Southwest XC Challenge 2013

Southwest XC Challenge 2013 vs Southwest Sunset XC Classic 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -16 200 216
Overall Average +41.87 24:15.16 23:33.29
1st-10th Place +37.08 17:57.90 17:20.82
1st-25th Place +42.95 18:39.44 17:56.49
1st-50th Place +43.36 19:25.12 18:41.76
1st-100th Place +41.98 20:44.91 20:02.93
Common Athletes -- -- 33
Ran Faster -23 5 28
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time +1:42.28 23:41.64 21:59.36
Median Time +1:14.40 22:37.00 21:22.60
Middle 80% Times +1:46.01 23:45.56 21:59.54
Top 10% Times +1:40.08 18:54.75 17:14.68
Top 25% Times +2:03.19 19:53.00 17:49.81
Top 50% Times +1:51.38 20:58.23 19:06.85
Bottom 50% Times +1:27.15 25:01.41 23:34.26
Bottom 25% Times +1:59.17 28:55.67 26:56.50
Bottom 10% Times +1:49.60 31:22.75 29:33.15
Average Difference +1:42.28 -- --
Median Difference +26.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:53.67 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:24.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:33.61 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:45.76 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:33.61 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:46.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:56.90 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:47.85 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nicholas Turco Durango High School +41.30 17:41.00 16:59.70
Jordan Helms Durango High School +3:06.00 20:17.00 17:11.00
David Moenning Durango High School +2:29.10 19:43.00 17:13.90
Seamus Millett Durango High School +1:10.90 18:45.00 17:34.10
Jacob Hughes Pagosa Springs High School +3:58.20 21:44.00 17:45.80
Ethan Brown Pagosa Springs High School +2:41.10 20:31.00 17:49.90
Harry Steinberg Durango High School +1:16.20 19:30.00 18:13.80
Thomas Pannell Durango High School +1:14.30 19:43.00 18:28.70
Lucais Martin Farmington High School +2:25.60 21:37.00 19:11.40
Coy Thomas Pagosa Springs High School +3:42.10 23:41.00 19:58.90
Sam Dippold Durango High School +3:23.80 23:27.00 20:03.20
Solomon Johnson Farmington High School +1:47.90 21:52.00 20:04.10
Kaleb Harris Durango High School +1:24.60 21:45.00 20:20.40
Michael Iverson Pagosa Springs High School +47.30 21:10.00 20:22.70
Joaquin Valdez Durango High School +1:31.10 22:25.00 20:53.90
Sarah Smagacz Durango High School +3:49.60 25:12.00 21:22.40
Joey Sandrey Bayfield High School +1:07.40 22:30.00 21:22.60
Olivia Reinhardt Pagosa Springs High School +54.50 22:35.00 21:40.50
Delaney Khung Pagosa Springs High School +5:05.60 27:04.00 21:58.40
Melina Mcdermott Farmington High School +3:06.90 25:07.00 22:00.10
Justis Herrera Bayfield High School -3:09.70 22:05.00 25:14.70
Bridget Goddard Bayfield High School -30.90 22:37.00 23:07.90
Taylor Lee-Hammer Pagosa Springs High School +26.80 23:09.00 22:42.20
Emily Edwards-Colsman Durango High School +29.90 23:15.00 22:45.10
Maggie Wigton Durango High School -1:25.40 23:12.00 24:37.40
Lexa Fleming Bayfield High School -55.30 23:12.00 24:07.30
Elli Trussel Durango High School +5:39.30 29:39.00 23:59.70
Kassidy Nez Farmington High School +2:09.30 26:19.00 24:09.70
Becca Schaldach Durango High School +36.20 26:43.00 26:06.80
Rachel Zetts Montezuma-Cortez High School +4:30.40 31:07.00 26:36.60
Judy Ha Montezuma-Cortez High School +3:12.60 31:56.00 28:43.40
Mariah Whitehorse Farmington High School +3:46.50 32:49.00 29:02.50
Taryn Wilson Montezuma-Cortez High School -4:18.10 29:32.00 33:50.10