<h3 style="text-align: center;">
Colorado's Signing Class of 2013</h3>
Winning the 3A state title this fall was a highlight for the Western State-bound Brush senior. Contributed photo.
Name: Anthony Rios-Thomas
High School: Brush High School
Signing With: Western State Colorado University
What clinched the decision for the school you signed with: I read Coach Michel's Biography on the western website, and heard many good things about her successful coaching, and just by talking to her I could see and feel that she is here to make good runners into great runners. And the Western team made me feel at home, they were a great group of people.
Your favorite high school track event: All!
Your favorite high school athletic memory: My freshman year I got to watch my brother Amos Bowen win the 2 mile, and I remember after the race I was on the field and I remember him running over to me and giving me a big hug, and from that moment on he became one of the most influencial role models in my high school career.