Rattlesnake Rumble 2024

Fort Collins, CO
Timing/Results Finish Line Timing

Athlete Entries

MS & CARA 13-14 Boys 4k Run 324 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pettijohn, Benton Kinard Middle School
Reed, Cedar Lesher Middle School
Watz, James Blevins Middle School
Grenadas, Bryan Wellington Middle School
Cavanagh, Zak Webber Middle School
Giusti, Connor Kinard Middle School
Hathaway, Leo Timnath Middle School
Calton, Walker Boltz Middle School
Dunnington, Luke Kinard Middle School
Patella, Sam Webber Middle School
Dodge, Calvin Kinard Middle School
Gray, Matthew Timnath Middle School
Overacker, Titus Boltz Middle School
Klein, Flynn Kinard Middle School
Woodmansee, Zachary Kinard Middle School
Middlecamp, Jayden Lesher Middle School
Jarvis, Jackson Blevins Middle School
Cameron, Chris Boltz Middle School
Stow, Owen Kinard Middle School
Stellmon, Emry Kinard Middle School
Von Fischer, Theodore Lesher Middle School
O'Leary, Mason Blevins Middle School
Otzenberger, Sam Preston Middle School
Anderson, Rowan Webber Middle School
Brady, David Kinard Middle School
Massara, Luke Webber Middle School
Talbot, Jack Boltz Middle School
Abbott, Jeremiah Kinard Middle School
ODell, Liam Lesher Middle School
Riggs, Grayson Kinard Middle School
Tate, Evan Lesher Middle School
Bowman, Hudson Preston Middle School
Myers, Isaac Timnath Middle School
Magnan, Auguste Boltz Middle School
Whelan, Grady Kinard Middle School
Kirkpatrick, Thomson Lesher Middle School
Corbitt, Anthony Mountain Sage Community School
McBreen, Sawyer Kinard Middle School
Pease, Milo Lesher Middle School
Anderson, Evan Wellington Middle School
Whitney, Boden Preston Middle School
Carter, Jackson Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Jude, Chavez Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Furxhi, Ian Webber Middle School
Habbley, Sawyer Kinard Middle School
Toman, Asher Webber Middle School
Foster, Landon Kinard Middle School
Allen, Bradley Timnath Middle School
Guerrero, Carlos Boltz Middle School
Gurkan, Arda Kinard Middle School
Kick, Joshua Kinard Middle School
Weatherby, Logan Lesher Middle School
Herrera, ChrisAngel Blevins Middle School
Heaslip, Conor Webber Middle School
Chen, Logan Kinard Middle School
Clark, Aubyn Timnath Middle School
Matthews, Connor Boltz Middle School
Bustamante, Asher Kinard Middle School
Tillman, William Kinard Middle School
Cavendish, Vincent Lesher Middle School
Bowers, Ryder Blevins Middle School
Rummery, Garrick Kinard Middle School
Zambrano, Oakley Lesher Middle School
Russell, Myles Preston Middle School
Russell, Sam Webber Middle School
Wuertz, Tyndall Webber Middle School
Alexander, Rowan Kinard Middle School
Azad, Adolbrahim Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Ibis, Dax Webber Middle School
Jaeger, Aiden Kinard Middle School
Maulsby, Ryker Lesher Middle School
Willett, Ian Timnath Middle School
Poppema, Carter Boltz Middle School
Brown, Kellen Webber Middle School
Sedelmeier, Camden Kinard Middle School
Ward, Anderson Lesher Middle School
Otsuga, Denshin Kinard Middle School
Schipanski, Alex Lesher Middle School
Lentz, Theodore Preston Middle School
Liam, Bollinger Deters Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Konstanty, Lucas Kinard Middle School
Parks, August Lesher Middle School
Harris, Dylan Wellington Middle School
Coonley, Tim Webber Middle School
Grant, John Kinard Middle School
Held, Theodore Timnath Middle School
Carnahan, Martin Boltz Middle School
