Erie Weld County JV Meet 2024

Erie, CO

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 100 Meter Dash 59 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Choksey, Gavin 12.02 Erie High School
Theisen, Tommy 12.08 Erie High School
Frank, Isaiah 12.09 Erie High School
Muir, Tyler 12.16 Erie High School
Marrs, Aiden 12.23 Severance High School
Parrish, Collin 12.47 Erie High School
Franco, Aiden 12.51 Greeley Central High School
Navarrete, Osvaldo 12.53 Greeley Central High School
LePrie, Owen 12.54 Erie High School
Martinez, Elijah 12.55 Greeley Central High School
Guiterrez-Proano, Pedro 12.57 Greeley Central High School
Ranjit, Jason 12.69 Prospect Ridge Academy
Ranjit, Josh 12.73 Prospect Ridge Academy
Cahoun, Garrett 12.73 Frederick High School
Greene, Joseph 12.74 Erie High School
Arnold, Jack 12.79 Erie High School
Norwood, Hayden 12.80 Frederick High School
Rossman, Blake 12.82 Severance High School
Locricchio, Cameron 12.83 Erie High School
Krayna, Carter 12.83 Frederick High School
Gonzalez, Manuel 12.84 Greeley Central High School
Haggerty, Tavan 12.90h Frederick High School
Shipman, Bryce 12.98 Erie High School
Lambert, Micah 13.00h Severance High School
Villanueva, Diego 13.01 Platte Valley High School
Beyer, Chris 13.07 Prospect Ridge Academy
Stock, Nathan 13.09 Erie High School
Lettis, Colt 13.10 Erie High School
Holokahi-Wilkinson, Tyrie 13.18 Frederick High School
Martinez, Royce 13.25 Greeley Central High School
Gonzalez, Ethan 13.40 Severance High School
Romano, Mateo 13.41 Erie High School
Gartrell, Jacob 13.41 Erie High School
Barrentine, WIlliam 13.41 Severance High School
Miller, Jude 13.43 Erie High School
Chavez, Diego 13.44 Prospect Ridge Academy
Remy, Ushindi 13.47 Greeley Central High School
Joy, Keanu 13.51 Frederick High School
Eckard, Avery 13.63 Severance High School
Tucker, Ryan 13.68 Erie High School
Xiong, Jamison 13.76 Frederick High School
Rajtar, Jozef 13.78 Erie High School
Kenna, Baylor 13.88 Prospect Ridge Academy
Reinhart, Oscar 13.91 Platte Valley High School
Hott, Sean 13.96 Frederick High School
Pankoff, Justin 14.04 Frederick High School
Keel, Braydon 14.04 Highland High School
Zink, Caleb 14.10 Frederick High School
Chavez, Jacob 14.14 Prospect Ridge Academy
Von Feldt, Carson 14.41 Greeley Central High School
Davis, Jordan 14.50h Platte Valley High School
Ibrahim, Jibril 14.55 Greeley Central High School
Nunez, Santiago 14.60 Erie High School
Meza, Daniel 14.67 Platte Valley High School
Pass, AJ 14.90 Erie High School
Kohl, Griffin 15.17 Erie High School
Diaz, Xavier 15.18 Erie High School
Westbrooke, Alexander 15.72 Frederick High School
Kenna, Crew 17.68 Erie High School
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JV Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Eckard, Avery 19.46 Severance High School
Batka, Jason 19.69 Highland High School
Harrison, Jason 20.02 Platte Valley High School
Chambers, Joel 20.38 Frederick High School
Matthews, Owen 21.02 Frederick High School
Duffy, Miles 21.19 Erie High School
Fott, Joseph 21.58 Erie High School
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JV Boys 200 Meter Dash 75 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greene, Joseph 24.50h Erie High School
Frank, Isaiah 24.66 Erie High School
Muir, Tyler 24.80 Erie High School
Haussermann, Ian 25.17 Severance High School
Lambert, Micah 25.36 Severance High School
Parrish, Collin 25.47 Erie High School
Guiterrez-Proano, Pedro 25.47 Greeley Central High School
Theisen, Tommy 25.51 Erie High School
LePrie, Owen 25.51 Erie High School
Navarrete, Osvaldo 25.61 Greeley Central High School
Rossman, Blake 25.64 Severance High School
