4th of July Weekend Race Results

As is customary around the 4th of July, there have been a lot of road races around the state this weekend. Emily LaValley won the women's Ourayce 10K in Ouray this weekend (results hopefully yet to come on that race). Photo contributed by Tom LaValley.


Here is a quick sampling of results from around the state showing how some high school age runners have fared this weekend:


Palmer Lake 4 Mile, Palmer Lake to Monument (slightly downhill on crushed rock trail)

full results


Top 15 Males

1. Steven Stoot 20:36
2. Nick White 21:03
3. Matt Cameron 21:07
4. Chris Ganem 21:09
5. Mario Mendoza 21:16
6. Robby Stewart 21:17
7. Thomas Powers 21:49
8. Michael Johnson 21:58
9. Mark VanderMeer 22:16
10. Brian Slamkowski 22:16
11. Brandon Schow 22:52
12. Eric Hallam 22:57
13. Nathan McCrary 23:08
14. Corey Barringer 23:37
15. Marc Johnson 23:46



Top 15 Females

1. Kait Frier 23:55
2. Elizabeth Watkins 24:11
3. Maddie Kruger 26:23
4. Heidi Robinson 26:41
5. Trisha Morton 27:34
6. Ellen Jackson 27:41
7. heather inglis 28:05
8. Chelsea Kilgore 28:12
9. Emily Husted 28:16
10. Alison Deitsch 28:24
11. Maegin Ray 28:26
12. Michaela Diamond 28:36
13. Christie Wood 28:50
14. Jenna Press 28:54
15. Karissa Dietz



Veteran's Home Run 5K, Memorial Park, Colorado Springs (mostly hard surface)

full results


                Male:  15 - 19 
Place   Name                      Age   City            State   Time     Team
  1     Emilio Trujillo           18    Colo Springs     CO    0:16:08   Panthers
  2     Jason Kearns              18    Centennial       CO    0:16:22
  3     William Edwards           18    Colo Springs     CO    0:16:44   Panthers
  4     Josiah Lee Valenzuel      16    Colo Springs     CO    0:17:21
  5     Joseph Archuleta          16    Colo Springs     CO    0:18:40   Panthers
  6     Quin Ralston              16    Colo Springs     CO    0:18:56
  7     Aaron Godfrey             17    Camp Verde       AZ    0:20:44
  8     Tanner Finnicum           17    Colo Springs     CO    0:21:25
  9     Joel Smithey              16    Colo Springs     CO    0:22:01
 10     Kyle Woods                18    Colo Springs     CO    0:22:41

                Female:  15 - 19 
Place   Name                      Age   City            State   Time     Team
  1     Samantha Olvera           17    Colo Springs     CO    0:21:27
        Samantha Bauer            16    Colo Springs     CO    0:23:02
  3     Cassie Castellanet        19    Colo Springs     CO    0:24:18   The Wells
  4     Emma Kidd                 15    Colo Springs     CO    0:26:19   VA
  5     Anne Smithey              15    Colo Springs     CO    0:26:30
  6     Sarah Johnson             16    Colo Springs     CO    0:27:42   Veteran,TayJoh
  7     Tori Rusning              15    Colo Springs     CO    0:29:32   Flying Geese
  8     Sadie Wells               19    Monument         CO    0:30:31   The Wells
  9     Morgan Pilgreen           16    Fountain         CO    0:30:56

Race Against Cancer, Greeley 
full results

        3   16:29  5:19   39 KODY LEACH            3/345    1/38   M15-19  
        8   17:24  5:36 1555 TAYLOR ANDERS         7/345    2/38   M15-19  
        9   17:52  5:45  105 CAM MCQUEEN           8/345    3/38   M15-19  
       11   17:57  5:47 1690 DYLON KOEHN          10/345    4/38   M15-19  
       15   18:24  5:56 1584 GARRETT COLES        14/345    5/38   M15-19  
       16   18:36  6:00   30 BRANDON FRITZ        15/345    6/38   M15-19  
       18   18:50  6:04  248 CONOR COX            16/345    7/38   M15-19  
       20   19:00  6:07   53 ASHLEE SMALLEY        3/553    1/47   F15-19  
       31   19:57  6:26 1134 ALLIE PARKS           6/553    2/47   F15-19  
       35   20:18  6:32 1150 NICHOLAS CHRISTOPHE  29/345    9/38   M15-19 
       38   20:20  6:33 1034 TANNER MCMANUS       32/345   10/38   M15-19
       42   20:27  6:35   54 STEVEN SMALLEY       35/345   11/38   M15-19 
      103   23:26  7:33   80 SARAH SWENSON        27/553    3/47   F15-19 
      114   23:56  7:43   97 BARBARA FIGGS        28/553    4/47   F15-19 

