Whistle Pig Inv @ YVGC 2023

Craig, CO

Whistle Pig Inv @ YVGC 2023 vs Whistle Pig Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -62 78 140
Overall Average +4.47 22:50.29 22:45.83
1st-10th Place +48.99 18:17.80 17:28.81
1st-25th Place +1:11.88 19:30.52 18:18.64
1st-50th Place +1:41.80 20:56.50 19:14.70
1st-100th Place -3:06.24 17:48.83 20:55.07
Common Athletes -- -- 42
Ran Faster 4 23 19
Ran Season Best 14 23 9
Average Time -4.37 22:08.17 22:12.53
Median Time +15.90 22:22.00 22:06.10
Middle 80% Times -5.07 22:15.44 22:20.51
Top 10% Times +51.60 18:16.20 17:24.60
Top 25% Times +44.83 19:04.91 18:20.08
Top 50% Times +35.36 20:12.81 19:37.45
Bottom 50% Times -44.10 24:03.52 24:47.62
Bottom 25% Times -1:06.02 25:13.55 26:19.56
Bottom 10% Times -1:20.86 26:28.00 27:48.86
Average Difference -4.37 -- --
Median Difference -1:14.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.98 -- --
Top 10% Difference +55.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +40.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference +40.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference +40.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -49.69 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:10.75 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:46.26 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
James Talbot Rangely High School -39.70 16:38.00 17:17.70
Nick Clark Soroco High School +2:04.60 19:11.00 17:06.40
Haven Carr Moffat County High School +2:09.00 19:20.00 17:11.00
Asher Rowan Steamboat Springs High School +11.50 17:46.00 17:34.50
Zachary Womble Moffat County High School +49.60 18:43.00 17:53.40
Brady Nunez Moffat County High School +1:38.60 20:18.00 18:39.40
Daniel Gomez Moffat County High School +47.90 19:46.00 18:58.10
Taya Wren Rangely High School +1:17.70 20:16.00 18:58.30
Wyatt Rollins Meeker High School -23.80 19:03.00 19:26.80
Xavier Knott Steamboat Springs High School +2:40.90 21:49.00 19:08.10
Joseph Valdez Rangely High School -1.20 19:26.00 19:27.20
Drew Picking Steamboat Springs High School -25.50 19:27.00 19:52.50
Cameron Hanberg Meeker High School +42.80 20:33.00 19:50.20
Quentin Nance Steamboat Springs High School +1:19.00 21:11.00 19:52.00
Keaton Madigan Steamboat Springs High School +1:51.20 22:47.00 20:55.80
Ayla Oslowski Steamboat Springs High School -1:09.20 20:58.00 22:07.20
Novella Light Steamboat Springs High School -8.80 21:12.00 21:20.80
Lupita Jaconetta Soroco High School -3.50 21:13.00 21:16.50
Travis LeFevre Moffat County High School +13.00 21:48.00 21:35.00
Davis Brosterhous Steamboat Springs High School -1:14.60 21:39.00 22:53.60
Alyssa LeWarne Moffat County High School +53.70 22:41.00 21:47.30
Josefina Kuberry Moffat County High School +32.20 22:22.00 21:49.80
Cooper Ross Steamboat Springs High School -2:39.70 21:50.00 24:29.70
Sonny Hankes Steamboat Springs High School +59.40 23:05.00 22:05.60
Jensen Oliveras Steamboat Springs High School +1:57.90 24:04.00 22:06.10
Evie Fisher Steamboat Springs High School +57.10 23:07.00 22:09.90
Gage Nielsen Rangely High School -1:39.50 22:22.00 24:01.50
Hailey Znamenacek Steamboat Springs High School -25.40 22:29.00 22:54.40
Grace Olexa Steamboat Springs High School -1:26.70 22:31.00 23:57.70
Gigi Lobeck Steamboat Springs High School -47.80 22:36.00 23:23.80
Zoe Anfang Steamboat Springs High School -2:16.30 23:00.00 25:16.30
Matthew Morgan Rangely High School -2:00.50 23:07.00 25:07.50
Hannah Kilpatrick Moffat County High School +1:17.10 24:50.00 23:32.90
Nate Kottcamp Steamboat Springs High School -4:01.30 23:34.00 27:35.30
Molly Smith Soroco High School -2:34.40 23:37.00 26:11.40
Isabelle Drobek Steamboat Springs High School +1:43.30 25:41.00 23:57.70
Anna Schumacher Steamboat Springs High School -5.90 24:22.00 24:27.90
Courtney Casto Rangely High School -16.10 24:42.00 24:58.10
Luka Russell Steamboat Springs High School -1:28.70 25:02.00 26:30.70
Haley Duran Moffat County High School -17.60 26:10.00 26:27.60
Lillian Hammer Steamboat Springs High School -1:17.40 27:13.00 28:30.40
Alexander Dismuke Steamboat Springs High School -1:46.30 28:14.00 30:00.30