McNairy, Ethan Kinard Middle School
Phankot, Devin Webber Middle School
Duncan, Sawyer Kinard Middle School
Luker, Landon Timnath Middle School
Robinson, Coen Boltz Middle School
Klein, Brecken Kinard Middle School
Sachi, Yashu Kinard Middle School
Perry, Wyatt Lesher Middle School
Sidgwick, Sam Blevins Middle School
Devine, Ely Boltz Middle School
Hjelmfelt, Carter Kinard Middle School
Stevens, Tyler Kinard Middle School
Zukowski, Ben Lesher Middle School
Forster, Owen Blevins Middle School
Lehrman, Stella Preston Middle School
Drake, Barrett Webber Middle School
Carey, Connor Kinard Middle School
Munsil, Evan Webber Middle School
Mwaikusa, Kihano Boltz Middle School
Adams, Lewis Kinard Middle School
Notermann, Cuyler Lesher Middle School
Podany, Joshua Kinard Middle School
Riley, Hunter Kinard Middle School
Wiebe, Hank Lesher Middle School
Drinnen, Wyatt Preston Middle School
Han, Elbert Kinard Middle School
Baldwin, Nicolai Lesher Middle School
Papadopoulous, Marshall Timnath Middle School
Murphy, Tristan Boltz Middle School
Runnels, Miles Kinard Middle School
Villasenor, Francisco Lesher Middle School
Bazoin, Antoine Mountain Sage Community School
Bantham, Ryan Kinard Middle School
McDonald, Owen Kinard Middle School
Powelka, Jackson Lesher Middle School
Ahola, Sam Wellington Middle School
Goodwin, Jacob Preston Middle School
Winston, Jackson Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Mark, Franzel Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Halvorson, Carter Webber Middle School
Dawson, Jaxon Wellington Middle School
Williams, Bennett Webber Middle School
Frye, Jackson Kinard Middle School
Diaz, Callan Timnath Middle School
Adams, Rand Boltz Middle School
Wilson, Cameron Kinard Middle School
Henrie, Jack Kinard Middle School
Hood, Calder Lesher Middle School
Tompkins, Jude Blevins Middle School
Henderson, Cole Webber Middle School
Clary, Miles Kinard Middle School
Error, Bensen Timnath Middle School
McBride, Alec Boltz Middle School
KAISER, Easton Kinard Middle School
Williams, Harry Kinard Middle School
Fritz, Koen Lesher Middle School
Babbitt, Talon Blevins Middle School
Rebecky, Evan Kinard Middle School
Shufflebarger, Brevan Kinard Middle School
Connolly, Jack Lesher Middle School
Caldwell, Charlie Blevins Middle School
Shields, Miles Preston Middle School
Arakawa, Alexander Kinard Middle School
Ciezak, Nathanael Boltz Middle School
Rohan, Bhowmik Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Johnson, Miles Webber Middle School
Jathar, Vedant Kinard Middle School
Michaud, Desmond Lesher Middle School
Sandoval, Sebastian Timnath Middle School
Ramirez, William Boltz Middle School
Canonico, Charles Kinard Middle School
Harper, Alex Lesher Middle School
Pahwa, Anay Kinard Middle School
Sharp, Grayson Lesher Middle School
Rauscher, Eli Preston Middle School
Raylan, Owen Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Sweet, Bridger Kinard Middle School
Green, Bode Lesher Middle School
Roper, Noah Wellington Middle School
Duffy, Jacob Webber Middle School
Gray, Luke Kinard Middle School
Jordan, Cooper Timnath Middle School
Coons, Maxwell Boltz Middle School
Schroeder, Hank Webber Middle School
Erickson, Ryker Kinard Middle School
Miwa, Jackson Timnath Middle School
Wagner, Luke Boltz Middle School
Reinke, Theo Kinard Middle School
Anderson, Luke Kinard Middle School
Rapley, Stewart Lesher Middle School
Allen, Sam Blevins Middle School
Gomez-Rickard, Nico Wellington Middle School