Superior Downhill Mile, Superior 
Male Results
2010 Superior Downhill Mile
 	Place 	 Name 	 Hometown 	 Age 	 Time 
 	1. 	 Peter Remien 	 Boulder CO 	 30 	 4:00 
 	2. 	 Mario Macias 	 Alamosa CO 	 29 	 4:01 
 	3. 	 Bobby Reyes 	 Longmont CO 	 25 	 4:04 
 	4. 	 Art Siemers 	 Golden CO 	 37 	 4:08 
 	5. 	 Bryan Beegle 	 Shippensburg PA 	 21 	 4:14 
 	6. 	 Kirk Webb 	 Louisville CO 	 16 	 4:19 
 	7. 	 Jackson Friesth 	 Louisville CO 	 17 	 4:21 
 	8. 	 Patrick Martinez 	 Denver CO 	 30 	 4:22 
 	9. 	 Ewen North 	 Louisville CO 	 31 	 4:23 
 	10. 	 Steve Gallegos 	 Golden CO 	 55 	 4:24 
 	11. 	 Taylor Anders 	 Greeley CO 	 15 	 4:28 
 	12. 	 John McCarthy 	 Lafayette CO 	 18      4:36

FireKracker 5K, Fort Collins
full results

Place Div/Tot  Sex/Tot  Name                Age S City            Div   Guntime Nettime Pace  
===== ======== ======== =================== === = =============== ===== ======= ======= ===== 
    7   1/44     7/432  Edward Cleary        16 M Fort Collins    M1519   16:43   16:41  5:23 
   13   2/44    13/432  Griffin Hay          15 M Fort Collins    M1519   17:15   17:14  5:33 
   18   4/44    18/432  John Patterson       16 M Fort Collins    M1519   17:51   17:50  5:45 
   23   5/44    21/432  Jefferson Abbey      16 M Fort Collins    M1519   18:33   18:32  5:58 
   34   9/44    31/432  Eli Finer            15 M Fort Collins    M1519   19:14   19:12  6:11 
   37   1/41     4/485  Kailie Hartman       15 F Loveland        F1519   19:23   19:20  6:14 
   51  11/44    41/432  Clayton Kuchta       17 M Fort Collins    M1519   19:52   19:49  6:23 
   52   1/26    42/432  Matt Hanson          14 M Fort Collins    M1314   19:55   19:51  6:24 
   56  12/44    45/432  Nick Keller          15 M Fort Collins    M1519   20:00   19:56  6:25 
   58  13/44    47/432  Michael Moy          16 M Fort Collins    M1519   20:04   19:58  6:26 
   75  16/44    58/432  Daniel Dean          16 M Fort Collins    M1519   20:27   20:26  6:35 
   82   2/26    64/432  Luke Sheesley        14 M Fort Collins    M1314   20:45   20:42  6:40 
   87  18/44    68/432  Wil Gavato           15 M Fort Collins    M1519   20:53   20:50  6:43 
   89  19/44    69/432  Isaac Howe           16 M Fort Collins    M1519   20:57   20:49  6:42 
   90  20/44    70/432  Aaron Bonenberger    15 M Fort Collins    M1519   21:09   21:06  6:48 
   92   1/19    20/485  Katy East            14 F                 F1314   21:18   21:02  6:47 
   93   2/41    21/485  Torrey Stephenson    16 F Loveland        F1519   21:18   21:13  6:50 
   94  21/44    72/432  Matthew Spencer      15 M Fort Collins    M1519   21:18   21:15  6:51 
   96   3/41    22/485  Aubree Dietrich      18 F Fort Collins    F1519   21:25   21:23  6:53 
   98  22/44    75/432  Ryan Griego          16 M Fort Collins    M1519   21:29   21:29  6:55 
  113   5/41    26/485  Andi Carpenter       17 F Lakewood        F1519   21:58   21:53  7:03 

Other races have concluded but show few, if any, high school age results.    This article will be updated as more results are received.