Ryley, Edward 25.66 Frederick High School
Marrs, Aiden 25.77 Severance High School
Franco, Aiden 25.79 Greeley Central High School
Rajtar, Jozef 26.00h Erie High School
Barrentine, WIlliam 26.00h Severance High School
Norwood, Hayden 26.04 Frederick High School
Loma, Adan 26.09 Greeley Central High School
Woodland, Jack 26.11 Erie High School
Fetwi, Teddy 26.20h Greeley Central High School
Sanchez, Samuel 26.27 Greeley Central High School
Ranjit, Jason 26.27 Prospect Ridge Academy
Ranjit, Josh 26.27 Prospect Ridge Academy
Gonzalez, Manuel 26.32 Greeley Central High School
Cahoun, Garrett 26.34 Frederick High School
Martinez, Elijah 26.44 Greeley Central High School
Cook, Kailer 26.52 Erie High School
Beyer, Chris 26.67 Prospect Ridge Academy
Grigg, Jayden 26.69 Frederick High School
Shipman, Bryce 26.78 Erie High School
Haggerty, Tavan 26.82 Frederick High School
Holokahi-Wilkinson, Tyrie 26.86 Frederick High School
Lettis, Colt 26.90 Erie High School
Matthews, Owen 26.95 Frederick High School
Gonzalez, Ethan 27.00h Severance High School
Krayna, Carter 27.06 Frederick High School
Salazar, Cody 27.10 Frederick High School
Prinkki, Eric 27.17 Erie High School
Arnold, Jack 27.24 Erie High School
Wagner-Grull, Ayden 27.31 Erie High School
Villanueva, Diego 27.36 Platte Valley High School
Olson, Landon 27.47 Frederick High School
Gallardo-Steg , Mason 27.67 Erie High School
Remy, Ushindi 27.77 Greeley Central High School
Gartrell, Jacob 27.89 Erie High School
Miller, Jude 27.95 Erie High School
Brisendine, Logan 28.30 Frederick High School
Locricchio, Cameron 28.40 Erie High School
Chavez, Jacob 28.50h Prospect Ridge Academy
Chavez, Diego 28.50h Prospect Ridge Academy
Batka, Jason 28.50h Highland High School
Kenna, Baylor 28.50h Prospect Ridge Academy
Keel, Braydon 28.89 Highland High School
Lyle, Nathan 28.95 Prospect Ridge Academy
Inserra, Christian 29.13 Frederick High School
Tucker, Ryan 29.18 Erie High School
Stock, Nathan 29.21 Erie High School
Hartsuiker, Ashton 29.41 Frederick High School
Xiong, Jamison 29.50 Frederick High School
Zink, Caleb 29.53 Frederick High School
Knebel, Ethan 29.83 Frederick High School
Pankoff, Justin 29.97 Frederick High School
Joy, Keanu 30.00h Frederick High School
Hott, Sean 30.26 Frederick High School
Falvo, Benjamin 30.37 Frederick High School
Pass, AJ 30.92 Erie High School
Carlson, Cody 31.40 Frederick High School
Meredith, Jack 31.81 Prospect Ridge Academy
Davis, Jordan 32.00h Platte Valley High School
Reinhart, Oscar 32.00h Platte Valley High School
Diaz, Xavier 32.50 Erie High School
Ray, Lane 32.62 Platte Valley High School
Hershey, Andrew 33.18 Frederick High School
Westbrooke, Alexander 33.92 Frederick High School
Vickers, Hunter 37.62 Frederick High School
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JV Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Khan, Mudabbir 1:00.00h Prospect Ridge Academy
Duffy, Miles 48.92 Erie High School
Haussermann, Ian 49.05 Severance High School
Chambers, Joel 49.14 Frederick High School
Harrison, Jason 50.54 Platte Valley High School
Eckard, Avery 52.39 Severance High School
Martinez, Royce 52.52 Greeley Central High School
Fott, Joseph 52.56 Erie High School
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JV Boys 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Will, Gavin 11:14.85 Frederick High School
Brocker, Roy 13:24.60 Severance High School
Huff, Tyler 13:31.72 Severance High School
Kinzie, Aaiden 14:07.71 Severance High School
Baker, Matthew 14:38.64 Severance High School
Willis, Daniel 14:49.45 Highland High School
