Colorado 4A Region 4 Cross Country 2012

Lyons, CO

Colorado 4A Region 4 Cross Country 2012 vs Colorado 4A Region 4 Cross Country 2014

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +7 199 192
Overall Average +10.23 21:41.38 21:31.15
1st-10th Place -6.10 17:10.80 17:16.90
1st-25th Place -10.08 17:37.16 17:47.24
1st-50th Place -8.86 18:16.44 18:25.30
1st-100th Place -9.24 19:18.51 19:27.75
Common Athletes -- -- 45
Ran Faster -13 16 29
Ran Season Best 3 4 1
Average Time +17.40 21:10.22 20:52.82
Median Time +39.00 20:41.00 20:02.00
Middle 80% Times +23.50 21:15.97 20:52.47
Top 10% Times +38.00 17:35.40 16:57.40
Top 25% Times +50.42 18:30.50 17:40.08
Top 50% Times +43.39 19:16.61 18:33.22
Bottom 50% Times -9.35 22:08.61 22:17.96
Bottom 25% Times -37.08 23:59.50 24:36.58
Bottom 10% Times -1:04.40 24:38.60 25:43.00
Average Difference +17.40 -- --
Median Difference +1:25.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +27.97 -- --
Top 10% Difference +44.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference +44.74 -- --
Top 25% Difference +35.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference +44.74 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -7.00 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -32.17 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:59.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jarrett Thollot Thompson Valley High School +1:07.00 17:57.00 16:50.00
Peter Franklin Mountain View High School +58.00 17:48.00 16:50.00
Julian Von Holten Mountain View High School +17.00 17:14.00 16:57.00
Kaleb Simington Thompson Valley High School +16.00 17:18.00 17:02.00
Luke Spitz Berthoud High School +1:05.00 18:13.00 17:08.00
Cade Bickmore Longmont High School +1:46.00 19:22.00 17:36.00
Aiden Colton Berthoud High School -1:46.00 17:40.00 19:26.00
Conner Shaver Fort Morgan High School +2:07.00 19:51.00 17:44.00
Elijah Grewal Berthoud High School +1:40.00 19:27.00 17:47.00
Trevor Link Fort Morgan High School +58.00 19:12.00 18:14.00
Chad Riggenbach Mountain View High School +1:43.00 20:13.00 18:30.00
Hayden Falkinburg Skyline High School +29.00 19:09.00 18:40.00
Matt Villarreal Greeley Central High School +1:39.00 20:22.00 18:43.00
Nathaniel Eiffert Longmont High School +1:30.00 20:17.00 18:47.00
Riley Cooney Mountain View High School +34.00 19:32.00 18:58.00
Bronson Thomas-Garcia Silver Creek High School -14.00 19:14.00 19:28.00
Ken Kubik Berthoud High School +48.00 20:06.00 19:18.00
Sean Esch Mead High School +33.00 19:59.00 19:26.00
Kiah Leonard Berthoud High School +23.00 20:03.00 19:40.00
Kendra Larson Thompson Valley High School -20.00 19:42.00 20:02.00
Chris Gomez Roosevelt High School +11.00 19:58.00 19:47.00
Brandon Roberts Northridge High School +1:55.00 21:49.00 19:54.00
Jack Westra Windsor High School +1:25.00 21:22.00 19:57.00
Noah Bolitho Skyline High School -3:22.00 20:04.00 23:26.00
Ellie Colpitts Thompson Valley High School +53.00 21:32.00 20:39.00
Kacie Kaufman Thompson Valley High School + 20:41.00 20:41.00
Sarena Wells Fort Morgan High School -1:01.00 21:03.00 22:04.00
Katie Benner Mountain View High School +1:53.00 22:58.00 21:05.00
Verena O'Malley Longmont High School +2:19.00 23:41.00 21:22.00
Avynne Trembly Skyline High School +2:01.00 23:33.00 21:32.00
Annika Jessen Berthoud High School -3:10.00 22:06.00 25:16.00
Sage Madden Silver Creek High School +1:35.00 23:41.00 22:06.00
Blake Powell Greeley Central High School +41.00 22:53.00 22:12.00
Josie Spitz Berthoud High School -16.00 22:20.00 22:36.00
Celeste Maldonado Roosevelt High School -1:02.00 22:35.00 23:37.00
Kaitlin Martin Greeley Central High School -2:28.00 22:46.00 25:14.00
Haylie Call Silver Creek High School -12.00 23:05.00 23:17.00
Mea Escobedo Fort Morgan High School -12.00 23:15.00 23:27.00
Olivia Eppler Berthoud High School +1:28.00 24:51.00 23:23.00
Molly Gehringer Mead High School -31.00 23:38.00 24:09.00
Samantha Koski Silver Creek High School +5.00 23:48.00 23:43.00
Emma Krombholz Greeley Central High School -1:24.00 24:05.00 25:29.00
Sara Godfrey Berthoud High School -1:20.00 24:29.00 25:49.00
Heidi Hansen Roosevelt High School -25.00 24:34.00 24:59.00
Jessica Mcintosh Greeley Central High School -1:33.00 25:14.00 26:47.00