Harrison Panther Invitational 2015

Colorado Springs, CO

Boys Results

Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Davis, Justin                Harrison Hig                      11.65   0.8  3  10   
  2 Gloor, Josh                  Widefield Hi           11.18      11.71  -1.1  9   8   
  3 Kress, Jordan                Mountain Vie           11.39      11.74  -1.1  9   6   
  4 Jacquez, Nick                Harrison Hig           11.75      11.83  -0.6  8   5   
  5 Kembel, Hayden               Mountain Vie           11.79      11.85  -0.6  8   4   
  6 Walker, Emmanuel             Vista Ridge            11.83      12.03  -0.6  8   3   
  7 Logan, Tyler                 Mountain Vie           11.70      12.05  -0.6  8   2   
  8 Tivis, Isaiah                Harrison Hig                      12.05  -0.6  8   1   
  9 Williams, Quamane            Widefield Hi                      12.07   0.1  2 
  9 Counts, Nicholas             Pine Creek H           11.80      12.07  -0.6  8 
 11 Peterson, Malachi            Manitou Spri           11.60      12.15  -1.1  9 
 12 McGuffin, Jacob              Liberty High           11.30      12.18  -1.1  9 
 13 Goetz, Anthony               Elizabeth Hi           14.23      12.18   0.8  3 
 14 Braithwaite, Michael         Pikes Peak C           11.40      12.19  -1.1  9 
 15 Ward, Spencer                Lewis-Palmer           12.51      12.19  -1.7  5 
 16 Loya, Angelo                 Lamar High S           12.27      12.20  -1.7  6 
 17 Brown, Xavier                Sierra                            12.23  -0.1  1 
 18 Watkins, Sterling            Discovery Ca           11.80      12.25  -0.6  8 
 19 Wieland, Wyatt               Pine Creek H                      12.25  -0.1  1 
 20 Calhoun, Dezz                Vista Ridge            11.60      12.29  -1.1  9 
 21 Taylor, Isaiah               Vista Ridge            12.30      12.29  -1.7  6 
 22 Wentz, Keegan                Buena Vista            12.07      12.29  -0.8  7 
 23 Kim, Seeon                   Pikes Peak C           13.44      12.31  -1.8  4 
 24 Williams, Tyron              Mitchell Hig                      12.32   0.1  2 
 25 Young, Charles               Lewis-Palmer           12.21      12.36  -1.7  6 
 26 Riva, Bradley                Canon City H           12.05      12.40  -0.8  7 
 27 Ewert, Aaron                 Canon City H           12.63      12.42  -1.7  5 
 28 Barnhart, Scott              Discovery Ca           12.00      12.42  -0.8  7 
 29 Benson, Dylan                Elizabeth Hi           12.20      12.46  -1.7  6 
 30 Crawford, Winston            Liberty High           11.64      12.50  -1.1  9 
 31 Miller, Conor                Pine Creek H                      12.50   0.1  2 
 32 Brasuel, Leonard             Palmer High            12.78      12.51  -1.7  5 
 33 Waters, Bridger              Air Academy            12.20      12.57  -1.7  6 
 34 Girling, Brock               Sierra                            12.69   0.1  2 
 35 Pavlic, Nick                 Lewis-Palmer           12.56      12.69  -1.7  5 
 36 Simons, Josiah               Vanguard Sch           12.00      12.70  -0.8  7 
 37 Weber, Jackson               Liberty High           11.20      12.73  -1.1  9 
 38 Hiatt, Jacob                 Sierra                            12.74   0.1  2 
 39 VonFeldt, Joey               Rocky Ford H                      12.75  -0.1  1 
 40 Gray, Drake                  Vanguard Sch                      12.77  -1.7  6 
 41 Gleeton, Gabe                Mitchell Hig           12.54      12.77  -1.7  5 
 42 Mangili, Marco               Lamar High S           13.21      12.79  -1.8  4 
 43 Mohammad, Ali                Widefield Hi                      12.79  -0.1  1 
 44 Parish, Hunter               Canon City H           12.83      12.80  -1.8  4 
 45 Johnson, Michael             Lamar High S           12.90      12.86  -1.8  4 
 46 Strozier, Christian          Pikes Peak C           12.32      12.87  -1.7  6 
 47 Abacan, Jeremy               Vanguard Sch           12.60      12.88  -1.7  5 
 48 Dunnan, Renton               Doherty High           12.90      12.90  -1.8  4 
 49 Fuchs, Caleb                 Calhan High            13.60      12.97   0.8  3 
 50 Donnell, Eric                Fountain-For           11.87      12.99  -0.6  8 
 51 Shirley, DeVaughn            Doherty High           12.50      13.02  -1.7  5 
 52 Oliva, David                 Mitchell Hig                      13.04   0.1  2 
 53 Clawson, Seth                Discovery Ca           12.10      13.06  -0.8  7 
 54 Steigerwald, Cody            Air Academy            12.00      13.12  -0.8  7 
 55 Voss, Josh                   Air Academy            12.10      13.35  -0.8  7 
 56 Brandon, Casey               Custer Count           13.47      13.41   0.8  3 
 57 Kneis, Mark                  Calhan High            13.72      13.52   0.8  3 
 58 Whitley, Tyler               Elizabeth Hi           12.50      13.57  -1.7  5 
 59 Nguynen, Thai                Rocky Ford H                      14.23   0.1  2 
 60 Parker, Jackson              Manitou Spri           13.20      14.41  -1.8  4 
 61 Stombaugh, Kyran             Buena Vista            14.50      15.19   0.8  3 
 62 You, Vutha                   Rocky Ford H                      15.70   0.1  2 
 63 Ongley, James                Buena Vista            18.90      16.61   0.8  3 
 64 Griffin, John                Palmer High            15.98      17.27  -0.1  1 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Hinkley, Tristan             Vista Ridge            23.20      23.96  -2.1  9  10   
  2 Tivis, Isaiah                Harrison Hig           24.51      24.10   0.7  7   8   
  3 Kembel, Hayden               Mountain Vie                      24.13  -2.1  9   6   
  4 Boykin, Markez               Harrison Hig           23.60      24.25  -2.0  8   5   
  5 Caldwell, Jeremy             Liberty High           23.60      24.38  -2.1  9   4   
  6 Counts, Nicholas             Pine Creek H           23.50      24.52  -2.1  9   3   
  7 Turk, Andrew                 Pine Creek H                      24.58  -1.8  2   2   
  8 Young, Charles               Lewis-Palmer           24.37      24.60   0.7  7   1   
  9 Logan, Tyler                 Mountain Vie           23.77      24.90  -2.0  8 
 10 Wentz, Keegan                Buena Vista            24.50      24.90   0.7  7 
 11 Cheyney, Marcus              Mitchell Hig           26.12      25.03  -2.6  4 
 12 McClaugherty, Mason          Canon City H           23.84      25.15  -2.0  8 
 13 Benson, Dylan                Elizabeth Hi           24.82      25.17  -2.8  6 
 14 Grasmick, Chance             Lamar High S           24.12      25.18  -2.0  8 
 15 Braithwaite, Michael         Pikes Peak C           23.41      25.20  -2.1  9 
 16 Wieland, Wyatt               Pine Creek H                      25.23  -1.8  2 
 17 Quinones, Louis              Vista Ridge            23.20      25.33  -2.1  9 
 18 Sward, Lucas                 Liberty High           26.30      25.36  -2.6  4 
 19 Genova, Andre                Doherty High           25.95      25.39  -2.5  5 
 20 Mangili, Marco               Lamar High S           26.70      25.42  -2.6  4 
 21 Williams, Tyron              Mitchell Hig                      25.44  -2.2  1 
 22 Jacquez, Nick                Harrison Hig           24.51      25.47   0.7  7 
 23 Bailey, Alex                 Lewis-Palmer           24.84      25.59  -2.8  6 
 24 Danzik, Isaiah               Pikes Peak C           24.79      25.64   0.7  7 
 25 Sneller, Hunter              Lamar High S           25.76      25.68  -2.5  5 
 26 Barnhart, Scott              Discovery Ca           26.16      25.80  -2.6  4 
 27 Ivy, Trevor                  Discovery Ca           27.60      25.82  -1.8  3 
 28 Miller, Joseph               Widefield Hi           25.45      25.90  -2.5  5 
 29 Allbrandt, Dylan             Canon City H           24.00      25.91  -2.0  8 
 30 Barela, Eric                 Palmer High            24.15      25.91  -2.0  8 
 31 Drake, David                 Buena Vista            26.42      26.05  -2.6  4 
 32 Pavlic, Nick                 Lewis-Palmer           24.49      26.11   0.7  7 
 33 Yates, Joshua                Buena Vista            25.50      26.17  -2.5  5 
 34 Brown, Xavier                Sierra                            26.21  -2.2  1 
 35 Gleeton, Gabe                Mitchell Hig           31.47      26.25  -1.8  3 