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JV Boys 400 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neeble, Kayden 1:00.00 Frederick High School
Greene, Joseph 1:00.02 Erie High School
Elder, Acey 1:00.07 Highland High School
Holokahi-Wilkinson, Tyrie 1:00.68 Frederick High School
Lettis, Colt 1:01.00h Erie High School
Ramos-Astorga, Jacob 1:01.90 Greeley Central High School
Gallardo-Steg , Mason 1:02.04 Erie High School
Chavez, Joshua 1:02.80 Prospect Ridge Academy
Brisendine, Logan 1:02.88 Frederick High School
Cruz, Jose 1:03.66 Greeley Central High School
Cahoun, Garrett 1:03.99 Frederick High School
McCoy, Marlow 1:04.12 Frederick High School
Woodard, Tyson 1:04.26 Frederick High School
Inserra, Christian 1:05.10 Frederick High School
Davis, Jordan 1:05.23 Platte Valley High School
Falvo, Benjamin 1:05.51 Frederick High School
Munro, Maximus 1:08.16 Erie High School
Hartsuiker, Ashton 1:08.61 Frederick High School
Johnson, Ethan 1:09.35 Erie High School
Barnett, Macallister 1:10.00h Erie High School
Perez-Ramos, Bryan 1:10.12 Greeley Central High School
Carlson, Cody 1:10.22 Frederick High School
Mendoza Mendoza, Nelson 1:10.77 Greeley Central High School
Mathern, Joshua 1:11.45 Highland High School
Portillo Delgado, Isaiah 1:11.99 Platte Valley High School
Taylor, Sebastian 1:13.72 Platte Valley High School
Sanchez, Samuel 1:14.00 Greeley Central High School
Robbins, Kyan 1:14.85 Prospect Ridge Academy
Ray, Lane 1:15.00h Platte Valley High School
Vargas, Jay 1:15.00h Platte Valley High School
Carillo, Kristian 1:15.37 Greeley Central High School
Mercado Jr., James 1:17.57 Greeley Central High School
Martinez, Royce 1:18.00 Greeley Central High School
Remy, Ushindi 1:20.00 Greeley Central High School
Rowcliffe, Braedyn 1:25.58 Erie High School
Santacruz, Benjamin 1:28.53 Platte Valley High School
Muir, Tyler 55.65 Erie High School
Frank, Isaiah 56.73 Erie High School
Grigg, Jayden 57.09 Frederick High School
Prinkki, Eric 57.87 Erie High School
Rossman, Blake 57.88 Severance High School
Sardina-Castro, Ricardo 58.92 Highland High School
Locricchio, Cameron 59.00h Erie High School
Woodland, Jack 59.85 Erie High School
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JV Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:40.07 Greeley Central High School
Relay Team A 1:40.79 Erie High School
Relay Team B 1:42.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team B 1:42.79 Erie High School
Relay Team A 1:44.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team C 1:50.00 Frederick High School
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JV Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:22.48 Highland High School
Relay Team B 11:10.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team D 11:12.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team C 11:15.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Erie High School
Relay Team A 9:56.00h Frederick High School
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JV Boys 800 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brocker, Roy 2:10.43 Severance High School
Da Silva, Kyle 2:21.00 Severance High School
Cuzner, Josh 2:22.65 Frederick High School
Olson, Caleb 2:23.12 Frederick High School
Luna, Lynes 2:23.13 Greeley Central High School
Neeble, Kayden 2:23.25 Frederick High School
Guerrero, Jovany 2:29.68 Greeley Central High School
Kinzie, Aaiden 2:33.12 Severance High School
Shinn, Evan 2:35.44 Erie High School
Ramos-Astorga, Jacob 2:35.98 Greeley Central High School
Wright, Calvin 2:36.00 Highland High School
Moore, Joshua 2:36.48 Frederick High School
Curtis, Scott 2:36.98 Erie High School
Bishop, Finn 2:37.06 Erie High School
