For Colorado's indoor track and field set, being on the start line appears to trump watching the opening kickoff. Colorado Track XC file photo by Alan Versaw.
The success of indoor track and field here in Colorado keeps running over. The latest example of this can be found in the performance lists for tomorrow's USATF-Colorado State Indoor Championships.
Evidently, somebody forgot to tell these people that there's something on television late Sunday afternoon and evening called the Super Bowl. Or, maybe it's that not all that many people in Colorado have a rooting interest in either the Seahawks or the Patriots (I'm a little less sure that the same disinterest applies to Katy Perry, but possibly so).
It seems all but impossible that the folks running the meet get this one, with its massive lists of entries, wrapped up before Super Bowl kickoff. Perhaps some meet officials signed up for this one hoping for a more modest turnout of athletes?
In any case, the move of this meet from Balch Field House to the Cadet Field House has proven spectacularly successful--at least by the count of entries.
Colorado Track XC will drop in for some coverage of this one, but as my last two days were spent in Gunnison, I won't be putting in anything like a full day. High school events are slated to being at noon, with the younger age groups taking up the morning hours.
Results will be posted as they become available.