PEG League Basalt Middle School Meet 2021

Basalt, CO

Athlete Entries

7th Boys 1,600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, River Riverview School
Johnston, Dylan 5:56.00h Basalt Middle School
Scott, Towler 6:04.00h Basalt Middle School
Shideler, Paul 6:07 Riverside Middle School
Christensen, Blake 7:00.00h Aspen Middle School
Loeb, Zachary 7:00.00h Aspen Middle School
Roennau, Leo 7:00.00h Aspen Middle School
Moon, Sam 7:07.00h Carbondale Middle School
Del Cid, Luca 7:49.00h Basalt Middle School
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7th Boys 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Tripp Basalt Middle School
Alegria, Aaden Grand Valley Middle School
Payan, Oscar Riverview School
Arzate Nunez, Julian Grand Valley Middle School
Duran Lozoya, Bryan Grand Valley Middle School
Stableford, Masamo 13.75 Carbondale Middle School
Martinez-Leon, Erick 14.00 Riverside Middle School
Rumbaugh, Jackson 15.00h Aspen Middle School
Palasz, Maximo 15.00h Aspen Middle School
Clifford, Miles 15.00h Aspen Middle School
Gerber, Brady 16.00 Riverside Middle School
Becker, William 16.04 Basalt Middle School
Corona, Oswaldo 17.22 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Portillo, Jessy 19.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Brooks, Tate 2.00h Riverview School
Delcid, David 22.50 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Sikora, Willy 25.44 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Londono, Damien 3.00h Riverview School
Rios-Moore, Andrew 4.00h Riverview School
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7th Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Teter, Arnold Grand Valley Middle School
Khan-Farooqi, Khalil 18.00h Aspen Middle School
Enewold, Brackett 19.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Portillo, Jessy 21.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Martinez-Leon, Erick 22.1 Riverside Middle School
Sikora, Willy 45.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Delcid, David 45.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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7th Boys 200 Meter Dash 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duran Lozoya, Bryan Grand Valley Middle School
Payan, Oscar Riverview School
Londono, Damien 1.00h Riverview School
Rios-Moore, Andrew 2.00h Riverview School
Hentschel, Mykerson 27.00h Carbondale Middle School
Martinez-Leon, Erick 30.56 Riverside Middle School
Rumbaugh, Jackson 32.00h Aspen Middle School
Corona, Oswaldo 34.45 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Turner, Chapin 40.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Delcid, David 45.07 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Sikora, Willy 46.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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7th Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Del Cid, Luca Basalt Middle School
Williams, Tripp Basalt Middle School
Curt, Jake 39.0 Riverside Middle School
Enewold, Brackett 40.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Stableford, Masamo 40.00h Carbondale Middle School
Hilgeford, Ossie 45.20 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Nardecchia, Nick 50.00h Carbondale Middle School
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7th Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Tate Riverview School
Payan, Oscar Riverview School
Johnston, Dylan Basalt Middle School
Alegria, Aaden Grand Valley Middle School
Shideler, Paul 1:09.65 Riverside Middle School
Martinez-Leon, Erick 1:14.3 Riverside Middle School
Corona, Oswaldo 1:16.63 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Nardecchia, Nick 1:19.00h Carbondale Middle School
Curt, Jake 1:20 Riverside Middle School
Gerber, Brady 1:23.45 Riverside Middle School
Portillo, Jessy 1:30.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Turner, Chapin 1:40.63 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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7th Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Glenwood Springs Middle School
Relay Team A Grand Valley Middle School
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7th Boys 800 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Tate Riverview School