Stevenson, Caleb 2:39.58 Erie High School
Jackson, Stephen 2:41.28 Prospect Ridge Academy
Mendoza Mendoza, Nelson 2:41.29 Greeley Central High School
Chavez, Joshua 2:42.91 Prospect Ridge Academy
Carillo, Kristian 2:44.00 Greeley Central High School
Woodard, Tyson 2:44.96 Frederick High School
Huff, Tyler 2:45.05 Severance High School
Slotter, Jack 2:45.15 Frederick High School
Barnett, Macallister 2:45.78 Erie High School
Munro, Maximus 2:46.53 Erie High School
Flesch, Emil 2:48.54 Frederick High School
Boyce, Noah 2:48.88 Frederick High School
Johnson, Ethan 2:50.31 Erie High School
Perez-Ramos, Bryan 2:56.03 Greeley Central High School
Portillo Delgado, Isaiah 3:02.87 Platte Valley High School
Peloso, Lorenzo 3:03.98 Frederick High School
Mathern, Joshua 3:05.50 Highland High School
Hartsuiker, Connor 3:06.49 Frederick High School
Mercado Jr., James 3:11.15 Greeley Central High School
Oatman, Joshua 3:11.66 Frederick High School
Rowcliffe, Braedyn 3:43.33 Erie High School
Santacruz, Benjamin 3:44.12 Platte Valley High School
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JV Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C 1:49.00h Erie High School
Relay Team A 1:49.23 Greeley Central High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team B 1:50.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team C 1:50.00 Frederick High School
Relay Team D 1:50.00h Erie High School
Relay Team A 1:51.00h Erie High School
Relay Team B 1:55.00h Erie High School
Relay Team A 2:00.34 Prospect Ridge Academy
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JV Boys Discus 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schulz, Jack 122-7 Erie High School
Froid, Connall 113-11 Erie High School
Hettlinger, Noah 111-6 Erie High School
Pellom, John 109-2 Erie High School
Lambert, Micah 104-4 Severance High School
Gartrell, Jacob 99-9 Erie High School
Bollig, Marek 99-1 Severance High School
Chase, Wyatt 97-0 Highland High School
Boyce, Cooper 94-10 Frederick High School
Stright, Marcello 90-1 Greeley Central High School
Falagrady, Noah 88-4 Highland High School
Hawkins, William 85-11 Highland High School
Romano, Mateo 84-8 Erie High School
Gonzalez, Ethan 84-1 Severance High School
Reinhart, Oscar 83-7 Platte Valley High School
Breault, Atticus 80-10 Erie High School
Montes, Arturo 79-5 Highland High School
Moore, Connor 76-0 Frederick High School
Neptune, Marshall 75-11 Severance High School
Hoffner, Jace 75-10 Erie High School
Campbell, AJ 75-0 Erie High School
Stock, Nathan 74-5 Erie High School
Tovar, Isaac 74-0 Platte Valley High School
DeHijar-Rivera, Diego 72-7 Frederick High School
Vargas, Jay 69-11 Platte Valley High School
Chavez, Jacob 69-10 Prospect Ridge Academy
Batka, Jason 69-5 Highland High School
Meza, Daniel 68-2 Platte Valley High School
Firmin, Eddie 68-2 Erie High School
Sammer, Jamie 65-10 Erie High School
Rodriguez, Link 65-6 Prospect Ridge Academy
Von Feldt, Carson 63-10 Greeley Central High School
Pankoff, Justin 59-0 Frederick High School
Allred, Michael 57-10 Frederick High School
Zierlein, Nate 57-0 Frederick High School
Ibrahim, Jibril 48-0 Greeley Central High School
Eikenberg, Jake 45-8 Platte Valley High School
Stozki, Andrew 43-2 Prospect Ridge Academy
Ibrahim, Mohamed 43-0 Greeley Central High School
Nunez, Santiago 36-3 Erie High School
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JV Boys High Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harrison, Jason 5-1 Platte Valley High School
Haussermann, Ian 5-0 Severance High School
Lambert, Micah 4-11 Severance High School
Ranjit, Josh 4-8 Prospect Ridge Academy
Ranjit, Jason 4-8 Prospect Ridge Academy