 36 Parish, Hunter               Canon City H           25.00      26.25  -2.8  6 
 37 Donnell, Eric                Fountain-For           24.31      26.36   0.7  7 
 38 Sellers, Scott               Doherty High           27.00      26.37  -2.6  4 
 39 Tate, Chase                  Doherty High           25.88      26.41  -2.5  5 
 40 Hiatt, Jacob                 Sierra                            26.45  -2.2  1 
 41 Vesey, Donovan               Discovery Ca           27.00      26.51  -1.8  3 
 42 Abacan, Jeremy               Vanguard Sch           25.20      26.52  -2.8  6 
 43 Napila, Jingo                Sierra                            26.55  -1.8  2 
 44 Gotz, Federico               Elizabeth Hi           25.10      26.60  -2.8  6 
 45 Collins, Charles             Liberty High           24.80      26.62   0.7  7 
 46 Lacroix, Eric                Elizabeth Hi           25.60      26.97  -2.5  5 
 47 Miller, Zach                 Air Academy            25.40      27.32  -2.5  5 
 48 Hines, D'Ante                Palmer High            24.98      27.39  -2.8  6 
 49 Sintas, Andrew               Vanguard Sch           26.50      27.63  -2.6  4 
 50 Brandon, Casey               Custer Count           27.86      27.66  -1.8  3 
 51 Morgan, Evan                 Vanguard Sch                      28.32  -2.8  6 
 52 Kneis, Mark                  Calhan High            28.20      28.94  -1.8  3 
 53 Tubbs, John                  Calhan High                       30.65  -1.8  2 
 54 Alvarez, Gabe                Rocky Ford H                      32.45  -1.8  2 
 55 You, Vutha                   Rocky Ford H                      32.63  -1.8  3 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Johnson, Eric                Harrison Hig           50.68      51.07   8  10   
  2 Vomacka, Ryan                Mountain Vie           51.57      51.46   8   8   
  3 Sullivan, Dacian             Canon City H           51.54      52.76   8   6   
  4 Keul, Jared                  Manitou Spri           53.54      53.00   7   5   
  5 Gard, Tyler                  Vanguard Sch           52.74      53.22   8   4   
  6 Lapioli, Isaiah              Vista Ridge            54.31      53.36   7   3   
  7 Ritter, Deondre              Fountain-For           55.49      53.70   6   2   
  8 Lee, Andrew                  Vanguard Sch           53.75      54.26   7   1   
  9 Petropolous, Zach            Lewis-Palmer           52.41      54.50   8 
 10 Gilliam, Marcel              Widefield Hi           54.62      54.82   7 
 11 Villasenor, Ivan             Lamar High S           53.29      54.83   7 
 12 Haywood, William             Vista Ridge            53.27      54.84   8 
 13 Maldonado, Hunter            Vista Ridge            55.00      55.60   7 
 14 Neal, Jackson                Lewis-Palmer           54.46      55.64   7 
 15 Johnson, Michael             Lamar High S           56.13      56.11   6 
 16 Logan, Tyler                 Mountain Vie           55.50      56.54   6 
 17 Hawkinson, Davon             Palmer High            56.77      56.99   6 
 18 Yates, Joshua                Buena Vista            57.90      57.62   5 
 19 Ware, Terron                 Sierra                            57.74   1 
 20 Gray, Drake                  Vanguard Sch           58.00      57.82   5 
 21 Loya, Angelo                 Lamar High S           59.01      58.24   4 
 22 Mages, Leo                   Mountain Vie           59.00      58.34   4 
 23 Baum, Ken                    Air Academy            59.00      59.10   4 
 24 Kayton, Ryan                 Harrison Hig           58.37      59.78   5 
 25 Gotz, Federico               Elizabeth Hi           57.60    1:00.05   5 
 26 Galvin, Jacob                Discovery Ca           58.00    1:00.18   5 
 27 Featherson, Dylan            Air Academy            58.00    1:00.34   5 
 28 Barrett, Cody                Elizabeth Hi           58.70    1:00.37   4 
 29 Bryant Jr., Quincy           Mitchell Hig                    1:00.87   2 
 30 Frazzini, Noah               Palmer High            56.68    1:00.87   6 
 31 Lucero, Derrick              Rocky Ford H         1:02.63    1:00.91   3 
 32 Sandras, Carter              Manitou Spri           59.90    1:01.03   4 
 33 Bryant, Quindell             Mitchell Hig                    1:01.13   1 
 34 Latkovich, Tanner            Buena Vista          1:01.00    1:01.35   3 
 35 Weber, Jackson               Liberty High           59.90    1:01.48   4 
 36 Winchell, Jason              Liberty High         1:00.73    1:01.71   3 
 37 Kvale, Zach                  Discovery Ca           58.70    1:01.88   5 
 38 Tolley, Carson               Elizabeth Hi           55.70    1:02.04   6 
 39 Sanchez, Gabe                Liberty High         1:01.00    1:02.14   3 
 40 Shemayme, Jon                Mitchell Hig         1:04.43    1:02.19   2 
 41 Bellew, Nate                 Pikes Peak C           56.24    1:03.00   6 
 42 Bell, Devon                  Lewis-Palmer           56.23    1:03.03   6 
 43 Venegas, Ernesto             Buena Vista          1:04.13    1:03.41   2 
 44 Martinez, Kendall            Rocky Ford H         1:00.90    1:03.50   3 
 45 Kalakwarf, Joshua            Doherty High           59.00    1:03.66   4 
 46 Treadway, Eli                Harrison Hig                    1:04.00   1 
 47 Morris, Michael              Discovery Ca         1:02.19    1:04.55   3 
 48 Gallegos, Mario              Canon City H         1:05.00    1:05.71   2 
 49 Munoz, Joaquin               Rocky Ford H                    1:06.10   1 
 50 Torres, Dylan                Doherty High         1:00.00    1:07.21   4 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Rathmell, Cameron            Liberty High         2:04.18    2:04.93   3  10   
  2 Marcus, Adam                 Mountain Vie         2:05.98    2:06.08   3   8   
  3 McDonald, Matt               Air Academy          2:08.68    2:07.71   3   6   
  4 Trujillo, Brandon            Canon City H         2:08.00    2:08.99   3   5   
  5 Bell, Oliver                 Manitou Spri         2:20.00    2:13.01   2   4   
  6 Durfey, Mason                Widefield Hi         2:13.39    2:13.59   3   3   
  7 Thomas, James                Fountain-For         2:10.37    2:15.19   3   2   
  8 Agenbroad, Stephen           Widefield Hi         2:16.76    2:16.04   2   1   
  9 Christiansen, Kobe           Vista Ridge          2:20.00    2:16.04   2 
 10 Naumiec, Jeffrey             Lewis-Palmer         2:02.61    2:17.15   3 
 11 Davis, Connor                Lewis-Palmer         2:14.92    2:17.58   3 
 12 Bernard, Ahmed               Fountain-For         2:10.45    2:18.79   3 
 13 Richard, Daymion             Harrison Hig         2:28.89    2:19.44   1 
 14 Rocha, Erik                  Rocky Ford H         2:07.80    2:19.62   3 
 15 Brunner, Kieron              Air Academy          2:16.00    2:19.68   2 
 16 Davis, Blake                 Lamar High S         2:15.50    2:19.74   3 
 17 Boss, Jake                   Elizabeth Hi         2:18.25    2:21.37   2 
 18 Hagen, Luc                   Air Academy          2:12.00    2:21.86   3 
 19 Ecker-tsasie, Liam           Doherty High         2:26.00    2:22.38   1 
 20 Gheller, Michael             Mountain Vie         2:16.00    2:23.73   2 
 21 Thompson, Adam               Canon City H         2:20.00    2:23.92   2 
 22 Mccarron, Jake               Lewis-Palmer         2:20.31    2:24.39   2 
 23 Espinosa, Aaron              Vista Ridge          2:20.00    2:24.51   2 
 24 Kinard, Nathan               Mountain Vie         2:16.00    2:25.14   2 
 25 Oxley, Derek                 Lamar High S         2:25.00    2:25.23   2 
 26 Calvillo, Ray                Vista Ridge          2:24.00    2:25.71   2 
 27 Kuehn, Janne                 Liberty High         2:24.00    2:27.15   2 
 28 Santillian, Jonathon         Harrison Hig         2:29.44    2:27.34   1 
 29 Franta, Michael              Custer Count         2:22.41    2:27.38   2 
 30 Billings, Chris              Liberty High         2:24.00    2:27.53   2 
 31 Lucero, Derrick              Rocky Ford H         2:22.58    2:27.56   2 
 32 Salazar, Joel                Buena Vista          2:28.00    2:28.48   1 
 33 Ware, Terron                 Sierra                          2:28.60   1 
 34 Briar, Andrew                Vanguard Sch         2:21.90    2:28.70   2 
 35 Shemayme, Jon                Mitchell Hig         2:30.57    2:29.28   1 