Brown, River Riverview School
Turner, Chapin 1:30.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Scott, Towler 2:42.00h Basalt Middle School
Johnston, Dylan 2:49.70h Basalt Middle School
Genung, James 2:56.00h Carbondale Middle School
Curt, Jake 3:15 Riverside Middle School
Del Cid, Luca 3:40.12 Basalt Middle School
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7th Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:21.00h Carbondale Middle School
Relay Team A 2:25.00h Aspen Middle School
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7th Boys Discus 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palasz, Maximo 60-0 Aspen Middle School
Roennau, Leo 60-0 Aspen Middle School
Arzate Nunez, Julian Grand Valley Middle School
Williams, Tripp Basalt Middle School
Del Cid, Luca Basalt Middle School
Becker, William Basalt Middle School
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7th Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Genung, James 4-7 Carbondale Middle School
Hentschel, Mykerson 4-4 Carbondale Middle School
Nardecchia, Nick 4-2 Carbondale Middle School
Stableford, Masamo 4-0 Carbondale Middle School
Roennau, Leo 4-0 Aspen Middle School
Khan-Farooqi, Khalil 3-8 Aspen Middle School
Palasz, Maximo 3-8 Aspen Middle School
Clifford, Miles 3-8 Aspen Middle School
Teter, Arnold Grand Valley Middle School
Hilgeford, Ossie Glenwood Springs Middle School
Enewold, Brackett Glenwood Springs Middle School
Gerber, Brady Riverside Middle School
Shideler, Paul Riverside Middle School
Brooks, Tate Riverview School
Rios-Moore, Andrew Riverview School
Londono, Damien Riverview School
Payan, Oscar Riverview School
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7th Boys Long Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Loeb, Zachary 11-6 Aspen Middle School
Duran Lozoya, Bryan Grand Valley Middle School
Alegria, Aaden Grand Valley Middle School
Arzate Nunez, Julian Grand Valley Middle School
Sikora, Willy Glenwood Springs Middle School
Turner, Chapin Glenwood Springs Middle School
Delcid, David Glenwood Springs Middle School
Hentschel, Mykerson Carbondale Middle School
Moon, Sam Carbondale Middle School
Curt, Jake Riverside Middle School
Gerber, Brady Riverside Middle School
Shideler, Paul Riverside Middle School
Scott, Towler Basalt Middle School
Johnston, Dylan Basalt Middle School
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7th Boys Shot Put 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christensen, Blake 22-0 Aspen Middle School
Teter, Arnold Grand Valley Middle School
Hilgeford, Ossie Glenwood Springs Middle School
Brown, River Riverview School
Becker, William Basalt Middle School
Williams, Tripp Basalt Middle School
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7th Girls 1,600 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Almeida, Daxton Riverview School
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7th Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dillon, Cassidy Grand Valley Middle School
Stanworth, Makayla Grand Valley Middle School
Elsrod, Rylin Grand Valley Middle School
Sherick, Sophia 0.18 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Eiseman, Quinn 0.20 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Vaden, Sophia 0.20 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Calzadillas, Nataly 0.20 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Copeland, Mia 1.00h Riverview School
Barill, Sydney 14.16 Basalt Middle School
Tardif, Nikki 14.62 Carbondale Middle School
Andrade, Anahi 14.97 Basalt Middle School
Coon, Chloe 15.73 Riverside Middle School
Axelson, Brynn 16.00 Riverside Middle School
Ethridge, Kaila 16.06 Basalt Middle School
Sebenaler, Mackenzie 16.76 Aspen Middle School
Wittenberg, Annalise 17.00 Riverside Middle School
Ferguson, Tahlia 17.27 Basalt Middle School
Swann, Macy 2.00h Riverview School
Pavia, Sofya 3.00h Riverview School
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7th Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barill, Sydney Basalt Middle School
McCormick, Tallin Grand Valley Middle School
Ferguson, Tahlia Basalt Middle School
Calzadillas, Nataly Glenwood Springs Middle School
