Platte Valley XC Invitational 2024

Kersey, CO

Platte Valley XC Invitational 2024 vs Platte Valley XC Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +18 136 118
Overall Average -1.28 24:55.90 24:57.18
1st-10th Place -25.82 18:21.35 18:47.17
1st-25th Place -23.19 19:31.62 19:54.80
1st-50th Place -20.55 20:55.22 21:15.77
1st-100th Place -45.45 22:56.29 23:41.73
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster 24 36 12
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -45.71 24:15.64 25:01.36
Median Time -1:09.54 24:02.46 25:12.00
Middle 80% Times -42.46 24:11.06 24:53.53
Top 10% Times -1:02.63 18:48.85 19:51.48
Top 25% Times -38.54 20:06.25 20:44.79
Top 50% Times -43.64 21:30.85 22:14.49
Bottom 50% Times -47.79 27:00.43 27:48.22
Bottom 25% Times -52.98 28:39.03 29:32.01
Bottom 10% Times -46.62 31:08.42 31:55.04
Average Difference -45.71 -- --
Median Difference -1:51.72 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -36.40 -- --
Top 10% Difference -55.24 -- --
Top 50% Difference -39.85 -- --
Top 25% Difference -33.11 -- --
Top 50% Difference -39.85 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -51.58 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:16.56 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:16.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Delaney Reuter Eaton High School -1:16.90 17:52.10 19:09.00
Bodey Kejr Douglas High School -1:07.81 18:44.09 19:51.90
Mason Forsha Wiggins High School -1:43.34 18:54.16 20:37.50
Clayton Heid Eaton High School -30.43 19:15.07 19:45.50
Alan Flores Yuma High School -1:22.57 19:18.83 20:41.40
Jaxon Robson Eaton High School +2.29 19:55.79 19:53.50
Dominick Diaz Sterling High School +1.20 20:49.80 20:48.60
Josiah Perez Yuma High School -2:09.00 20:55.20 23:04.20
Addison Jones Wray High School +1:03.38 22:00.38 20:57.00
Matthew Kayser Douglas High School -29.58 21:10.12 21:39.70
Hugo Olivas Yuma High School -48.71 21:11.89 22:00.60
Liam McClaran Yuma High School -52.54 21:14.36 22:06.90
Ryker Van Wyk Sterling High School +27.71 21:53.61 21:25.90
Jayce Joss Douglas High School -50.24 21:55.96 22:46.20
Jack Noblin Douglas High School -1:28.92 22:12.28 23:41.20
Wyatt Dickau Douglas High School -3:37.48 22:16.92 25:54.40
Rylee Rutenbeck Wiggins High School +4:20.70 26:49.00 22:28.30
Nathan Baker Wiggins High School -7:59.90 22:36.20 30:36.10
Ashton Harrington Platte Valley High School -25.28 22:46.52 23:11.80
Jaden Meyer Douglas High School -53.88 23:09.12 24:03.00
Anderson Weathers Yuma High School -40.11 23:19.89 24:00.00
Angel Ibarra Yuma High School +42.74 24:17.64 23:34.90
Mia Koffler Platte Valley High School -1:43.50 23:36.50 25:20.00
Daniel Gomez-Gutierrez Platte Valley High School -1:30.35 23:41.25 25:11.60
Allison Renstrom Douglas High School -26.64 23:42.36 24:09.00
Maddox King Yuma High School -1:51.72 23:48.08 25:39.80
Evan Vigil Wray High School -11.44 24:02.46 24:13.90
Jericho Carr Merino High School +3:27.52 27:53.72 24:26.20
Christopher Bivens Wray High School -2:23.67 25:05.83 27:29.50
Evelyn Ivarie Wray High School -59.70 25:06.30 26:06.00
Ashlynn Hutt Merino High School +17.63 25:29.63 25:12.00
Alexis Sines Douglas High School -43.33 25:31.67 26:15.00
Savanna Erickson Douglas High School -34.37 25:34.63 26:09.00
Abigail Cullip Sterling High School -2:04.66 25:36.34 27:41.00
Sara Saint Douglas High School +25.63 26:10.63 25:45.00
Michael Blakeman Eaton High School -2:28.80 25:47.60 28:16.40
Sarah Welle Douglas High School -3:04.00 25:50.00 28:54.00
Myka McDonald Yuma High School +2:36.93 28:26.93 25:50.00
Taylor Markwardt Eaton High School -56.01 25:53.99 26:50.00
Achtonn Neill-Davison Yuma High School -1:59.08 26:05.92 28:05.00
Dalia Tarango Wiggins High School -22.17 26:25.83 26:48.00
Annabelle Padilla Sterling High School -1:23.57 26:30.43 27:54.00
Karley Swiger Merino High School -1:37.46 26:57.54 28:35.00
Hallie Beck Eaton High School +1:42.68 28:46.68 27:04.00
Makena Crownover Wiggins High School +2:17.17 29:34.17 27:17.00
Kenya Arvizo Yuma High School -46.94 27:19.06 28:06.00
Taya Simmons Wray High School -1:27.38 34:02.62 35:30.00
Thomas Sears Wiggins High School -1:08.39 34:51.71 36:00.10