 36 Frye, Isaiah                 Widefield Hi                    2:30.59   1 
 37 Hoerner, Ryan                Discovery Ca         2:24.00    2:31.01   2 
 38 Wolters, Cameron             Buena Vista          2:32.00    2:31.30   1 
 39 Bjorkman, Kaleb              Vanguard Sch         2:38.84    2:34.25   1 
 40 Long, Louis                  Rocky Ford H         2:28.70    2:34.78   1 
 41 Shampoe, Nick                Discovery Ca         2:29.00    2:36.62   1 
 42 Hunt, Ryland                 Discovery Ca         2:27.00    2:37.01   1 
 43 Gusman, Brandon              Sierra                          2:38.89   1 
 44 Barrett, Trent               Elizabeth Hi         2:39.28    2:41.75   1 
 45 Scarbrough, Parker           Harrison Hig                    2:42.71   1 
 46 Smith, Mark                  Sierra                          2:58.62   1 
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hagen, Luc                   Air Academy          4:42.00    4:38.33   3  10   
  2 Quinn, Jack                  Liberty High         4:46.20    4:38.34   3   8   
  3 McDonald, Matt               Air Academy          4:40.39    4:40.94   3   6   
  4 Hatton, Miles                Vanguard Sch         4:39.34    4:42.78   3   5   
  5 Martinez, Maximilliano       Widefield Hi         4:45.63    4:48.76   3   4   
  6 Villafan, Joey               Vista Ridge          4:42.03    4:54.27   3   3   
  7 Woodring, Seth               Vista Ridge          4:54.20    4:57.00   3   2   
  8 Rogers, Jacob                Lamar High S         4:51.19    4:57.61   3   1   
  9 Danley, Cody                 Rocky Ford H                    4:57.80   2 
 10 Von Holten, Julian           Mountain Vie         4:37.07    4:58.01   3 
 11 Arbegast, Matthew            Widefield Hi         5:01.66    5:00.14   2 
 12 Watson, Zach                 Lamar High S         4:53.65    5:00.81   3 
 13 Crum, Kaleb                  Lamar High S         4:58.95    5:01.79   3 
 14 Childs, Cory                 Liberty High         4:58.53    5:06.41   3 
 15 Naumiec, Jeffrey             Lewis-Palmer         5:05.26    5:06.84   2 
 16 Bach, Austin                 Lewis-Palmer         4:56.18    5:08.71   3 
 17 Adams, Colin                 Air Academy          4:52.00    5:09.47   3 
 18 Greiner, Ethan               Buena Vista          4:54.18    5:10.65   3 
 19 Kinard, Nathan               Mountain Vie         5:08.49    5:13.20   2 
 20 Ogren, Andre                 Liberty High         5:15.00    5:15.12   2 
 21 Hughes, Grant                Vanguard Sch                    5:16.69   1 
 22 Vanderveer, Bryce            Manitou Spri         5:25.00    5:17.53   2 
 23 Mccarron, Jake               Lewis-Palmer         5:25.36    5:17.72   2 
 24 Lovato, Nick                 Vanguard Sch         5:10.00    5:20.72   2 
 25 Duensing, Daniel             Doherty High         5:18.00    5:21.36   2 
 26 Boss, Jake                   Elizabeth Hi         5:09.55    5:22.44   2 
 27 Johns, Caleb                 Pikes Peak C         4:50.69    5:28.11   3 
 28 Konty, Andre                 Canon City H         5:20.00    5:30.38   2 
 29 Salazar, Joel                Buena Vista          5:30.00    5:32.07   2 
 30 Plummer, Zach                Discovery Ca         5:50.12    5:32.12   2 
 31 O'Rourke, Kyle               Canon City H         5:20.00    5:32.17   2 
 32 Arciniega, George            Widefield Hi         5:35.71    5:39.55   2 
 33 Robinson, Jared              Discovery Ca         5:30.00    5:39.63   2 
 34 Richardson, Zachary          Elizabeth Hi         5:46.88    5:41.65   2 
 35 Stinnett, Michael            Pikes Peak C         5:48.33    5:42.39   2 
 36 Jewell, Dylan                Buena Vista          5:39.69    5:42.60   2 
 37 Lukens, Adrian               Palmer High                     5:44.58   1 
 38 Morton, Jacob                Vista Ridge          6:45.00    5:44.94   1 
 39 Terry, Matt                  Harrison Hig         6:12.68    5:51.35   1 
 40 Roberts, Jeremy              Harrison Hig         5:47.29    5:51.62   2 
 41 Hunt, Ryland                 Discovery Ca         6:00.00    5:51.90   2 
 42 Scarbrough, Parker           Harrison Hig                    5:56.41   1 
 43 Gusman, Brandon              Sierra                          6:00.07   1 
 44 Burich, Michael              Fountain-For         5:50.00    6:00.80   2 
 45 Preciado, Arturo             Rocky Ford H                    6:00.92   1 
 46 Adamson, Brandon             Fountain-For         5:43.89    6:01.06   2 
 47 Salmeron, Angel              Rocky Ford H         6:00.00    6:07.19   1 
 48 Castillo, Sean               Mitchell Hig                    6:20.21   1 
 49 Smith, Mark                  Sierra                          6:23.69   1 
 50 Matamales, Mathew            Calhan High          5:59.78    6:26.07   2 
 51 Martinez, Ernesto            Fountain-For         6:12.00    6:28.72   1 
 52 Pickles, Jonathan            Elizabeth Hi         6:56.06    6:31.76   1 
 53 Lollich, Ethan               Doherty High         6:30.00    6:37.83   1 
 54 Pino, Caleb                  Mitchell Hig                    6:59.51   1 
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lewenkamp, Corey             Custer Count        10:01.56   10:25.86   2  10   
  2 Martinez, Maximilliano       Widefield Hi        10:05.40   10:35.20   2   8   
  3 Franklin, Peter              Mountain Vie        10:19.95   10:38.10   2   6   
  4 Crum, Kaleb                  Lamar High S        10:34.93   10:40.74   2   5   
  5 Arbegast, Matthew            Widefield Hi        10:34.81   10:42.61   2   4   
  6 Munoz, Cole                  Widefield Hi        11:00.51   10:48.48   2   3   
  7 Kelling, Slade               Vanguard Sch        11:15.73   11:01.79   2   2   
  8 James-Wells, Colton          Doherty High        10:19.24   11:04.34   2   1   
  9 Rogerson, Josh               Vista Ridge         10:58.82   11:10.19   2 
 10 Lehr, Wyatt                  Lamar High S        13:23.00   11:12.17   1 
 11 Munoz, Adan                  Rocky Ford H        10:21.79   11:14.05   2 
 12 Barry, Cameron               Lewis-Palmer        11:19.93   11:22.61   2 
 13 Clancy, Kyle                 Discovery Ca        11:30.00   11:26.06   1 
 14 Mitchell, Matthew            Air Academy         11:30.00   11:34.41   1 
 15 Eccles, Alexander            Vanguard Sch        11:50.00   11:38.47   1 
 16 Briar, Josh                  Vanguard Sch        11:30.00   11:39.25   1 
 17 Franta, Michael              Custer Count        12:04.42   11:39.26   1 
 18 Duensing, Daniel             Doherty High                   11:50.92   2 
 19 Shepherd, Alec               Discovery Ca        11:45.00   12:08.92   1 
 20 Johns, Caleb                 Pikes Peak C        11:18.74   12:30.66   2 
 21 Dyer, Lucas                  Liberty High        12:22.18   12:34.36   1 
 22 Plummer, Zach                Discovery Ca        12:38.00   12:43.76   1 
 23 George, Mario                Rocky Ford H        11:09.16   12:50.77   2 
 24 Richardson, Zachary          Elizabeth Hi        12:33.66   12:52.38   1 
 25 Ludwig, Ben                  Lamar High S        12:03.82   12:53.15   1 
 26 Kim, Michael                 Liberty High        12:55.00   12:57.58   1 
 27 Baum, Ken                    Air Academy         12:30.00   13:01.85   1 
 28 Salmeron, Angel              Rocky Ford H        13:13.28   13:16.31   1 
 29 Fernandez, Alex              Lewis-Palmer        13:03.00   13:17.20   1 
 30 Lee, David                   Elizabeth Hi        14:43.92   14:40.41   1 
 31 Pickles, Wesley              Elizabeth Hi        12:59.94   14:54.79   1 
 32 Travieso, Nick               Pikes Peak C        12:44.43   15:06.52   1 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Stringari, Trenton           Canon City H           14.74      15.50  -0.1  3  10   
  2 Kembel, Nolan                Mountain Vie           16.73      16.01  -0.1  3   8   
  3 Morse, Jacob                 Elizabeth Hi           16.51      16.21  -0.1  3   6   
  4 Goetz, Anthony               Elizabeth Hi           17.14      17.07  -0.1  3   5   
  5 Hickerson, Micah             Discovery Ca           16.99      17.16  -0.1  3   4   
  6 Schmidt, Anthony             Fountain-For           19.31      17.82  -0.9  1   3   
  7 Smoker, Skylar               Air Academy            17.30      18.22  -0.1  3   2   