Smith, Ava Basalt Middle School
Terrell, Jordan 22.0 Riverside Middle School
Dominguez, Kylee 23.5 Riverside Middle School
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7th Girls 200 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stanworth, Makayla Grand Valley Middle School
Copeland, Mia 1.00h Riverview School
Lopez, Emi 2.00h Riverview School
Swann, Macy 3.00h Riverview School
Tardif, Nikki 31.07 Carbondale Middle School
Axelson, Brynn 32.17 Riverside Middle School
Wittenberg, Annalise 33.17 Riverside Middle School
Coon, Chloe 33.46 Riverside Middle School
Smith, Ava 33.58 Basalt Middle School
Terrell, Jordan 33.6 Riverside Middle School
Sherick, Sophia 34.22 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Contrares-Andrade, Arely 35.45 Basalt Middle School
Ethridge, Kaila 35.83 Basalt Middle School
Sebenaler, Mackenzie 36.00h Aspen Middle School
Vaden, Sophia 36.34 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Eiseman, Quinn 37.59 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Zevin, Emery 38.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Cryts, Hanna 38.51 Basalt Middle School
Ferguson, Tahlia 38.74 Basalt Middle School
Pavia, Sofya 4.00h Riverview School
Barker, Hazel 40.00 Carbondale Middle School
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7th Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cryts, Hanna Basalt Middle School
Andrade, Anahi Basalt Middle School
Smith, Ava Basalt Middle School
Pittman, Taylor Grand Valley Middle School
Barill, Sydney Basalt Middle School
Contrares-Andrade, Arely Basalt Middle School
Elder, Reese 38.0 Riverside Middle School
Terrell, Jordan 39.8 Riverside Middle School
Sherick, Sophia 40.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Dominguez, Kylee 42.0 Riverside Middle School
Henry, Elenor 45.00h Carbondale Middle School
Bays, Hannah 45.00h Carbondale Middle School
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7th Girls 400 Meter Dash 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCormick, Tallin Grand Valley Middle School
Pavia, Sofya Riverview School
Zevin, Emery 1.12 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Todd, Zenobia 1.37 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Elder, Reese 1:10 Riverside Middle School
Contrares-Andrade, Arely 1:18.00h Basalt Middle School
Andrade, Anahi 1:18.06 Basalt Middle School
Cryts, Hanna 1:22.03 Basalt Middle School
Clifford, Sasha 1:24.00h Aspen Middle School
Dominguez, Kylee 1:35 Riverside Middle School
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7th Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Basalt Middle School
Relay Team A Grand Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 1.22 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Relay Team A 1:09.50h Riverside Middle School
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7th Girls 800 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Emi Riverview School
Todd, Zenobia Glenwood Springs Middle School
Almeida, Daxton Riverview School
Elder, Reese 2:58 Riverside Middle School
Bays, Hannah 3:05.00h Carbondale Middle School
Cryts, Hanna 3:28.63 Basalt Middle School
Henry, Elenor 3:43.00h Carbondale Middle School
Clifford, Sasha 3:45.00h Aspen Middle School
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7th Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Glenwood Springs Middle School
Relay Team A 2:21.00h Riverside Middle School
Relay Team A 2:41.00h Carbondale Middle School
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7th Girls Discus 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Munoz, Micaela Riverside Middle School
Soto, Jovanna Basalt Middle School
Vaitonis, Presley Basalt Middle School
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7th Girls High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henry, Elenor 3-11 Carbondale Middle School
Barker, Hazel 3-7 Carbondale Middle School
Sebenaler, Mackenzie 3-7 Aspen Middle School
McCormick, Tallin Grand Valley Middle School
Pittman, Taylor Grand Valley Middle School
Dillon, Cassidy Grand Valley Middle School
Elsrod, Rylin Grand Valley Middle School
Axelson, Brynn Riverside Middle School
Dominguez, Kylee Riverside Middle School