Chavez, Joshua 4-8 Prospect Ridge Academy
Beyer, Chris 4-8 Prospect Ridge Academy
Garren, Jordan 4-7 Severance High School
Barrentine, WIlliam 4-4 Severance High School
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JV Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Choksey, Gavin 18-0 Erie High School
Grigg, Jayden 17-9 Frederick High School
Marrs, Aiden 17-6.75 Severance High School
Loma, Adan 16-11 Greeley Central High School
Krayna, Carter 16-10 Frederick High School
Caldwell, Ryan 16-9 Greeley Central High School
Rossman, Blake 16-6 Severance High School
Ross, Aerik 16-2 Frederick High School
Sardina-Castro, Ricardo 15-11.5 Highland High School
Xiong, Jamison 15-1 Frederick High School
Ryley, Edward 14-9 Frederick High School
Joy, Keanu 14-8.5 Frederick High School
Lyle, Nathan 14-4 Prospect Ridge Academy
Harrison, Jason 14-2 Platte Valley High School
Romano, Mateo 14-2 Erie High School
Von Feldt, Carson 13-7 Greeley Central High School
Kohl, Griffin 12-2.5 Erie High School
Zink, Caleb 11-8 Frederick High School
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JV Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robbins, Kyan 10-0 Prospect Ridge Academy
Caldwell, Ryan 7-6 Greeley Central High School
Elder, Acey 7-0 Highland High School
Luna, Lynes 6-7 Greeley Central High School
Gore, Eli 6-6 Platte Valley High School
Keel, Braydon 6-6 Highland High School
Curtis, Scott 6-0 Erie High School
Shinn, Evan 6-0 Erie High School
Rowcliffe, Braedyn 6-0 Erie High School
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JV Boys Shot Put 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pellom, John 37-2.5 Erie High School
Herom, Pj 35-3.5 Severance High School
Bollig, Marek 35-3 Severance High School
Sagapolutele, Micah 34-4 Frederick High School
Hettlinger, Noah 34-0 Erie High School
Vondy, Brody 33-6.75 Severance High School
Hawkins, William 33-6 Highland High School
Villines, Logan 33-2 Severance High School
Froid, Connall 32-10 Erie High School
Schulz, Jack 31-9 Erie High School
Chase, Wyatt 31-5 Highland High School
Falagrady, Noah 31-0 Highland High School
Gartrell, Jacob 30-9 Erie High School
Breault, Atticus 30-7 Erie High School
Firmin, Eddie 29-8.5 Erie High School
Neptune, Marshall 28-6 Severance High School
Stright, Marcello 28-5 Greeley Central High School
Gonzalez, Ethan 28-4.5 Severance High School
Reinhart, Oscar 28-3 Platte Valley High School
Mendiola, Augustin 27-0 Severance High School
Sammer, Jamie 26-10 Erie High School
Meza, Daniel 26-9 Platte Valley High School
Ray, Lane 26-3 Platte Valley High School
Montes, Arturo 26-3 Highland High School
Stock, Nathan 25-10 Erie High School
Chavez, Jacob 25-8.5 Prospect Ridge Academy
Allred, Michael 25-1 Frederick High School
Von Feldt, Carson 24-4 Greeley Central High School
Rodriguez, Link 24-1.75 Prospect Ridge Academy
Tovar, Isaac 24-0.5 Platte Valley High School
Vargas, Jay 23-9 Platte Valley High School
DeHijar-Rivera, Diego 23-7.5 Frederick High School
Hoffner, Jace 22-7 Erie High School
Campbell, AJ 22-0 Erie High School
Zierlein, Nate 21-11 Frederick High School
Ibrahim, Jibril 21-6.5 Greeley Central High School
Moore, Connor 20-8.5 Frederick High School
Pankoff, Justin 20-0 Frederick High School
Ibrahim, Mohamed 18-7 Greeley Central High School
Eikenberg, Jake 17-11 Platte Valley High School
Stozki, Andrew 17-10.5 Prospect Ridge Academy
Nunez, Santiago 16-0 Erie High School
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JV Boys Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stevenson, Caleb 36-7 Erie High School
Haussermann, Ian 34-11.5 Severance High School
Salazar, Cody 34-11 Frederick High School