  8 Martinez, Edgar              Lamar High S           18.16      18.49  -0.5  2   1   
  9 Dunlop, Dillon               Doherty High           17.75      18.52  -0.5  2 
 10 Kohut, Ben                   Doherty High           18.10      18.57  -0.5  2 
 11 Lenhart, Tim                 Mountain Vie           16.12      18.63  -0.1  3 
 12 Harris, Gentry               Liberty High           17.74      18.68  -0.5  2 
 13 Manfredo, Matthew            Canon City H           17.15      18.72  -0.1  3 
 14 Green, Evan                  Fountain-For           18.99      19.10  -0.9  1 
 15 Bignall, Austin              Liberty High                      19.58  -0.9  1 
 16 Sintas, Andrew               Vanguard Sch           18.26      19.67  -0.5  2 
 17 Neal, Jackson                Lewis-Palmer           18.62      19.68  -0.5  2 
 18 Nichols, Zane                Discovery Ca           18.80      19.85  -0.5  2 
 19 McFarland, Tyler             Discovery Ca           20.00      20.97  -0.9  1 
 20 Hudson, Seth                 Lewis-Palmer           20.31      20.98  -0.9  1 
 21 Sathre, Noah                 Lewis-Palmer           19.56      21.06  -0.9  1 
 22 Finken, James                Elizabeth Hi           18.40      21.28  -0.5  2 
 23 Pfeifer, Cody                Calhan High            21.01      21.36  -0.9  1 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Stringari, Trenton           Canon City H           38.20      39.56   6  10   
  2 Hinkley, Tristan             Vista Ridge            42.82      41.55   6   8   
  3 Kembel, Nolan                Mountain Vie           41.86      41.67   6   6   
  4 McCoy, Aaron                 Canon City H           44.47      43.20   5   5   
  5 Lenhart, Tim                 Mountain Vie           41.58      43.70   6   4   
  6 Wommack, Dillon              Custer Count           45.44      43.84   5   3   
  7 Goetz, Anthony               Elizabeth Hi           43.25      43.99   6   2   
  8 Morse, Jacob                 Elizabeth Hi           45.29      44.35   5   1   
  9 Schramek, Derek              Fountain-For           43.99      44.40   6 
 10 Kohut, Ben                   Doherty High           44.50      44.66   5 
 11 Smoker, Skylar               Air Academy            43.64      45.62   6 
 12 Spangler, Leland             Manitou Spri           46.00      45.66   4 
 13 Thompson, Andy               Manitou Spri           45.00      45.70   5 
 14 Kelly, Dillon                Doherty High           46.00      45.71   4 
 15 Hudson, Seth                 Lewis-Palmer           46.25      45.88   4 
 16 Thomas, Jaylen               Vista Ridge            45.00      45.89   5 
 17 Harris, Gentry               Liberty High           47.13      45.96   4 
 18 Hickerson, Micah             Discovery Ca           46.97      46.32   4 
 19 Corkill, Michael             Lewis-Palmer           46.23      46.75   4 
 20 Hawkinson, Davon             Palmer High                       47.07   1 
 21 Green, Evan                  Fountain-For           47.33      47.11   3 
 22 Sathre, Noah                 Lewis-Palmer           45.87      47.18   5 
 23 Bebow, Sam                   Mitchell Hig           45.84      47.76   5 
 24 Fuhr, Daniel                 Pine Creek H                      47.83   2 
 25 Nichols, Zane                Discovery Ca           48.75      47.93   3 
 26 Martinez, Edgar              Lamar High S           46.40      48.05   4 
 27 Reckel, Kelly                Doherty High           47.00      48.21   4 
 28 Allen, Isaiah                Widefield Hi           48.08      48.46   3 
 29 Carroll, Taylor              Pine Creek H                      48.53   1 
 30 Sintas, Andrew               Vanguard Sch           47.50      48.93   3 
 31 Manfredo, Matthew            Canon City H           47.75      49.11   3 
 32 Tubbs, John                  Calhan High            48.88      49.24   3 
 33 Pfeifer, Cody                Calhan High            49.64      49.94   2 
 34 Hines, D'Ante                Palmer High                       50.25   1 
 35 Bignall, Austin              Liberty High                      50.33   1 
 36 Rotenberry, Alex             Calhan High                       50.93   1 
 37 Nelson, Jermaine             Mitchell Hig           42.43      50.95   6 
 38 Finken, James                Elizabeth Hi           50.83      50.95   2 
 39 McFarland, Tyler             Discovery Ca           51.00      50.98   2 
 40 Stinnett, Michael            Pikes Peak C           51.72      51.58   2 
 41 Durrant, Phoenix             Vista Ridge                     1:02.61   2 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Widefield High School  'A'                          45.37      44.31   3  10   
  2 Harrison High School  'A'                           44.00      44.43   3   8   
     1) Boykin, Markez                  2) Davis, Justin                  
     3) Jacquez, Nick                   4) Johnson, Eric                  
  3 Canon City High School  'A'                         46.80      44.69   2   6   
     1) Riva, Bradley                   2) Sullivan, Dacian               
     3) McClaugherty, Mason             4) Stringari, Trenton             
  4 Mountain View High School  'A'                      43.75      44.96   3   5   
     1) Kembel, Hayden                  2) Kress, Jordan                  
     3) Goltz, Jonathan                 4) Stewart, Logan                 
  5 Doherty High School  'A'                            43.95      45.38   3   4   
     1) Lahmers, Kurt                   2) McClain, Nathan                
     3) Baker, TeQuan                   4) Littrell, Justice              
  6 Pine Creek High School  'A'                         46.00      45.45   3   3   
  7 Vista Ridge High School  'A'                        44.00      45.67   3   2   
     1) Haywood, William                2) Walker, Emmanuel               
     3) Quinones, Louis                 4) Calhoun, Dezz                  
  8 Manitou Springs High School  'A'                    47.50      46.20   2   1   
     1) Coop, Bryce                     2) Peterson, Malachi              
     3) Spangler, Leland                4) Keul, Jared                    
  9 Liberty High School  'A'                            46.80      46.32   2 
 10 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho  'A'                 45.19      46.87   3 
 11 Discovery Canyon High School  'A'                   48.00      47.09   1 
 12 Buena Vista High School  'A'                        47.50      47.11   2 
     1) Diamond, Sabyn                  2) Eggleston, Cooper              
     3) James, Zach                     4) Wentz, Keegan                  
 13 Lewis-Palmer High School  'A'                       46.35      47.22   2 
 14 Elizabeth High School  'A'                          45.95      47.47   3 
     1) Benson, Dylan                   2) Curtis, Tyler                  
     3) Lacroix, Eric                   4)                                
 15 Vanguard School, The  'A'                           47.90      47.78   2 
     1) Simons, Josiah                  2) Abacan, Jeremy                 
     3) Donovan, Zachary                4) Gray, Drake                    
 16 Lamar High School  'A'                              48.71      47.86   1 
     1) Alvarado, Hector                2) Soto, Kenny                    
     3) Beard, Evan                     4) Sneller, Hunter                
 17 Palmer High School  'A'                             46.98      47.93   2 
     1) Barela, Eric                    2) Barralaga, Brian               
     3) Brasuel, Leonard                4) Frazzini, Noah                 
 18 Sierra High School  'A'                                        47.97   1 
     1) Napila, Jingo                   2) Brown, Xavier                  
     3) Girling, Brock                  4) Yon, Dequan                    
 19 Mitchell High School  'A'                           47.26      49.16   2 
     1) Oliva, David                    2) Bebow, Sam                     
     3) Valadez, Marko                  4) Nelson, Jermaine               
 20 Calhan High School  'A'                             50.82      50.90   1 
     1) Rotenberry, Alex                2) Fuchs, Caleb                   
     3) Sparks, Charlie                 4) Willyard, Tyler                
 21 Air Academy High School  'A'                        50.16      50.92   1 
