Colorado 4A Region 2 Cross Country 2024

Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado 4A Region 2 Cross Country 2024 vs Colorado 4A Region 2 Cross Country 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 195 186
Overall Average -5:19:26.44 21:23.74 5:40:50.18
1st-10th Place -11.26 16:38.04 16:49.30
1st-25th Place -13.54 17:04.10 17:17.64
1st-50th Place -17.63 17:44.05 18:01.68
1st-100th Place -31.12 18:54.81 19:25.93
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster 32 39 7
Ran Season Best 5 6 1
Average Time -4:29:57.05 20:16.82 4:50:13.87
Median Time -1:13.07 19:45.93 20:59.00
Middle 80% Times -2:06:57.20 19:59.86 2:26:57.05
Top 10% Times -44.48 16:32.92 17:17.40
Top 25% Times -55.12 16:56.63 17:51.75
Top 50% Times -1:06.53 17:47.51 18:54.04
Bottom 50% Times -8:58:47.57 22:46.12 9:21:33.69
Bottom 25% Times -17:11:58.03 24:44.97 17:36:43.00
Bottom 10% Times -31:14:28.89 27:07.11 31:41:36.00
Average Difference -4:29:57.05 -- --
Median Difference -1:11.98 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:06:51.19 -- --
Top 10% Difference -43.55 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:02.67 -- --
Top 25% Difference -47.63 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:02.67 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -8:58:51.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -17:12:15.96 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -31:15:01.02 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Noah Thompson Lewis-Palmer High School -1:13.17 15:58.83 17:12.00
Jake Morrison Lewis-Palmer High School -58.78 16:33.22 17:32.00
Adam Muller Wheat Ridge High School -57.67 16:37.33 17:35.00
Elijah Martinez Lewis-Palmer High School -1:08.24 16:46.76 17:55.00
Andrew Gross Palmer Ridge High School -24.55 16:48.45 17:13.00
Henrik Chojnacki Littleton High School -3.59 16:51.41 16:55.00
Garrett Locke Discovery Canyon High School -2:14.75 16:59.25 19:14.00
Cohen Greve Lewis-Palmer High School -1:03.17 16:59.83 18:03.00
Leif Dahl Wheat Ridge High School -34.18 17:10.82 17:45.00
Tyler West Littleton High School -1:08.54 17:29.46 18:38.00
Rowan Ingraham Littleton High School -50.16 17:29.84 18:20.00
David Cooper Lewis-Palmer High School -1:13.68 17:34.32 18:48.00
Benjamin Parsons Palmer Ridge High School -2:42.83 17:35.17 20:18.00
Kaden Gill Standley Lake High School -1:31.47 17:38.53 19:10.00
Carson Rodman Discovery Canyon High School -1:36.31 17:48.69 19:25.00
Jackson Taylor Lewis-Palmer High School +4.20 18:29.20 18:25.00
Gavin Schmidt Palmer Ridge High School -1:21.21 18:40.79 20:02.00
Jackson Grissom Discovery Canyon High School -1:57.51 18:46.49 20:44.00
Jedediah Paulson Palmer Ridge High School -2:14.32 19:02.68 21:17.00
Andrew Braun Discovery Canyon High School -13.38 19:08.62 19:22.00
Braeden King Standley Lake High School -1:52.53 19:32.47 21:25.00
Anthony Garcia Alameda International High School -41.32 19:33.68 20:15.00
Delilah Cooley Lewis-Palmer High School -1:20.12 19:36.88 20:57.00
Hayden Gillespie Discovery Canyon High School -53.07 19:45.93 20:39.00
Anna Mulholland Discovery Canyon High School -1:11.98 19:47.02 20:59.00
Natalie Lueker Littleton High School -2:54.13 20:01.87 22:56.00
Kate Morrow Discovery Canyon High School +2.05 20:18.05 20:16.00
Shayla Miller Discovery Canyon High School -37.57 20:26.43 21:04.00
Naomi Hedstrand Palmer Ridge High School -35.16 20:26.84 21:02.00
Caroline Anderson Lewis-Palmer High School -31.87 20:27.13 20:59.00
Zac Southern Wheat Ridge High School -43.56 20:40.44 21:24.00
Landon Vandermolen Standley Lake High School +12.72 21:20.72 21:08.00
Margaret Switzer Palmer Ridge High School -2:21.57 21:29.43 23:51.00
Molly McDowell Discovery Canyon High School +22.42 21:57.42 21:35.00
Rafael Torres Alameda International High School +40.12 22:53.12 22:13.00
Tatum Pratt Littleton High School +0.30 22:13.30 22:13.00
Parker Mehlem Wheat Ridge High School -1:13.90 22:16.10 23:30.00
Brandon Palma Aurora Central High School -28:30:19.39 22:40.61 28:53:00.00
Grace Foresman Littleton High School -1:00.25 22:53.75 23:54.00
Savannah Spadi Standley Lake High School +8.43 23:33.43 23:25.00
Kate Figurski Wheat Ridge High School -24:56:06.28 24:53.72 25:21:00.00
Isabel Kammerer Standley Lake High School -25:08:38.72 25:21.28 25:34:00.00
Tomas Vazquez Aurora Central High School -33:37:35.81 25:24.19 34:03:00.00
Jeiner Olivares Aurora Central High School -27:34:32.34 26:27.66 28:01:00.00
Joslin Baxter Wheat Ridge High School -30:57:44.06 27:15.94 31:25:00.00
Lizzett Mireles Aurora Central High School -35:34:53.50 31:06.50 36:06:00.00