Choksey, Gavin 34-4.5 Erie High School
Chambers, Joel 33-6.25 Frederick High School
Ross, Aerik 33-1.5 Frederick High School
Ryley, Edward 32-0.5 Frederick High School
Batka, Jason 31-5.5 Highland High School
Elder, Acey 28-8.5 Highland High School
Kohl, Griffin 24-10.5 Erie High School
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JV Girls 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Puga, Akadia 14.29 Prospect Ridge Academy
Bingley, Austyn 14.46 Highland High School
Lubuy, Mercy 14.71 Greeley Central High School
Chase, Kendall 14.89 Highland High School
Jackson, Taylor 14.90h Erie High School
Holmes, Kaelyn 14.92 Erie High School
Barney, Kate 15.18 Frederick High School
Ramirez, Ana 15.19 Platte Valley High School
Trevizo, Madelis 15.28 Platte Valley High School
Harrahill, Teagan 15.34 Severance High School
Magee, Jaedyn 15.38 Highland High School
Oreskovich, Tenley 15.51 Greeley Central High School
Luke, Maya 15.54 Erie High School
Merritt, Sylvia 15.55 Prospect Ridge Academy
Stice, Alli 15.63 Severance High School
Halleck, Reese 15.70h Frederick High School
Garcia, Jasmine 15.73 Erie High School
Pettyjohn, Jenessa 15.79 Greeley Central High School
Baxter, Destiny 16.02 Highland High School
Chiappini, Caterina 16.17 Erie High School
Crider, Annabelle 16.19 Highland High School
Fourtas, Betty 16.26 Greeley Central High School
Powell, Aurelia 16.31 Greeley Central High School
Knebel, Kaylee 16.37 Frederick High School
Barthelemy, Marion 16.55 Frederick High School
Camacho, Lea 16.57 Platte Valley High School
Viernes, Sofia 17.14 Platte Valley High School
Shipman, Jayden 17.14 Erie High School
Block, Eliot 17.32 Greeley Central High School
Goodman, Madeline 17.92 Prospect Ridge Academy
Pham, Mary 18.22 Erie High School
Andres, Lucia 18.46 Greeley Central High School
Stewart, Abbie 20.90 Erie High School
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JV Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Elizabeth 17.53 Highland High School
De Kock, Isabella 20.80 Platte Valley High School
Martinez, Emery 21.22 Platte Valley High School
Smith, Olivia 21.33 Platte Valley High School
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JV Girls 200 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Olivia 30.59 Platte Valley High School
Hostert, Kaydence 30.67 Erie High School
Marr, Tessa 31.00h Prospect Ridge Academy
Lubuy, Mercy 31.02 Greeley Central High School
Martinez, Emery 31.32 Platte Valley High School
Holmes, Kaelyn 31.42 Erie High School
Bingley, Austyn 31.46 Highland High School
Portillo, Alana 31.58 Prospect Ridge Academy
Chase, Kendall 31.60 Highland High School
Anderson, Audrey 31.63 Prospect Ridge Academy
Bell, Juliauna 32.18 Frederick High School
Pettyjohn, Jenessa 32.54 Greeley Central High School
Harrahill, Teagan 32.55 Severance High School
Ramirez, Ana 32.63 Platte Valley High School
Trevizo, Madelis 32.75 Platte Valley High School
Magee, Jaedyn 33.04 Highland High School
Oreskovich, Tenley 33.14 Greeley Central High School
Stice, Alli 33.57 Severance High School
Futrell, Hayden 33.68 Frederick High School
Garcia, Jasmine 33.68 Erie High School
Baxter, Destiny 33.71 Highland High School
Luke, Maya 33.73 Erie High School
Fourtas, Betty 33.81 Greeley Central High School
Chiappini, Caterina 34.05 Erie High School
Crider, Annabelle 34.19 Highland High School
Barthelemy, Marion 34.21 Frederick High School
Merritt, Sylvia 34.28 Prospect Ridge Academy
Bosoni, Gaia 34.39 Greeley Central High School
Manzer, Annika 34.57 Greeley Central High School
Jones, Chloe 34.97 Frederick High School
Barney, Kate 35.00 Frederick High School
Knebel, Kaylee 35.54 Frederick High School