     1) Guerrerio, David                2) Parker, Noah                   
     3) Salamon, Brandon                4) Waters, Bridger                
 22 Rocky Ford High School  'A'                                    56.34   1 
     1) Alvarez, Gabe                   2) Maes, Chris                    
     3) Nguynen, Thai                   4) Munoz, Joaquin                 
 -- Pikes Peak Christian  'A'                                         DQ   1 
     1) Kim, Seeon                      2) Strozier, Christian            
     3) Waters, Mark                    4) Braithwaite, Michael           
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Mountain View High School  'A'                    1:31.00    1:32.19   3  10   
     1) Kembel, Nolan                   2) Stewart, Logan                 
     3) Vomacka, Ryan                   4) Goltz, Jonathan                
  2 Harrison High School  'A'                         1:34.52    1:33.01   3   8   
     1) Boykin, Markez                  2) Davis, Justin                  
     3) Johnson, Eric                   4) Tivis, Isaiah                  
  3 Vista Ridge High School  'A'                      1:33.00    1:34.26   3   6   
     1) Taylor, Isaiah                  2) Goggin, Jake                   
     3) Quinones, Louis                 4) Walker, Emmanuel               
  4 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho  'A'               1:33.40    1:34.86   3   5   
  5 Liberty High School  'A'                          1:33.00    1:36.89   3   4   
  6 Elizabeth High School  'A'                        1:52.73    1:38.64   1   3   
     1) Barrett, Cody                   2) Benson, Dylan                  
     3) George, Brad                    4) Tolley, Carson                 
  7 Mitchell High School  'A'                         1:40.26    1:38.94   2   2   
     1) Valadez, Marko                  2) Nelson, Jermaine               
     3) Stafford, Rahiem                4) Cheyney, Marcus                
  8 Buena Vista High School  'A'                      1:45.50    1:39.45   1   1   
     1) Taft, Riley                     2) Yates, Joshua                  
     3) Eggleston, Cooper               4) Linza, Dustin                  
  9 Canon City High School  'A'                       1:43.58    1:40.97   2 
     1) McCoy, Aaron                    2) Templeton, Logan               
     3) Katchmar, Michael               4) Riva, Bradley                  
 10 Lamar High School  'A'                            1:41.17    1:40.98   2 
     1) Alvarado, Hector                2) Lira, Rey                      
     3) Grasmick, Chance                4) Villasenor, Ivan               
 11 Sierra High School  'A'                                      1:41.04   1 
     1) Napila, Jingo                   2) Brown, Xavier                  
     3) Girling, Brock                  4) Yon, Dequan                    
 12 Discovery Canyon High School  'A'                 1:50.00    1:42.11   1 
 13 Air Academy High School  'A'                      1:40.00    1:42.79   2 
     1) Guerrerio, David                2) Miller, Zach                   
     3) Parker, Noah                    4) Waters, Bridger                
 14 Palmer High School  'A'                           1:38.27    1:42.83   2 
     1) Adamson, Tristan                2) Allsindy, Abdullah             
     3) Morano, Josh                    4) Stading, Kristopher            
 15 Calhan High School  'A'                           1:55.00    1:46.37   1 
     1) Kelly, Ben                      2) Fuchs, Caleb                   
     3) Sparks, Charlie                 4) Rotenberry, Alex               
 16 Rocky Ford High School  'A'                                  1:47.07   1 
     1) Maes, Chris                     2) VonFeldt, Joey                 
     3) Martinez, Kendall               4) Lucero, Derrick                
 -- Widefield High School  'A'                        1:35.99         DQ   3  OUT OF ZONE
 -- Lewis-Palmer High School  'A'                     1:37.52         DQ   2  OUT OF ZONE
 -- Vanguard School, The  'A'                         1:40.00         DQ   2  OUT OF ZONE
     1) Simons, Josiah                  2) Abacan, Jeremy                 
     3) Donovan, Zachary                4) Gray, Drake                    
 -- Doherty High School  'A'                          1:34.25         DQ   3  OUT OF ZONE
     1) Genova, Andre                   2) Lahmers, Kurt                  
     3) McClain, Nathan                 4) Baker, TeQuan                  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Liberty High School  'A'                          3:40.00    3:30.36   3  10   
  2 Mountain View High School  'A'                    3:30.00    3:30.92   3   8   
     1) Kembel, Nolan                   2) Marcus, Adam                   
     3) Gordley, Luke                   4) Vomacka, Ryan                  
  3 Vista Ridge High School  'A'                      3:40.00    3:35.97   3   6   
     1) Haywood, William                2) Lapioli, Isaiah                
     3) Taylor, Isaiah                  4) Peters, Anthony                
  4 Vanguard School, The  'A'                         3:35.00    3:36.40   3   5   
     1) Gard, Tyler                     2) Lee, Andrew                    
     3) Simons, Josiah                  4) Hatton, Miles                  
  5 Lamar High School  'A'                            3:49.26    3:44.84   2   4   
     1) Johnson, Michael                2) Grasmick, Chance               
     3) Mangili, Marco                  4) Hartshorn, Matthew             
  6 Widefield High School  'A'                        3:43.55    3:45.68   3   3   
  7 Buena Vista High School  'A'                      3:55.00    3:49.58   2   2   
     1) Diamond, Sabyn                  2) Morgan, Michael                
     3) Walters, Colton                 4) Latkovich, Tanner              
  8 Harrison High School  'A'                                    3:50.24   1   1   
     1) Garcia, Sam                     2) Johnson, Eric                  
     3) Kayton, Ryan                    4) Sibley, Jalyn                  
  9 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho  'A'               3:38.70    3:52.60   3 
 10 Doherty High School  'A'                          3:40.00    3:52.77   3 
     1) Kohut, Ben                      2) McClain, Nathan                
     3) Kelly, Dillon                   4) Secrist, Joshua                
 11 Lewis-Palmer High School  'A'                     3:44.38    3:53.57   2 
 12 Mitchell High School  'A'                                    3:56.27   1 
     1) Bryant Jr., Quincy              2) Bebow, Sam                     
     3) Grundei, Steven                 4) Melons, Tevarus                
 13 Pikes Peak Christian  'A'                                    3:57.28   1 
     1) Bellew, Nate                    2) Danzik, Isaiah                 
     3) Strozier, Christian             4) Kim, Seeon                     
 14 Canon City High School  'A'                       4:04.38    4:01.18   2 
     1) Trujillo, Brandon               2) Konty, Andre                   
     3) Thompson, Adam                  4) Coulson, Jonah                 
 15 Discovery Canyon High School  'A'                 4:00.00    4:01.62   2 
 16 Rocky Ford High School  'A'                                  4:02.91   1 
     1) Danley, Cody                    2) Long, Louis                    
     3) Rocha, Erik                     4) VonFeldt, Joey                 
 17 Elizabeth High School  'A'                        4:24.37    4:08.42   1 
     1) Barrett, Cody                   2) George, Brad                   
     3) Stuchlik, Ryan                  4) Tolley, Carson                 
 18 Calhan High School  'A'                           4:18.93    4:18.06   2 
     1) Fuchs, Caleb                    2) Pfeifer, Cody                  
     3) Rotenberry, Alex                4) Willyard, Tyler                
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mountain View High School  'A'                    8:28.06    8:38.52   10   
     1) Marcus, Adam                    2) Gheller, Michael               
     3) Franklin, Peter                 4) Von Holten, Julian             
  2 Lewis-Palmer High School  'A'                     8:30.74    8:39.75    8   
  3 Vista Ridge High School  'A'                      9:10.00    8:41.04    6   
