Centaurus Bernie Gay XC Invitational 2022

Lafayette, CO

Centaurus Bernie Gay XC Invitational 2022 vs Centaurus Cross Country Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +78 804 726
Overall Average +2:40.62 26:35.20 23:54.58
1st-10th Place -33.06 16:16.04 16:49.10
1st-25th Place -25.49 16:53.55 17:19.04
1st-50th Place -18.66 17:28.64 17:47.30
1st-100th Place -15.17 18:07.27 18:22.43
Common Athletes -- -- 25
Ran Faster 23 24 1
Ran Season Best 5 6 1
Average Time -3:36.03 22:17.09 25:53.12
Median Time -3:41.00 20:51.00 24:32.00
Middle 80% Times -4:01.34 21:45.62 25:46.95
Top 10% Times -2:22.23 16:03.77 18:26.00
Top 25% Times -2:45.90 17:09.96 19:55.86
Top 50% Times -2:44.12 18:36.03 21:20.15
Bottom 50% Times -4:11.32 24:15.30 28:26.62
Bottom 25% Times -4:05.59 28:59.84 33:05.43
Bottom 10% Times -2:26.67 33:47.33 36:14.00
Average Difference -3:36.03 -- --
Median Difference -3:16.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:50.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:35.87 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:26.73 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:36.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:26.73 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -4:43.83 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5:03.16 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -6:01.67 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Patrick Doty Conifer High School -5:50.60 15:57.40 21:48.00
Max Heins Centaurus High School -2:03.40 16:04.60 18:08.00
Wyatt Bly Conifer High School -4:14.70 16:09.30 20:24.00
Sam Schwarting Centaurus High School -1:46.90 16:50.10 18:37.00
Kaden Huss Centaurus High School -57.30 17:35.70 18:33.00
Noah Bearden Windsor High School -1:32.50 18:28.50 20:01.00
Alex Esquibel Forge Christian High School -8:29.90 19:04.10 27:34.00
Juan Madera-Navarrete Standley Lake High School -6:21.10 19:49.90 26:11.00
Gideon Russo Monarch High School -2:34.40 20:07.60 22:42.00
Kaylie Bookout Forge Christian High School -1:49.50 20:10.50 22:00.00
Kaden Wilson Skyline High School -1:52.00 20:15.00 22:07.00
McKinsey Poulson Prairie View High School -2:44.30 20:24.70 23:09.00
Connor Nevin Skyline High School -2:26.00 20:51.00 23:17.00
Clark Greves Monarch High School -3:16.60 21:15.40 24:32.00
Piper Phillips Monarch High School -39.30 21:24.70 22:04.00
Ethan Thomson Windsor High School -9:46.20 22:44.80 32:31.00
Zoe Peesel Conifer High School -7:13.30 22:45.70 29:59.00
Joelle Wageman Conifer High School -8:22.60 24:09.40 32:32.00
Isabella Lopez Prairie View High School -3:14.80 24:15.20 27:30.00
Maya Dawson Conifer High School -2:36.80 24:43.20 27:20.00
Max Vejnar Mountain Range High School -5:15.00 25:14.00 30:29.00
Allison Martin Centaurus High School -2:08.50 27:24.50 29:33.00
Kiya Augustad Skyline High School -3:39.70 27:38.30 31:18.00
Ella Seevers Conifer High School -1:09.10 30:00.90 31:10.00
Faith Thirsk Mountain Range High School +3.80 43:42.80 43:39.00