Mead Stampede 2011

Longmont, CO

Mead Stampede 2011 vs Mead Stampede 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -114 125 239
Overall Average -3:01.04 22:04.22 25:05.27
1st-10th Place -25.52 18:02.64 18:28.16
1st-25th Place -35.32 18:37.12 19:12.44
1st-50th Place -33.72 19:30.64 20:04.36
1st-100th Place -13.59 21:05.02 21:18.62
Common Athletes -- -- 19
Ran Faster 5 12 7
Ran Season Best 19 19 --
Average Time -21.27 22:25.04 22:46.32
Median Time +6.30 22:42.60 22:36.30
Middle 80% Times -29.36 22:36.41 23:05.77
Top 10% Times +30.45 18:50.30 18:19.85
Top 25% Times +5.46 19:39.02 19:33.56
Top 50% Times -0.88 20:54.69 20:55.57
Bottom 50% Times -39.54 21:40.89 22:20.43
Bottom 25% Times -52.22 24:55.38 25:47.60
Bottom 10% Times -21.10 25:56.65 26:17.75
Average Difference -21.27 -- --
Median Difference +2:31.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -27.64 -- --
Top 10% Difference +6.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4.34 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4.34 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -20.98 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -45.02 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -59.10 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Dylan Larkin Erie High School +53.80 19:08.80 18:15.00
Kyle Leahy Erie High School +33.90 18:58.60 18:24.70
Kyle True Erie High School -21.00 18:42.00 19:03.00
Morgan Lu Mead High School -2:25.70 20:39.70 23:05.40
Amelia Sease Erie High School -28.10 20:46.00 21:14.10
Cade Kanode Highland High School +4:29.60 25:20.60 20:51.00
Victoria Zehnder Platte Valley High School -1:30.50 21:05.80 22:36.30
Jenna Ptaschek University High School +2:31.00 24:01.80 21:30.80
Kaitlyn Clark Erie High School -30.60 21:59.80 22:30.40
Chris Davis Mead High School -1:42.30 22:23.50 24:05.80
Casey Barber Highland High School +1:04.40 23:28.40 22:24.00
Matthew Faryna Highland High School +2:10.80 24:37.20 22:26.40
Amie Bray University High School -30.60 22:40.10 23:10.70
Tommy Reeves Mead High School -3:02.80 22:42.60 25:45.40
Cheyenne Amen Platte Valley High School -3:13.70 22:45.70 25:59.40
Ellie Cannon Platte Valley High School -1:07.20 22:57.20 24:04.40
Acacia Stephen Mead High School -1:37.00 23:00.70 24:37.70
Natalee Patchett University High School -2:23.40 24:04.60 26:28.00
Zach Pomeroy Merino High School +25.20 26:32.70 26:07.50