     1) Villafan, Joey                  2) Christiansen, Kobe             
     3) Woodring, Seth                  4) Freeman, Alex                  
  4 Widefield High School  'A'                        8:53.94    9:02.62    5   
  5 Lamar High School  'A'                            8:55.97    9:03.74    4   
     1) Davis, Blake                    2) Watson, Zach                   
     3) Hartshorn, Matthew              4) Rogers, Jacob                  
  6 Rocky Ford High School  'A'                                  9:12.48    3   
     1) Danley, Cody                    2) George, Mario                  
     3) Munoz, Adan                     4) Rocha, Erik                    
  7 Vanguard School, The  'A'                         9:30.00    9:17.70    2   
     1) Kelling, Slade                  2) Hughes, Grant                  
     3) Eccles, Alexander               4) Briar, Josh                    
  8 Fountain-Fort Carson High Scho  'A'               9:19.03    9:18.07    1   
  9 Buena Vista High School  'A'                      9:10.00    9:27.13  
     1) Greiner, Ethan                  2) Rhoads, Cal                    
     3) Walters, Colton                 4) Jewell, Dylan                  
 10 Canon City High School  'A'                       9:17.01    9:34.58  
     1) Thompson, Adam                  2) Coulson, Jonah                 
     3) O'Rourke, Kyle                  4) Konty, Andre                   
 11 Liberty High School  'A'                          9:30.00    9:36.84  
 12 Discovery Canyon High School  'A'                 9:30.00    9:39.59  
 13 Doherty High School  'A'                          9:10.00    9:58.66  
     1) Featherstone, Chris             2) Chandler, Tristan              
     3) Torres, Dylan                   4) Ecker-tsasie, Liam             
 14 Elizabeth High School  'A'                       10:23.56   10:00.46  
     1) Barrett, Trent                  2) Boss, Jake                     
     3) Campbell, Braydon               4) Whitley, Tyler                 
 15 Harrison High School  'A'                        10:27.13   10:04.60  
     1) Richard, Daymion                2) Roberts, Jeremy                
     3) Santillian, Jonathon            4) Willis, Leo                    
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Taylor, Dionne               Pine Creek H         6-08.00    6-09.00   10   
  2 Maldonado, Hunter            Vista Ridge          5-08.00    6-02.00    8   
  3 Becker, Ryan                 Palmer High          6-05.00    6-00.00    5.50
  3 Courtney, Nathan             Palmer High          6-08.00    6-00.00    5.50
  5 Span, Peyton                 Mitchell Hig                   J6-00.00    4   
  6 Buckner, Tromas              Vista Ridge          5-10.00   J6-00.00    3   
  7 James, Zach                  Buena Vista          5-09.00    5-10.00    1.50
  7 Canchola, Joshua             Doherty High         6-03.00    5-10.00    1.50
  9 Sneller, Hunter              Lamar High S         5-11.00   J5-10.00  
  9 George, Brad                 Elizabeth Hi         5-06.00   J5-10.00  
  9 Ricketts, Devon              Widefield Hi         5-08.00   J5-10.00  
 12 Yost, Austin                 Manitou Spri         5-06.00    5-08.00  
 12 Boykin, Markez               Harrison Hig         5-10.00    5-08.00  
 12 Edwards, Joshuah             Fountain-For         5-00.00    5-08.00  
 12 Mullett, Denver              Custer Count         5-08.00    5-08.00  
 12 McKinley, Marshall           Mountain Vie                    5-08.00  
 17 Hartman, Kennith             Calhan High          5-04.00    5-06.00  
 17 Lindsay, Shane               Mountain Vie         5-06.00    5-06.00  
 17 Lyon, Christian              Fountain-For         5-04.00    5-06.00  
 17 Neal, Jackson                Lewis-Palmer         5-08.00    5-06.00  
 21 Curtis, Tyler                Elizabeth Hi         5-08.00    5-04.00  
 21 Montgomery, Eric             Harrison Hig                    5-04.00  
 21 Kuehn, Janne                 Liberty High                    5-04.00   
 21 Vance, Mark                  Discovery Ca         5-00.00    5-04.00  
 25 Melons, Tevarus              Mitchell Hig                    5-00.00  
 25 Nolder, Hayden               Lamar High S         5-06.50    5-00.00 
 25 Sparks, Charlie              Calhan High          5-06.00    5-00.00  
 -- Tubbs, John                  Calhan High          5-02.50         NH  
 -- Taft, Riley                  Buena Vista          5-00.00         NH  
 -- Twilley, De'Aundre           Mitchell Hig                         NH  
 -- Brandon, Casey               Custer Count                         NH  
 -- Mages, Leo                   Mountain Vie         5-03.00         NH  
 -- Bufmack, Kent                Canon City H                         NH  
 -- Featherson, Dylan            Air Academy          5-00.00         NH  
 -- Pierre, Rollin               Widefield Hi                         NH  
 -- Agyekum, Isiah               Sierra                               NH  
 -- Gusman, Brandon              Sierra                               NH  
 -- Waters, Bridger              Air Academy          5-03.00         NH  
 -- Rhoads, Cal                  Buena Vista          5-01.00         NH  
 -- Ratliff, Jeremiah            Air Academy          5-03.00         NH  
 -- Corkill, Michael             Lewis-Palmer         5-04.00         NH  
 -- Stuchlik, Ryan               Elizabeth Hi         5-00.00         NH  
 -- Klink, Justin                Liberty High                         NH  
 -- Cross, Thomas                Lewis-Palmer         5-06.00         NH  
 -- Logan, DeVante'              Fountain-For         5-00.00         NH  
 -- Sibley, Jalyn                Harrison Hig         5-04.00         NH  
 -- Paul-Driver, Jeremiah        Lamar High S         5-06.00         NH  
 -- Clawson, Seth                Discovery Ca         5-00.00         NH  
 -- Sommers, Shane               Manitou Spri         5-04.00         NH  
 -- Wommack, Dillon              Custer Count         5-02.00         NH  
 -- Moore, Andrew                Liberty High                         NH  
 -- Morris, Michael              Discovery Ca         5-00.00         NH  
 -- Keul, Jared                  Manitou Spri         5-06.00         NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Stewart, Logan               Mountain Vie        21-00.00   21-08.50  +0.0  10   
  2 Kress, Jordan                Mountain Vie        20-10.75   19-11.50   1.2   8   
  3 Jackson, Anthony             Fountain-For        19-03.00   19-09.00  +0.0   6   
  4 James, Zach                  Buena Vista         18-02.00   19-04.50  +0.0   5   
  5 Waters, Mark                 Pikes Peak C        20-07.00   19-03.50  +0.0   4   
  6 Garcia, Sam                  Harrison Hig        19-03.50   19-03.00  +0.0   3   
  7 Thomas, Jaylen               Vista Ridge         17-00.00   19-02.50  +0.0   2   
  8 Cox, Ryan                    Doherty High        19-07.50   18-10.75   0.1   1   
  9 George, Brad                 Elizabeth Hi        19-06.75   18-10.00   0.1 
  9 Kuehn, Janne                 Liberty High        18-08.00   18-10.00   1.1 
 11 Curtis, Tyler                Elizabeth Hi        19-03.00   18-08.50  +0.0 
 12 Stafford, Rahiem             Mitchell Hig                   18-08.00  +0.0 
 12 Watters, Jacob               Pine Creek H                   18-08.00  +0.0 
 14 Alvarado, Hector             Lamar High S        19-11.50   18-07.00   0.9 
 15 Boyd, Kenyon                 Liberty High        17-06.00   18-06.50  +0.0 
 16 VonLoh, Jacob                Discovery Ca        18-09.50   18-05.50   1.1 
 17 Corkill, Michael             Lewis-Palmer        17-09.00   18-04.50  +0.0 
 18 Allen, Isaiah                Widefield Hi                   18-04.00  +0.0 
 19 Buckner, Tromas              Vista Ridge         19-00.00   18-03.50  +0.0 
 20 Von Sprecken, Matt           Liberty High        17-08.00   18-03.00  +0.0 
 21 Schluter, Landon             Canon City H        18-10.00   18-02.50   1.2 
 22 Ellis, Brad                  Lewis-Palmer        17-11.00   18-00.50  +0.0 
 23 Sibley, Jalyn                Harrison Hig        18-00.75   18-00.00  +0.0 
 -- Williams, Quamane            Widefield Hi                         ND   NWI 
 -- Tollin, Brett                Mountain Vie        19-09.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Twilley, De'Aundre           Mitchell Hig                         ND   NWI 
