Broomfield Invitational 2016

Broomfield, CO

Broomfield Invitational 2016 vs Broomfield XC Invitational 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -101 566 667
Overall Average -30.37 23:06.43 23:36.80
1st-10th Place -10.90 16:41.50 16:52.40
1st-25th Place -12.08 17:03.76 17:15.84
1st-50th Place -17.94 17:27.50 17:45.44
1st-100th Place -17.06 18:12.27 18:29.33
Common Athletes -- -- 39
Ran Faster 23 31 8
Ran Season Best 6 6 --
Average Time -1:31.54 21:50.85 23:22.38
Median Time -1:08.00 21:33.00 22:41.00
Middle 80% Times -1:40.53 21:40.56 23:21.09
Top 10% Times -1:54.25 17:01.25 18:55.50
Top 25% Times -2:09.30 17:44.30 19:53.60
Top 50% Times -1:58.15 19:01.95 21:00.10
Bottom 50% Times -1:00.35 23:34.20 24:34.55
Bottom 25% Times -49.80 26:44.40 27:34.20
Bottom 10% Times +4.00 29:10.25 29:06.25
Average Difference -1:31.54 -- --
Median Difference -1:01.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:29.97 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:54.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:57.55 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:22.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:57.55 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:04.00 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -47.00 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:38.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Greg Lund Fairview High School -1:49.00 16:35.00 18:24.00
Benton Meldrum Dakota Ridge High School -2:11.00 16:43.00 18:54.00
Tony Passarelli Dakota Ridge High School -2:03.00 17:19.00 19:22.00
Zach Morrissey Fairview High School -1:34.00 17:28.00 19:02.00
Joshua Cooper Chatfield High School -3:38.00 17:32.00 21:10.00
Matthew Allan Fairview High School -4:10.00 17:45.00 21:55.00
Simon Castagneri Dakota Ridge High School -2:19.00 18:18.00 20:37.00
Skyler Teague Chatfield High School -1:35.00 18:32.00 20:07.00
Tyler Oeltjenbruns Ralston Valley High School -3:08.00 18:33.00 21:41.00
Bryce Mino Broomfield High School -3:43.00 18:38.00 22:21.00
Garrett Lipsteuer Chatfield High School -3:58.00 18:52.00 22:50.00
Colin Young Chatfield High School -1:48.00 19:14.00 21:02.00
Tommy Kopala Northglenn High School -29.00 19:42.00 20:11.00
Julian Dreiman Fairview High School -2:07.00 19:44.00 21:51.00
David Kopala Northglenn High School +30.00 20:50.00 20:20.00
Simon Hubbard Fairview High School -27.00 20:30.00 20:57.00
Abigail Oglesby Chatfield High School -1:06.00 20:42.00 21:48.00
Katia Beggan Fairview High School -1:35.00 20:50.00 22:25.00
Derek Putsch Broomfield High School -3:52.00 21:19.00 25:11.00
Finlay Benninger Chatfield High School -1:00.00 21:33.00 22:33.00
Lia Anderson Chatfield High School -8:36.00 21:35.00 30:11.00
Lauren Chapple Chatfield High School -3:37.00 21:39.00 25:16.00
Michael Mcmahan Chatfield High School -1:01.00 22:00.00 23:01.00
Charlotte Jones Dakota Ridge High School -1:30.00 22:14.00 23:44.00
Jarod Strong Northglenn High School -1:10.00 22:28.00 23:38.00
Cameron Keel Fairview High School +31.00 23:12.00 22:41.00
Brittany Baldwin Broomfield High School +3:16.00 25:57.00 22:41.00
Olivia Boyd Chatfield High School -1:39.00 22:54.00 24:33.00
Will Sun Fairview High School +29.00 24:16.00 23:47.00
Brian Tillery Dakota Ridge High School -1:47.00 23:52.00 25:39.00
Nick Probst Dakota Ridge High School -3:40.00 24:06.00 27:46.00
Perry Hayman Chatfield High School +6.00 24:18.00 24:12.00
Molly McPherson Fairview High School -2:04.00 24:40.00 26:44.00
Joie Sun Fairview High School +1:28.00 26:21.00 24:53.00
Cassidy Wilson Broomfield High School -2:38.00 25:11.00 27:49.00
Katelyn Smith Dakota Ridge High School -47.00 26:21.00 27:08.00
Natalie Crozier Chatfield High School -2:28.00 26:44.00 29:12.00
Spade McDevitt Dakota Ridge High School +29.00 27:13.00 26:44.00
Carlie Evans Broomfield High School +7:10.00 36:23.00 29:13.00