Futrell, Harley 35.62 Frederick High School
Quinn, Emily 35.62 Erie High School
Powell, Aurelia 36.16 Greeley Central High School
Shipman, Jayden 36.49 Erie High School
Jackson, Taylor 36.71 Erie High School
Goodman, Madeline 36.90 Prospect Ridge Academy
Block, Eliot 39.22 Greeley Central High School
Pham, Mary 41.36 Erie High School
Stewart, Abbie 48.33 Erie High School
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JV Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Elizabeth 53.76 Highland High School
De Kock, Isabella 57.85 Platte Valley High School
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JV Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunn, Emily 15:06.96 Erie High School
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JV Girls 400 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Meredith 1:11.54 Severance High School
Martinez, Emery 1:11.89 Platte Valley High School
Marr, Tessa 1:12.63 Prospect Ridge Academy
Trevizo, Madelis 1:14.65 Platte Valley High School
Portillo, Alana 1:14.73 Prospect Ridge Academy
Hostert, Kaydence 1:14.96 Erie High School
Archibeque, Leah 1:15.00 Greeley Central High School
Halligan, Emily 1:15.00h Erie High School
Halleck, Reese 1:18.50h Frederick High School
Smith, Shia 1:20.03 Frederick High School
Quinn, Emily 1:20.29 Erie High School
Bell, Juliauna 1:21.56 Frederick High School
Garcia, Jasmine 1:23.77 Erie High School
Harrington, Seren 1:27.24 Platte Valley High School
Futrell, Hayden 1:30.00h Frederick High School
Jones, Chloe 1:30.00h Frederick High School
Futrell, Harley 1:30.00h Frederick High School
Andres, Lucia 1:39.72 Greeley Central High School
Roberts, Rylann 1:46.85 Greeley Central High School
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JV Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:48.88 Erie High School
Relay Team B 1:48.88 Erie High School
Relay Team A 2:00.52 Greeley Central High School
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JV Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:02.05 Erie High School
Relay Team A 12:15.45 Severance High School
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JV Girls 800 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mathis, Jordan 2:44.50 Severance High School
Coe, Madalynne 2:57.53 Severance High School
Archibeque, Leah 2:58.40 Greeley Central High School
Neumann, Hanna 3:10.71 Erie High School
Baker, Meredith 3:12.15 Severance High School
Smith, Shia 3:13.49 Frederick High School
Halligan, Emily 3:17.71 Erie High School
Clemensen, Juliet 3:18.18 Erie High School
Shaw, Adelaide 3:21.18 Erie High School
Todd, Lucy 3:27.79 Erie High School
Harrington, Seren 3:32.21 Platte Valley High School
Quinn, Emily 3:44.99 Erie High School
Andres, Lucia 4:20.46 Greeley Central High School
Roberts, Rylann 4:25.09 Greeley Central High School
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JV Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:10.94 Greeley Central High School
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JV Girls Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gregg - Mitchell, Dakota 94-7 Severance High School
Rollins, Madison 86-0 Erie High School
Johnson, Lana 84-3 Severance High School
Nichols, Brooklyn 80-9 Erie High School
Stendel, Brealea 75-9 Frederick High School
Ceriani, Isabella 72-0 Platte Valley High School
Moreno, Evangelina 71-0 Frederick High School
Gonzales, Alisa 67-1 Severance High School
Van Why, Codi 66-7 Highland High School
Ley, Abrehanna 65-2 Platte Valley High School
Horne, Izzy 63-5 Frederick High School
Jennings, Niomi 62-8 Highland High School
Paz, Marta 55-5 Platte Valley High School