 -- Agyekum, Isiah               Sierra                               ND   NWI 
 -- Biacan, Zachary              Sierra                               ND   NWI 
 -- Bryant Jr., Quincy           Mitchell Hig                         ND   NWI 
 -- Foster, Xavier               Pine Creek H        18-06.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Schwab, Andrew               Pine Creek H                         ND   NWI 
 -- VonFeldt, Joey               Rocky Ford H                         ND   NWI 
 -- Maes, Chris                  Rocky Ford H                         ND   NWI 
 -- Lucero, Derrick              Rocky Ford H        15-02.50         ND   NWI 
 -- Miller, Joseph               Widefield Hi        18-05.75         ND   NWI 
 -- Morano, Josh                 Palmer High         18-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Brasuel, Leonard             Palmer High         19-03.25         ND   NWI 
 -- Chiappone, Keaton            Vista Ridge         19-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Popovic, Pavle               Palmer High         18-06.50         ND   NWI 
 -- Ewert, Aaron                 Canon City H                         ND   NWI 
 -- Pontius, Ryan                Canon City H        15-10.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Kneis, Mark                  Calhan High         14-07.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Hauge, Aaron                 Discovery Ca        18-08.75         ND   NWI 
 -- Marshall, Riley              Discovery Ca        17-04.50         ND   NWI 
 -- Brandon, Casey               Custer Count        15-03.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Guerrerio, David             Air Academy         17-11.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Steigerwald, Cody            Air Academy         18-08.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Greenbaum, Mike              Air Academy         18-06.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Stombaugh, Kyran             Buena Vista         12-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Hartman, Kennith             Calhan High         16-09.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Morgan, Michael              Buena Vista         16-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Beard, Evan                  Lamar High S        16-11.50         ND   NWI 
 -- Lira, Rey                    Lamar High S        16-07.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Montgomery, Eric             Harrison Hig                         ND   NWI 
 -- Coop, Bryce                  Manitou Spri        18-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Sommers, Shane               Manitou Spri        17-01.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Bailey, Alex                 Lewis-Palmer        17-06.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Cook, Asiatic                Doherty High        18-06.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Smith, Andrew                Elizabeth Hi        18-07.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Baker, TeQuan                Doherty High        18-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Leonard, De'Mario            Fountain-For        16-08.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Ehrhart, Timothy             Fountain-For        12-07.00         ND   NWI 
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Peters, Anthony              Vista Ridge         43-07.25   42-10.50  +0.0  10   
  2 Goggin, Jake                 Vista Ridge         41-07.75   41-07.00  -1.5   8   
  3 Taylor, Dionne               Pine Creek H        41-05.00   41-04.00  -2.5   6   
  4 Goltz, Jonathan              Mountain Vie        43-02.50   40-10.00  -0.9   5   
  5 Gilliam, Marcel              Widefield Hi        40-06.00   40-03.00  -2.1   4   
  6 Ricketts, Devon              Widefield Hi        38-02.00   40-02.50  -1.2   3   
  7 Edwards, Joshuah             Fountain-For        33-08.00   39-10.50  -1.0   2   
  8 Volz, Mitchell               Pine Creek H                   39-09.00  -0.4   1   
  9 Allbrandt, Dylan             Canon City H        42-01.00   39-02.50  -1.8 
 10 Sibley, Jalyn                Harrison Hig        38-05.25   39-00.00  -1.2 
 11 Boyd, Kenyon                 Liberty High        36-09.00   38-07.00  -0.5 
 12 Hernandez, Josh              Elizabeth Hi        37-01.00   38-06.00  -1.8 
 13 Lindsay, Shane               Mountain Vie        35-03.00   38-01.00  -2.3 
 14 Garcia, Sam                  Harrison Hig        38-01.75   38-00.50  -1.1 
 15 Schluter, Landon             Canon City H        40-01.75   38-00.00  -2.1 
 16 Jackson, Anthony             Fountain-For        37-04.00   37-09.00  -0.4 
 17 Tollin, Brett                Mountain Vie        40-01.00   37-07.50  -1.9 
 18 VonLoh, Jacob                Discovery Ca        38-04.50   37-07.00  -2.1 
 19 Logan, DeVante'              Fountain-For        37-00.00   37-05.00  +0.0 
 19 Hauge, Aaron                 Discovery Ca        38-04.00   37-05.00  -0.6 
 21 Chiappone, Keaton            Vista Ridge         40-00.00   37-02.50  -0.6 
 21 Mullett, Denver              Custer Count        38-08.50   37-02.50  -3.4 
 23 Yost, Austin                 Manitou Spri        40-08.00   36-09.00  -0.3 
 24 Loya, Angelo                 Lamar High S        36-06.00   36-07.50  -0.7 
 24 Marshall, Riley              Discovery Ca        37-09.00   36-07.50  -0.5 
 26 Cline, Colton                Elizabeth Hi        37-07.00   36-06.00  -0.6 
 27 Wommack, Dillon              Custer Count        36-11.00   35-10.00  +0.0 
 28 Cook, Asiatic                Doherty High        36-02.50   35-05.00  -1.8 
 29 Walters, Colton              Buena Vista         35-00.00   35-03.00  -1.7 
 30 Neal, Jackson                Lewis-Palmer        37-05.00   35-00.00  -1.4 
 31 Stading, Kristopher          Palmer High         32-02.50   34-10.00  -1.1 
 31 Icke, Jack                   Lewis-Palmer        37-01.00   34-10.00  -0.5 
 33 Hartman, Kennith             Calhan High         36-06.00   34-05.00  -0.3 
 34 Agyekum, Isiah               Sierra                         34-00.00  -0.7 
 35 Pontius, Ryan                Canon City H        37-06.50   33-11.00  -2.9 
 36 Tubbs, John                  Calhan High         33-06.00   33-02.50  -0.5 
 37 Finken, James                Elizabeth Hi        34-05.50   33-00.00  -0.4 
 38 Biacan, Zachary              Sierra                         29-09.00  -1.6 
 -- Miller, Joseph               Widefield Hi        36-04.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Alvarado, Hector             Lamar High S        34-09.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Willyard, Tyler              Calhan High         28-05.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Beard, Evan                  Lamar High S        37-04.50         ND   NWI 
 -- Drake, David                 Buena Vista         35-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Morgan, Michael              Buena Vista         35-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Morano, Josh                 Palmer High         32-00.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Whiting-W, Nathan            Liberty High        29-01.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Felton, Jacob                Pine Creek H                         ND   NWI 
 -- Bailey, Alex                 Lewis-Palmer        36-02.00         ND   NWI 
 -- Klink, Justin                Liberty High        30-11.00         ND   NWI 
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Traylor, De'Von              Fountain-For        45-03.00   48-05.00   10   
  2 Salazar, Santana             Lamar High S        47-11.00   47-06.00    8   
  3 Brant, Austin                Canon City H        47-11.50   47-02.50    6   
  4 Galbearth, Lorenzo           Widefield Hi        46-02.50   45-02.50    5   
  5 Warner, Samuel               Lewis-Palmer        42-02.00   44-03.50    4   
  6 Titialii, Azrien             Fountain-For        41-11.25   43-05.50    3   
  7 Farkas, Daniel               Canon City H        46-04.00   42-07.50    2   
  8 Forrest, Justin              Mountain Vie        42-04.75   42-04.00    1   
  9 Gallegos, Ricardo            Lamar High S        41-07.00   42-01.00  
