Moffat County Invitational 2022

Craig, CO

Moffat County Invitational 2022 vs Moffat County Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -17 138 155
Overall Average -3.76 23:45.87 23:49.64
1st-10th Place +20.89 18:13.74 17:52.85
1st-25th Place +15.92 18:50.42 18:34.50
1st-50th Place +17.86 19:52.35 19:34.49
1st-100th Place +25.34 21:35.53 21:10.19
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster -18 15 33
Ran Season Best -2 9 11
Average Time +32.99 23:57.39 23:24.40
Median Time +31.30 23:18.50 22:47.20
Middle 80% Times +21.88 23:12.77 22:50.88
Top 10% Times +22.40 18:14.96 17:52.56
Top 25% Times +33.45 19:09.22 18:35.77
Top 50% Times +34.55 20:33.05 19:58.50
Bottom 50% Times +31.44 27:21.74 26:50.30
Bottom 25% Times +52.20 30:53.63 30:01.42
Bottom 10% Times +1:50.96 36:24.42 34:33.46
Average Difference +32.99 -- --
Median Difference +46.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +20.90 -- --
Top 10% Difference +9.58 -- --
Top 50% Difference +27.96 -- --
Top 25% Difference +42.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference +27.96 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +38.03 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +34.06 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:17.30 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
James Talbot Rangely High School +37.30 17:47.30 17:10.00
Owen Gifford Moffat County High School +28.80 18:15.90 17:47.10
Alan Mayer Soroco High School +1:01.00 18:59.80 17:58.80
Carson Laehr Moffat County High School +3:16.10 21:21.80 18:05.70
Slade Bowden Uintah -24.30 18:17.60 18:41.90
Caleb Hadlock Uintah -0.70 18:20.50 18:21.20
Karston Keel Uintah +6.80 18:33.50 18:26.70
Michael Hagney Steamboat Springs High School +34.20 19:23.60 18:49.40
Asher Rowan Steamboat Springs High School +1:49.70 20:50.30 19:00.60
Drew Huber Uintah +44.90 20:14.20 19:29.30
Dean Ratcliff West Grand High School -6.80 19:31.50 19:38.30
Wyatt Rollins Meeker High School -2:08.90 19:34.60 21:43.50
Brodie Anderson Uintah +21.60 20:01.80 19:40.20
Logan Peterson Rangely High School +3:06.00 23:35.40 20:29.40
Justin Allred Rangely High School +1:29.50 22:06.60 20:37.10
Aidan Tapia Meeker High School +1:04.70 21:42.50 20:37.80
Isaac Perez Soroco High School -22.40 20:59.60 21:22.00
William Reilley Steamboat Springs High School +2:18.00 23:18.50 21:00.50
Kate Slaugh Uintah +20.80 21:28.90 21:08.10
Miles Damore Steamboat Springs High School +1:06.50 22:20.40 21:13.90
Karson Fedinec Moffat County High School +21.80 21:36.80 21:15.00
Esteban Aguilar-Pineiro West Grand High School -1:51.00 21:42.10 23:33.10
Wyatt Guthrie West Grand High School -27.40 21:43.70 22:11.10
Grace Olexa Steamboat Springs High School +30.20 22:38.60 22:08.40
Travis LeFevre Moffat County High School -1:10.70 22:24.80 23:35.50
Novella Light Steamboat Springs High School +1:13.70 23:41.70 22:28.00
Kambri Gleason Uintah +46.00 23:33.20 22:47.20
Cameron Hanberg Meeker High School +3:27.20 26:17.20 22:50.00
Taysen Hawkins Uintah +20.70 23:16.70 22:56.00
Josefina Kuberry Moffat County High School +1:08.90 24:09.40 23:00.50
Genny Lee Huber Uintah -2:55.50 23:19.30 26:14.80
Sonny Hankes Steamboat Springs High School -5:28.70 23:20.90 28:49.60
Alyssa LeWarne Moffat County High School +21.50 24:09.60 23:48.10
Gracie Hast West Grand High School +0.80 23:51.20 23:50.40
Lillian Hammer Steamboat Springs High School -3:27.90 23:50.50 27:18.40
Avery Olson Steamboat Springs High School +21.80 24:28.50 24:06.70
Joslyn Bacon Moffat County High School +18.50 24:40.00 24:21.50
Gage Nielsen Rangely High School +1:45.70 26:09.00 24:23.30
Sara Lechman West Grand High School +1:42.20 26:19.90 24:37.70
Hannah Kilpatrick Moffat County High School +1:09.60 26:52.80 25:43.20
Taysia Richens Uintah +2:51.90 28:40.00 25:48.10
Vincent Schenk West Grand High School +11:42.80 38:25.00 26:42.20
Haylee Steele Meeker High School +4:25.70 31:19.20 26:53.50
Macy Morgan Rangely High School -4:24.90 26:53.60 31:18.50
Cassie Myklusch Steamboat Springs High School -2:00.00 27:43.50 29:43.50
Aspen Bennett-Manke Steamboat Springs High School -3:21.30 28:25.40 31:46.70
Chris Lopez Hernandez Steamboat Springs High School -4.00 39:06.70 39:10.70
Luke Leaghty West Grand High School +3:43.30 44:31.20 40:47.90