Lopez, Emi Riverview School
Pavia, Sofya Riverview School
Smith, Ava Basalt Middle School
Ferguson, Tahlia Basalt Middle School
Ethridge, Kaila Basalt Middle School
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7th Girls Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barker, Hazel 9-10 Carbondale Middle School
Tardif, Nikki 9-4 Carbondale Middle School
Elsrod, Rylin Grand Valley Middle School
Pittman, Taylor Grand Valley Middle School
Dillon, Cassidy Grand Valley Middle School
Vaden, Sophia Glenwood Springs Middle School
Zevin, Emery Glenwood Springs Middle School
Coon, Chloe Riverside Middle School
Jensen, Austin Riverside Middle School
Stanworth, Makayla Grand Valley Middle School
Todd, Zenobia Glenwood Springs Middle School
Almeida, Daxton Riverview School
Swann, Macy Riverview School
Copeland, Mia Riverview School
Barill, Sydney Basalt Middle School
Ferguson, Tahlia Basalt Middle School
Ethridge, Kaila Basalt Middle School
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7th Girls Shot Put 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sebenaler, Mackenzie 18-0 Aspen Middle School
Clifford, Sasha 18-0 Aspen Middle School
Jensen, Austin Riverside Middle School
Munoz, Micaela Riverside Middle School
Lopez, Emi Riverview School
Vaitonis, Presley Basalt Middle School
Soto, Jovanna Basalt Middle School
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8th Boys 1,600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cotter, Craig Grand Valley Middle School
Swanson, Benny 4:35.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Deter, Wylon 5:00.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Hesse, Ty 5:15.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Lane, Zealand 5:46.80h Basalt Middle School
Lowsky, Sam 5:47.00h Basalt Middle School
Merritt, Tanner 5:54.00h Carbondale Middle School
Thompson, Isaac 5:56 Riverside Middle School
McHugh, Oscar 6:50.00h Aspen Middle School
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8th Boys 100 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horner, Andrew Grand Valley Middle School
Tennenbaum, Jerad Basalt Middle School
Perez, Jibran Grand Valley Middle School
Zuniga, Barukh Basalt Middle School
Collard, Cohen 11.5 Riverside Middle School
Williams, Luke 12.44 Carbondale Middle School
Dacuma, Brayden 12.5 Riverside Middle School
Salazar, Lorenzo 12.87 Basalt Middle School
Brockman, Noah 13.31 Carbondale Middle School
Rupert, Jack 13.50h Basalt Middle School
Heath, Liam 14.48 Basalt Middle School
Rickert, Rowyn 15.0 Riverside Middle School
McHugh, Oscar 15.00h Aspen Middle School
Janey, Oliver 16.50 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Soronson, Jerick 16.50 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Shea, Alex 17.50 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Gentry, Gunnar 21.50 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rupert, Jack Basalt Middle School
Tennenbaum, Jerad Basalt Middle School
Zuniga, Barukh Basalt Middle School
Brennan, Sam 19.00h Carbondale Middle School
Brockman, Noah 20.00h Carbondale Middle School
Kreiling, Lawson 20.00h Carbondale Middle School
Goscha, Ezra 22.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Boys 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perez, Jibran Grand Valley Middle School
Zuniga, Barukh Basalt Middle School
Rupert, Jack Basalt Middle School
Strauss, Aiden Grand Valley Middle School
Tennenbaum, Jerad Basalt Middle School
Heath, Liam Basalt Middle School
Williams, Luke 26.27 Carbondale Middle School
Powell, Alex 26.96 Aspen Middle School
Salazar, Lorenzo 27.04 Basalt Middle School
Brennan, Sam 27.95 Carbondale Middle School
Streater, Coleman 28.14 Carbondale Middle School
Collard, Cohen 30.00 Riverside Middle School
Dacuma, Brayden 30.5 Riverside Middle School
Webber, Mathew 31.54 Riverside Middle School
Berkheimer, Jack 32.23 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Janey, Oliver 33.40 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Gentry, Gunnar 38.70 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tennenbaum, Jerad Basalt Middle School
Horner, Andrew Grand Valley Middle School
Zuniga, Barukh Basalt Middle School
Lowsky, Sam Basalt Middle School