 10 Killis, Cody                 Canon City H        39-10.00   42-00.00  
 11 Gifford, Trevor              Liberty High                   41-09.00  
 11 Sipes, Scott                 Mountain Vie        46-00.00   41-09.00  
 13 Pangelinan, Daniel           Harrison Hig        39-09.00   41-01.00  
 14 Ellis, Brad                  Lewis-Palmer        40-03.00   40-08.50  
 15 Meade, Hunter                Widefield Hi        40-05.75   39-09.00  
 16 Charlson, Isaac              Discovery Ca        38-10.00   39-03.00  
 17 Rivera, Sergio               Doherty High        33-10.25   38-10.50  
 18 White, Taylor                Pine Creek H        42-07.00   38-08.00  
 19 Cline, Coby                  Elizabeth Hi        38-07.00   37-11.50  
 20 Velazquez, Erick             Harrison Hig        36-07.50   37-09.00  
 21 Long, Samuel                 Pine Creek H                   37-08.00  
 22 Murphy, Brock                Lamar High S        32-04.25   37-07.50  
 23 List, Daniel                 Pine Creek H                   37-03.00  
 24 Wagner, Rj                   Elizabeth Hi        31-10.00   35-11.50  
 25 Sanchez, Alex                Harrison Hig        33-00.00   35-00.00  
 26 Rowan, Reed                  Vista Ridge         35-05.00   34-11.00  
 27 Romero, Edward               Palmer High         36-08.50   34-10.50  
 28 Born, Cade                   Air Academy         35-02.00   34-05.00  
 29 Romero, Dom                  Liberty High                   33-11.00  
 30 Earl, Ryan                   Lewis-Palmer        34-10.00   33-09.00  
 31 Sward, Lucas                 Liberty High                   32-10.50  
 32 Thomas, Elijah               Sierra                         32-09.00  
 33 Bunting, Ethan               Palmer High         26-01.00   32-06.50  
 34 Coddington, Luke             Pikes Peak C        30-11.00   31-11.50  
 34 Cooks, Keyshon               Sierra                         31-11.50  
 36 Simshauser, Brady            Palmer High         27-09.00   31-08.50  
 36 Kirksey, Zach                Pikes Peak C        32-03.50   31-08.50  
 38 Willyard, Tyler              Calhan High         32-06.00   31-06.00  
 39 Sutherland, Nathan           Doherty High        25-11.00   31-00.00  
 39 Galmon, Grant                Elizabeth Hi        28-09.00   31-00.00  
 41 Parr, Stephen                Vista Ridge         28-08.00   30-10.50  
 42 Thompson, Jacob              Air Academy         36-00.00   30-06.00  
 43 Secrist, Joshua              Doherty High                   29-09.50  
 44 Terrazas, Anthony            Mitchell Hig                   29-06.00  
 44 Hancock, Nate                Rocky Ford H                   29-06.00  
 46 Spraggins, Trenton           Manitou Spri        26-09.00   28-06.50  
 47 Kilber, Brydon               Mountain Vie        30-03.00   28-02.00  
 48 Norton, Chance               Rocky Ford H        24-03.50   26-11.50  
 49 Fredrickson, Atticus         Manitou Spri        27-00.00   26-05.00  
 50 Howlett, Jake                Buena Vista         25-06.00   26-02.50  
 51 Taylor, Dylan                Buena Vista         27-05.00   24-11.50  
 52 Courtright, Nick             Mitchell Hig        25-07.00   22-07.50  
 53 Knies, Addison               Discovery Ca        24-00.50   19-07.50  
 54 Frye, Bryan                  Discovery Ca        18-11.00   17-06.00  
 55 Martin, Cole                 Vista Ridge         35-04.50    3-11.00  
 56 Pelaez, Nick                 Air Academy         34-00.00    2-09.50  
 -- Gandy, Lawrence              Fountain-For        40-09.00         ND  
 -- Sui, Jacob                   Sierra                               ND  
 -- Jensen, Steven               Manitou Spri        27-00.00         ND  
 -- Stewart, Fred                Widefield Hi        37-06.75         ND  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Sipes, Scott                 Mountain Vie          158-08  146-00.50   10   
  2 Brant, Austin                Canon City H          158-03     142-03    8   
  3 Forrest, Justin              Mountain Vie          117-07     122-10    6   
  4 Traylor, De'Von              Fountain-For        30-07.50     122-05    5   
  5 Stewart, Fred                Widefield Hi          128-04     121-09    4   
  6 Farkas, Daniel               Canon City H          148-02     120-06    3   
  7 White, Taylor                Pine Creek H          109-06     118-02    2   
  8 Miller, Nathaniel            Widefield Hi        24-03.50     117-05    1   
  9 Jones, Josh                  Canon City H          106-08     113-05  
 10 Warner, Samuel               Lewis-Palmer          127-09     113-04  
 11 Martin, Cole                 Vista Ridge           117-00     112-11  
 12 Delgado, Cesar               Lamar High S          136-00     109-09  
 13 Luna, Eulizes                Lamar High S          120-01     108-11  
 14 Gifford, Trevor              Liberty High                  107-07.50  
 15 Wagner, Rj                   Elizabeth Hi           80-09     107-00  
 16 McGee, Danny                 Manitou Spri        26-07.50     106-06  
 17 Meade, Hunter                Widefield Hi          120-11     106-02  
 18 Cheyney, Marcus              Mitchell Hig          116-06     105-03  
 19 Butler, Trevor               Lamar High S          109-10  104-04.50  
 20 Ellis, Brad                  Lewis-Palmer          108-02     102-11  
 20 Sanchez, Alex                Harrison Hig          105-11     102-11  
 22 Hale, Mitchel                Fountain-For          111-00     102-06  
 23 Charlson, Isaac              Discovery Ca           95-10  101-03.50  
 24 Nisenwanier, Jason           Harrison Hig                     100-10  
 25 Adamson, Tristan             Palmer High         09-07.50  100-09.50  
 26 Morse, Tabor                 Air Academy           110-03      99-07  
 27 Rowan, Reed                  Vista Ridge           112-11   99-01.50  
 28 Yost, Austin                 Manitou Spri           92-07      98-10  
 29 Long, Samuel                 Pine Creek H                      98-00  
 30 Kilber, Brydon               Mountain Vie        01-09.50      96-00  
 31 Cline, Coby                  Elizabeth Hi           94-04      95-03  
 32 Barela, Eric                 Palmer High           107-01      92-04  
 33 List, Daniel                 Pine Creek H                      92-00  
 34 Martens, Steven              Air Academy            93-00      91-05  
 35 Rivera, Sergio               Doherty High           74-04      91-03  
 36 Born, Cade                   Air Academy            93-05      90-04  
 37 Sward, Lucas                 Liberty High                      84-03  
 38 Romero, Dom                  Liberty High                      83-08  
 38 Dunwoody, Will               Elizabeth Hi           78-08      83-08  
 40 Sutherland, Nathan           Doherty High                      82-03  
 41 Coddington, Luke             Pikes Peak C           77-00      80-11  
 42 Scarborough, Zakk            Lewis-Palmer           92-03      80-10  
 43 Kirksey, Zach                Pikes Peak C           92-03      80-04  
 44 Kelly, Ben                   Calhan High                       80-00  
 45 Moulfair, Sean               Sierra                            78-01  
 46 Norton, Chance               Rocky Ford H           66-11   71-08.50  
 47 Knies, Addison               Discovery Ca           62-02   69-09.50  
 48 Hancock, Nate                Rocky Ford H                      66-07  
 49 Taylor, Dylan                Buena Vista            75-00      65-00  
 50 Terrazas, Anthony            Mitchell Hig                      63-07  
 51 Frye, Bryan                  Discovery Ca           45-02      58-06  
 52 Howlett, Jake                Buena Vista            70-00      55-09  
 -- Biacan, Zachary              Sierra                               ND  
 -- Diaz, David                  Sierra                               ND  
 -- Gandy, Lawrence              Fountain-For          106-11         ND  
 -- Velazquez, Erick             Harrison Hig                         ND  
 -- Nestelroad, Liam             Vista Ridge            76-10         ND  
 -- English, Sean                Doherty High                         ND  
 -- Courtright, Nick             Mitchell Hig        60-08.50         ND  
 -- Romero, Edward               Palmer High         07-02.50         ND  
 -- Jensen, Steven               Manitou Spri        12-01.25         ND