Fundalinski, Ethan Webber Middle School
Cey, Charlie Kinard Middle School
Eyler, Samuel Boltz Middle School
Shannon, Damon Kinard Middle School
Stribley, Griffin Kinard Middle School
Anderson, Max Lesher Middle School
Lok, Simon Blevins Middle School
Kanson, Jon Preston Middle School
Kieffer, Elijah Preston Middle School
Ritchie, Dustin Webber Middle School
Waible, Erik Boltz Middle School
Adnan, Zain Kinard Middle School
Frey, Oliver Lesher Middle School
Rogers, Ramsey Kinard Middle School
Williams, Walt Lesher Middle School
Lord, Aiden Blevins Middle School
Harris, Sabastian Webber Middle School
Havlik, William Kinard Middle School
Hess, Garrison Lesher Middle School
Purhoit, Jacob Timnath Middle School
Murray, Jackson Boltz Middle School
Combelic-Everett, Shane Kinard Middle School
Freve, Errol Lesher Middle School
Moyer, Nathan Kinard Middle School
Reese, Kellen Lesher Middle School
Bejarano-Pando, Anthony Wellington Middle School
Bordelon, Matthew Preston Middle School
Owen, Newman Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Martinez, Phoenix Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Booker, Anthony Wellington Middle School
Anderson, Ray Webber Middle School
Ghisiawan, Dominic Kinard Middle School
Gilchrist, Jack Timnath Middle School
Belcher, Brian Boltz Middle School
Hung, Christopher Kinard Middle School
Wilson, Finn Kinard Middle School
Gilmore, Charlie Lesher Middle School
Urpsis, Theo Blevins Middle School
Landers, Kieran Webber Middle School
Davis, Jack Kinard Middle School
Hinton, Lorenzo Timnath Middle School
Miltenberg, Liam Boltz Middle School
Perrich, Brooks Kinard Middle School
Winn, Thomas Kinard Middle School
Mason, Arlo Lesher Middle School
Cudek, Grayson Blevins Middle School
Canterbury, Rye Timnath Middle School
Yager, Conrad Boltz Middle School
Kaufman, Graham Kinard Middle School
Stefaniw, Colton Kinard Middle School
Todd, Miles Lesher Middle School
Ruffer, Rigby Blevins Middle School
Singh, Shivang Preston Middle School
Benson, Noah Webber Middle School
Bau, Keaton Kinard Middle School
Jayvien (JJ), Garcia Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Long, Jackson Webber Middle School
Kramer, Jack Kinard Middle School
Patel, Nayan Lesher Middle School
Torreblanca Popescu, Andre Timnath Middle School
Sifuentes, Lucas Boltz Middle School
Du, Yilan Kinard Middle School
Ritner, Benji Lesher Middle School
Hillyer, Wilson Kinard Middle School
Porter, Isaac Kinard Middle School
Sueltenfuss, Max Lesher Middle School
Malone, Kian Preston Middle School
Heath, Eccelsto Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Joyce, Drew Timnath Middle School
Freeman, Benjamin Boltz Middle School
Rinehart, William Kinard Middle School
Kimball, Ezra Lesher Middle School
Sloey, Stockton Wellington Middle School
Caston, Maxwell Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Ebel, Ansel Webber Middle School
Grissom, Rylan Kinard Middle School
Suft, Henry Webber Middle School
Esplin, Nathan Kinard Middle School
Swilling, Cooper Timnath Middle School
Steward, Harper Boltz Middle School
Dietrich, Micah Kinard Middle School
Gotti, Ethan Kinard Middle School
Steele-Wannemacher, Hunter Lesher Middle School
Bryan, Elijah Blevins Middle School
Hall, Archer Webber Middle School
Chen, Leo Kinard Middle School
Bishop, Haden Timnath Middle School
Hart, Colvin Boltz Middle School
Kardos, Samuel Kinard Middle School
Thayer, Simon Kinard Middle School
Borrayo Henderson, Juan Lesher Middle School