Perez, Jibran Grand Valley Middle School
Rupert, Jack Basalt Middle School
Thompson, Isaac 34.12 Riverside Middle School
Merritt, Tanner 50.00h Carbondale Middle School
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8th Boys 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Horner, Andrew Grand Valley Middle School
Richardson, Tyden Grand Valley Middle School
Powell, Alex 1:02 Aspen Middle School
Deter, Wylon 1:04.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Dacuma, Brayden 1:06.5 Riverside Middle School
Thompson, Isaac 1:06.73 Riverside Middle School
Lowsky, Sam 1:09.18 Basalt Middle School
Lane, Zealand 1:10.03 Basalt Middle School
Webber, Mathew 1:11.28 Riverside Middle School
Berkheimer, Jack 1:11.67 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Rickert, Rowyn 1:16.3 Riverside Middle School
Goscha, Ezra 1:19.67 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Glenwood Springs Middle School
Relay Team B Glenwood Springs Middle School
Relay Team A Grand Valley Middle School
Relay Team A 57:02.00 Carbondale Middle School
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8th Boys 800 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Susie, Eli Grand Valley Middle School
Lowsky, Sam Basalt Middle School
Webber, Mathew 2:50 Riverside Middle School
Hesse, Ty 2:53.00h Glenwood Springs Middle School
Merritt, Tanner 3:15.00h Carbondale Middle School
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8th Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Glenwood Springs Middle School
Relay Team B Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Boys Discus 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richardson, Tyden Grand Valley Middle School
Susie, Eli Grand Valley Middle School
Cotter, Craig Grand Valley Middle School
Deter, Wylon Glenwood Springs Middle School
Rickert, Rowyn Riverside Middle School
Gentry, Gunnar Glenwood Springs Middle School
Stockdill, Jacob Glenwood Springs Middle School
Heath, Liam Basalt Middle School
Lowsky, Sam Basalt Middle School
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8th Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Luke 4-9 Carbondale Middle School
Streater, Coleman 4-4 Carbondale Middle School
Brennan, Sam 3-10 Carbondale Middle School
Merritt, Tanner 3-6 Carbondale Middle School
Swanson, Benny Glenwood Springs Middle School
Collard, Cohen Riverside Middle School
Webber, Mathew Riverside Middle School
Soronson, Jerick Glenwood Springs Middle School
Janey, Oliver Glenwood Springs Middle School
Salazar, Lorenzo Basalt Middle School
Lane, Zealand Basalt Middle School
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8th Boys Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powell, Alex 13-0 Aspen Middle School
McHugh, Oscar 11-5 Aspen Middle School
Susie, Eli Grand Valley Middle School
Cotter, Craig Grand Valley Middle School
Shea, Alex Glenwood Springs Middle School
Strauss, Aiden Grand Valley Middle School
Kreiling, Lawson Carbondale Middle School
Streater, Coleman Carbondale Middle School
Dacuma, Brayden Riverside Middle School
Thompson, Isaac Riverside Middle School
Horner, Andrew Grand Valley Middle School
Stockdill, Jacob Glenwood Springs Middle School
Tennenbaum, Jerad Basalt Middle School
Rupert, Jack Basalt Middle School
Salazar, Lorenzo Basalt Middle School
Lane, Zealand Basalt Middle School
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8th Boys Shot Put 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powell, Alex 28-0 Aspen Middle School
Richardson, Tyden Grand Valley Middle School
Strauss, Aiden Grand Valley Middle School
Rickert, Rowyn Riverside Middle School
Collard, Cohen Riverside Middle School
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8th Girls 1,600 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diehl, Tia Grand Valley Middle School
Hutchens, Ellis 6:16.00h Basalt Middle School
Moon, Isabella 6:41.00h Carbondale Middle School
Keeney, Winter 9:00 Riverside Middle School
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8th Girls 100 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barragan Romero, Jocelyn Grand Valley Middle School
Stark, Leah Grand Valley Middle School
Diehl, Tia Grand Valley Middle School
