Freshman Caroline Kawula was the top finisher for a vastly-improved Kent Denver team at the Cheyenne Mountain Stampede. Photo by Alan Versaw.
Week One Wake-Up Calls
Sep 07, 2012
Images of the Cheyenne Mountain Stampede
Sep 06, 2012
Erin Squared: Erin Norton had just a little more left when the Erins hit the bridges on the way home. Photo by Alan Versaw. Free content.
NXR-SW Week In Review: Labor Day Weekend (updated)
Sep 04, 2012
Luis Martinez was on fire under the Albuquerque full moon on Friday night, but Los Alamos took Cleveland by surprise for the team title at the UNM Lobo Invitational. Photo by Blake Wood.
After the Stampede
Sep 02, 2012
Clayson Shumway awakens a few echoes out of Liberty's storied past by winning the Cheyenne Mountain Stampede 5A boys race. Photo by Alan Versaw.