Busch, Gus Blevins Middle School
Zambrano, Graham Lesher Middle School
Larson, Caleb Blevins Middle School
Knopp, Cashtin Preston Middle School
Rosazza, Abel Webber Middle School
Wittemyer, Korbin Webber Middle School
Ahmed, Azaan Kinard Middle School
Rue, Dalton Kinard Middle School
Weston, Vedder Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Herrmann, Ellis Webber Middle School
Huang, Jien Kinard Middle School
Lucas, Owen Lesher Middle School
Whitcomb, Trey Timnath Middle School
Jack, Obester Boltz Middle School
Underwood, Paddy Webber Middle School
Stark, Harrison Kinard Middle School
Perez-Jimenez, Liam Lesher Middle School
Ornitz, Henry Kinard Middle School
Richen, Henry Lesher Middle School
Jones, Beckett Preston Middle School
Tobias, Schmid Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Carey, Ezra 15:47.60 Kinard Middle School
Chen, Clark 16:04.30 Kinard Middle School
Le, Thinh 16:13.40 Kinard Middle School
Helgerson, Cash 16:27.70 Lesher Middle School
Klein, Cruze 16:28.20 Kinard Middle School
Green, Ryder 16:34.50 Webber Middle School
Emery, Noah 17:04.90 Webber Middle School
Dixon, Declan 17:36.00 Lesher Middle School
Scharf, Bentley 17:51.30 Webber Middle School
Slauson, Brady 17:53.20 Webber Middle School
Singleton, Milo 18:07.60 Lesher Middle School
Sloan, Asher 18:14.10 Lesher Middle School
Kuhlman, Calvin 18:20.70 Blevins Middle School
Held Jr., Daniel 18:32.00 Timnath Middle School
Gaida, Evan 18:46.20 Kinard Middle School
Weatherhogg, Callum 19:02.40 Timnath Middle School
Dietrich, Cooper 19:11.70 Lesher Middle School
Thomas, Desmond 19:28.70 Timnath Middle School
Sartin, Joseph 19:33.00 Webber Middle School
Daylin, Rowan 19:34.80 Blevins Middle School
Rodgers, Cooper 19:42.70 Kinard Middle School
Stow, Gavin 19:46.50 Kinard Middle School
Sloan, Reed 19:49.30 Lesher Middle School
Sears, Cj 20:23.30 Mountain Sage Community School
Moran, Konnor 20:32.00 Wellington Middle School
Rulli, Luca 20:46.10 Lesher Middle School
Schmid, Hunter 21:01.00 Wellington Middle School
Wick, Micah 22:20.90 Lesher Middle School
Hofferber, Cooper 22:25.00 Webber Middle School
Trostel, Brendan 23:32.10 Wellington Middle School
von Fischer, Theo 23:57.10 Lesher Middle School
Bradshaw, Eli 24:02.10 Kinard Middle School
Walker, Aidan 26:51.80 Kinard Middle School
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MS & CARA 13-14 Girls 4k Run 283 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Money, Lyla Preston Middle School
Rummel, Harper Timnath Middle School
Evelyn, Jewel Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Lopez, Rockelle Webber Middle School
Bureau, Avery Boltz Middle School
Carey, Paige Kinard Middle School
Pursley, Emma Lesher Middle School
Hawley, Emily Webber Middle School
Klein, Rose Boltz Middle School
Bates, Annabelle Kinard Middle School
Brennan, Althea Lesher Middle School
Morgan, Madison Preston Middle School
Vorndam, Audrey Preston Middle School
Luker, Hallie Timnath Middle School
Mabel, Slootmaker Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Michie, Spenser Kinard Middle School
Moore, Simone Kinard Middle School
Pays-Volard, Elsa Preston Middle School
Canterbury, Charlie Timnath Middle School
Natalie, Bovee Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Smith, Abigail Kinard Middle School
Read, Nona Boltz Middle School
Olind, Mia Kinard Middle School
Materi, Olivia Kinard Middle School
Hahn, Amelia Preston Middle School
Braverman, Eliora Mountain Sage Community School