Castelano, Korinna 55-5 Prospect Ridge Academy
Zentveldt, Carly 54-11 Severance High School
Perez, DaijaRae 54-6 Platte Valley High School
Puga, Akadia 53-9 Prospect Ridge Academy
Viernes, Sofia 53-0 Platte Valley High School
Vondy, Faith 48-8 Severance High School
Orlando, Jasmine 46-7 Prospect Ridge Academy
Cerrato, Ava 44-5 Platte Valley High School
Lehmkuhl, Kerha 40-0 Highland High School
Thompson, Mariah 37-5 Platte Valley High School
Garcia, Denise 35-8 Highland High School
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JV Girls High Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fuhrmann, Morgan 4-6 Erie High School
Warlock, Allie 4-4 Erie High School
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JV Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Elizabeth 14-7 Highland High School
De Kock, Isabella 13-6.5 Platte Valley High School
Halleck, Reese 13-5 Frederick High School
Merritt, Sylvia 13-3 Prospect Ridge Academy
Fourtas, Betty 12-11 Greeley Central High School
Fuhrmann, Morgan 12-10.5 Erie High School
Bosoni, Gaia 12-10 Greeley Central High School
Barney, Kate 12-10 Frederick High School
Luke, Maya 12-5.5 Erie High School
Vondy, Faith 12-4.5 Severance High School
Stice, Alli 12-4 Severance High School
Crider, Annabelle 11-5.5 Highland High School
Powell, Aurelia 11-4 Greeley Central High School
Harrahill, Teagan 10-9 Severance High School
Block, Eliot 10-6 Greeley Central High School
Goodman, Madeline 8-9 Prospect Ridge Academy
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JV Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Camacho, Lea 6-0 Platte Valley High School
Bingley, Austyn 6-0 Highland High School
Lubuy, Mercy 5-5 Greeley Central High School
Crider, Annabelle 5-0 Highland High School
Oreskovich, Tenley 4-6 Greeley Central High School
Brower, Alea 4-0 Greeley Central High School
Ramirez, Ana 4-0 Platte Valley High School
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JV Girls Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vondy, Faith 28-4.75 Severance High School
Anderson, Casey 27-7 Severance High School
Ceriani, Isabella 27-5 Platte Valley High School
Gregg - Mitchell, Dakota 27-0 Severance High School
Moreno, Evangelina 26-10 Frederick High School
Rollins, Madison 26-2 Erie High School
Stendel, Brealea 25-7 Frederick High School
Van Why, Codi 24-11 Highland High School
Nichols, Brooklyn 24-10 Erie High School
Horne, Izzy 24-7 Frederick High School
Zentveldt, Carly 23-8 Severance High School
Orlando, Jasmine 23-4.5 Prospect Ridge Academy
Puga, Akadia 23-4 Prospect Ridge Academy
Castelano, Korinna 22-4.5 Prospect Ridge Academy
Ley, Abrehanna 22-1 Platte Valley High School
Viernes, Sofia 21-2 Platte Valley High School
Monnier, Braelyn 21-0 Severance High School
Paz, Marta 20-0 Platte Valley High School
Cerrato, Ava 17-6.5 Platte Valley High School
Perez, DaijaRae 17-1.5 Platte Valley High School
Thompson, Mariah 16-2 Platte Valley High School
Lehmkuhl, Kerha 14-4.5 Highland High School
Jennings, Niomi 13-6 Highland High School
Garcia, Denise 8-10 Highland High School
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JV Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Olivia 28-11 Platte Valley High School
Kuhn, Lyla 28-0 Frederick High School
Mathis, Jordan 28-0 Severance High School
Chase, Kendall 27-7.75 Highland High School
Halleck, Reese 27-3.5 Frederick High School
Barney, Kate 26-6 Frederick High School
Magee, Jaedyn 25-8 Highland High School
Jones, Chloe 24-0.75 Frederick High School
Futrell, Harley 24-0.5 Frederick High School
Futrell, Hayden 23-9.5 Frederick High School
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