Fort Morgan Cross Country Invitational 2009

Fort Morgan, CO

Fort Morgan Cross Country Invitational 2009 vs Ft. Morgan Cross Country Invitational 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -157 196 353
Overall Average -43.39 22:44.23 23:27.62
1st-10th Place +13.22 17:42.31 17:29.09
1st-25th Place +15.20 18:17.05 18:01.86
1st-50th Place +24.09 18:58.73 18:34.63
1st-100th Place +33.19 19:59.72 19:26.53
Common Athletes -- -- 35
Ran Faster -25 5 30
Ran Season Best -- 35 35
Average Time +1:10.98 22:34.06 21:23.08
Median Time -19.60 21:02.20 21:21.80
Middle 80% Times +58.26 22:04.01 21:05.75
Top 10% Times +56.40 18:34.40 17:38.00
Top 25% Times +1:07.12 19:14.70 18:07.58
Top 50% Times +53.17 20:00.52 19:07.36
Bottom 50% Times +1:24.85 23:52.37 22:27.52
Bottom 25% Times +2:01.10 27:32.59 25:31.49
Bottom 10% Times +2:54.25 30:55.88 28:01.63
Average Difference +1:10.98 -- --
Median Difference -14.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +58.93 -- --
Top 10% Difference +38.55 -- --
Top 50% Difference +53.87 -- --
Top 25% Difference +53.36 -- --
Top 50% Difference +53.87 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:23.37 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:29.81 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:54.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Isaac Alegria Platte Valley High School +1:05.90 18:27.90 17:22.00
Isaiah Martinez Fort Morgan High School +46.40 18:20.50 17:34.10
Cash Merritt Eaton High School +1:32.10 19:15.40 17:43.30
Nate Marquez Rangeview High School +1:10.70 19:03.30 17:52.60
Forrest Hough Fort Morgan High School +2:32.20 20:27.40 17:55.20
Josef Gertner Fort Morgan High School +30.20 18:27.50 17:57.30
Marcus Longwell Eaton High School +2:06.30 20:52.00 18:45.70
Rikki Gonzales Rangeview High School +11.70 19:01.70 18:50.00
Brian Williamson Valley High School +1:19.70 20:27.70 19:08.00
Tyler Jordan Resurrection Christian High School +1:35.20 20:57.90 19:22.70
Aaron Joseph Greeley Central High School +1:04.30 20:45.70 19:41.40
Octavio Andazola Greeley Central High School +1.70 19:57.60 19:55.90
Tyler Sherman Greeley Central High School +1:04.30 21:02.20 19:57.90
Cristian Wacker Platte Valley High School +41.40 20:40.20 19:58.80
Stephen Wenger Rangeview High School +9.30 20:11.00 20:01.70
R. w. Jett Platte Valley High School +39.50 20:46.30 20:06.80
Justin Wert Platte Valley High School -7.20 20:30.00 20:37.20
Emma Otto Berthoud High School -1:00.00 20:55.10 21:55.10
Olivier Jennifer Greeley Central High School -14.10 21:11.70 21:25.80
Matt Howard Greeley Central High School -3:01.90 21:14.00 24:15.90
Jill Martin Eaton High School +3:37.30 24:59.10 21:21.80
Ben Hoyer Resurrection Christian High School +3:53.30 25:15.80 21:22.50
Dylan Artzer Sterling High School +2:48.70 24:12.40 21:23.70
Anthony Mozal Valley High School +52.90 22:44.10 21:51.20
Dillon Fagler Berthoud High School +1:09.10 23:12.80 22:03.70
Abby Schorg Platte Valley High School +56.50 23:04.90 22:08.40
Alexous Montoya Rangeview High School +8.40 22:29.90 22:21.50
Sara Keller Fort Morgan High School +2:34.50 25:21.50 22:47.00
Adrienne Bohlen Fort Morgan High School +52.70 23:46.80 22:54.10
Sam Skipworth Resurrection Christian High School +58.20 24:21.00 23:22.80
Julia Baltazar Wiggins High School -12.00 24:05.10 24:17.10
Kate Weimer Merino High School +2:52.10 27:43.90 24:51.80
Courtney Peterson Resurrection Christian High School +17.00 26:01.30 25:44.30
Jessika Gill Merino High School +2:58.20 32:04.60 29:06.40
Allison Becker Resurrection Christian High School +5:29.70 37:53.70 32:24.00