Sturm, Elliana Webber Middle School
James, Maci Wellington Middle School
Myers, Adelaide Timnath Middle School
Goble, Natalie (Nat) Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Gao, Sophia Kinard Middle School
Leland, Heidi Lesher Middle School
Hickman, Emily Blevins Middle School
Hoyer, Vivian Kinard Middle School
Wallis, Emma Blevins Middle School
West, Beatrice Preston Middle School
Sharpe, Kristine Timnath Middle School
Hruby, Huskie Webber Middle School
Krewson, Noelle Kinard Middle School
Bennett, Hayden Webber Middle School
Kaiser, Scout Webber Middle School
Reid, Miriam Boltz Middle School
Bane, Lillian Kinard Middle School
Goldstein, Shoshana Lesher Middle School
Grabau, Ella Preston Middle School
Redmon, Hazel Timnath Middle School
Frances, Carter Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Blair Michel, Erin Boltz Middle School
Jensen, Addelyn Kinard Middle School
Giuliani, Olive Lesher Middle School
Svare, Eva Preston Middle School
Sena, Harlee Preston Middle School
Keeton, Grier Timnath Middle School
Teal, Harwich Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Viney, Josephine Kinard Middle School
Apawu, Danielle Timnath Middle School
Chavez, viviana Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Saunders, Eryn Kinard Middle School
Cornell, Natalie Boltz Middle School
Lyle, Kamber Kinard Middle School
Morgan, Colette Lesher Middle School
Lyneis, Gabrielle Preston Middle School
Schneider, Malia Mountain Sage Community School
Woodring, Olivia Webber Middle School
Jonez, Madeline Kinard Middle School
Kennedy, Harper Lesher Middle School
Lucero, Lexy Blevins Middle School
Bean, Brylee Preston Middle School
Greenburg, Emerson Timnath Middle School
Lawrence, Mayla Mountain Sage Community School
Reding, Evelyn Webber Middle School
Booker, Leilani Wellington Middle School
Dabbs, Mia Timnath Middle School
Meyer, Taylor Kinard Middle School
Cornman, Zoe Webber Middle School
Edler, Chloe Blevins Middle School
Ruffer, Mackenzie Preston Middle School
Swenson, Brooke Timnath Middle School
Simpson, Emma Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Kruczynski, Mia Webber Middle School
Hyatt, Shaina Boltz Middle School
Curl, Savanna Kinard Middle School
Schmierer, Juna Lesher Middle School
Kahn, Lyra Webber Middle School
Liptak, Elise Boltz Middle School
West, Allie Kinard Middle School
Breshears, Imogene Lesher Middle School
Vorndam, Lydia Preston Middle School
McCaulley, Teagan Timnath Middle School
Olive, Williams Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
White, Lillian Kinard Middle School
Stone, Isadora (Izzy) Lesher Middle School
Russell, Ava Preston Middle School
Cordova, Lillei-Anna Timnath Middle School
Hadelyn (Haddie), Bowers Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Solomons, Georgia Kinard Middle School
Stokes, Amanda Boltz Middle School
Olofsson, Emmelina Kinard Middle School
Riggs, Rachel Kinard Middle School
Jenk, Laynie Preston Middle School
Nepal, Samriddhi Mountain Sage Community School
Trujillo, Sophia Webber Middle School
Purhoit, Julia Timnath Middle School
Hazel, Williams Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Gurung, Jaan Kinard Middle School
Bitler, Linnea Lesher Middle School
Maxwell, Jade Blevins Middle School
Marzolf, Cate Kinard Middle School
Chaffee, Gillian Blevins Middle School
Zanotelli, Sydney Preston Middle School
Salvador, Shayla Timnath Middle School
Laaveg, Tatum Webber Middle School
Kruse, Celia Kinard Middle School
