormed the open field and quickly engulfed Bruxvoort, who donned a bright yellow singlet. But the senior was patient. He knew what a strength-oriented course this was, and how a quick start could spell doom, so he sat back, way back early on.

Up front and racing in his first high school state championships was Ellicott freshman Jodzuel Juarez, who set a hot early pace. Juarez ran most of the opening mile without anyone breathing down his neck, though as the race progressed the pace cooled, and soon he found himself with company.