Doherty Spartan Cross Country Invitational 2022

Colorado Springs, CO
Timing/Results D11 Timing

Meet Information


$300 per team or $150 per gender

Meet Schedule

2:30pm Girls JV (Unlimited entries, score 5)

3:15pm Boys JV (Unlimited entries, score 5)

3:45pm Girls Varsity (7 entries, score 5)

4:15pm Boys Varsity (7 entries, score 5)

5:00pm Awards

Entry Fee: $150.00 for one team (boys or girls only) or $300 for the entire team.  No reduction of fee if only bringing Varsity or JV.

Checks can be made payable to Doherty High School.

Entry deadline Wednesday October 5, 8:00am Mountain Time

Mail checks to

Doherty High School Business Office

4515 Barnes Rd.

Colorado Springs, CO 80917

Race day payments accepted at check in tent.

For Buses Directions: I-25 exit Cimarron/ Hwy 24 go West to 8th and turn Left. Go a quarter mile to Lower Gold Camp Road, Turn Right. Go half mile to Penrose Equestrian Center. Turn left on Rio Grande. Go 1/2 mile to the park. Large buses will drop kids off within the park, then proceed back to Penrose Equestrian Center to Park in the far West Lot. Activity buses will park within the park. You may also take Hwy. 24 to 21st street and turn left. Take a left at Rio Grande.

Parking: Spectators park on West side of 21st at the athletic fields. Team buses will park at Penrose Equestrian Center. Only Handicapped parking and activity buses will be able to park in the parking lot located off Rio Grande within the park.

Team Camps: Canopies need to stay in the fields North and East of the Garden Area.

Please help us in keeping teams away from the goats fenced in area.


o No spectators or athletes in the community garden

o No parking within the park except activity buses and handicapped parking and no parking in the Dog Park

o Make sure your camp area is cleaned before you leave.

Garbage bags will be provided to each team


Rob Duensing, Cross Country Coach, 

Fax: 719-328-6483