Moffat County Invitational 2021

Craig, CO

Meet Information

Live Results Here!

Entries close at 8pm the night before the meet!

Meet information:


Moffat County XC Invitational

Middle and High School Cross Country Meet

At Loudy Simpson Park in Craig, Colorado

Saturday, September 25th

For the past several years, this meet has featured excellent competition and challenging courses run primarily over trails and grass. 

The schedule

8:00 -- Bulldog Citizen Race Fundraiser (5K)

8:45 -- Middle Schools Girls (Unlimited entries)

9:15 -- Middle school Boys (unlimited entries)
9:45 -- High School Girls (Unlimited entries)
10:30-- High School Boys (Unlimited entries)

Awards will be distributed as follows:
High School Boys & Girls: Top 10 individualsMiddle School Boys & Girls: Top 3 individualsThe entry fee for this event is $100.00 per school High School and $50 per Middle School or $10.00 per individual. Please help us plan for the meet by completing the registration below.

For more information, please contact:

Todd Trapp