Hutchens, Ellis 14.20h Basalt Middle School
Fullerton, Elizabeth 14.26 Carbondale Middle School
Thompson, Araya 14.33 Aspen Middle School
Beckman, Taylin 14.55 Basalt Middle School
Martin, Piper 14.64 Aspen Middle School
Mullin, Lilly 14.96 Basalt Middle School
Sanders, Ashley 15.36 Riverside Middle School
Smythe, Samantha 15.45 Riverside Middle School
Borchers, Cate 15.67 Basalt Middle School
Garcia-Leon, Maribel 15.68 Riverside Middle School
Latousek, Lauren 15.78 Basalt Middle School
Kail, Morgan 16.34 Riverside Middle School
Backofen, Anika 19.50h Glenwood Springs Middle School
McPherson, Tynan 21.50h Glenwood Springs Middle School
McCaslin, Kayla 30.50h Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Borchers, Cate Basalt Middle School
Mullin, Lilly Basalt Middle School
Bristol, Natalie 20.0 Riverside Middle School
Keeney, Winter 23.0 Riverside Middle School
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8th Girls 200 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diehl, Tia Grand Valley Middle School
Stark, Leah Grand Valley Middle School
Fullerton, Elizabeth 30.12 Carbondale Middle School
Thompson, Araya 30.36 Aspen Middle School
Beckman, Taylin 30.38 Basalt Middle School
Garcia-Leon, Maribel 31.48 Riverside Middle School
Martin, Piper 31.66 Aspen Middle School
Bristol, Natalie 32.0 Riverside Middle School
Ingles, Maddie 32.87 Basalt Middle School
Smythe, Samantha 33.19 Riverside Middle School
Sanders, Ashley 34.0 Riverside Middle School
illouz, Lulu 34.01 Basalt Middle School
Garrigus, Emma 34.86 Basalt Middle School
Backofen, Anika 35.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
Sunshine, Samantha 35.91 Basalt Middle School
McPherson, Tynan 43.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
McCaslin, Kayla 48.00 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barragan Romero, Jocelyn Grand Valley Middle School
Hutchens, Ellis Basalt Middle School
illouz, Lulu Basalt Middle School
Mullin, Lilly Basalt Middle School
Bristol, Natalie 37.62 Riverside Middle School
Sanders, Ashley 38.75 Riverside Middle School
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8th Girls 400 Meter Dash 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Borchers, Cate Basalt Middle School
Garcia-Leon, Maribel 1:18.78 Riverside Middle School
Sunshine, Samantha 1:21.00h Basalt Middle School
McPherson, Tynan 1:35.40 Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Basalt Middle School
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8th Girls 800 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moon, Isabella 2:57.15 Carbondale Middle School
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8th Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:45.00h Riverside Middle School
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8th Girls Discus 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diehl, Tia Grand Valley Middle School
Stark, Leah Grand Valley Middle School
Backofen, Anika Glenwood Springs Middle School
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8th Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fullerton, Elizabeth 4-2 Carbondale Middle School
Kail, Morgan Riverside Middle School
Keeney, Winter Riverside Middle School
illouz, Lulu Basalt Middle School
Sunshine, Samantha Basalt Middle School
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8th Girls Long Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moon, Isabella 9-11 Carbondale Middle School
Barragan Romero, Jocelyn Grand Valley Middle School
Backofen, Anika Glenwood Springs Middle School
McPherson, Tynan Glenwood Springs Middle School
McCaslin, Kayla Glenwood Springs Middle School
Kail, Morgan Riverside Middle School
Smythe, Samantha Riverside Middle School
Borchers, Cate Basalt Middle School
Ingles, Maddie Basalt Middle School
Mullin, Lilly Basalt Middle School
Garrigus, Emma Basalt Middle School
Beckman, Taylin Basalt Middle School
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8th Girls Shot Put 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCaslin, Kayla Glenwood Springs Middle School
Bristol, Natalie Riverside Middle School
Garcia-Leon, Maribel Riverside Middle School
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