Borlee, Madison Webber Middle School
Shiba, Maia Webber Middle School
Risatti, Autumn Boltz Middle School
Broadley, Bianca Kinard Middle School
Houska, Annie Lesher Middle School
Heilner, Emerson Preston Middle School
Righes, Sophia Timnath Middle School
Eleanor, Holmes Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Carroll, Audrey Boltz Middle School
Manakeshwar, Rusha Kinard Middle School
Mielke, Evelyn Lesher Middle School
Wickersham, Lola Preston Middle School
Kreml, Aspen Timnath Middle School
Maya, Pierce Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Wheeler, Brooklyn Kinard Middle School
Groendyk, Sloane Webber Middle School
Bell, Leighton Timnath Middle School
Penelope, Dewing Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Silva, Gwen Kinard Middle School
Jones, Emma Boltz Middle School
Fillmore, Lauryn Kinard Middle School
Marzolf, Claire Preston Middle School
Housmann, Hallie Mountain Sage Community School
Jurjovec, Piper Kinard Middle School
Knisley, Olive Lesher Middle School
Shannon, Katelyn Kinard Middle School
Oltersdorf, Ellie Blevins Middle School
Brown, Leighton Preston Middle School
Righes, Sofia Timnath Middle School
Anderson, Sunny Mountain Sage Community School
Reilly, Francesca Webber Middle School
Moore, Lela Wellington Middle School
Geraets, Julia Timnath Middle School
Musgrave, Morgan Kinard Middle School
Hobson, Kestrel Webber Middle School
Kley, Cameron Kinard Middle School
Schinkel, Hannah Preston Middle School
Tinklenberg, Mia Timnath Middle School
Woodard, Elliot Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Ebel, Frieda Webber Middle School
Flynn, Daniela Boltz Middle School
Fisher, Zoe Kinard Middle School
Smith, Mia Lesher Middle School
McShane, Elise Webber Middle School
Mooney, Molly Boltz Middle School
Robertson, Leah Kinard Middle School
Chacon, Aleenah Lesher Middle School
Vandenberg, Ellie Preston Middle School
Jensen, Ellie Preston Middle School
McMurdie, Lucy Timnath Middle School
Zoe, Woodruff Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Laturnus, Avril Kinard Middle School
Beggs, Elle Lesher Middle School
Scalzo, Briles Preston Middle School
Giffin, Layla Timnath Middle School
Evelyn, Bowker Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Stinehour, Sierra Kinard Middle School
Miltenberg, Avery Boltz Middle School
Wilson, Mia Timnath Middle School
Pino, Payton Kinard Middle School
OLSEN, Heidi Kinard Middle School
Lesko, Annika Preston Middle School
Miller, Emmie Mountain Sage Community School
Walker, Kate Webber Middle School
Jasso, Milani Kinard Middle School
Suter, Isabella Lesher Middle School
Veliquette, Kate Blevins Middle School
Netzer, Lana Kinard Middle School
Glasser, Reese Blevins Middle School
Morgan, Emmeline Preston Middle School
Mapouka, Benicia Timnath Middle School
Wood, Riley Mountain Sage Community School
Long, Allie Webber Middle School
Rumsey, Lucille Timnath Middle School
Meldrum, Maya Kinard Middle School
Chinski, Samantha Webber Middle School
McNulty, Raegan Preston Middle School
Righes, Marina Timnath Middle School
Robyn, Lloyd Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
O'Hare, Reese Webber Middle School
Rogers, Diana Boltz Middle School
Campbell, Gwenyth Kinard Middle School
Kirkpatrick, Charlotte Lesher Middle School
Grossnickle, Jordyn Webber Middle School
Dudley, Quinn Boltz Middle School
Yan, Rhonda Kinard Middle School
Sprain, Sophia Lesher Middle School
Bozek, Natalie Preston Middle School
