Lions Cross Country Classic 2022

Littleton, CO

Lions Cross Country Classic 2022 vs Littleton Lions Cross Country Classic 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +50 430 380
Overall Average +53.41 25:51.89 24:58.48
1st-10th Place +40.07 18:29.00 17:48.93
1st-25th Place +27.49 18:56.24 18:28.75
1st-50th Place +22.78 19:29.08 19:06.30
1st-100th Place +11.67 20:17.05 20:05.38
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster -47 8 55
Ran Season Best -4 1 5
Average Time +3:01.50 26:47.98 23:46.48
Median Time +2:23.70 25:25.00 23:01.30
Middle 80% Times +2:40.90 26:03.53 23:22.63
Top 10% Times +1:55.64 19:43.71 17:48.07
Top 25% Times +2:03.90 20:41.13 18:37.22
Top 50% Times +2:10.33 22:21.78 20:11.46
Bottom 50% Times +3:47.01 30:23.94 26:36.93
Bottom 25% Times +5:03.57 35:29.06 30:25.49
Bottom 10% Times +7:48.67 42:18.28 34:29.61
Average Difference +3:01.50 -- --
Median Difference +1:16.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:38.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:28.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:50.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:34.12 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:50.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +4:08.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5:46.24 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +8:46.49 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kaden Hamilton Lakewood High School +2:45.80 19:46.00 17:00.20
Henrik Chojnacki Littleton High School +2:25.70 20:01.00 17:35.30
Sam Wright Mesa Ridge High School +1:11.30 18:48.00 17:36.70
Lucas Beneke Lakewood High School +54.60 18:36.00 17:41.40
Kaden Gill Standley Lake High School +3:21.80 21:20.00 17:58.20
Noah Davison Lakewood High School +3:19.00 21:31.00 18:12.00
Henry Stettner Denver Academy +2:37.30 21:10.00 18:32.70
Paxton Buelow Lakewood High School +4:35.20 23:13.00 18:37.80
Andrew Shew Arapahoe High School +4:58.90 23:42.00 18:43.10
Calvin Edwards Mesa Ridge High School +59.60 19:59.00 18:59.40
Jack Ballard Arapahoe High School +1:39.90 20:40.00 19:00.10
Andrew Lin Standley Lake High School +2:19.70 21:27.00 19:07.30
Paxton Vann Arapahoe High School +8:50.90 28:18.00 19:27.10
Everett Johnson SkyView Academy +4:28.50 23:58.00 19:29.50
Sophia Christensen Lakewood High School +1:05.40 20:55.00 19:49.60
Garrett Bristol Mesa Ridge High School +19.80 20:25.00 20:05.20
Derek Sprague Arapahoe High School +1:41.90 21:49.00 20:07.10
Fitsum Yonan Arapahoe High School -24.40 20:31.00 20:55.40
Derek Anderson Lakewood High School +58.80 21:35.00 20:36.20
Braeden King Standley Lake High School +3:36.50 24:16.00 20:39.50
Casey Jones Arapahoe High School +2:20.50 23:36.00 21:15.50
Jonathan Kline Mesa Ridge High School +9:10.10 30:28.00 21:17.90
Quinn Adamowski Arapahoe High School +1:29.10 22:57.00 21:27.90
Avery Lockard Arapahoe High School +3:14.70 25:02.00 21:47.30
Justin Libhart Standley Lake High School +2:33.80 24:31.00 21:57.20
Tyson Colorado Mesa Ridge High School +3:26.90 25:28.00 22:01.10
Annie Roberds Mesa Ridge High School +27.70 22:50.00 22:22.30
Noah Buschke Lakewood High School -47.10 22:25.00 23:12.10
Tatum Pratt Littleton High School -10.30 22:26.00 22:36.30
Hailey Rose Mesa Ridge High School +1:59.30 24:26.00 22:26.70
Mac Manweiler Denver Academy +6:01.10 28:47.00 22:45.90
Ashlyn Corley Standley Lake High School +1:22.60 24:16.00 22:53.40
Grace Foresman Littleton High School +2:58.70 26:00.00 23:01.30
Cayden Quinn Denver Waldorf High School +2:09.90 25:16.00 23:06.10
Liam Gregory Denver Waldorf High School +1:21.40 24:47.00 23:25.60
Hunter Ray Mesa Ridge High School +4:12.90 27:41.00 23:28.10
Regina (Alex) Herrera Littleton High School +7:12.50 30:44.00 23:31.50
Sydney Morton Lakewood High School +2:20.20 26:08.00 23:47.80
Maren Moore Littleton High School -1:04.30 23:58.00 25:02.30
Evio Nieusma-Diaz Lakewood High School +1:16.70 25:25.00 24:08.30
Amy Olaechea Littleton High School +1:01.70 25:36.00 24:34.30
Sawyer Clark Standley Lake High School +1:55.20 26:30.00 24:34.80
Reina Sanchez Mesa Ridge High School +14:26.60 39:22.00 24:55.40
Sonja Bennion D'Evelyn High School +1:34.70 26:34.00 24:59.30
Quinn Morgan Littleton High School +5:15.40 30:19.00 25:03.60
Julia Metzger Lakewood High School +3:24.80 28:53.00 25:28.20
Ben Martin Lakewood High School +3:01.60 28:38.00 25:36.40
Maren Muller Arapahoe High School +4:03.60 29:59.00 25:55.40
Kira Garrimone Standley Lake High School -15.40 26:05.00 26:20.40
Vivian Morales Arapahoe High School -1:00.60 26:19.00 27:19.60
Dakota Jackson Lakewood High School +1:05.40 27:26.00 26:20.60
MacKenzie Gautier D'Evelyn High School +3:50.40 30:13.00 26:22.60
Adelina Calvanese SkyView Academy +27.50 27:03.00 26:35.50
Sophia Bradley Littleton High School +2:46.90 30:49.00 28:02.10
Hannah Petracek D'Evelyn High School -1:06.70 28:28.00 29:34.70
Hailey Lewis Mesa Ridge High School +16:43.30 45:33.00 28:49.70
Reese Reynolds Littleton High School -37.10 29:43.00 30:20.10
Evelyn Rizzuto Littleton High School +19.30 30:29.00 30:09.70
Savanna McMinn Mesa Ridge High School +10:36.70 42:41.00 32:04.30
Will Edson Arapahoe High School +8:39.40 42:52.00 34:12.60
Sammy Newton Arapahoe High School +1:10.00 35:29.00 34:19.00
Annika Stutzman Littleton High School +5:59.70 45:50.00 39:50.30
Gracie Bazel Standley Lake High School +3:49.70 44:21.00 40:31.30