Kuethe, Ella Timnath Middle School
Elise, Schwartz Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Winslow, Jasmine Kinard Middle School
Nina, Leah Preston Middle School
Bruso, Willow Timnath Middle School
Brooke, Duffy Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Sitzmann, Stephanie Kinard Middle School
Crist, Audrey Webber Middle School
MacLean, Sky Boltz Middle School
STAUDT, Caroline Kinard Middle School
Nguyen, Piper Kinard Middle School
Hopkins, Mallorie Webber Middle School
Koenig, Maya Kinard Middle School
Rivalcoba-Alfaro, Camila Lesher Middle School
Henry, Olivia Kinard Middle School
Gonzales, Reyna Blevins Middle School
Gozal, Maryam Preston Middle School
Murawski, Ava Timnath Middle School
Miller, Payton Mountain Sage Community School
Snyder, Eva Webber Middle School
Else, Kennadi Wellington Middle School
Latendresse, Aspen Timnath Middle School
Steele, Elizabeth Blevins Middle School
Schinkel, Holly Preston Middle School
Lebsock, Reagan Timnath Middle School
Basalay, Leah Webber Middle School
Franecki, Annalise Kinard Middle School
Quatrano, Claire Lesher Middle School
Newhouse, Meadow Webber Middle School
Nishimura, Ashby Boltz Middle School
Ahmed, Anaya Kinard Middle School
Fitzpatrick, Annie Lesher Middle School
Frey, Brooke Preston Middle School
Rainey, Nevaeh Timnath Middle School
Dailey, Callahan Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Bailey, Meg Boltz Middle School
Sauceda, Hali Kinard Middle School
Cooper-Serna, Zoe Lesher Middle School
Siedlecki, Catherine Preston Middle School
Jarosz, Taylor Timnath Middle School
Ellie, D'Antonio Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Taylor, Sydney Kinard Middle School
Kauffman, Mackynzie Timnath Middle School
Isabelle, Burr Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Podany, Meredith Kinard Middle School
BREITIGAM, Aislynn Kinard Middle School
Loyd, Adele Preston Middle School
Birnbaum, Gardner Mountain Sage Community School
Whitaker, Lily Webber Middle School
Johnson, Katelyn Kinard Middle School
Huzief, Lilou Lesher Middle School
Lynn, Ila Blevins Middle School
Baker, Finlee Preston Middle School
Mapouka, Jeraline Timnath Middle School
Wickland, Zuri Mountain Sage Community School
Meadows, Eliza Webber Middle School
Taillacq, Taylor Wellington Middle School
Burington, Szofia Timnath Middle School
Metzger, Cameron Kinard Middle School
Coonley, Taryn Webber Middle School
Pierce, Kestrel 17:23.70 Blevins Middle School
Novak, Emma 17:55.20 Kinard Middle School
Eldredge, Adeline 18:22.10 Timnath Middle School
Otepka, Jane 18:38.67 Boltz Middle School
Hawkins, Ryann 18:57.00 Webber Middle School
Lockwood, Samantha 19:08.60 Preston Middle School
Bergmann, Aubrey 19:33.50 Webber Middle School
Berg, Katelyn 19:50.00 Preston Middle School
Rinehart, Eliza 19:51.50 Webber Middle School
Longfellow, Lillian 20:01.90 Lesher Middle School
Veltre, Morgan 20:47.50 Preston Middle School
Maya, Madison 21:08.60 Webber Middle School
Longton, Layla 21:08.90 Webber Middle School
Fowler, Ella 21:20.60 Timnath Middle School
Darrow, Sara 22:20.80 Kinard Middle School
Sanders, Zayda 22:51.70 Lesher Middle School
Pinon, Makayla 23:57.40 Kinard Middle School
Stafford, Roxie 25:03.20 Lesher Middle School
Pletsch, Alaina 25:31.20 Preston Middle School
Oltersdorf, Anna 25:46.20 Lesher Middle School
Callie, Harrington 26:37.60 Lincoln Middle School (Ft. Colli
Walker, Caroline 27:04.10 Webber Middle School
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